Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 411 Chapter 411 Untitled

Chapter 411 Chapter 410 One (Supplementary) Chapter Untitled
The other four counties!
This promise was really intended.

So he read a few names, and Ju Shou said that it was feasible. The candidates for Xu Ding were basically the old civil servants who had been with him in the early years, and they were the deputy of Xi Zhicai, Mao Jie and others.

Then the two talked about some other things. Ju Shou said that Donglai should build at least one school lieutenant army horse to better garrison various places.

Xu Ding did not agree for the time being, but returned to Donglai.

It was only when I returned to Huang County Opera Journal that I summarized the recent events in various aspects.

After Xu Ding had finished reading it, Xi Zhi asked, "How will the lord Yangzhou deal with it? How will the soldiers who surrendered from Yangzhou be dealt with?"

Xu Ding already had a draft in mind, and said: "Simple! It is not appropriate to use force in Yangzhou for the time being. It is good to maintain the status quo. Let Xingba's navy withdraw from Yangzhou and set off for Jiaozhou and the South China Sea."

Ziwang led his troops to garrison Jiangdu. I discussed with Tao Qian, and he said that he could use this place to garrison our water army officers and men.

Duke Ding led his troops to garrison Dantu, and blocked the mouth of the river with Ziwang from the south to the north.
As for Qu, leave it to Sun Shao and that Xiang Yu to guard!Of the [-] soldiers from Yangzhou, [-] were sent to the navy, [-] were transferred to Qingzhou, and [-] were reserved for Sun Shao and Xiang Yu. "

"My lord, there is nothing wrong with Dinggong. Is it inappropriate to hand over Qu to Sun Shao and that Xiang Yu? Do you want to change to a more capable county official?" Xi Zhicai said with some doubts .

One must know that Sun Shao and Xiang Yu had just surrendered, and under the circumstances of countless desperation, if such an important place as Qu Ah was entrusted to the two of them, if there was a rebellion, Gan Ning would be in vain.

Xu Ding shook his head and said: "Employees are not suspicious, doubters are not used, since we choose Najiang, we must have a tolerant heart, there are countless eyes from all walks of life in Yangzhou to examine us.

Moreover, Wen Ju said that this Sun Shao has great talent, and he managed the Beihai Kingdom quite properly in the past, but now he only manages a city, so there is nothing to doubt. "

It turned out that this Sun Shao had once served as a meritorious service under Kong Rong, and was called a "Langmiaocai" (referring to a person who can hold an important position in the court) by Kong Rong.

Since there is such a pertinent evaluation, it is not bad to think about it.

As for that Xiang Yu was able to draw with Gan Ning, his martial arts are not bad.

Xu Ding suspected that this guy was the young general Qu from Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Since no one has discovered him, now that some of his abilities are known, there is no reason to bury him.

Controlling Yangzhou is not the main aspect of his development now. Xu Ding doesn't think it's a pity or a waste to use a Qu'ah city as a wiping stone for two talents, one civil and one military.

"My lord is right." Now that Xu Ding said so, Xi Zhicai didn't bother with this issue, after all Xu Ding's ability to know people is unparalleled.

You must know that there are a lot of such examples in Donglai. Most of the civil and military officials were appointed to important positions.

"My lord, the south and west are stable, and Liaodong in the north has been restless recently." Xi Zhicai gave another brief introduction to the information about Lelang County and the Protectorate of Handong.

In general, not only Liaodong is about to move, but Gongsundu is gathering a large number of troops to the east, and Yilou, Fuyu, and Beiwoju in the north are also moving south.

After listening to it, Xu Ding leaned on the grand teacher's chair jokingly and said with a smile: "It seems that the news of Gongsun Du is very late. I guess this guy is waiting for Yuan Shu, Liu Yao, Liu Dai, Jiao He and others to capture Donglai. Siege my news.

