Chapter 408
"The specific situation is like this. Both the governor and Bao Xin were defeated by the Donglai Army, and Bao Xin returned to the Jibei Kingdom. What shall we do next?"

Ying Shao looked at the three of them. In fact, he had made up his mind and just wanted to hear the opinions of the three of them.

Sun Kang said: "My lord, we should return to Mount Tai immediately, and we can't stay in Xuzhou."

Yin Li said: "My lord, we should immediately send envoys to make peace with Donglai, lest Donglai's army go south to take revenge on Mount Tai."

Yin Li's words made Bao Xin hesitate. This proposal raised his morale and destroyed his own prestige. He hadn't fought the Donglai army yet, so he was timid to show weakness.

Chang Xi stood up at this time and said: "My lord, I don't think we should withdraw. We have an army of [-]. Now we have enough soldiers and food, and the city is strong. Why should we be afraid of the Donglai army.

Liu Dai and Bao Xin were defeated because they had a field battle with the Donglai army. We just don't have a field battle with the Donglai army. We are heavily guarded in the city, and the Donglai army can do nothing to us. "

This sounds reasonable.

The Donglai army is invincible in field battles, and the siege may not be able to defeat them.

Just staying in Langya County made him uneasy.

Seeing Ying Shao's hesitation, Chang Xi clasped his fists and said, "My lord, you must not retreat casually, otherwise if you lose your momentum, the Lai army will come after you if you return to Taishan. Where are we going to retreat then? Bring [-] troops back to defend Mount Tai, and I will lead [-] to defend Yangdong, Andong and other cities, so that the Lord will defend the north, and I will defend the south, even if we do not fight the Donglai army, we must prevent them from attacking Mount Tai."

Ying Shao was moved by Chang Xi's decision, so he nodded in agreement and said, "It's possible! Then I will order you to bring 5000 troops to Ma Shouyang and An Dong to wait on the Yishui line. Yin Li returns to Fenggao with me."

"No!" The three generals came out to take orders.

Soon Ying Shao left with the army, Chang Xi looked at Ying Shao very excitedly.

"I have 5000 troops and two important cities. I want to be the prefect of Langya County. Ying Shao, you idiot, wait to die."

After Shenpei defeated Liu Dai, he left Zhang Liao's Xuanjia cavalry to guard the border, then went south, and soon joined Guan Yu's troops in Ying County.

Two armies of [-] marched southward.

"Report! Military division, General Chang Xi from Ying Shao, Taishou Taishou, is here!"

"Oh! It's interesting that Changxi is here!" The presiding officer stroked his beard and smiled, "Bring him here, let's see what this Changxi wants to do?"

Soon Changxi's envoy came over, and the judge asked, "You are Changxi's envoy, what is the business of Changxi letting you come here?"

The visitor said: "My lord, my general wants to surrender to your lord, and wants to serve the king. I have been ordered to come here to discuss with you how to take Taishan County."

"Oh! There is such a good thing. Chang Xi is a sensible person. He knew that he couldn't beat us, so he surrendered as soon as possible." The judge's face was full of joy, and Yu Jin, Zang Ba, Guan Yu and others were actually happy.

The visitor greeted him and said: "Your Excellency is right, the so-called people who know practical things are heroes, the masters are talented in martial arts, and the soldiers are fierce and unstoppable, so they have long intended to surrender."

This time the judge laughed even more, and the visitor said again: "As long as your lord is willing to accept the surrender, my lord is willing to offer a good strategy to take Taishan County quickly."

"Accept the surrender! Why don't you accept it? My lord has always been benevolent, and he doesn't like to use weapons. This expedition is really helpless." The judge sighed, and then said: "You go back and tell your general so that he doesn't have to Be scruples, there will be a big reward for taking Taishan County."

"Thank you, I'll go back and make a report!" The visitor happily withdrew.

When Chang Xi's men left, Guan Yu's face suddenly fell, and he asked: "Military Master, I really want to surrender that Chang Xi!"

The judge said: "Even if I want to surrender him, will he really surrender? I think there is a fraud in it."

