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Chapter 404 Jiao He Surrenders

Chapter 404 Jiao He Surrenders
The road Jiao He chose was a road in Huashan, and there was only one winding mountain road from here to Taishan County.

The road is difficult to walk without mentioning it, and the baggage and the like will definitely not be able to pass through. As long as a team of people ambushed in the mountains, one man can guard the gate, and ten thousand people will not be able to open it.

"Military division, you must have ambushed people here in advance, right?" a captain asked.

Ambushes ahead of time, could it be that Guo Jia had figured out that Jiao He would go there.

This is just too scary.

Guo Jia didn't reply, just showed a smug smile.

Linqu County, where Qingyan borders.

It has been half a month since a 3000-man army entered here. Apart from resting every day, they set up villages and built small passes on the narrow mountain roads to completely block the small mountain roads.

One of the people leading this team was Liu Zhiquan who had fought Guan Hai once.

Regarding Guo Jia's order, they were both excited and complained.

The excitement is because there is a task, there is a battle to fight, and I can finally make a contribution to Xu Ding.

The complaint is that the orders given by Guo Jia really make him hate it.

Because their order is to block all the mountain paths here, and no one is allowed to cross the boundary within a month.

For those who are familiar with the road; this task is too easy.

In the past, when they jumped from Qingzhou to Yanzhou, they often walked this way, and as soon as the officers and soldiers chased them, they ran to this mountain, and the officers and soldiers had nothing to do with them.

Now returning to the familiar mountains, it is naturally like a fish in water.

But for half a month, the enemy has not seen a single person, and many people are a little annoyed.

After living a stable life, I have a house, land, fields, food and sleep in Donglai, and now I am suddenly going into the mountains and forests again, I am really a little uncomfortable.

"I don't know what this Guo Junshi thinks. In this barren mountain, how could those officers and soldiers come here? I haven't seen a single person in half a month."

"Exactly! To ambush here, it's better to sneak attack Linqu City and wait for the officers and soldiers there, isn't it the same?"

Liu Zhiquan said: "Stop yelling nonsense, the military adviser's order must be reasonable. If Mr. Guo has brains like you and me, can he still be a military adviser?"

"Hey, it's just a few complaints. The military master has been with the lord for so long, and he must be amazing!"

Everyone also laughed, bored in this mountain, without other entertainment, so they had to complain and complain.

Soon someone ran up the mountain from the bottom.

"Boss! Good thing! Good thing..."

"Cough cough! Call the captain, we are now a regular Donglai army, don't mess with the old one." Liu Zhiquan asked in a straight voice: "What's the situation?"

The visitor gave a military salute and said, "Report to Captain Du, a lot of officers and soldiers have come from outside the mountain, a lot of officers and soldiers..."

"Hey! It's really an officer!"

Everyone immediately came to the spirit when they heard it.

Grandma, after waiting for half a month, the enemy finally came.

I got impatient with waiting a long time ago, and indeed there was an enemy coming up this mountain path, and everyone was excited for a while, chattering endlessly.

Liu Zhiquan snorted and said, "Shut up and let Xiao Shanzi finish his story."

"Lord Captain, there are a lot of officers and soldiers coming from outside the mountain, extending from Linqu County to the outside of the mountain. It is estimated that the number is about the same as our previous team!" Xiaoshanzi gestured with his hand.

"So many officers and soldiers!"

Immediately, everyone showed a look of horror, and then there was silence in the mountain, which was much better than Liu Zhiquan's order just now.

"You can see clearly!" Seeing that everyone's eyes were fixed on him, Liu Zhiquan asked again, and Xiao Shanzi nodded desperately.

Only then did Liu Zhiquan take a deep breath, leaned against a tree, and after a while he said to everyone: "This is all right, the task given by the military division is not easy at all. We only have 3000 people, and there are about seven officers and soldiers." Between [-] and [-], this is a tough battle!"

Everyone gasped.

Three thousand to one hundred thousand, thirty times the difference in strength.

One has to hit thirty.

If before, they turned around and ran away.

Don't say one fights [-], even if [-] fights each other, the three of them are not opponents.

But it's different now. After half a year of systematic training, they have learned a lot of killing skills, as well as the way of deploying troops.

Adding weapons and equipment is also a big difference from changing shotguns to guns.

Now they are more officers than ordinary officers.

"Boss, tell me how to fight!"

asked a centurion.

Liu Zhiquan said: "It's simple, just follow the plan given by the military adviser, guard Shan Daoxiu's stockade, and wait for them to attack. From now on, anyone who doesn't need to guard the stockade on the wall will continue to make arrows for me. The next thing we will use The number of arrows will be a little too much, maybe not enough."

"It's the boss!"

