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Chapter 415 Gongsun Kang died

Chapter 415 Gongsun Kang died
The total number of Donglai troops who attacked the city this time was about [-], and Gongsun Kang in the city had [-] defenders.

If you fight head-on, even if you can forcefully swallow the city, the loss will not be small.

Therefore, although Fazheng and Meng Jiu captured the city gate, they did not advance into the city as usual to quickly occupy the treasury and important roads.

After receiving Fazheng's order, Meng Jiu did not refuse. He took two hundred soldiers and eight tigers led by Wangcai to hide in the private houses and corners on both sides of the main road leading to the city gate.

On Fazheng's side, there is an array, with vertical shields for vertical shields, and curved bows for curved bows.

Seeing the Donglai Army standing in the middle of the city gate and the main road to defend against the enemy, the soldiers of the Liaodong Army who came in a hurry were puzzled.

The Donglai army has captured the city gate, what is the purpose of forming an array here?
Look at this posture, this is specially waiting for them to come.

Gongsun Kang wasn't too stupid, he immediately thought of a possibility, and couldn't help but slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and the originally worrying melancholy disappeared a little.

"Attack, and wipe out this group of Donglai troops. They are not many in number, and it will take some time for their large troops to arrive."

Only then did the generals suddenly realize, and then they wanted to understand why the Donglai Army didn't take advantage of the situation to go deep into the city and seize the strategically important places. It turned out that the large troops had not arrived yet.


After thinking about it, the Liaodong army was excited and excited. As long as these Donglai troops are killed, it will be a great achievement and Xiangping can be kept.

Standing on the wall of Wengcheng, Fazheng looked down at the charging Liaodong Army, with a slight smile on his face, and waved his hand.

Several rows of Donglai troops behind the shield raised their crossbows in unison.

This time they attacked the city, although there were only a thousand people, but they still brought a hundred crossbows, and they were quite well prepared.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...!"

Countless crossbow arrows flew over, instantly killing the Liaodong Army.

One shot down a big wave.

Gongsun Kang's generals couldn't help but feel a little bit in their hearts when they saw it.

It has long been heard that Donglai's military armor is sharp and there are well-organized crossbowmen.

Looking at it now, it is indeed the case, the shooting distance of this crossbow bolt is also a bit too far.

Seeing that his subordinates were all timid, Gongsun Kang drew his sword and said: "Continue to attack, whoever rushes first will be promoted to the third rank, and will be rewarded with [-] yuan and a BMW."


With heavy rewards, there are brave men. Moreover, Liaodong sergeants are actually quite tough. The people of Liaodong are good at fighting. With a population of only [-], they take root in the huge Liao. Surviving in an area surrounded by barbarians on three sides, it is impossible for them to be bloodless. of.

It's just that they charged fiercely, but they were also fast. Countless crossbow arrows flew towards them mercilessly, taking lives one by one.

This is the case in war, either you die or I live.

"Continue to attack, they can't bring so many crossbows." Gongsun Kang didn't want to kill many people, he only wanted to drive the Donglai army out of the city or destroy them in the city.

The gates must be taken back, no matter the cost.

Gongsun Kang kept yelling orders, and the attention of the Liaodong Army was firmly attracted by the positive Fazheng. Sure enough, the Donglai Army's crossbow arrows were almost exhausted, but the Liaodong Army also heard that one or two thousand soldiers were lost, and the corpses were spread on the ground. thick layer.


Seeing that the Donglai Army had withdrawn their crossbows, the Liaodong Army finally seized the opportunity to swarm forward.

"Meng Jiu doesn't do anything yet!"

In the same way, Fazheng felt that the time was almost up, so he waved a small flag in his hand, and a guard behind him raised a crossbow arrow, and pulled the machine towards the sky.

The signal arrow flew soaring into the sky.

Hearing the signal, Meng Jiu rushed out with his halberd in hand.

At the same time, nine hundred colorful tigers jumped out of the street corner and rushed into the center of the Liaodong Army upon hearing Hou Wangcai's roar.

"It's not good to have enemies..."

Without waiting for the Liaodong army to react, Wang rushed into the crowd, hooked his front claws, scratched one Liaodong army and flew away, then opened his mouth, and with its ferocious and sharp saber-toothed long teeth, he directly bit off and pierced another Liaodong army. The leg of a Liaodong Army soldier.

