Chapter 111
Chapter 110

After rolling around on the ground for a few times, when Lieutenant Liu stood up, he found that his palms and face were scratched, and trickles of blood flowed out, which was a heart-rending pain.

"You... you have caused a big problem, I want... I will kill you all, kill you all, do you know what will happen to offending my Liu family, ah, what will happen." County Captain Liu roared.

He has never suffered such a great humiliation, and he has never suffered such an injury since he was a child.

But today, Guan Yu, Xu Huang, and these damn outsiders actually hurt him in his Liu family's territory.

You are all going to die.

Lieutenant Liu yelled viciously in his heart again.

After finishing speaking, Lieutenant Liu was about to leave, but at this moment, Xu Ding's sword was resting on his neck.

Lieutenant Liu Xian stopped suddenly, and his legs began to tremble again.

Apparently his ferocious roar failed to calm the outsiders like Xu Ding, who wanted to take the opportunity to slip away but failed.

"Lieutenant Liu County, right? You can repeat what you said just now. I can't hear you clearly."

Don't look at Xu Ding's amiable tone, without the slightest hint of anger, but his words were icy cold.

All the pores of Lieutenant Liu will explode.

However, he still insisted fiercely and said: "What are you going to do, let me tell you that I am from the Liu family."

It seemed that the Liu family was not working well. Seeing that Xu Ding didn't reply, he added: "I'm an official of the imperial court, a county magistrate, if you kill me, you will die too!"

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous, you were obviously the one who wanted to kill someone just now! I want to tell you the truth, I don't know if you want to hear it or not." Xu Ding laughed loudly, and sneered at this Liu County.


It's hilarious.

Lieutenant Liu's throat rolled a few times, and he said timidly, "What do you want to say?"

Xu Ding said calmly: "What I want to tell you is that Guan Yu, who you can call and kill at will, is now the county captain of Donglai County."

County Captain!
"It's impossible! It's impossible!" Lieutenant Liu didn't believe it at all.

How could Guan Yu be the captain of the county, how could such a mud-legged man be the captain of the county, unless the prefect of Donglai was a fool.

"If you don't believe me, then I'm telling you the truth." Xu Ding put his sword back into its sheath, and threw Sanye Qian on the ground, and Sanye Qian woke up leisurely.

"Actually, I am the prefect of Donglai, probably the prefect of Donglai who you are yelling at in your heart as a fool." Xu Ding continued:
"And my name is Xu Ding, His Majesty just named me Marquis of Weihai!"


It's him!

Lieutenant Liu's head exploded with a bang.

No wonder the prefect of Donglai sounded familiar. It turned out to be Xu Ding, who was famous in Luoyang and famous in the world.

It was Xu Ding who swept the Yellow Turbans of the Kanto region.


Marquis of Weihai!
Third Master Qian, who was lying on the ground and just woke up, also murmured, and then passed out again.

Damn it, I just wanted to kill the prefect of a county.

Want to kill a new emperor named Wei Haihou!
How is this different from rebellion.

This time, Lieutenant Liu's legs completely went limp, and he collapsed on the ground, his face was pale, and there was a trace of despair and fear in his eyes.

Soon Xu Huang and Guan Yu also took over [-] county soldiers.

"My lord, how do we deal with them now?" Guan Yu came over and asked.

Xu Ding said: "Of course I want to seek a fair explanation."

With a wave of Xu Ding's hand, everyone packed up their things and headed towards the county government office. Among them, Dian Wei was carrying Lieutenant Liu in one hand and San Ye Qian in the other. As for Guanshi Qian, he was dragged to the ground by his personal guards like a dead dog.

Xu Huang and Guan Yu protected the young and old of the Guan family and followed behind.

The street was full of people, and they were very surprised to see this evening.

Guan Yu and the others knew about it, but they didn't expect him to return to Xie County.

Of course, what was even more shocking and curious was that Xu Ding and other outsiders actually beat Liu Xianwei and Qian Sanye.

