Chapter 402 Lost
As soon as the Chen family moved, a dozen or so people behind Xu Ding raised their right arms one after another, only to hear countless short bursts of wind, the Chen family all fell to the ground, then groaned and twitched.

Chen Gui turned around and wanted to run, but two guard soldiers chased after him, knocked him down directly, and then lifted him up one by one.

As for the other Chen family members, they were killed on the spot.

"Hahaha, Xu Ding, even if you expected that I would open the west gate, so what if you repel Yuan Jun here, you still can't stop the fall of Tan County, you and your troops will still be trapped in the city to death, If you kill me, you won't live long, and you will die with me!"

Xu Ding looked at Chen Gui coldly, shook his head and said, "If you lose, you have to maintain your aristocratic demeanor, don't bite and bark like a mad dog."

"You..." Chen Gui's face was flushed red by the refutation, and he was at a loss for words for a moment.

That's right, what happened to me, I was reduced to this level, and I wanted to make a wedding dress for Yuan Shu, but I was defeated by Xu Ding.

"Actually, you want to say that you have opened more than one city gate." With a faint smile on Xu Ding's face, Chen Gui's heart skipped a beat.

How did he know?
That's right, this time the Chen family opened the east and west gates at the same time. He was in charge of the west, and his son Chen Deng was in charge of the east.

And the east is the easiest, because the generals who defended the city were recommended by his Chen family and belonged to the Chen family.

So that side is the real main attack direction of Yuan Shu's army entering the city.

He came to Ximen just to attract the attention of the city, fearing that someone would see through it, and was afraid that someone would guess that he would be collaborating with the enemy, so he didn't give any hope at first.

It was precisely because of this that he dared to laugh wildly at Xu Ding and say those words.

Because only in this way can Xu Dingji not kill him.

It never occurred to Xu Ding to see through all this early, and even the east and west gates would open in the middle of the night to welcome Yuan Jun.

Now he was a little shuddering, Xu Ding was indeed as terrifying as in the legend.

Xu Ding pointed to the Donglai cavalry who rushed to the city gate and rushed out of the city, saying: "This is our army's left cavalry guards. There are only three thousand of them. You can see how easily they killed Yuan Jun who entered the city. Moreover, I think the Yuan Army team outside the city must be in chaos at this time, the more disordered troops, the more vulnerable they will be in front of my Donglai cavalry, and the easier it will be to be trampled and rammed."

It was only now that Chen Gui had the energy to look towards the west gate, but no, the street was full of Yuan Jun's corpses, the flag torches were thrown all over the place, and the sporadic light of the fire cast an extremely chilly light.

At the end of the street, there were still shouts of killing. Yuan Jun Liu Xun, who took the lead in advancing, was fighting with Donglai infantry who rushed to the city.

Although I can't see clearly, I don't know who will win and who will lose, but from the relaxed expressions of Xu Ding and his subordinates around him, Liu Xun probably lost to Xu Ding's pawns.

This time Xu Ding brought not many infantry, only [-], led by the vanguard and central defender.

So there are at most 9000 people on this side.

Just [-] people drove Yuan Shao's tens of thousands of troops out of the city, and the situation outside the city was unknown.

"Since it is defeated, it will fall into your Xu Ding's hands. If you want to kill or scratch, you can do as you please!"

I was so tired, everything that was carefully planned was so easily crushed by Xu Ding, Chen Gui didn't want to say too much.

"Don't worry, you will definitely die, but after you catch Chen Yuanlong." Xu Ding waved his hand and asked Chen Deng to be taken down.

Then he walked straight towards the west gate, when Tao Qian from the city rushed over with 5000 troops.

"The last general Xia Houbo paid homage to Junhou, how is the situation in the west city of Junhou?" Tao Qian's general Xia Houbo asked with his fists clasped.

When Xu Ding saw that it was Xia Houbo who came to reinforce him, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Why did you lead the team here? The number of people is a bit small. Could it be that Cao Bao took people to the east gate to pick up bargains? You are not welcome!"

