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Chapter 409 Yuan Shuzhang Yuzhou, Winning the Gambling Game

Chapter 409 Yuan Shu returned to Yuzhou and won the game
"My lord, the matter is like this. The Donglai army defeated Liu Dai's Yanzhou army. Liu Dai's army was wiped out. Bao Xin's more than [-] people returned to Jibei Kingdom. Most of Ying Shao returned to Taishan County, and the Donglai Army opened up the southward passage of Langya County. , is heading to Tan County!"

The battle in the north has always been Yuan Shu's most concerned, especially after Liu Yao's defeat.

At this time, I was completely disappointed when I heard the report from the horse explorer.

Liu Dai was defeated, not to mention Jiao and that useless waste.

The plan to siege Dongnae was completely bankrupt and ended.

"Qing Yao, what should we do next." Yuan Shu was extremely calm this time.

Perhaps this result was expected and conceived.

So not very irritable.

Yuan Huan said: "My lord Xu Ding's troops are about to go south, and it's his turn to attack next. We can only continue to stick to Pengcheng, and we should also make plans to withdraw to Yuzhou."

"Back to Yuzhou!" Yuan Shu's face twitched.

Withdrawing to Yuzhou, then sending troops this time is tantamount to running away in vain.

Not to mention the loss of food and grass, the [-] soldiers who were lost died in vain.

More importantly, it was a huge blow to his popularity.

The most important thing for an aristocratic family is reputation, if he returns to Yuzhou in such a dismal manner, wouldn't he become the laughing stock of the world, and anyone can bully and step on him in the future.

"It is impossible to return to Yuzhou. It is my final bottom line to bring the war to the front line of Pengcheng Kingdom. Even if Xu Ding's army is all overwhelmed, I will not retreat again. I will fight him to the death here. Whether it's three months or half a year, I'll fight him to the end." At this time, Yuan Shu showed his ruthlessness as a young ranger.

Yuan Huan didn't say the last thing he wanted to say.

Just as Yuan Shu was concerned, he was also aware of this.

The aristocratic family can lose everything, but they can't lose face, let alone lose their reputation. Once they lose these things, it will be difficult in the future.

In Tan County, there are also people who are happy and others who are worried.

Xu Ding, Tao Qian and the Mi brothers are on the same side.

Because they also received news from the north that the Donglai Army defeated the Yanzhou Army led by Liu Dai, defeated the enemy's army by tens of thousands, and went south in a few days.

However, some families headed by the Cao family are depressed, not entangled.

On the one hand, they were also happy. After all, the news of the victory meant that Xu Ding's troops would be free to support Xuzhou in the battle, and the possibility of driving Yuan Shu away was much greater.

But they didn't want the Donglai Army to win so simply and quickly.

It is best to be able to do it for ten days and half a month at night.

Now it's only five days before the bet, and there are still five days left, who knows if Yuan Shu, a young boy, will scare him away.

Three days later, Yuan Shu brought Yuan Huan over again.

"My lord, is there something wrong?" Normally, Yuan Shu rarely summoned him, but this time he was urged to come here in the middle of the night, it must be something urgent.

When Yuan Huan walked in, the ground was in a mess, obviously Yuan Shu was angry.

Yuan Shu sighed: "Yaoqing really told you that you are right, we are going to retreat back to Yuzhou, and we will go back overnight."

"Xu Ding has resorted to another dangerous plan. Could it be that he went to sneak attack our Runan?" Yuan Huan was not surprised by Yuan Shu's decision, but instead asked a question in a judgmental manner.

Yuan Shudao: "Yaoqing really predicted things like a god. That's right. Xu Ding sent Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin from the Huaihe River to Runan. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Liu Biao, an old man, took advantage of the emptiness of our Yuzhou. After attacking Nanyang, at this time, most of Nanyang has been conquered by him, and if he does not go back to Nanyang, even half of Runan will be stolen by him."

What is praying mantis catching cicada and oriole behind, this is it.

