Chapter 419
"Report! Captain Captain, our army's convoy heading for a country was ambushed and attacked, and the two thousand infantry of Commander Mighty Bull were completely destroyed..."

"What?" Xu Wu stood up when he heard the report.

The army sent to a country this time was accepted by a country on its own initiative, so the bull was sent to take over [-] infantry in command.

In the original plan, they would not eat a country so quickly, because a country is too close to the Bonu Islands, once a war breaks out with a country, a country will definitely send news to the Bonu Islands .

Therefore, during the battle between Xu, Yan, Qing, and Yang in autumn, Xu Wu and Da Niu did not expand southward, but took the initiative to shrink the line of defense and stick to Tsushima Island.

It wasn't until the end of the inland war, especially the end of the Liaodong war, that people were sent to explore the south again, get information, and check for news about the Bonu Islands.

Half a month later, a country took the initiative to send officials to Tsushima Island, requesting that a country be included in the Han.

At that time, neither Xu Wu nor Da Niu was very excited.

It would be great to be able to take down a country without a war. With an island as a springboard, it would be more convenient for them to explore the entire Bonu Islands.

That's why 2000 people and dozens of boats were sent there.

Unexpectedly, such a result came ten days later.

Xu Wu is not stupid, thinking of the abnormal performance of a country, his eyes suddenly shot a gleam of coldness.

"What a country, what a group of Japanese slaves, the lord is really right, you really can't treat them with kindness and righteousness, you must be careful and not careless with them." Xu Wu understood that he was dazzled by successive victories, I am confused by the great merit that can be achieved without a little effort.

A country has never thought of accepting surrender, they are inducing surrender.

"Not good! Commander Bull is in danger." Xu Wu thought of something, and hurriedly said to his subordinates: "Order the army to go to sea, and immediately follow me to Tsushima Island."

Soon Xu Wu gathered [-] sailors, and then sent [-] infantry (the original Dongyi surrendered troops) to Tsushima Island.

Tsushima Island is about [-] miles away from the coast of the peninsula, and Xu Wu finally rushed over after the fast boat sailed for a day.

By the time they arrived, the pier of Tsushima Island had already been destroyed. There were countless corpses on the pier, and flags fell to the ground. Obviously, there had just been a big war here.

Fortunately, the newly built city on Tsushima Island still stands there, and the Han flag flying on the city wall is still there.

"My officer, Xu Wu, is General Mengniu still there?" When he arrived at the base of the city, Xu Wu asked the city.

Countless soldiers suddenly drilled out of the originally dead and silent city wall, holding long spears and bending bows and crossbows.

The figure of the fierce bull commander also appeared at the top of the city. Seeing Xu Wu's appearance, he hurriedly said: "Open the city gate and welcome Captain Xu."

Xu Wu entered the city and asked, "General Meng Niu, what happened? Why is the pier in such a mess."

Marshal Mengniu said: "The Japanese attacked. They took our army's troop carrier and carried our flag to attack the pier suddenly. Fortunately, I was prepared and had a fight with the Japanese on the pier, but the Japanese It's too fierce, even though they killed countless people, they couldn't suppress the aura of the Japanese, so they had to retreat to the city, but fortunately you came, the Japanese probably discovered something, so they retreated."

"What a bold Japanese, unexpectedly attacked Tsushima Island." Xu Wu cursed angrily.

Marshal Meng Niu also said angrily: "General Xu, the Japanese trapped two thousand soldiers of our army, seized our ships, and tried to attack Tsushima Island. We must teach them a lesson."

The two soldiers in Er are all his followers, they were originally from Dongyi, so no one is more angry than Mengniu.

Xu Wudao: "It's natural. Since the Japanese attacked with pre-emptive strikes, we have nothing to hide. This time I brought [-] sailors and [-] infantry, just to crush an army. Island, kill the Bonu Islands, and avenge the sacrificed soldiers of our army."

"Then Commander Xu, I would like to call for a battle. If you don't take this revenge, you will not be a human being!" Marshal Niu also asked to fight.

Xu Wu wanted to let Mengniu sit on Tsushima Island, because Tsushima Island is too important to them, but the commander of Mengniu sincerely agreed with his eyes red and swollen.

One country is fifty miles away from Tsushima Island.

A country consists of 22 islands, of which only five are inhabitable.

The largest island is Zhizhi Island, which is actually worth more than Tsushima Island, because it is not only in the middle of the Tsushima Strait, but also close to Kyushu Island. There is a lot of cultivated land on the island, accounting for half of the entire island. , it is a place where the soldiers and civilians can be resettled on the spot.

You must know that although Tsushima Island is large, it has little arable land, and there are a few of them. Most of them rely on fishing for seafood to survive, and other than that, they can only rely on inland food and grass.

It is also true that Xu Wu, Mengniu and others did not put too many troops on Tsushima Island, because the logistics supply is too large. Under the premise that other counties need to develop and stabilize, resources for Xu Wu and Mengniu It is pitifully small.

So the importance of an island is self-evident.

The water infantry marched towards an island in a mighty manner, and soon Xu Wu and other warships arrived near an island, and then the warships divided into two batches and surrounded them from north to south.

An island was quiet, facing the arrival of Xu Wu and other troops, there was no movement at all. When the advance troops put down their boats and came back to investigate the island, what surprised Xu Wu and others was that there was no one on the island.

"Dengdao! Dig three feet for me and find the Japanese!"

Seeing that it was not too late and the sea wind was picking up, it was impossible for the warship to float on the sea, so Xu Wu ordered the warship to sail into the harbor of Yiyi Island.

The seaport of a country is narrow and dilapidated, which made the Donglai navy complain for a while.

After waiting for the island, Xu Wu and Mengniu sent several troops to search.

"Report to General Xu and Meng, there are indeed no Japanese people on the island, it seems that they have just left."

Xu Wu fell into deep thought, the Japanese from a country ran away, where could they go?

Why flee without fighting?
Marshal Meng Niu said: "Could it be that the Japanese from the country of General Xu have retreated to the big island?"

"I can't rule out this possibility!" Zuo Siyou couldn't think of a reason, and Xu Wu could only believe that a country had offended him, so he retreated voluntarily, but he didn't dare to take it lightly, so he sent someone to investigate the surrounding 21 people the next day. search each island until there is no Japanese on any island.

Three days before and after, the Donglai navy searched the surrounding islands carefully, but still failed to find the shadow of the Japanese.

"General Xu, it seems that the Japanese from Yiyi Island have all retreated to that Kyushu Island." Marshal Niu jumped and looked at the sea area to the south. When the weather is good, Kyushu Island can be seen from the highest point of Yiji Island. shadow.

This Kyushu Island is still known from the information sent by Xu Ding, otherwise everyone would not know the name of the island in the opposite strait.

Xu Wudao: "Since the Japanese retreated on their own initiative, let's start building walls and cities, and consolidate an island first."

"General Xu, are we not going to attack Kyushu Island?" With the general trend, Xu Wu did not send troops to directly attack the Kyushu mainland. Xu Wu could bear it, but he couldn't bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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