"Since the military adviser suspects fraud, why deal with him, just send troops south to attack him." According to Guan Yu's thinking, Chang Xi should be flatly pushed.

Regardless of whether he surrenders or not, that guy has 5000 people, and he is still in Xuzhou.

It's enough for the generation of local chickens and dogs to fight.

"This is impossible. Although Changxi is weak, Yangdu City is not easy to fight. Our army only has so many soldiers. In addition to opening up the passage to Langya County, we also need to take Taishan County as planned. The loss of too many troops will not be good for the subsequent advance. , since Chang Xi wants to play with his brain, I'll pay him for playing with his brain." Banmi, the judge and matchmaker, said with a smile.

Whoever plays tricks is afraid of whom.

Soon Changxi's envoy came to return, expressing his willingness to surrender, and offered his advice: "My lord, Ying Shao's army is heavily concentrated in Gai County, and the soldiers and horses are all concentrated in the north. At this time, the south is very empty. If your lord's soldiers and horses Invading the southern part of Mount Tai from our side, we can easily take the southern part, and then send a surprise army to attack Fenggao, the prefecture. At that time, my lord is in the north and we are in the south, so we can pinch the heavy troops in Gai County and annihilate Ying Shao in one fell swoop. .”

While speaking, the emissary secretly glanced at the judge.

The judge clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "Good plan, good method, I don't want General Changxi to be a wise general, God help me."

The emissary responded, "Your Excellency, it's absurd. Although my general is a little resourceful, he needs to be acquainted with a wise person like Your Excellency."

The judge said: "Well, yes, you can tell Chang Xi when you go back, and I will use his method. Before that, our two armies are still in a state of hostility to paralyze Ying Shao."

"It's my lord! I'll pass it on to the general." The envoy nodded in agreement, and then the judge waved him back.

Soon Donglai's more than 2 troops marched south, approaching Xiangyangdu.

In Yangdu City, he set up a posture as if he was going to attack the city.

Then the appraiser sent people into the city to communicate with Chang Xi, and when entering the south, he needed Chang Xi's token token, as well as clothing and military flags.

Chang Xi had no doubts about it, after all, he was the one who came up with the idea, so he sent a letter to the Donglai Army as required by the trial.

Then Dong Lairan took advantage of the night to set up camp and went to the south of Taishan County.

"Hahaha! Shenpei, Guan Yu, and Yu Jin are idiots. Fortunately, they are veterans who have experienced battles. They don't want to be deceived so easily. I deserve it this time, Changxi, to become famous."

Just as the judge guessed, Chang Xi had no intention of surrendering at all, but a false surrender, and proposed tempting conditions to trick Donglai's army into the south of Mount Tai, and then lay an ambush in the middle, causing heavy damage in one fell swoop. It is best to eliminate Donglai The [-] elite warriors.

A day later, Chang Xi led the army to follow, and quietly surrounded the Donglai army.

It's just that his plan had just been implemented, and then he died halfway, and the judges and others who hadn't entered Mount Tai immediately turned back after halfway.

Then an embarrassing scene happened.

Changxi's army met with the trial's army.

But before the two armies fought, Chang Xi sent the envoy to inquire about the situation.

"Why did you turn back? Because our army didn't bring enough food and grass, I want to ask your department to send some money over. By the way, do you know that our army didn't bring enough food and grass, so you sent food here?" the examiner asked casually. .

The envoy hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, my lord is really good at predicting things. My general has prepared ten days' expenses for your lord, and please wait for us to transport food here."

The judge waved his hand, and the envoy came back and explained the matter. Chang Xi had no choice but to transport all his food and grass into the judge's army in order not to kill the snake.

It's just that after the grain and grass entered, the Donglai army did not turn around and fight Mount Tai, but continued to stare at Changxi's troops.

"My lord! Why don't you start your journey? If you delay for a long time, I'm afraid that the aristocratic family in the south of Mount Tai will be alert, and it will be difficult to sneak attack." The messenger urged and reminded.

The judge shook his head and said: "A sneak attack is not a strong attack. After thinking about it, we passed through your jurisdiction so easily without even fighting a battle. Isn't it too fake? Should our two armies fight in the field?" In this way, we will repel all of you, and then enter Taishan County with the momentum of a big victory, so it seems reasonable."


