Chapter 405 Make a bet
"Yaoqing, I'm not reconciled!"

Yuan Shu said to Yuan Huan with a bit of beating his chest.

The meat that reached his mouth was spit out again, and he really couldn't swallow the breath.

Tan County was supposed to be captured, and Tao Qian was supposed to be killed, but because Xu Ding was in the city, everything turned into a mirror image and shattered.

Yuan Huan said: "My lord, don't worry, we may not have a chance, everything is just the beginning, it's not over yet, our military strength is still superior, and we will have a serious battle with Xu Ding tomorrow."

The blame is to blame this side for using scheming tricks even though they have an advantage in military strength, Xu Ding took advantage of the loopholes.

Yuan Huan was also dissatisfied, so he tried to persuade him.

When Yuan Shu thought about it, he was right!

He was worried about his strength, and he could afford to spend the loss tonight, so he regained his energy and waited for the dawn. He wanted to see how many times he had died or injured that night.

In fact, without the Donglai cavalry charging ahead, both the Xuzhou Danyang soldiers led by Xia Houbo and Cao Bao quickly withdrew from the army chasing Yuan Shu.

It was so dark at night, anything could happen, but don't fall into Yuan Shu's ambush again and surround your own army.

So when Cao Bao saw Zhao Yun's cavalry turn around and return to the east gate, he immediately ran into the city, not even daring to pick up more weapons and armor.

"Hahaha! Bokang is still a master of your predictions. Not only did you uncover my secret traitor in Xuzhou tonight, but you also severely injured Yuan Shu. It's really amazing. I, Tao Qian, really convinced myself this time."

Tonight's happiest variable is Tao Qian, Tan County was saved, and the Chen family, one of the internal thieves, was also dug out, and Xu Ding showed the strength of his Donglai Army.

There were only 7000 people, and they were divided into two gates, forcing Yuan Shu's troops to repel.

Having such an ally is really the wisest decision in his life.

Xu Ding said: "It's a pity that Chen Deng escaped, it will always be a disaster."

While speaking, Xu Ding fixed his eyes on Cao Bao. Zhao Yun wanted to severely damage Yuan Shu's troops entering the city, so he had no time or energy to search for Chen Deng. Cao Bao later commanded about [-] troops, but he failed to catch Chen Deng. This is a bit unreasonable.

Xu Ding looked at Cao Bao a little nervously, turned his face to one side, cupped his fists and said to Tao Qian: "My lord, don't worry, this Chen Deng can run away, and the monk can't run away from the temple. We won't be too late to find him after we beat Yuan Shu back."

Tao Qian was distracted by his success, nodded slightly and said: "It is fair to say that the Chen family can't escape in Huaipu, the most urgent thing is to beat Yuan Shu away!"

After Tao Qian finished speaking, he looked at Xu Ding. Xu Ding knew what he wanted to say, so he said calmly and confidently: "Yuan Shu will retreat soon, don't worry too much."

Cao Bao said: "Your Majesty is so sure. You must know that although Yuan Shu's sneak attack on the city was smashed tonight, the casualties were limited, and it would not hurt him. I am afraid that Yuan Shu will not let it go."

"He has lost his best chance to seize Tan County. If he doesn't retreat, will he stay and die?" Xu Ding raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with an arc:

"If you don't believe me, how about we meet?"

The Chen family was gone, and the Cao family was the biggest family under Tao Qian. Xu Ding felt that it was necessary to give Cao Bao a good beating.

To be honest, the Cao family didn't take the opportunity to turn against Yuan Shu and welcomed Yuan into Xuzhou, which really surprised him.

Originally, this time he wanted to take the opportunity to cut off the two great families under Tao Qian, and use the opportunity of Xuzhou's fall to sort out the Xuzhou family, so as to weaken the hostile forces in Xuzhou towards Donglai.

Cao Bao said: "What kind of bet does Junhou want to bet? How to bet."

