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Chapter 425 Everything in the world belongs to us Dawo!

Chapter 425 Everything in the world belongs to us Dawo!

The Han people even attacked Kyushu near the island bay.

Aren't they on the other side of Yizhi Island, being manipulated by Yamatai and going to perish?
How could they appear in the offshore bays of the lower island nation.

Didn't the blast and tsunami the day before yesterday destroy the warships of the Han people? It's impossible!

In fact, Gougu Zhibeigou has always known about the movements of Yamatai, and he knew about Yamatai's tricking the Han army into a country.

Although provoking the Han army is just as dangerous, Gou Gu Zhibei Gou is also happy to see it succeed.

Yamatai succeeded, and it was the Han who lost, and defeated the Han people's attempt to go south and expand to Wa Island.

If it fails, then Yamatai will bear the revenge of the Han army, and its strength will inevitably be damaged in the end.

When two tigers are fighting, it is best to sit and watch the situation.

It's just that the two tigers hadn't really fought each other yet, and the flames of war came to their own door, which made Gougu Zhibeigou extremely unhappy and depressed.

"Then... what should we do?" King Himi Kumiko asked in panic.

A group of officials from the Gou Nu Kingdom set their sights on Gou Gu Zhibei Gou, he is the real boss, and everything depends on his ideas.

Gou Gu Zhibei Gou pondered for a while, and then said: "Prepare for war, gather troops and horses, and send troops and horses from the four southern countries to join the war. If the Han people dare to attack our Gou Nu country, they will never come back. The mere Han people will come across the sea." , I want to destroy them all within the territory of our country, and let him know that my dog ​​slave country is not a weak chicken like Xiadao country."

Yamatai has played around with the Han army in the palm of their hands, and the Gou Nu Kingdom, which considers itself not weak in Yamatai, will naturally not be far behind.

The Han people are powerful in the western mainland, but when they come to their Bonu Islands, they can only admit defeat.

Just as Gonu Nation was preparing for war, news soon came from the south.

"Why did the Han people send troops to attack Chuannei?"

This time, Gou Gu Zhibei Gou, Himi Yugo and others were a little dumbfounded.

The Han people actually divided their forces and sent a fleet to land in the Long Island area to attack Sichuan, which was beyond their expectation.

If the Chuannei Kingdom is captured by the Han, the rear of the Gonu Kingdom will be unstable, and the Touma Kingdom, Nanzhou Kingdom, and Hyuga Kingdom will all be threatened. It is hard to say whether these countries will send troops to support the Gonu King up.

"The soldiers of the Han people are too strong. The Chuannei country has asked for help from the Touma country and the Nanzhou country. They also hope... hope that we will also send troops to rescue them." The person who replied cautiously glanced at Gou Gu Zhi Bei Gou.

Gou Guzhibei Gou was not angry, but snorted coldly: "The Han people are trying to lure our army away from the capital, how can I let him do so, and tell the other three kingdoms not to delay, and bring troops here immediately. "


The order went on, but Gou Gu Zhibei Gou and other officials felt uneasy.

After waiting like this for another day, the warships of the Han army came to the shore.

The Gonuguo boat huddled at the pier was quickly sunk, and the Gonuguo Japanese who had built a defensive line on the shore were also shot away by the bed crossbow on the warship, and they retreated to the shore in fright.

Soon the Han army captured the pier and began to land and gather.

Xu Ding's army of 3000 pioneers advanced to the city of Gou Nu Kingdom. At this time, Gou Gu Zhibei and Gou Commander led tens of thousands of troops to gather under the city. He did not choose to defend the city on the spot, but to fight the Han army in the field.

He did this for two reasons. One was that the city was too small to withstand the attack of the bed crossbow, and at the same time, the city was too small to accommodate an army of tens of thousands, so the army had to be outside the city.

The second is that he gathered [-] strong and strong men from the Gonu Kingdom, and a total of [-] soldiers from the Touma Kingdom, Nanzhou Kingdom, and Hyuga Kingdom, for a total of [-] soldiers. Under the premise of the army, he should be able to defeat the Han army, so he has such a sliver of confidence.

Except for King Himi Gonghu of the Gou Nu Kingdom, they all believe that Gou Gu Zhi Bei Gou can lead them to victory on their behalf.