And blatantly, go to the county government in a blatant way.

What is the situation? This is something to do.

The county government was facing a formidable enemy at this time, and apparently the person who sneaked back to report earlier informed the county magistrate of the situation.

The county magistrate was also shocked and almost dislocated.

How dare these killing stars, how dare they oppose the Qian family and the Liu family, how dare they attack the Liu county lieutenant.

If you fight, you will fight, hurry up, and if you slip away, I just need to issue an official document to arrest you. Anyway, the errands are run by the Zaoli below, and I don't need to work hard, and I can still get the respect of the two families.

It's all right now, if you don't run away, what are you doing in my county office?
Thinking of Xu Ding and others beating 300 people to the ground, the county magistrate felt a sense of fear, and hurriedly said: "Quick! Close the government office quickly, and don't let them in."

The subordinates were a little confused.

In any case, the government office must be shut down.

They thought they heard it wrong, but after the county magistrate roared, these people immediately ran out and closed the gate of the government office.

At this time, Xu Ding and others also walked to the front of the government office.

A group of people also followed.

Seeing the gate of the government office closed, they all showed expressions of astonishment.

"My lord, the county government is closed."

Xu Ding said: "Doors are meant to be closed, but if they can be closed, they can naturally be opened."

There is no need for Xu Ding to explain, Dian Wei threw Qian Sanye and Liu Xianwei in front of the gate, then pressed his hands on the gate of the county government office, and then pushed hard.

I saw that the original solid door began to tremble, then creaked, then clicked, and the whole door suddenly fell inward.

"That's a lot of power."

Even though he had seen Dian Wei make a move, Xu Huang was still a little surprised when he saw this scene.

Unexpectedly, Xu Taishou's commander of the guards was so powerful.

Even Guan Yu nodded appreciatively. If it was him, he might not be able to do it, so Dian Wei should be stronger than himself in terms of strength.

And a group of people who eat melons were shocked beyond belief.

What kind of fierce man is this, tearing down the county government with his bare hands.

"Okay, you can go in now."

Xu Ding was very satisfied, and walked in at a leisurely pace, followed by everyone.

At this time, the county magistrate was sitting in the high hall, completely dazed.

The gate of the county government office was pushed open, and there was only one person who opened the door.

You must know that even the eight slaves under him cannot shake this strong gate, and it will fall down as soon as the other party pushes it.

"Who is in the hall, report the name."

Xu Ding walked into the hall and shouted at the magistrate who was still in a daze.

This time the county magistrate finally came to his senses, but he was still taken aback.

And the people around were all stunned for a moment.

There's something wrong with what this guy said.

Apparently the county magistrate had come to his senses, he patted the table, and said boldly, "Who are you? How dare you question the county."

"Hehe, who am I? I'm someone you can't deceive." Xu Ding replied flatly, and then stared at him coldly.

The county magistrate was taken aback by Xu Ding, but he still had the courage to ask in a low voice: "I don't know who the young master is, please tell the young master, so that I can handle this matter."

The county magistrate still has a bit of vision. Seeing that Xu Ding is so heroic, and his clothes are extraordinary, and the guards behind him are also ordinary goods, and he dared to come to the county office after offending the Qianliu family, he must have something to rely on .

I don't know which royal family it is.

Xu Ding didn't make things difficult for him, and went straight to the side, and sat on the table that should have been written by the knife official.

A personal guard who followed said to the county magistrate: "My lord is the prefect of Donglai, the Marquis of Weihai bestowed by His Majesty."


It turned out to be Fujun.

Wait, it's still Lord Hou.

Marquis of Weihai?
It's not a township or a pavilion, and it doesn't look like a Marquis of Guannei, is it a Marquis of the County.

Young life!
The county magistrate was unsteady and fell down. Fortunately, his hands were on the table, so there was no more shame.

Shocked and patted, he replied without hesitation: "Your Majesty is old, and the Yellow Society is far away. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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