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Chapter 414 The Tiger Lives

Chapter 414 The Tiger Lives
"That's right! Tian Feng and others know how to calculate. How can I let him do what he wants? Since he dared to chase me into Xuantu County, I will wait for him to attack in this Xigaima city. I really want to see what he wants. How capable is the Lai army in attacking the city?"

Gongsun Du strongly agrees with Liu Pu's opinion, the fact proves that Liu Pu is a qualified military officer, and the things he planned before are more to be verified.

Moreover, he can't withdraw here anymore, he can't just be frightened by the Donglai army like this, and even Xuantu County will be handed over to others.

Although Xuantu County is not big, it is related to the safety of Liaodong. It is impossible for Gongsun Du to take this strategic highland belonging to his back door to Tian Feng.

In the next few days, the Donglai Army's pursuers slowly advanced, and the number increased every day, but the increase was not large, more than [-] a day, and then the camp outside the city was slowly expanded.

This made Gongsun Du, Liu Pu and others full of doubts.

Fighting Tian Feng this time, I always felt that something was wrong, and the Donglai Army was nagging, which was very abnormal.

This continued for more than ten days, and the Donglai Army camp outside the city was expanding day by day, and the number of people seemed to have more than doubled, but the Donglai Army still did not attack the city, not even a test.

The two armies confronted each other peacefully and surprisingly peacefully.


Xiangping City, two or three hundred miles away!

After Gongsun Du left, the city guards were on guard day and night, patrolling vigilantly day and night.

At the beginning, Gongsun Kang also walked through the gates of the major cities every day, strictly inspecting and inspecting.

With the passage of time, the intervals have become longer and longer, replaced by the current three-day tour.

Moreover, the nerves of the defenders were no longer so tense, and the atmosphere in the city became much more relaxed.

Gongsun Kang's main energy was also drawn by two events, one south and one north.

Needless to say, to the north is Gongsundu's place. The Liaodong army marched into the Handong Dufu, but was injured in Liaoshan New City, and had to retreat to Xigaima City to defend instead of attack.

On the south side, after Le Lang received the Liaodong Army's invasion of the Handong Protectorate, the second school lieutenant army stationed in Le Lang crossed the river and attacked Fanhan City, and then attacked Xi'an by water.

The two cities were quickly lost, and the Second School's Weijun continued to advance, heading west along the official road.

The southeastern part of Liaodong belongs to Xu Ding.

Although Gongsun Du had expected that the three cities in the south would not be able to hold on, so he had already evacuated the troops and population.

But without the south, the entire outer circle of the Bohai Strait belongs to Donglai. Xu Ding's troops can go to sea from Donglai to attack Liaodong in an open and above board manner. The restraint has been reduced a lot, so Gongsun Kang is extremely worried.

All his thoughts were thrown here, and he began to neglect Xiangping's defense in a straight line.

On this day, there was a strong man carrying a beautiful mountain tiger on his shoulders, and walked in front of the city swaggering through the city.

Behind the strong man were the same hunters who looked like strong men, carrying eight bloody and lifeless tigers together.

"Look, look, there are a lot of mountain tigers."

Seeing these dozens of people appearing with mountain tigers on their shoulders, countless people were immediately attracted, and they all piled up at the gate of the city.

The soldiers guarding the city gate took the initiative to stop them. In fact, a young general asked, "Who are you? You are carrying a big bug on your shoulders!"

"Master Jun has good eyesight, that's right, we are from a village, and we specialize in hunting in the mountains. Yesterday we found a mountain and found a tiger's den, and killed these nine big worms. I heard that the eldest son likes to collect intact tiger skins. I don’t know if the military master can recommend one or two if I bring a tiger to offer.”

The city guard was overjoyed when he heard the words. Everyone knew that Gongsun Kangxi collected tiger skins. He didn't expect that there were more than a dozen idiots carrying the tigers they had just killed to offer. They deserved to be promoted and rich.

So he patted the big man carrying the tiger and said, "That's right, the young master has this preference. Since you are really lucky to meet a herd of tigers, and they all followed, I will take you to receive the reward."