"I bet that Yuan Shu will retreat to Pengcheng within five days, and withdraw from Xuzhou within ten days, and we don't need us to fight him head-on, costing every soldier." Xu Ding said with a smile: "If I win, you Cao My family gave me half of the fields and mines, and if I lost, I would pay twenty times the cash in new coins."

Retreat to Pengcheng within five days, and withdraw from Xuzhou within ten days.

How can this be?

Yuan Shu managed to occupy half of Xuzhou, and he retreated without even fighting, which is simply a joke.

Not to mention that there is no need to fight, even if you want to fight, it is difficult to repel with your 7000 Donglai Army.

You must know that all the people on the front line of Pengcheng turned against Yuan Shu, and they also got countless ships. Even if they can't beat Xu Ding's cavalry, there is no problem in guarding the waterway.

In other words, even if Yuan Shu wanted to retreat, he would do so step by step, one city at a time, and it would take two or two months to completely withdraw from Xuzhou.

Yuan Shu doesn't have many other things, but he has the largest population of money and food, and he can requisition mountains of supplies from his administration at any time, and pull out an army of [-] to [-].

Most notable is the promised bet.

Half of the Cao family's fields and mines, you must know that the Cao family is a big family in Xuzhou, a first-class family, and half of the fields and mines are expensive.

Xu Ding is willing to pay twenty times.

It is really eye-catching.

For a moment Cao Bao was both excited and a little tangled.

Could this bet be too big?

Cao Bao hesitated, but Cao Hong on the side was full of greed. He pulled Cao Bao aside and whispered, "Brother, don't let this opportunity go. It's impossible for Yuan Shu to withdraw from Xuzhou in ten days. Even if everything promised With all the troops here, it is impossible to drive Yuan Shu away so quickly.

What's more, his Donglai was being attacked by Jiaohe's Qingzhou Army and Liu Dai's Yanzhou Army. At this time, he was divided into Panshu, even if it was a strategic deterrent to Yuan Shu. "

Xu Ding looked at other officials of the Xuzhou family, and said with a similar smile: "You don't have to be envious. If you want to gamble, you can bet together. The conditions are the same. Don't worry, don't be afraid that I have no money. The 100 billion in my hand is No, but there is still 60 billion yuan. If it doesn't work, I can use the land as a mortgage.

Of course, don't be afraid of my debt, I can ask Tao Shijun to guarantee it. "

"Is this Bokang playing a bit too big? What if..." Tao Qian looked a little anxious, but Xu Ding cut off his words in the middle: "Brother Gong Zu, you must have confidence and be invincible. At this time, Xuzhou is in danger. When we need to boost our morale, we must believe that we can drive Yuan Shu away."

What does this have to do with confidence? Tao Qian was still trying to persuade him. At this time, Cao Bao said: "Your Majesty is right, we must understand the good intentions of the Junhou. The Cao family has accepted this bet. I am willing to stand with you. receipt."

Although Xu Ding's reputation is not a problem, Cao Bao is still afraid of Xu Ding's repudiation.

The advantages of door-to-door delivery are not taken for nothing.

It would be best to establish written evidence, of course there is no problem with Xu Ding, but he was afraid that Cao Bao would not have the guts to agree.

Cao Bao was willing to gamble, and the other aristocratic families also showed their eyes, and they all modestly expressed their willingness to gamble with Xu Ding, and even said that if they lost, they would be rewarded for supporting Xu Ding to send troops to rescue Xuzhou. .

The fields are all in Xuzhou, so what if you lose, do you promise to manage it in Xuzhou?

Moreover, there is only a small amount of their land backed up by the government, and most of them are private land that cannot be found. Even if 1 or [-] lose, the big deal is to give a few hundred acres, and just hand over a job and get away with it.

But if they win, then half of their fields and mountain deposits will be astronomical.

Even if you promise to have Jinshan Yingshan, it is not enough to pay.

But everyone was really curious why Xu Ding had so much money, as if he always had inexhaustible new coins and could never run out of supplies.

Upstarts should also have a limit!

(End of this chapter)

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