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Chapter 403 Let Them Run Farther and I'm Chasing

Chapter 403 Let Them Run Farther and Chase

Qingzhou, Beihai Country!

Drama County.

Qingzhou Inspector Jiao and the [-] troops pushed to the city!

Jiao He first sent envoys to persuade him to surrender.

"Zhao Yun! Xu Dingyi is besieged in Tan County, he will be attacked and killed in a short time, and he has not surrendered quickly. Considering that you have made a lot of military exploits for the great man, my lord is willing to accept you and let you Work for the big man again, otherwise you will not have a good time when the heroes of the world attack and kill..."

"Don't talk too much, dog thief, attack the city if you have the guts, a group of disloyal, unrighteous, and unkind people have no shame in colluding with Dong Zhuo." Liang Xi, Zhao Yun's general, scolded angrily.

The envoy of Jiaohe under the city fell silent for a moment, and then silently retreated back to the army.

Xu Ding's generals Zhao Yun, Liang Xi, and Guo Jia are here.

Guo Jia kept smiling, staring at Jiao He's army.

Zhao Yundao: "Mr. Feng Xiao, do you think Jiao He will attack the city?"

Jiao He's attack was ferocious. One hundred thousand troops entered the Beihai Kingdom and headed for the city. It seemed to be the same thing.

Guo Jiadao: "Jiao is weak and incompetent. He dared to enter the Beihai Kingdom and mustered great courage. He didn't dare to attack the city. At most, he was the one who cheered and shouted among all the troops who attacked us this time. Guess he just wanted to attract the attention of our army and play a role in dividing our army's strength.

He estimated that he was thinking of a stalemate this time, and then waited for the results of Yanzhou and Xuzhou. "

Sure enough, as soon as Guo Jia finished speaking, Jiao He ordered the army to retreat ten miles and set up camp.

The camp was mainly for imperial use, with deep ditches and trenches built, and high earth walls built, with no intention of attacking the city at all.

Seeing Jiao He's situation, Liang Xi said, "Mr. Feng Xiao, since Jiao He is weak and incompetent, why don't I lead the cavalry to attack and defeat him when he has just reached his footing, and directly eliminate him and his trilogy."

Liang Xi is confident that he will use the [-] soldiers of the Sixth Army to overwhelm and defeat the opponent.

Guo Jia shook his head and said: "Although Jiao He is weak and incompetent, it doesn't mean that the [-] troops under him are vulnerable. These [-] troops are the elite soldiers left by the former Governor Huang, and they were established by learning from my Donglai regulations.

The soldiers are brave and their weapons are sharp, but they lack a commander who dares to fight tough battles and is willing to go forward.

Even if they are really not as good as our army, and they are defeated by two generals, they will still bring a lot of losses to the sixth school lieutenant army. This kind of loss can be avoided. A general and a soldier are extremely precious, and there is no need to spend them on this kind of avoidable battle. "

Zhao Yun nodded approvingly, patted Liang Xi on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Feng Xiao has already made arrangements. I guess Mr. must have the same idea as Jiao He, and we are here to drag Jiao He, so that General Wu attacked Linzi.

Once Linzi is lost, Jiaohe will lose his foundation, and his army will be defeated without a fight. Even this [-] army can become the soldiers of our army and the help of the lord. "

"Hahaha! My lord is right. Zilong is brave and resourceful. I didn't expect Zilong to see my clumsy plan. Isn't it a little redundant for my lord to send me to preside over the battle in Qingzhou?" Guo Jiada Laughed a few times and couldn't help joking.

Zhao Yun clasped his fists and said, "Mr. Feng Xiao was joking. This is common sense in the art of war. My lord said that you are resourceful and skillful. I think this is the only way to win the entire Qingzhou quickly and at the lowest cost."

Of course, Zhao Yun didn't say anything, Guo Jia is the main person in charge of Tianluodiwang, and he has the most right to say how Qingzhou is captured.

Therefore, only Guo Jia is the most suitable to preside over the war on this side.

"Hey! It turns out that Mr. Feng Xiao has made up his mind a long time ago. I was so careless. It seems that this time I can lie down and get military merits again." Liang Xi also said with a smile.

Guo Jia said: "That's not necessarily the case. Although the plan is good, Jiao He must be able to be fooled. Moreover, once his troops return to the north, two generals will have to pursue them. The final result of this pursuit is beyond my expectations. .”

Zhao Yun and Liang Xi clasped their fists together and said, "Military commander, don't worry, we will definitely capture Jiao He alive and never let him escape."

