Chapter 418 Glass Appears
The long winter is coming, and Huaguo Mountain is still like spring, with a sea of ​​flowers all over the mountain, and fruits all over the mountain!
The entire Huaguo Mountain is a summer resort in midsummer and a shelter from the wind in winter.

It was rare for Xu Ding to take a vacation for himself and live here with his concubines and other girls.

While enjoying the warmth and happiness of his relatives, Xu Ding is also guiding Zaozhi who has taken root in Huaguo Shangshan to study agriculture.

The pharmacological investigation and research of Hua Tuo and Zhang Ji have also initially ended.

At this time, someone sent good news.

"My lord, the Ministry of Industry has sent a box and a letter."

Xu Ding took a look at the letter, liked it very much after reading it, and then ordered someone to open the box, only to see that it was full of shiny, crystal clear things.

Xu Ding picked it up and looked at it carefully, nodded repeatedly and said: "Very good, although the firing is still a bit rough, but the direction is right."

It turned out that the things in front of Xu Ding were made of glass.

Xu Ding doesn't know exactly how glass is fired, but he has smelting technical materials, and he has also explained the basic chemical principles, formulas, and element tables to the people in the Ministry of Industry.

After several years of exploration, technological precipitation and innovation by the Ministry of Industry, a brand new door to the world has finally been opened.

Glass!Finally produced it.

With glass, many things can be done.

For example, if it is made into a container, many experiments can be carried out. For example, various industrial instruments can be made more standardized and precise with glass.

Even the glass slag, which is extremely ugly after being fired, is a rare treasure when taken out, which can be exchanged for a lot of money and contribute to the development under the rule.

After reading it, Xu Ding immediately left Huaguoshan and went to the industrial factory area of ​​the Ministry of Industry, and asked Mao Jie to be summoned.

When Mao Jie and the others saw the glass beads, they couldn't help praising them: "The treasures of the world, why did my lord get so many treasures?"

Xu Ding smiled and said, "This thing is called glass. Why do you believe me when I say it was fired by the Ministry of Industry?"

"What is this glass, not colored glaze?" Mao Jie and others were amazed, such a beautiful thing was actually made by hand.

Soon they thought of a possibility.

Xu Ding led everyone to inspect the glass-making factory, and said as he walked: "This thing is very useful, don't spread it when you praise it, I will order people to sell the defective products to all over the country, please donate your money bag It will be full again soon."

Mao Jie smiled kindly.

Even though these glasses are defective products in Xu Ding's eyes, if they are placed outside, they are also rare treasures that all the big families are vying for.

And what Xu Ding said is right, with this thing, it is indeed possible to make countless money.

Although there are copper mines on Weiyuan Island, countless brass, and countless new coins have been issued, but in the past two years, the speed of spending money is too fast, and the investment in various industries is huge. Money, he can hardly bear it.

As the end of the new year approaches, teams of business travelers will soon travel to various parts of Dahan, bringing good news to various places.

Hearing that there are treasures entering the country and they will be auctioned publicly, all the big families are like mosquitoes smelling blood, and they all go there.


Xiangyang City!In the spacious lobby of the building.

"Everyone! I heard that Jingzhou is a land of outstanding people, with abundant products and a prosperous population. Under Liu Shiqun's governance, it is thriving. I came here with treasures. I hope you can support me!"

On the stage, a middle-aged man with a very ordinary appearance said to the crowd who were looking forward to him.

The crowd in the audience booed and said: "Don't say these things are useless, if you have something good, hurry up, listen to you bragging like that, what is rare in the world, unparalleled in the world, we want to see what it is treasure."

The person on the stage smiled, looked at the impatient crowd below, and said: "Since everyone is a little impatient, I won't hide it anymore, please go to the treasure..."

Soon the twelve-phase disk was covered with red silk and brought up.

"Everyone, I have spent twenty years here, collecting from all over the world...Let everyone look at the first one! Its lowest price is 20 yuan, and each price increase is no less than [-] yuan..." Halfway through the man's speech, he opened the first disc, and the hall was filled with light, and there was a sound of exclamation...

The same thing happened in Yizhou, Guanzhong, Jizhou, Youzhou, Yangzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou and other places.

During this time, Xu Ding lived in the factory area of ​​the Ministry of Industry, and worked with his subordinates to conquer glass technology.

"Look, my lord, we succeeded. After adding silver, we were able to create a pure, flawless, and transparent glass environment."

Looking at the glass mirror in front of him that was only the size of his face, Xu Ding repeatedly took pictures of his own face.

The current self not only has a handsome face and a refined beard, but also a more mature and slightly majestic temperament added between the brows.

Finally, he no longer needed to use the bronze mirror, and finally found a trace of modern atmosphere, Xu Ding smiled in relief.

"Very good! Continue to experiment with this method, and strive to create a mirror with the same height as a person as soon as possible."

"It's the lord!"

When leaving the factory, Xu Ding had someone pack up all the mirrors that had just been made, and was going to give them to his women first, when Mao Jie came over with the booklet in his arms.

"Is there something wrong with Xiaoxian?" Seeing Mao Jie, Xu Ding asked proactively.

Mao Jie replied with a strong smile: "My lord, the caravans who went to various places to sell glass slag are already on their way back. This is the amount of coins obtained from this plan."

Mao Jie handed the account book to Xu Ding, and Xu Ding said: "I won't read it, you can read it!"

Xu Ding believed in Mao Jie, so he didn't look at it, and these were just numbers. All the money he got was purchased locally. If he didn't buy it, the money was also transferred to the net and used as activity funds for them, so a penny was impossible Flowing back to Qingzhou is Weiyuan Island.

Mao Jie replied in a straight voice: "My lord, let me talk about Jingzhou first. This time, Jingzhou made a profit of 400 million yuan, Yangzhou made a profit of 800 million yuan, Yuzhou made a profit of 700 million yuan, and Yanzhou made a profit of 700 million yuan." , Jizhou earned 600 million yuan, Youzhou earned 400 million yuan, Guanzhong only had 300 million yuan, and Yizhou 2000 million yuan, but Yizhou's money could not be shipped out, and materials could not be purchased. It is used to win over local officials, and it is used as activity funds for members of Tianluowang."

When it came to the last item, Mao Jie felt a bit of liver pain.

2000 million yuan, but I can't bring it out, how heartbroken.

"Hmm! Very good! The aristocratic family is indeed a rich man." Xu Ding was quite satisfied. Anyway, the ones he sold were all useless waste, and he could make as many as he wanted. This time, the total profit was about 8000 million yuan. Yes, it was a windfall.

"My lord, I heard that the glass factory has made a mirror the size of a human face. Is this possible..." Mao Jie's visit this time was not just a simple report, his eyes fixed on the newly made flat mirror.

Xu Ding said with a smile: "Xiaoxian, you are very well informed. You will know it as soon as I made it, but the glass mirror is not in a hurry to sell, and now I sell the glass slag. If people know that we still have the glass mirror For such a good thing, you will definitely guess something, and the mirror will not be able to sell at the price."

"Hehe, my lord is right, I am impatient." Mao Jie saw that the glass slag was so easy to sell, and quickly made money, so he naturally wanted to launch the glass mirror as soon as possible, so as to get more money to fill the treasury. Who knows who is poor in life.

(End of this chapter)

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