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Chapter 413 The whole army died in battle

Chapter 413 The whole army died in battle

"What? The Donglai army has left the city?"

Not to mention that Gongsun Du didn't believe it, neither did the others.

how can that be!

Even if the Donglai army went out of the city, they had to fight in the field. This must have been kicked by a donkey in the head.

All the generals looked at each other, Gongsun Du said: "Go out and have a look!"

seeing is believing.

Gongsun Du led the crowd out, and sure enough, there was a square team standing neatly under the new city of Liaoshan, and behind the square team was the city gate that was wide open.

There is no sergeant in the city, only the battle flags fluttering in the cold wind.

"The number of people does not seem to be many!"

Gongsun Du was puzzled, and estimated from the phalanx, the opponent was only around [-] people, wearing a shining bright armor, and a sharp long knife in his hand.

"My lord is probably deceitful!" Liu Pu reminded anxiously.

The Donglai army left the great city unguarded and ran out to fight in the field. There were only 3000 people, and the city gate was left open. Most importantly, there were no defenders on the city wall.

It seems that they deliberately lured them to attack the city and enter the city.

Could it be that there was an ambush in the city, and Gongsun Du was also full of doubts.

Han Qi asked to fight and said: "Master, the general will wipe it off, give me [-] soldiers and horses, and I will strangle and kill this group of Donglai troops who don't know whether they are dead or alive..."

Gongsun Du did not agree, and then looked at another subordinate and said, "Yang Zuo, go and get [-] horses for me to ride!"

Gongsun Du is quite decisive and ruthless in his life and work. He also felt that there was something strange in Liaoshan New City, but he couldn't see the problem.

So simply send cavalry up to do it.

Regardless of conspiracy, cavalry rushing, all trampled to death and smashed away, no matter whether you really open the city gate or pretend to open the city gate, as long as you are a cavalry, you can advance and retreat.

"Kill!" Yang Zuo, the cavalry officer under Gongsun Du, led ten thousand cavalry and rolled towards the Donglai Army phalanx on the opposite side.

The phalanx on the opposite side has not been disturbed from beginning to end. Everyone is like a stone pillar standing in a deep pit, with a firm face.


Suddenly the front member of the phalanx swung the long knife in his hand.

Others also raised their hands. At this time, the Liaodong cavalry rushed to swing their swords and stab them, but they did not wait for them to swing their weapons.

The two rows of soldiers in front of the phalanx on the ground swung their long swords together.

Hundreds of people are like people, swords are like forests, swift and fierce.


In just a split second, the Liaodong cavalry screamed, and all the horses in front of the cavalry that had just rushed to the ground fell to the ground, and each horse was cut in half.

Even the knight on the horse was cut in two.


Suddenly, the commander of the phalanx will issue a new order. The soldiers in the third and fourth rows took a few steps forward with their knives, and then swung their knives together again.

The cavalry who came after them were cut into two sections, and the horses and men were split.

"Going in!"


The soldiers holding the long saber shouted in unison, marched forward with the sabers in hand, and slashed at any obstacle they saw.

Wherever it went, people and horses died, and there was nothing intact.

The Liaodong cavalry failed to make a frontal attack. Yang Zuo gestured and ordered most of them to form two teams, which were divided into left and right to attack the two wings of the phalanx, trying to charge in from the two wings.

As a result, the attack still failed, and all the soldiers were cut into two ruthlessly, and the men and horses were split to death.

Gongsun Du and all his subordinates were shocked by this result.

The cavalry attacked the infantry and was beaten mercilessly.

How is this possible? It is not impossible for cavalry to lose to infantry, but that is when they are equipped with long-range strike weapons and plenty of crossbows.

There are now 3000 people in the Donglai Military Region and, without a crossbow, they have restrained [-] cavalry.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Gongsun Du still couldn't believe it.

"Huh!" With a long breath, Gongsun Du's face became even more gloomy. Seeing that the ten thousand cavalry gradually decreased, he had no choice but to order unwillingly: "Ming Jin withdraws!"

Ding ding ding sounded, and most of the Liaodong cavalry, who had lost most of their losses, retreated back with relief.

Returning to the barracks, Gongsun Du rubbed his temples and asked, "Now we can't attack the city, and the field battle is not as good as Donglai Army. What should we do?"

Liu Yuan and Liu Pu stood up and said: "My lord, let's retreat, and attack Handong Dufu when the weather improves!"

His other generals also looked unhappy. They didn't expect that the conquest would fail at the very beginning, and it would be even more difficult to attack the Protectorate of Handong in the future.

"Forget it, go back and make a long-term plan." Originally, he was ambitious, but he was hit head-on by the Donglai Army, and Gongsundu felt unspeakable pain in his heart.

After the order was given, the army marched out the next day, and soon the soldiers behind the cover sent information.

"Report to my lord, the Donglai Army's pawns are here."

"Following? What do you mean, they still want to use these pawns to chase me down?" Gongsun Du sneered when he heard that the Donglai pawns with broadswords came after yesterday.

Mere infantry, if you can't beat you head-on, forget it. It's ridiculous to want to use infantry to chase cavalry now.

"My lord, I'm afraid the Donglai army is trying to play tricks, so ignore it and return to Liaodong at full speed." Liu Pu suggested.

Yang Zuo said: "My lord, since the Donglai army dares to come, why don't you let the last general charge at him once, and the last general lay in ambush on both sides, and wait for the enemy to chase until they suddenly come out. As long as they don't give the opponent a chance to form an formation, they will be able to kill him in one fell swoop. Stomp."

Five thousand horses were lost yesterday, and they were still killed by infantry. Yang Zuo felt really uncomfortable and brooding, so he wanted to avenge this and justify his name.

He didn't want future generations to talk about this matter, and he himself became a typical loser.

Gongsun Du felt that it was reasonable, so he said a certain word, and then asked Yang Zuo to ambush, and continued to return south with the army.

Half an hour later, the scouts from the rear rushed back to report.

"Report to the lord, General Yang Zuo was ambushed by the enemy, and the whole army was killed."


Gongsun Du was so angry that he whipped his horsewhip against the tree trunk by the side of the road, and asked, "What's the matter, didn't Yang Zuo ambush the Donglai army? How could he be ambushed by the opponent?"

"My lord, General Yang Zuo was ambushing by the side of the road. When he saw Donglai's long-sword soldiers approaching, he led the army to kill them. But when he led his troops to fight the enemy, five thousand enemy riders appeared from the flanks. Yang Zuo The general and others were besieged instead, and died in battle with no hope of breaking through."

"Tian Feng's cavalry?" Gongsundu was silent for a while, and then said: "Quickly retreat, don't love to fight anymore, Tian Feng is a difficult opponent."

No matter how the Donglai army chased after them, Gongsundu did not send a single soldier to counterattack, but accelerated the withdrawal of Ximagai City in Xuantu County.

"How dare you dare to chase after my Xuantu County. What exactly does this Tian Feng want to do? He doesn't want to take the opportunity to capture my Xuantu County." Gongsundu looked at the Donglai Army who had just arrived, and said suspiciously. muttered.

Han Qi asked for the battle again: "My lord, do you want to mobilize soldiers and horses from other cities to surround and kill this Donglai army?"

As soon as the words fell, Liu Pu said: "My lord, you can't. If you are deploying troops, the defenses of the cities will be weak. I'm afraid Tian Feng is waiting for this opportunity to defeat us one by one."

(End of this chapter)

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