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Chapter 424 Dog slave country

Chapter 424 Dog slave country

Fukue Island!
The largest of the Goto Islands in the west of Kyushu.

Xu Ding turned to the south with an army of [-], and came here by accident.

There were about [-] Japanese natives on the island, but they were quickly cleaned up by the Han army. After interrogating them, Xu Ding finally knew what kind of place it was.

"My lord, shall we go east or north next?"

Bu Zhi asked adoringly, never thought that Xu Ding could speak the language of the Japanese country, and his own lord can't speak anything at all, it's really amazing.

Xu Ding asked Xiao Shi, and Xiao Shi told him that the storm in the Yi country was more violent, and it might not stop for ten days or eight days, so Xu Ding put out his plan to go north.

Seeing the strong sea breeze blowing outside the island, and the intermittent rainstorm outside the window, Xu Ding said: "When the rain and wind subside, go east. With such a violent sky phenomenon, I probably know what the Japanese are up to." .”

The cunning of the Japanese people is indeed in the same line. Xu Ding originally thought that the Japanese people in this era were relatively simple aborigines, but now it seems that the Japanese people are far from being as simple as they saw.

Perhaps after Xu Fu crossed the sea and came here, he really absorbed a lot of advanced culture of the Central Plains and mastered a little knowledge.

One day later, the weather on Fukue Island became milder, with less rain and less wind. Xu Ding left a team here to guard Fukue Island and explore the other four big islands north. After completely eradicating the Japanese in the five islands, he himself led the army eastward to the Xiadao country near the coast of Kyushu.

The Japanese people in Xiadao Kingdom did not expect that just after the rainstorm stopped, when they were lucky to escape a catastrophe, a fleet would come out.

The Japanese in Xiadao Country were unable to contend with the Han army at all. The small fishing boats were knocked over and smashed directly, and the low cities on land were only able to block a cup of tea before falling.

Most of the Japanese in Xiadao were beheaded or surrendered, and a few fled to the northeast.

After taking down the Xiadao country, Xu Ding asked the Japanese people in the Xiadao country and learned about other Wa kingdoms on the nearby Kyushu Island.

Just to the east of Xiadao Country is a big country called Gonu Country. Of course, this big country refers to the comparison among the Japanese. Its strength is second only to Yamatai. It belongs to the hostile forces of Yamatai and has been fighting against Yamatai.

There are four or five small countries scattered in the south of the Gonu Kingdom, namely Touma Country, Nanzhou Country, Hyuga Country, and Chuannei Country. These small countries are headed by the Gonu Country and occupy the southern half of Kyushu Island.

"My lord, since the Gonu Kingdom and Yamatai are hostile to each other, can we make a fuss from here?" After Bu Zhi understood the situation, he came up with an immature plan, which was to use the relationship between the Gonu Kingdom and Yamatai. Let them fight their own grievances, mess up Kyushu Island first, and let the Japanese themselves counteract it.

Knowing Bu Zhi's plan, Xu Ding nodded slightly and said, "This plan is fine, but it can only be implemented after we defeat the Southern Alliance headed by the Dog Nu Kingdom."

Xu Ding knows the Japanese personality too well.

These are a group of selfish and arrogant mad dogs. If you want this dog to be obedient, you must show your muscles and subdue him once, so that he will bite others obediently.

"My lord, now that we have captured the lower island country, the dog slave country has only two actions. One is to send troops to take back the lower island country for revenge, and the second is to fear our strength, and then shrink back and not show up in our own borders." Zhi talked eloquently:
"So my lord, I think we should take two steps. One is to send a fleet south to land on Long Island, and then attack the Chuannei Kingdom. If the Chuannei Kingdom is captured, the Nanzhou Kingdom will be blocked. At the same time, it can threaten the Touma Kingdom and the Nichinan Kingdom. This made it impossible for them to divide their troops to support the northward dog slave country.

The second is to advance to the northeast of Xiadao, approaching the dog slave country on the other side of the bay, forcing the dog slave country to make moves in a short period of time. Once they move, we can implement other plans. "

"It's feasible!" Xu Ding didn't have any objections, and then ordered: "You go south with Youping to attack the Chuannei country, remember to only hit Sichuan, don't go south or east, if the Japanese in Chuannei country play tricks, directly Set fire to the mountains and burn everything."

"It's the lord!" Bu Zhi took the order, and then he and Zhou Tai led an army of [-] to land south from Changdao and attack the Chuannei Kingdom.

This side promises to proceed by land and water to the northeast of Shimojima.

Dog Slave King City!
The dog slave king Himi Gonghu asked cautiously: "I heard that the lower island country has been captured, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, this is a good thing. As our close neighbor, Xiadao Country is supposed to be close to us, but it colludes with Yamatai, surrenders to its country secretly, and blocks our southwest sea exit. It is really abominable, and it deserves to be destroyed!"

"That's right, the damn Xiadao country should have been destroyed long ago!"

The officials of the Gou Nu Kingdom all cursed in hatred, and they were very happy that the Xiadao Kingdom was destroyed.

However, the dog slave king Himi Gonghu did not dare to express any emotions, because there was one of the most important figures present who did not speak.

This man is called Gou Gu Zhibei Gou, and he is the actual owner of the Gou Nation. He controls the real power of the Gou Nation, whether it is the military or politics, or economics and diplomacy.

The dog slave king Himi Gonghu is actually just a puppet, and all the power is in the hands of the retainer Gogu Zhibeigou, so he is not a king.

"The destruction of the Xiadao country is certainly a celebration, but the power to destroy one of the countries is too strong, and it needs to be carefully investigated."

To destroy a country at once, even his Gou Nu country does not have such a strong strength, Gou Gu Zhibei Gou has been muttering in his heart.

Of course, the Xiadao country could not be destroyed before. First, because the Xiadao country was on an isolated island, it was inconvenient to attack, and with the care of Yamatai, he did not dare to send a large army to destroy the country. It could only cause some friction.

Otherwise, if the war of destroying the country is set off, the situation with Yamatai will really be endless.

After Gou Guzhibei Gou finished speaking, all the officials of the Gou Nu Kingdom greeted him one after another: "Your Excellency is really as insightful as a bead, and I can't wait to find out about Qiuming."

The dog slave king Himi Gonghu scolded Tim Gou in his heart, but he also wrinkled his face like an old chrysanthemum and said flatteringly: "Come on, go check the situation on the island immediately, make sure to find out, don't delay!"

The person in charge glanced at Gou Gu Zhi Bei Gou, saw him nodding slightly, and then took the order.

The person who went down came back a day later to report, and his voice was not as good as yesterday. He came in and replied with some distortion: "My lord, it was the Han people who destroyed the island country, and it was the Han people who were thousands of miles away. The Han people led the fleet. They have come to attack us, they took down the island country yesterday, and now they are coming to our side..."

"What? Han people?"

The dog slave king Himi Gonghu was really surprised, even the other people of the dog slave country were also shocked.

Gou Guzhibei Gou was even more horrified.

Han Chinese?

How could it be a Han Chinese!

(End of this chapter)

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