Chapter 417

Being happy with my family at home, accompanied by my wife and children, I feel so at ease physically and mentally.

On this day, Cai Yan took the initiative to say: "Husband, now Ning'er, Lingling and I are still breastfeeding, and sister Diaochan is also pregnant, should I find someone to take care of you?"

"Well, Yan'er is fine, I can bear with your husband." Cai Yan urged someone to take a concubine and marry a wife, but Xu Ding didn't know what to say, so he could only hug her tightly.

Cai Yan said: "Husband, you can't hold back on this matter, why don't you marry Gong Shang's younger sister, she has been in the door for so long, if you keep hanging around her, she will feel resentful."

Fortunately, Huang Yueying and the others said that she was still under the age, so she could still understand it.

But the matter of Gong Shang really can't be entrusted for a long time. At the beginning, Xu Ding used unfamiliarity as an excuse, and Cai Yan couldn't object. After all, she didn't know what kind of character Gong Shang had.

After this year's investigation, Cai Yan can basically be sure that Gong Shang is a good family member, with a good disposition, and also has a good relationship foundation with Xu Ding.

"This..." Seeing Cai Yan's burning eyes, Xu Ding nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I'll follow Yan'er's orders, I'll go find Gong Shang later."

Coming out of Cai Yan, Xu Ding went straight to Gong Shang.

At this time, the palace was still embroidering, and seeing Xu Ding coming alone, he immediately stood up, Xu Ding hurriedly said: "There is no need to be polite, what are you embroidering?"

Gong Shang said: "Embroider Phoenix!"

Xu Ding took a closer look and saw that the pouch in Gong Shang's hand was really a phoenix. One side was embroidered, and the other side was only half embroidered, so he couldn't help showing a tasteful expression.

It seems that Yan'er has chatted with Gong Shang many times.

So he didn't hide it anymore, and asked directly: "Yan'er has been urging me, telling me to marry you, what do you think about this matter?"

Gong Shang was a little ashamed, and said in a low voice, holding his pouch tightly with both hands, he was silent for a while before he said: "My lord, do you really want to be numb?"

The meaning of this statement is obvious.

Xu Ding smiled slightly and said: "You are a beautiful woman with a pure heart. As a man, there is no reason not to love you. The reason why I have never agreed to marry you is because I am afraid that after you recover your memory, it will go against your true wishes. , thus hurting you, so..."

"Young master's heart palace has not yet been understood. You are a good man, a good man, and a good husband that all women in the world look forward to marrying. Please rest assured, sir. Although I have lost the memory of the first half of my body, I believe that even if I can recover , I still respect and adore you son..." At this point, Gong Shang's voice was as low and imperceptible as Diao Chan's when he was young, and the roots of his ears were also blushing and charming.

Hearing this, Xu Ding stretched out his right hand, and for the first time took the initiative to stop Gong Shang's fragrant shoulder, and leaned the beauty in his arms.

Qing is a beautiful woman who wins my heart very much.

Xu Ding probably won't be able to recover Gong Shang's missing memories, because Hua Tuo and Zhang Ji have seen her more than ten times, so Xu Ding doesn't worry about her identity any more.

It turned out that Xu Ding wanted to give Gong Shang a perfect wedding, but Gong Shang refused. Under her insistence on keeping a low profile, Xu Ding only invited Weiyuan Island's subordinates to the banquet with relatives and friends, and then officially married him come over.

The happy days of being shameless and shameless passed by in a blink of an eye.

The weather is getting colder, the busy things of the year are mostly over, and everything starts to hibernate.

The battle in Liaodong was over, and when the expected battle report came, Xu Ding breathed a sigh of relief.

This year is a harvest year, and two more counties have been added.

The territory has expanded a lot, but the population has not increased significantly.

Seeing the information about Liaodong, Xu Ding was very happy and relieved. After Liaodong was won, he would not be short of coal in the future. No matter if it was a train or other steam engines, he could launch his horse vigorously.

The steam boat can be developed and modified by Lao Huang.

But happy to be happy, he still has a toothache.

"Fazheng, that brat..." Seeing that Fazheng used the Tigers like this, Xu Ding really wanted to slap Fazheng's ass. Did this kid really look crooked?

I asked him to form the tiger team to deal with the people of Fuyu and Beiwoju who lived in the wild. As a result, this kid actually asked Meng Jiu to carry Wangcai and a group of mountain tigers into the city to attack Gongsundu.

There is no one in this brain circuit.



Dong Zhuo's mansion!
The ground in front of Dong Zhuo was in a mess, and I don't know how many objects were smashed.

"You trash! A bunch of trash, Yuan Shu, Liu Yao trash; Liu Dai, Jiao He trash; Gongsun Du is also trash, so many people can't beat Xu Ding, even Xu Ding's muscles and bones are not injured, but himself All of his territory was lost."

For Xu Ding, the object of special attention, Dong Zhuo has always been sincere.

The news from the states and counties made him furious.

After brewing for a year, it turned out to be such a result, which is really disappointing.

Xu Ding is not dead, and none of the major princes dares to be ordered to be king.

Seeing Li Ru walking in from the door, Dong Zhuo was slightly dissatisfied: "Wenyou, all your strategies have failed, and it seems that no one in the world can restrain Xu Bokang."

Xu Ding, who owns the land of two states, seems to be the one with the largest territory among all the princes.

Moreover, he also has an ally of Xuzhou Tao Qian, and in addition to controlling the estuary of the Dajiang River, the counties of Yangzhou are also under his army, and their momentum is great and turbulent.

Li Ru said confidently: "Prime Minister, don't worry, even though Xu Ding has newly acquired the land of the Seven Counties, it is a good thing if he doesn't see it."

"Oh! What do you mean by that?" Dong Zhuo was a little puzzled. Xu Ding has expanded his land to seven counties, which is actually a state. Isn't that a good thing?
Li Ru smiled and said: "Prime Minister, governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. The larger the territory, the weaker the control power, and the more prone to accidents. In the past, Xu Ding only had one Weiyuan Island, which was naturally as hard as a turtle shell, and as hard as a hedgehog. .

But now he has two states, one capital and one island. The more land, the more people, the more difficult it is to get together, the more difficult it is to manage the people, the more problems are exposed, the easier it is to mess up and lose one's position. There are more places.

Moreover, although there are seven counties in his newly acquired land, the population is not large, and the strength has not seen much increase, and the soldiers and horses stationed in various places are even weaker. "

There is no need for Li Ru to talk about it, Dong Zhuo basically understands it.

A larger territory does not mean that Xu Ding's strength has become stronger. On the contrary, it means that there are more loopholes and more enemies.

He has more scruples, this is the opportunity, this is the opportunity to kill him.

Dong Zhuo pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Wen You thinks, what should we do next?"

"Prime Minister, we should be like this..." Li Ru came over and offered a few poisonous tricks in a low voice, Dong Zhuo's face turned from anger...

Soon Dong Zhuo's imperial edict to disrupt the world flew to all parts of the Han Dynasty.

Just as Xu Ding and others guessed, Dong Zhuo did not make Xu Ding the master of Qingzhou in name, but ordered Cao Cao to be the shepherd of Qingzhou, Sun Jian to be the shepherd of Yangzhou, Taishan County to be assigned to Xuzhou, and Gongsun Zan to be the shepherd of Pingzhou. , his son Gongsun continued to be the prefect of Liaodong, and sent envoys to Jizhou to mediate the war between Yuan, Liu and Gongsun.

At the same time, there are also secretly contacting Xianbei in the northern grassland, Wuhuan in Youzhou, and other barbarians in the northeast...

(End of this chapter)

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