In fact, Yuan Shu was guarding against Liu Biao's attack on Nanyang, so he sent his general Zhang Xun to guard Nanyang.

But even so, Liu Biao quietly mobilized the army to Nanyang across the sky, and then divided his troops to attack and advance in multiple ways.

Zhang Xun was no match for four hands with two fists, and finally withdrew his strategic defense.

Now that Liu Biao has made a move, it is indeed a difficult problem.

But Yuan Huan himself didn't think that there was another factor that forced Yuan Shu to retreat. Then Yuan Shu said angrily: "After the news of Liu Dai's death in battle was sent back to Yanzhou, Cao Cao's trilogy Chen Gong and others ran around to plan for him. Let Cao Cao take the governor of Yanzhou on his behalf, and the other counties have no objection, Cao ah, this guy took the opportunity to pick up a big leak, if he joins forces with Zhang Miao and goes south, then my Runan will really be in danger."

The relationship between Cao Cao and Xu Ding is known to be extremely good, so there is no need to talk about their relationship.

If Cao Cao, Xu Ding, Liu Biao and even Sun Jian, who has not yet bordered Runan, conspired together for this big change, then he is really in danger.

So now Yuan Shu didn't dare to take that risk, even if he didn't want to, he would immediately retreat back to Baoyu Prefecture.

Compared with half of Pei Kingdom and Pengcheng Kingdom, it is really nothing to mention.

Harm is the lesser, so he will decisively make a new decision.

"Then my lord's reason for retreating this time is..." Since Yuan Shu decided to retreat, he must come over to find Yuan Huan, because there must be other matters to discuss.

Yuan Shu said: "Xu Ding, Cao Cao, and Liu Biao can work together, I think we can too, Yao Qing, do you think it is possible for me to work together with Tao Qian at this time, and even make a non-aggression agreement with him? .”

Yuan Huan's eyes lit up. Although Yuan Shu's ideas can always be naive, this proposal is very suitable now.

Yuan Huan praised: "My lord, I think it is feasible. As long as half of the Pei Kingdom and Pengcheng Kingdom are returned to Tao Qian, I think he will be willing to reconcile them. Of course, Xu Ding may not agree, but it doesn't matter. Xuzhou is Tao Qian. Xuzhou is the Xuzhou of the Xuzhou family, even if Xu Ding has the ability to reach the sky, he can't control Xuzhou for the time being."

"It's fine if it works! You arrange someone to see Tao Qian, and I'll lead the army to retreat first." Yuan Shu felt relieved when he heard that his idea was feasible, and then he went out of the tent and withdrew to Yuzhou with all the troops.

On this side, Yuan Huan originally wanted to send someone to Tan County, but after thinking about it, he had better go and talk to Tao Qian in person, and take a look at Xu Ding, the legendary No. [-] in the world.

Soon Yuan Huan came to the city of Tan County. Tao Qian and Xu Ding were a little surprised when they received the news.

However, Yuan Huan came here as an envoy, Tao Qian and Xu Ding did not show embarrassment to him, so according to the corresponding etiquette, officials were sent to lead him into the city and into the mansion.

"Yuan Yaoqing, why are you willing to enter the city?" Although Yuan Huan was allowed to enter the city according to courtesy, Tao Qian's tone was not kind.

After all, Yuan Shu was still hostile to him, and Yuan Shu was still attacking him. Half of Pei Kingdom and Pengcheng were still in the opponent's hands, so he naturally wanted to show his anger.

Yuan Huan said: "Returning to Emissary Tao, I am here on behalf of my lord to join forces with the envoy. My lord is willing to withdraw from Xuzhou within three days and return to the envoy the area that was temporarily under the control of the cross-border raiders. "

"Exit Xuzhou?"

Except for Xu Ding, everyone was taken aback.

This guy Yuan Shu really wants to quit Xuzhou. How could it be such a coincidence?

(End of this chapter)

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