That's okay, then send him a message to let him start as soon as possible, so that he can take over Liaodong County early after the fight, so that next year he won't have to rely on Youzhou to send culture to the grassland. "

In fact, Xu Ding already had a preventive plan for Gongsun Du. The guard led by his younger brother Xu Chu had already been transferred to Lelang County. As long as Gongsun Du dared to go east, he would be hit head-on.

Now that the matters of Yangzhou, Xuzhou, Yanzhou, and Qingzhou have been resolved, Xu Ding may have concentrated his strength on dealing with Gongsundu, so instead, he is faintly looking forward to it.

Qingzhou was waiting to be revitalized, the deployment of civil servants, the placement of materials and funds were all arranged by Xi Zhicai and others.

Xu Ding has been in town for ten days, Qingzhou and Taishan County continue to send news, everything is extremely smooth, there is no surprise in the acceptance of the cities and counties.

Since Jiao He took charge of Qingzhou, the yellow scarves and bandits have been rampant, and the order of Qingzhou has been seriously disrupted. The number of aristocratic families in the counties of Qingzhou has dropped by more than half, all businesses have withered, and people's livelihood has been ruined.

Therefore, there is basically no obstacle for Xu Ding to enter Qingzhou and take over the entire state. On the contrary, it is the hope of everyone in Qingzhou.

The people of Qingzhou really can't think of anyone who is more suitable than Xu Ding.

Therefore, the progress of Guo Jia and others is extremely fast.

Ju Shou led a group of civil servants to quickly take over the work to appease all walks of life.

The first is the four-state tax exemption for two years.

Based on this one, he immediately gained popular popularity, whether it was from aristocratic families or common people, they all received great support and praise.

With this foundation of public opinion, the next step is to collect unowned land, as well as land that has been annexed by major aristocratic families in the past and is not on the register.

As a result, many small groups of yellow scarves from the top of the mountain descended one after another, and the whole Qingzhou was flat.

"My lord Yanzhou has sent back news that Cao Cao's advisor, Chen Gong, has contacted a large number of Yanzhou families and counties, and they all welcome Cao Cao as the governor of Yanzhou and in charge of Yanzhou." Xi Zhicai came in to report, paying more attention to Xu Ding's face while speaking facial expressions.

Cao Cao and Xu Ding have a good personal relationship, and the territory borders on it. It will be related to how to develop in the future, and the uncertainty will increase.

Xu Ding smiled and said: "It's expected, but I guess it won't be long before this guy Dong Zhuo will make a fuss about it. He will either give Meng De a state shepherd's hat, or replace him with someone else."

Xi Zhicai said: "Anyway, Qingzhou Dong Zhuo will definitely not give it to us."

"If you don't give it, you won't give it. Anyway, we are not his subordinates. If you want those useless edicts, you can't order us." Now that he owns two states and 20 mercenaries, Xu Ding's mentality is even more different. The angle of view of the world is also more unusual.

Now he has the capital to despise the heroes of the world.

Xi Zhicai sensed the change in Xu Ding's mood, nodded slightly, then raised his eyes slightly, and said, "By the way, my lord, Taishan Yinli led the crowd to surrender, and Xuan Gao successfully persuaded this person. Hearing from Xuan Gao's report, Yin Li's martial arts skills are not bad, and he is quite good at using soldiers, so he is a talent to make."

Yin Li, one of the Four Bandits of Mount Tai who was as famous as Zang Ba and others in history, is probably a bit recognizable.

I don't think he can compare to Zang Ba, but he is about the same strength as Wu Dun, Sun Guan and others.

The last time the examiner and others surrounded Ying Shao and let this guy run into Mount Tai ahead of time. He gathered four or five thousand soldiers under his command. It was originally considered a small disaster. Now that it has surrendered, Taishan County can be regarded as the real Jingping up.

"Since it is a material that can be made, let's stay on Mount Tai to maintain stability." Without thinking too much, Xu Ding gave the order directly.

Then Xu Ding stayed in Donglai for another five days, and then set off for Weiyuan Island.

(End of this chapter)

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