Xia Houbo smiled awkwardly and said: "Jun Hou is right, General Cao did lead the main force to the East City, he said that the West City has a Jun Hou to support, Yuan Shu's troops come in, Jun Hou will fight the enemy even if he is the last one. If the army drove out of the city, Gu only asked the last general to bring five thousand."

Sure enough, it was that guy who had a small stomach and a small stomach, and wanted to use Yuan Shu's army to consume himself, but unfortunately he made a wrong calculation.

Xu Ding said to Xia Houbo: "Don't worry, the credit is useless to me, you immediately go out of the city to help our cavalry outside the city kill some remnants of the enemy, and all the heads will be yours."

Xia Houbo and all the soldiers were overjoyed, and they all replied: "Your Majesty is benevolent!"

So Xu Ding and Xiahoubo went to the city gate together, Xu Ding only took a few people from his headquarters up the city wall, Xiahoubo led people out of the city to help Xu Huang.

When Xu Ding went up to the city wall, Dian Wei, Xia Houlan and others killed Liu Xun's troops.

Liu Xun's head was chopped off by Dian Wei.

"My lord, the enemy in the city is afraid to be wiped out. This is the head of the enemy general!" Dian Wei and Xia Houlan both came to report.

Xu Ding glanced at Liu Xun's head, then looked outside the city and said: "Send a signal, let Gongming enter the city, don't kill him, and hand it over to General Tao Qian, Xia Houbo, to pack up and chase the enemy."

Soon there were three long howls from above the city, followed by Donglai's unique metal crash.

Xu Huang, who heard the signal, stopped rushing and turned back to the city.

out of town!

Yuan Shu Barracks!

Yuan Shu and Yuan Huan have been waiting for news.

At the beginning, good news came back from all sides, and the east and west gates were attacked, and the gates were easily taken down.

But something happened soon. Some cavalry rushed out, smashed the team entering the city, and took advantage of the situation to rush out of the city, disrupting the army.

"Report! My lord, General Liang Gang and General Liu Xun died in battle. Our army was fiercely attacked by the Donglai horse infantry. All the soldiers who entered the city were killed. The west gate was taken by the Donglai army." The visitor lamented, a little nervous report.

Sure enough, as soon as the report was over, Yuan Shu kicked over the food table.

The wine glasses, jugs and dishes on it were all overturned and broken.

"Ximen..." Yuan Shu became angry when he heard that.

It's okay that two generals died, but...but you were beaten out by the Donglai army, and the Ximen, which you finally got, fell.

Yuan Huan hurriedly persuaded: "My lord, please be safe and don't be impatient. Although the west gate has fallen, the east gate is still there. The direction of the east gate is the direction for our main force to enter the city tonight. Since Xu Ding's cavalry is arranged at the west gate, he himself We also went to the west gate to support, so the east gate should be in our hands."

The east gate is guarded by the generals of the Chen family. This direction is more convenient and does not require too much effort.

Entering the city will be smoother.

Even if it is discovered, it can be stabilized.

It wasn't long before another person rushed in.

"Report! My lord, Dongcheng... Dongcheng Gate..." The visitor was so anxious that he couldn't speak smoothly, Yuan Shu was so angry that he kicked over.

"Tell me! What's wrong with the East City Gate? Did you get in? Did you capture Tan County and capture Tao Qian?"

The person who came was kicked down, and finally got up and knelt down and said: "My lord, General Lejiu died in battle when the east gate was lost. Our army was overwhelmed by Donglai cavalry. General Ji Ling couldn't restrain himself, and the army fled back to the camp! "

"You...!" Yuan Shu was so angry that he shook his body, feeling a little anxious, and hurriedly backed away. Yuan Huan immediately got up to support him, and then waved everyone out.

Obviously the result tonight was not what they expected, the difference was too big.

As much as the expectations are, so are the disappointments.

(End of this chapter)

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