Fearing that the credit would be robbed, the guard ordered his men to guard the city gate carefully, and then led the dozen or so men into the city with the tiger on their shoulders.

Just when these dozens of people entered the city cave, suddenly, the mountain tiger who had closed his eyes and died suddenly opened his eyes, and jumped down from the big man's shoulders.

"The tiger is alive!"

Seeing the nine tigers all opened their eyes, the surrounding crowd and the soldiers guarding the city were startled.

Just when they were about to shout out, suddenly the people who had been watching the excitement stretched out a cold blade from their sleeves, and the blade pierced their hearts carefully.

"Run! The tiger has come back to life. They are going to eat people. Run!"

I don't know who shouted, and then the people who were carrying the mountain tiger ran into the city one after another, then jumped onto the parapet wall, and climbed the city wall along the steps.

The Liaodong soldiers on the wall were also disturbed by the exclamation from the city, and they all took up their weapons and came to see what happened. They saw a tiger that had died in a terrible way, roaring and rushing up the female wall.

That movement was vigorous and swift, like a rainbow of five colors passing by, arriving in an instant.

The soldiers were frightened and retreated in a hurry. The tower guard was about to reprimand and order the soldiers to line up to kill tigers, when a glaring knife pierced their stomachs.

The guard stared at the man with the bayonet in disbelief.

The guard is also surnamed Gongsun, originally a member of the Gongsun family, here the Gongsun family is the sky, and the Gongsun family is the earth, he should have enjoyed the privileges of the powerful, he should have been a domineering man, and enjoy life.

Now someone dares to kill members of Gongsun's family.

It's just that time didn't allow him much, his body jerked, his consciousness blurred, and he gradually softened.


Humans and tigers cooperate, one light and one dark, the movements are quick, and the killing is decisive.

All of a sudden, the Liaodong soldiers were beaten to pieces and fled. It would be okay if there were only a few people, but at worst, they were desperate. Everyone carried a head on one shoulder.

But when they encountered this man-eating tiger, they couldn't fight at all, and they didn't have any countermeasures for pre-shore drills in this regard.

They all had their minds blank and instinctively ran away.

Soon the city was controlled by this group of people, and a thousand soldiers in military uniforms, holding swords and shields, and carrying military flags and battle flags rushed outside the city.

"Meng Changkong, you can do it, you took down the city gate so quickly."

In the middle of the team entering the city, a young boy waved his folding fan, looked at the corpses and flags of Liaodong Army soldiers all over the ground, and expressed his satisfaction to Meng Jiu who was on the top of the city.

It turned out that the strong man carrying the mountain tiger just now was Meng Jiu.

Meng Jiu snorted coldly and said, "It's just a few cats and dogs, isn't it expected that they will be taken down?"

"Hey! If you say you're fat, you're still out of breath. If it weren't for my wealth and my clever tricks, you would have captured the city so easily."

There are not many young people in the guards of Eastern Handong, and Fazheng took aim at Meng Jiu as soon as he came over. This sneak attack on Xiangping was a strange move he made.

Tian Feng felt that he could wipe it off, so he asked the two of them to lead the elite soldiers to attack Gongsundu's old lair. Originally, he wanted to hit three shots with dates or not, so he deliberately let Xu Rong attract Gongsundu in the direction of Xuantu County. The main force of the army, bought time and opportunity for Fazheng's attack.

Meng Jiu grinned: "You're wrong, Wangcai is not yours, but the lord's. The hero who captured the city is neither me nor you, but Wangcai. You are just a shit-shoveling officer."

Fazheng twitched his lips, Meng Jiu's growth is really terrifying, he hates every day, and he learns faster than that guy Tian Yu.

"My lord, the Liaodong Army brigade has come to kill the city gate!"

Hearing the sergeant's report, Fazheng and Meng Jiu calmed down their playfulness. They looked at each other, Meng Jiu held the halberd tightly, and Fazheng said slowly: "Arrange to meet the enemy, Meng Jiu leads the tiger team to ambush!" In the folk houses by the road, wait for Gongsun Kang to lead the troops to come and fight our army."

(End of this chapter)

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