In this way, the two armies confronted each other for seven days!
One day, Jiao He was waiting for news from Yanzhou and Langya County to see how Liu Dai and the others were doing. At this time, he rushed into a general from the north, crying and shouting: "My lord, something is wrong. Something happened to Linzi."

Jiao He's heart broke, he hurriedly left the table, raised the reporter's humanity in one hand and said, "Quickly tell me, what happened to Linzi?"

"My lord! Linzi was attacked by the Donglai navy, the city fell, Le'an was promised to surrender, and all the cities of Qi turned their backs."

"Qi and Le'an are gone?" Jiao He Dengdeng retreated, murmured in a daze:
"How could this be? Didn't Xu Ding's navy go to Xuzhou to rescue Tao Qian? Where did he have a navy? Why did Linzi fall so quickly?"

The visitor replied: "My lord, Donglai's navy did not all go south. They hid some of them. It was Wu Dun who took the lead. They marched silently along the Zishui River to the west. We set up defenses in the low-level area." All the guards and soldiers rebelled.

There was also Xu Ding's internal response in Linzi City. When Wu Dun's army arrived, they rushed from the city and took down the city gate. banner. "


Jiao He spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out immediately.

"My lord! My lord..."

The generals of Qingzhou shouted one after another and hurriedly called the doctor.

Then they all stared wide-eyed and began to think about their future and way out.

Linzi is broken, and Jiaohe's base camp is gone. What to do next is a big problem.

The healer cast a spell and quickly revived Jiao He. The first thing Jiao said when he woke up was: "Withdraw the troops, withdraw the troops immediately!"

Sure enough, I still want to run, all the generals look at me and I look at you, one of them stood up and said, "My lord, where should we retreat?"

Le'an State and Qi State had promised to surrender, and Linzi, the main road to the north to Pingyuan State, was also taken by Wu Dun. Now they are homeless.

"Go to Linqu and enter Taishan County, detour from Mou County and Ying County to Jinan Country!" Jiao He blurted out almost without thinking.

This is a route of retreat that he had planned long ago.

He is not good at fighting, so he thinks about self-protection all day long, and thinks of many ways to protect himself and retreat before sending troops.

And this one was the least likely to be used in his expectation, and he didn't expect to actually take this one now.

There is no other way, if you want to survive, you can only do this.

The generals in Qingzhou looked at each other a few more times, and then they clasped their fists together and said, "It's the lord!"

Fleeing around such a long route, I don't know if the Donglai Army will have captured Jinan before arriving at Jinan.

Or maybe their Lord Inspector had other plans.

You must know that when you arrive in Ying County, it is not far from Fenggao, the county seat of Taishan County.

However, the generals had no other good solution, so they ordered to assemble the army one after another and started to set off.

The series of actions that were exchanged soon was discovered by the spies of Zhao Yun and Guo Jia outside the city, and reported back to the city.

Zhao Yun, Liang Xi and other generals came over one after another and said, "Mr. Feng Xiao, Jiao He is about to run away. It seems that General Wu and the others have succeeded. Can we send troops now?"

Guo Jia smiled and shook his folding fan, "No hurry! No hurry! Wait, let them run farther and chase after them."

This time Zhao Yun, Liang Xi and the others were puzzled, why they didn't pursue them, Jiao and the [-] troops fled to the west in a panic, and it would be difficult to chase after they ran into Taishan County.

Seeing that everyone didn't understand, Guo Jia asked mysteriously, "Where did Jiao He escape?"

"To the west, it should be the Jinan Kingdom that is planning to enter Mount Tai and return to Qingzhou by detour from Mount Tai." Liang Xi replied.

Guo Jia said confidently: "That's right. Isn't he looking for death when he goes west? It's okay to let him run for a while, and let his sergeant be exhausted and frightened for one more day. Wouldn't it be easier to chase him like this, so we You don’t even need to fight, just go and capture the prisoners.”

Zhao Yun and others still didn't understand. Guo Jia reminded: "Hey! My lord often said that generals should read more maps, observe the terrain more, and understand the customs and geographical water patterns of each place. Although you are cavalry, but These homework cannot be left behind!"

Zhao Yun and the others were so talented that they took out a map book in their arms one by one. This is the Qingzhou map book, which includes the map terrain of the six counties of Qingzhou, as well as the humanities, water patterns, mountains and rivers of various places.

And some maps of Bohai County, Qinghe County, Dong County, Taishan County, Jibei Country, and Langya County bordering Qingzhou.

Xu Ding here, but every general at the captaincy level and above has such an atlas.

After opening it, everyone found the map of Linqu and the northern part of Mount Tai and looked at it.

Suddenly everyone understood.

(End of this chapter)

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