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Chapter 410 Arranging Qingzhou

Chapter 410 Arranging Qingzhou
"Yuan Gonglu really wants to quit Xuzhou?"

Tao Qian felt a little unreal.

Xu Ding said that Yuan Shu would withdraw from Xuzhou within ten days, but in the end he really was about to withdraw, and even sent the most important counselor to be an envoy for reconciliation.

Yuan Huan said: "That's right, my lord thinks that Yuzhou and Xuzhou are close states. We should support each other and watch out for each other. In today's turbulent world, we should unite together to resist the impact of wars from all directions."

It's too shameless, as if Yuan Shu is here to travel, and he will leave after walking around.

In this turmoil, the people of Xuzhou did not know how many people were killed or injured, and how many people were displaced.

However, being able to fight the war and settle down is indeed what Tao Qian hopes most.

But he was old and turned into a monster, nodded slightly, and then said: "Qing Yao is coming from afar, and I will go to the post house to rest for a while."

So Yuan Huan was taken down, and there were countless voices of discussion in the hall.

A lot of people don't understand, Yuan Shu said that he would retreat as soon as he said it, and he had to settle with Xuzhou. Was he still afraid of Xuzhou attacking Yuzhou?

If Yuan Huan hadn't come here in person, they felt that there must be fraud.

Tao Qian asked Xu Ding, "Bokang, what does Yuan Shu mean by this? Why do I feel a little strange?"

Xu Ding said: "Yuan Shu was defeated with brothers Liu Yao and Liu Dai, and Yangzhou and Yanzhou were in chaos. Yuan Shu has no allies on the two wings, so he can't have any advantage over us. He is a guest army, even if he can fight us in Pengcheng, It will not last long, so retreat is inevitable.

Of course, the most important thing is, I guess Liu Biao may have sneaked into Nanyang when he saw the emptiness of Yuzhou! "

Having said that, Xu Ding smiled slightly and stopped talking.

Only then did Tao Qian suddenly realize.


The front was only focused on the crisis of their own family, and did not think much about Yuan Shu's army coming from the east. The rear was also unstable and full of crises.

If Liu Biao took the opportunity to attack Nanyang, Yuan Shu really had to return to the rescue.

So everything makes sense.

This time, Cao Bao, Cao Hong and others panicked.

Why didn't we think of this.

Damn Liu Biao, you bastard, as a descendant of the royal family, you don't send troops to condemn Xu Ding like Liu Yao and Liu Dai, but you also took the opportunity to make trouble behind Yuan Shu and let Xu Ding calmly expel Yuan Shu.

You are a big cheater, which made me lose the bet.

It is a fundamental law of the world that losers have reasons to blame others.

So all the people who made a bet with Xu Ding were scolding Liu Biao.

"Does Bokang think it is necessary for us to reconcile with Yuan Shu?" Xu Ding was the one who helped Xuzhou through the crisis this time. Tao Qian couldn't ignore Xu Ding's feelings, so he asked wisely.

Xu Ding said: "Gongzu is the master of Xuzhou, what to do is the most beneficial to Xuzhou and the stability of Xuzhou, it is fine for Gongzu to make up his own mind."

Xu Ding said that he would not interfere with Tao Qian's decision, and that reconciliation or not would have no effect on him and Donglai. Suoxin should be generous and don't be too petty.

After speaking, Xu Ding stood up, then cupped his fists at Cao Bao and Cao Hong and said with a smile: "Everyone, it seems that I won the bet. When Yuan Shu returns to Yuzhou completely, I will send someone to talk to everyone." Check out the fields and mines, I will not stay in Xuzhou any longer, you can go to Qingzhou to play more if you have nothing to do, I will welcome everyone."


Seeing the confident and proud Xu Ding leave, Cao Bao, Cao Hong and others were so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood.

Then it was time for Tao Qian to discuss with Xuzhou Wenwu. In the end, Tao Qian decided to reconcile with Yuan Shu. He could get back the lost land without a single soldier, and ensure that the west side would not be threatened any more. It made no sense for him not to choose.

Soon Yuan Huan returned to Pengcheng with Tao Qian's reply, and then he arranged for the troops who did not go with Yuan Shu to withdraw from Xuzhou completely.

Tao Qian sent troops to take over cities and counties one after another.

Yuan Shu withdrew his troops and returned to Yuzhou, and all the Donglai Army also retreated.

Xu Ding took the Donglai Army from Tan County to bid farewell to Tao Qian, and then went all the way north. When they arrived in Yangdu, the new battle report was delivered to him.

"That's right, Zhengnan and the others encircled and defeated Ying Shao, beheaded his general Sun Kang, and captured Ying Shao. This time the plan has gained a lot." Xu Ding was very happy to receive the information.

This time, not only Qingzhou was taken over peacefully, but Taishan County in Yanzhou was also taken over. In this way, five more counties were added, and the territory expanded greatly from north to west.

Both strategic space and population have exploded.

Soon Xu Ding entered the Beihai Kingdom and came to Chunyu County, the new prefecture.Jushou brought people to meet him.

Xu Ding looked up the new Chunyu city and nodded in praise: "Yes, the city has expanded a lot, and it has developed extremely rapidly in the past half a year. The city is stable and prosperous, and the order is well-organized. You have put your heart into it."

Ju Shou was naturally very happy to be praised, but he replied humbly: "My lord, all of this depends on everyone's concerted efforts, and our Donglai's unlimited financial support, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to have the current results!"

Whether it is war or construction, huge financial support is required in the early stage.

If it hadn't been promised a large sum of money, it would be impossible for Beihai to recover so quickly, so this credit is not his alone.

Xu Ding nodded slightly, and then followed into the prefect's mansion.

"My lord, the entire territory of Qingzhou is basically under our control, how can I proceed with the following arrangements?" Ju Shou asked after everyone sat down.

Xu Ding thought for a while and said, "I want you to be the governor of Qingzhou, what do you think?"

Although it is said that the restoration of Beihai State cannot be separated from the strong financial support, it is undeniable that Jushou's governance ability is due to his hard work and hard work with Guoyuan to achieve the current state of development of Beihai State.

So Xu Ding wanted Jushou to be the governor of Qingzhou.

Jushou not only has management ability, but also has a certain command ability in military affairs. With him in Linzi, Qingzhou, he can be better dispatched.

Jushou was very excited, but he shook his head and said, "My lord, I am very happy that you asked me to be the governor of Qingzhou, but I don't think it is suitable now, because I have joined Donglai for too short a time, and I have been serving as the governor of Beihai Kingdom. The relative time is even more short, and the North Sea country still needs to continue to maintain development, and the previous political strategy must not be interrupted."

Xu Ding pondered for a while, and when he was about to speak, Ju Shou said again: "My lord, I recommend Zhicai and Zhengnan, they can easily be qualified for this position."

"The two of them are really suitable, but I have other important things for them. Zhengnan will be the prefect of Taishan and stationed with the Second Army on the Yanqing-Xu border. For Zhicai, I think he will stay in Donglai. Donglai is temporarily As a special zone and Weiyuan Island, it forms a twin county structure and is independent of Qingzhou." Xu Ding shook his head with a smile and said:

"As for the Beihai Kingdom, after you take office as governor, Guoyuan will be the prefect. He will continue your previous political actions and revive the Beihai Kingdom."

It is feasible for Guoyuan to serve as the new prefect.

Guoyuan is a man who does things in a disciplined manner, is dedicated to his duties, and follows the rules, so there will be no major problems.

"So I am willing to accept this important task." This time, Ju Shou did not refuse but asked: "Then the arrangement of the other four counties is also intended for the Lord?"

(End of this chapter)

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