"Interesting! Who gave them the confidence to dare to fight our army!" Hearing that the eight Japanese under the Gonu King's city had gathered [-] troops outside the city, Xu Ding couldn't help but sneered, and then brought together [-] front guard soldiers Pioneer.

Six thousand versus forty thousand seemed like a huge disparity, but the entire Donglai army seemed relaxed, without any tension or pressure.

Soon a Japanese ran to the front with a flag, raised his head and shouted: "Listen up, the Han army on the opposite side, immediately withdraw from the border of our Goonu country, otherwise you will be killed without leaving a single piece of you, and there will be no place to die."

Xu Ding walked to the front on horseback unhurriedly, and said in a cold voice: "Women, you have no faith and no righteousness. Since you choose to accept and surrender my big man, and then go back and kill my big Han sergeant, this crime is unforgivable. If you still want to Save the dog's life, immediately put the dog on the ground and bark three times, and the dog's life will be saved, otherwise, whoever offends me will be killed even if he is far away!"

Xu Ding's words immediately caused quite a stir among the [-] Japanese.

This Han can actually say what they say, and he also said that we, the Japanese, surrendered to the Han.

This is nonsense. When did we surrender to the Han people, let alone ambush the Han people.

Back then, the ordinary Wodang certainly didn’t know what happened in a country, no matter it was Yamatai, a country or a dog slave country, they all belonged to Wo anyway. What is said is also true, so it is reasonable and reasonable to repair the dog slave country.

It's just that Gouguzhibeigou can't explain it, let alone declare achievements for Yamatai and increase influence for the enemy, so it can only accept it silently without explaining.

"Hmph! Since the Han people dare to come to my Gou Nu country, then leave your weapons and clothes and die!" Gou Gu Zhibei Gou shouted, drew his sword and pointed: "Everyone obeys the order and kills me. Kill all the Han people, seize their weapons and warships, everything in the world belongs to us Dawo!"

"Belongs to our big Japanese!"


The [-] Japanese didn't have any military formations at all, and they didn't have any dispatches. They all rushed forward under one order. It looked like a sea tide washed ashore, with the meaning of destruction.

But the young generals around Xu Ding were all puzzled.

"Master Xie, what kind of style is the Japanese playing!"

Huang Xu, Guan Ping, Zhang Bao and others all looked at Li Jin, who had no expression on his face.

In order to be the instructors of the lecture hall, the students were transferred to join the army, and Li Jin also followed them to conduct practical training.

Li Er talked and replied: "There is no way to fight with sticks. You just need to stay as still as a mountain and kill them calmly!"

From the moment he saw the chaos of the Japanese gathering outside the city, Li Jin knew the outcome, so his eyes were filled with disdain. Barbarians are barbarians after all.

It is estimated that these Japanese people don't even understand what war is, so they are probably here to fight.

There are so many people that it is useless in front of the army.

Xu Ding smiled and said, "Brother Li, why don't you take the lead."

"Bokang was joking, there is no need for anyone to direct this matter, let the generals play freely, later I will take this group of boys out to fight, let them have a good time, experience what it means to gallop on the battlefield, I am afraid that such opportunities will not be many in the future .”

In fact, what Li Jin said was exactly what Xu Ding wanted to say. He also wanted to lead this group of young generals to fight and kill. Since Li Jin also wanted to come to command, he had no choice but to suppress his throbbing, so he went all the way. Waving the command flag.

The central defenders standing in the front raised their crossbows one after another.


In an instant, countless Japanese people were shot by crossbow arrows, fell down one after another, and then were trampled to death by the Japanese people behind.

However, under the continuous shooting of the crossbow, the crazy crowd will also be shot into hedgehogs.

Soon the crossbow arrows of the central defenders disappeared, and the whole team immediately retreated to the two wings. At this time, the avant-garde stepped forward.


Under the leadership of Dian Wei, a group of avant-garde soldiers threw their short blades at the Japanese who slowed down and lost their original madness.

After throwing Dian Wei, he rushed over first, and waved the double iron halberds.

The Japanese's weapons were simple, and most of them didn't even have decent weapons. Where could Dian Wei's opponents be hacked to death or knocked into the air one by one.

At this time, Li Jin squinted his eyes half-closed, raised his gun and said: "The students from the martial arts hall follow me to attack!"

After speaking, Li Jin took Huang Xu, Guan Ping, Zhang Bao and others out from the flank, and then rushed towards the middle of the Japanese flank.

(End of this chapter)

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