It seems to be the truth, but why something is wrong.

The envoys didn't dare to say more, let alone refuse, so they had to go back and report to Changxi.

Chang Xi has always been cunning, after much deliberation, he felt that he had paid so much for his comeback, and he was short of the last step, so he gritted his teeth and agreed, dispatched 2000 people to fight with the Donglai Army, and retreated back to Yang after the battle All, temporarily satisfy the worries of the judge.

So the two armies formed a battle.

With the sound of drums beating, the two armies erupted with high morale and shouts, and then the two armies were rivals, and Chang Xi's troops retreated as promised.

"Attack, attack with the whole army, if you encounter resistance, don't hesitate to shoot and kill, no matter where the enemy flees to resolutely pursue." This is the order given by the judge after seeing the opponent's [-] sergeants collapse at the touch of a touch.

The various departments of the Donglai Army had already sharpened their knives, and after receiving the order, they decisively slaughtered them.

With [-] routs serving as cover, the Donglai army smoothly rushed into Changxi's army.

"Don't fight, don't fight, we are allies, we are allies, we have surrendered to you!"

"Quickly stop, my general is from Weihaihou, so he can't fight any more!"

Once the fight started, Chang Xi was dumbfounded.

The Donglai army had no intention of stopping at all. The whole army attacked like a tiger coming out of the mountain.

"Damn it, I've been tricked, run, run back to Yangdu City."

Chang Xi was also a little clever, he immediately understood that his plan had been seen through by the judge, so he didn't even gather the army, and went to Yangdu City with a few elites.

Soon he ran back to Yangdu City and asked someone to open the city gate to let him in.

But as soon as he arrived at the city, countless archers immediately appeared on the city, and then his flag was thrown down from above, and the battle flag of the Donglai Army fluttered up.

Along with him was Guan Yu's general flag, and the military flag of the Fifth Colonel's Army.

"Guan Yu!"

Seeing the red-faced general stroking his beard in the city, Chang Xi almost bit his tongue.

How could Guan Yu be in the city, how did the Donglai Army capture the city, and why he didn't receive any news.

Guan Yu in the city took the initiative to help Changxi clear his confusion and said: "Son Changxi, your stratagem has long been seen through by my military adviser. The military adviser asked me to put on your clothes, fight against your department's flag, and take your letter. The night before yesterday, we separated and hid nearby, and after you left to earn the city, your generals were really obedient, and after reading the letter, they opened the city without saying a word, don’t you want to die early!”

When he said this, Guan Yu raised his right hand, and Chang Xi had countless words of MMP that he wanted to shout at this time, but they all turned into a word of withdrawal.

"Fire arrows!"

Since you are stubborn and do not surrender, then kill it!
Guan Yu waved his hand, and countless arrows flew down, turning Chang Xi's remnant into a hornet's nest.

Chang Xi wanted to escape, but Zang Ba and his elite soldiers chased him head-on, and then chopped off his horse with a single knife.

Killed Chang Xi, wiped out 5000 of his troops, and helped Xuzhou recapture Yangdu City. On the one hand, he sent Guan Hai to lead [-] soldiers to support Tan County in the south, and spread the important news from the north. road:
"The next step is our real attack on Taishan County. Zang Ba, you are from Taishan and you are familiar with it, so you are the vanguard. General Yu Jin will lead the army to follow. After your second army takes the southern part of Taishan, there is no need to rush to other places for the time being. Pushing forward, General Guan Yu and I will go to Gai County to contain Ying Shao from the front. I think that kid Guo Jian will definitely win Fenggao before us, so that we can encircle and wipe out all the enemy troops in Taishan County in the north.

After this battle is over, this year will be a peaceful one. "

"It's a military advisor!" The generals didn't have any objections, and then went down to follow the order.

As long as the counterattack is successful this time, Donglai's jurisdiction will be doubled, and its strength will be greatly increased.

In the rush to seize the world in the future, another solid step has been made.

(End of this chapter)

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