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Chapter 407 Yanzhou Army Defeated

Chapter 407 Yanzhou Army Defeated
Beihai country!
Under Tobu Castle!

One hundred thousand Yanzhou troops marched to the city!
Different from the confrontation between Jiao He and Zhao Yun, Guo Jia and others, the arrival of Liu Dai's army was full of gunpowder.

The defending generals here are Zhang Liao led by the right cavalry guards, Yu Jin and Zang Ba of the second army, and the counselor who presided over the military command.

There are a total of [-] field troops, and [-] county soldiers assist.

The judge gave up defending the city and directly commanded the army to go to the battle.

"Hmph! It's said that Xu Ding's subordinates are able to come out in large numbers, so I don't think so? Let the city not guard, and want to rely on a mere ten thousand people to fight against my one hundred thousand army. I really don't know how to live or die." Liu Dai saw the interrogation Pei waited for someone to come out of the city to fight, shook his head and chuckled, and at the same time was ecstatic in his heart.

He didn't expect to meet such a stupid general defending the city, Xu Ding's ability to recognize people was too clumsy.

Liu Dai's generals praised one after another: "What the lord said is true, our big sword is so hungry and thirsty."

"Hahaha! Then what are you waiting for, let me rush over and kill them." The scale of the charge of the [-] troops was so overwhelming that it shook the world.

Liu Yao didn't hesitate much, he drew his sword and pointed, and all the generals screamed for orders.

An army of one hundred thousand moved in the clouds, and then rushed towards the Donglai army.

Seeing the other party coming directly under the pressure of the general situation, the corner of the judge's mouth was slightly curved.

The opponent moved, but their side still stood like a pine tree, like a forest like Xu, without any commotion.

It wasn't until we got close that the judge ordered: "Wave the flag, let Yu Jin and Zang Ba move to the two wings, General Zhang Liao will attack, smash the enemy's formation for me!"

The signal flag of the rear army was waved, and the second army that was originally standing in the front was divided into two batches. Since Jin and Zang Ba each commanded four thousand to move to the two wings, they then sent the right cavalry guards hiding in the center of the army. exposed.

Seeing the right cavalry guards hiding in the central army, Liu Dai's soldiers were stunned for a moment.

I saw that the front of this Donglai army was full of black flags, covering the entire team like a wall, and it was completely impossible to see the situation on the other side.

"Attack!" Zhang Liao pointed his spear, and the three thousand Xuanjia cavalry urged the horse to move slowly and speed up bit by bit.

The judge had checked the terrain a long time ago, and specially arranged the Xuanjia at this slightly higher place, which is conducive to the Xuanjia army taking advantage of the momentum to attack. After all, the speed will not be too fast, and the movement is a bit slow.

When charging, the soldiers in front of Zhang Liao put down the black battle flag, revealing their true faces.

A troop dressed in black armor, black and shiny, reflecting the cold light appeared.

They sat down on a tall horse with the same armor, like a monster, trying to tear the sky apart.

When Liu Dai and his soldiers saw this army, their hearts jumped suddenly, and they had an ominous premonition. Even the soldiers who were charging felt extremely uneasy and a little timid after seeing it.

Until the two armies came into contact, then a scene of scalp numbness appeared.

Liu Dai's troops were knocked into the air one after another, and then trampled into meat, or were strung into gourds and hung on the guns by the Xuanjia army holding long spears.

Liu Dai's soldiers tried to stab Xuanjiaqi with knives and guns, but none of them could hurt the opponent, even if they attacked the horses, they couldn't stab or cut.

As soon as the three thousand Xuanjia troops advanced indomitably, they pushed the [-] troops out of a wide corpse road, and directly defeated Liu Dai's [-] troops, killing them and fleeing in an instant.


At this time, the eight thousand generals of the second army of Yu Jin and Zang Ba began to chase frantically, and continued to expand the results of the battle.

"The overall situation is settled! Attack and capture Liu Dai alive!" The judge swung his sword out of its sheath confidently, and the five thousand county soldiers also rushed towards the defeated Yanzhou army like lambs.

" is this possible?" Liu Dai was stunned from behind.

With a frontal collision, the [-] army was defeated.

Is your army so unbearable?
Also, what kind of army is this iron cavalry? Why are all the men and horses wearing armor?

"My lord, withdraw quickly. If you don't withdraw, there is no hurry!" At this time, a Yanzhou general pulled Liu Dai away.

Defeat is certain, and there is no way to recover.

The same scene also happened in Donglai County. Bao Xin was also stopped by Guan Yu's army on the way into the county. .

Bao Xin retreated into Langya County.

Then Guan Yu pursued, Bao Xin tried to reorganize his troops and fought again, but lost another battle, leaving only ten thousand men and horses to flee to Wulian Pavilion.

After escaping here, he remembered Liu Dai.

Busy sent people to the counties to inform Liu Dai that he had retreated after defeat, and asked him to be careful to guard against Guan Yu's plagiarism.

As a result, the person who sent the message came back the next day and reported: "The Lord Inspector has lost, and his army of [-] has been wiped out."

"Hey! Gongshan, I'm sorry for you. I should have notified you earlier. I was the one who delayed the timing of your retreat. I am ashamed of you." Hearing the bad news, Bao Xin regretted not taking it seriously, and kept blaming himself.

However, the subordinates who reported back continued to persuade: "My lord, you don't have to blame yourself. The defeat of Lord Inspector is not our fault. He was defeated by more than [-] Donglai Army before us. The army fled to the west and died in battle."

"Pfft!" Bao Xin spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Damn it, I didn't kill him because I lost.

It was this guy who was defeated by Donglai himself.

"Bastard, trash, one hundred thousand troops were defeated by more than ten thousand people, I...I..." Bao Xin wanted to scold something, but when he thought that he was also defeated by eight thousand Donglai, he didn't know what to scold.

But he was at ease.

But immediately the brain hurts.

He and Liu Dai had a total of 13 troops, so only [-] were left in the fight, and both sides were defeated.

How will this matter go on.

The Donglai army is so strong that it cannot be defeated at all.

Then Bao Xin discussed with several generals who had fled back together: "Now that Lord Inspector is also defeated and killed, the plan to besiege Donglai has failed, what shall we do?"

My subordinates look at me, I look at you, and finally one stood up and said: "My lord, you should return to Yanzhou immediately. Now our army has no morale, and the soldiers have no courage to fight. It is the best policy to return to recuperate and stick to Jibei Kingdom." .”

After closing his eyes and pondering for a while, Bao Xin finally sighed: "Okay, retreat back to Jibei Kingdom!"

The governor is dead, so a new governor must be chosen to stabilize Yanzhou.

So Bao Xin pulled out his camp overnight and ran to the northwest.

Of course, Bao Xin was quite conscientious. Before he left, he sent someone to Yingxian and Yangdu to inform Ying Shao, the prefect of Mount Tai.

When Ying Shao received the news, he was so frightened that he almost swallowed his own tongue.

"We lost! We lost so fast and so thoroughly!" Ying Shao was a little confused and couldn't believe it.

So he summoned his subordinates Yin Li, Chang Xi, and Sun Kang to discuss it.

(End of this chapter)

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