It's not bad to guard the wall of the village and wait for this group of scattered enemy troops to attack.

Soon the Qingzhou Army's front team explored the road and saw the wall built on the mountain road, and the whole person was not well.

Looking at the flag hanging above, I almost fell down the mountain and fell into the cliff.

"It's over! It's over! Donglai Army is ambushing here!"

After crying a few times, the officer who explored the road immediately went back to make peace.

At this time, Jiao He led a large force through Linqu County and was heading into the mountain.

Later, Zhao Yun chased after him with scriptures, and he didn't have much time left, so he kept urging his subordinates to go faster.

However, the troops behind quickly lost one, and soon someone came to report, and another group was left behind.

"My lord! I'm afraid they surrendered to Zhao Yun."

Those who didn't keep up must be because they didn't want to hang out with Jiao He. They were from Qingzhou, and most of the soldiers under them were also. It's hard to say whether they can return to Qingzhou after following Jiao He to the west.

So soon he didn't take the opportunity to run behind.

Anyway, the benevolence and righteousness of Weihai's thick army will give preferential treatment and will not be killed if they surrender.

Everyone is from Qingzhou, so there is no reason to embarrass yourself, so the number of laggards quickly reached [-].

"Forget it! Fly separately when the disaster is imminent. It's good to have them restrain Zhao Yun, so that Zhao Yun's speed of chasing will be much slower. When we enter the mountain, Zhao Yun will not be in a hurry to chase."

The junction between Qi State and Mount Tai is full of winding and small mountain roads, which are not conducive to cavalry walking, so Jiao He also relaxes a lot when he walks here.

To be honest, after the [-] troops have no base camp, he is not sure if he can feed them.

The army is a thing that burns money. If you don't have money, you can't play it, and you can eat it back every minute.

It is not a relief to have fewer people.

With such a mentality, Jiao He and the army entered the vast mountain.

After Shi Lai went forward for more than ten miles, there was a commotion ahead, and then several generals ran over in a daze.

"My lord, something is wrong, there is an ambush ahead!"

"Cough cough! Tell me clearly, what's going on!" Jiao He only felt his brain buzzing, his heart beating faster, and he kept yelling secretly: "Don't be like that, don't be like that!"

"My lord! The Donglai army built a pass cottage on the mountain road leading to Mount Tai. At this time, there are heavy troops guarding there, blocking our way forward. We are surrounded by this mountain." The general replied mentally.

Jiao He passed out after speaking.

When he woke up, it was dark, Jiao He asked, "Where is this?"

Everyone replied: "My lord, we are in the mountains."

Jiao He asked again: "How is the situation before, is there any obstacle to get through?"

All the generals had bitter faces, tangled for a while and finally said: "My lord, the army stopped moving after you fainted, and the Donglai army has not yet fought."

Damn it, Jiao He was so angry that he wanted to kill someone before attacking the pass.

However, he also knew who his subordinates were, so he asked again: "What about Zhao Yun?"

"My lord, Zhao Yun didn't chase after him, but he sealed off the mountain and blocked the way down."


Jiao He was so depressed that a mouthful of blood gushed out, and he opened his mouth to spit it out. He felt a little better when he spit it out, and asked the generals to help him up, and then said: "Attack, take the pass, I think the Donglai Army didn't take long to build it. The mountain road should be taken down."

"It's the lord!"

So a general with a strong desire to survive went to the front to command.

This trip lasted all night, and there were shouts and shouts on the other side of the mountain all night, and sporadic sparks rose and fell from time to time.

It wasn't until dawn that the general came back dejectedly and reported: "My lord, the enemy is too well prepared, and the mountain road is too small and narrow to deploy troops in formation. We have attacked all night, and there have been countless casualties. So far, we have not been able to conquer. The soldiers are exhausted. think……"

"What are you thinking about?" Gong made no progress all night, and Jiao He also looked ashen and depressed, and his mood was not high.

"They all want to surrender!"

Hearing this, Jiao He coughed, and then spat out another mouthful of blood.

"You...what are you thinking?" Jiao He asked the crowd, and saw that everyone was silent, their faces were pale, and no one had the will to fight.

Trapped in the mountains, Zhao Yun surrounded and blocked the pursuers, and heavy troops built pass guards in front, so there was no way out.

Anyway, they have been with the governor of Qingzhou for so many years, and they haven't won a single battle. They are almost used to being a turtle.

"Hey! Forget it, let's surrender!" Jiao He lamented, and said this sentence helplessly.

He was afraid that if he kept it going, someone in this gang would kill him to claim credit for the Donglai Army, so he might as well just surrender.

Of course, they didn't know that there were only three thousand old Yellow Turbans standing in front of them. If they tried to be brave, they would be able to attack if they were not prepared, and they might be able to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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