Wangcai and other nine tigers sprang left and right, disrupting the center of the Liaodong Army at once, and all the Liaodong Army soldiers jumped up in fright and ran away.

Wangcai broke through the crowd, escaped the attack of a Liaodong general who came over with a spear, and jumped to Gongsun Kang's side.

Wangcai had already targeted Gongsun Kang, and Meng Jiu kept telling him that Gongsun Kang was the leader of the enemy.

Wangcai has now been upgraded to two levels. Not only has his physique become stronger and his teeth have become sharper, but his entire tiger brain has also evolved, becoming much smarter and enlightened.

So wisdom also increased a lot.

As soon as it rushed over, it directly attacked Gongsun Kang. At this time, Gongsun Kang turned pale with fright, and hurriedly reached out and pulled a personal guard to block him.

Wangcai killed the guard with one claw, allowing Gongsun Kang to escape by luck.

When Wangcai turned around and attacked again, Gongsun Kang was prepared and aimed his stabbing sword at Wangcai's head.

Wang Caihu was in mid-air, and with a flick of his right paw, his sharp and strong front paws bounced off Gongsun Kang's sword.

Gongsun Kang was horrified, the mere mountain tiger still had such abilities, before he could think too much, Wangcai approached with his mouth wide open.

Then, under Gongsun Kang's round and bright eyes, Wangcai bit his throat.

"Save the young master!"

All this happened in the blink of an eye, no matter how fierce Meng Hu was, it would not be as fierce as Gongsun Kang's death in battle. A group of Liaodong Army will stab, chop, and slash at Wangcai's tiger's body with their weapons.


They were fast, and Meng Jiu was also fast. He followed Wangcai and sent flying and killing the sergeants who tried to intercept him. He swung the halberd and swiped left and right. With one halberd, he blocked all the weapons that attacked Wangcai. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wangcai bit his head and turned his prey in a 360-degree bend like a crocodile biting meat.

Wangcai's exposed sharp teeth were so sharp, when he bit down on the big, deep and long canine teeth, two two-finger-wide blood holes emerged, and the flesh on the smaller half of his neck was torn off.

Gongsun Kang threw it heavily on the Liaodong sergeant, crushing and knocking down seven or eight of them.

Gongsun Kang was not dead yet, his body twitched, Deng Da's eyes were full of unwillingness, and his face showed a look of misery.

After pumping for a while, Gongsun Kang stretched his feet, and there was no movement at all. Blood flowed out from the blood hole like a spring, staining half of his body red.

"Gongsun Kang died and attacked..."

Fazheng saw it clearly, with a look of joy on his face, and ordered the whole army to attack.

The Donglai Army attacked across the board. In addition to Meng Jiu and other 200 people attacking the central part, and Wangcai and other nine tigers biting the lion's roar from left and right, the Liaodong Army was completely chaotic.

The chaos was so confusing that they turned around and ran away one by one.

Gongsun Kang is dead, and he even spanks.

The soldiers of Donglai are attacking with tigers, what a fucking evil door.

In terms of numbers, the Liaodong army in the city is still much more than the Donglai army, but they have no desire to fight at all.

Gongsun Kang's death spread to every corner like a plague, and those who didn't want to surrender fled the city one after another, and then ran to Xuantu County.

Those who didn't run away didn't have any resistance, and they dropped their weapons and surrendered.

Because Wangcai waited for the tiger, only when he saw an unarmed enemy army would he not pursue and bite, so the soldiers who were unwilling to leave Xiangping City simply surrendered.

For these ordinary people at the bottom, it is the same for anyone to serve as a soldier, only for those who stutter. Anyway, it is not their turn to get promoted and get rich.

Besides, the reputation of the Donglai Army is not bad, and there may be a chance to be their captive.

Soon Fazheng and others actually took over Xiangping City and received the statistical results.

"Two thousand enemies were killed, three thousand were captured, and the rest fled to Xuantu County. Our army killed 120 and three people, injured a hundred, and two tigers were injured on their feet and backs." Seeing this result, Fa Zheng and Meng Jiu basically satisfy.

As long as Wangcai is not injured, that is the greatest credit.

The role of the Tigers has been well verified in actual combat, so Fa Yu and Meng Jiu paid more attention to Wang Cai. ,

Of course, if Xu Ding knew that Fazheng was using Wangcai like this, he would definitely be scolded, because he didn't want to use Wangcai to win the city at all, and the Tigers' real home court should be in the wild northeast mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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