Chapter 430

"Hahaha, don't lie to yourself, Commander. You understand exactly what the Han people are up to. Do you really want to take everyone to die? There are better choices now, and you can win the victory more easily. Why should you follow Weihaihou?" , Why do you want to treat him like a dog.

Let me tell you the truth, Marshal, we have taken the Tsushima Isai Sutra, and all the soldiers you left on Tsushima Island are loyal to the Japanese, even if Xu Wu’s soldiers and horses were not blown to pieces by the strong wind this time. If he falls, he won't be able to go back to Luodong County, let alone you.

Surrendering early will allow you to be the king of the East, but if you are late, you will get nothing. You are given seven days to think about it, and when the time is up, you will die! "

The general of the former Dongyi Kingdom under the city suddenly looked ferocious, and instead of speaking softly, he became threatening.

In the city, the soldiers under the commanding bull of the fierce bull went on and on, talking endlessly.

Tsushima was also counted.

Those left behind have also surrendered to the Japanese, so what should we do?
"Soldiers, please be quiet, don't listen to the instigation of these rebellious officials, thieves, and shameless people who betrayed their companions. I believe that General Xu Wu will come to help us, and I believe that Lord Hou will come to help us. Lord Hou is the best in the world. Great hero, he is an invincible existence, he will come..." The fierce cow stared at the traitors who were gradually moving away from the city, and promptly appeased the rioting soldiers.

Soon the wind and rain began to become violent again, the pouring rain blocked all sight, the strong wind seemed to blow everything off the ground, and then flew into the sky tiredly...

In a certain cave in the northeast, the firewood was burning vigorously, and a dozen or so well-dressed Japanese people were stretching out their hands to warm the fire and warm the dirty wine.

Soon, the traitor Yuan Dongyi, who was soaked all over his body, walked in and told the whole story.

"Mengniu, this guy has a bit of a bone, but it's a pity that he landed on our island, and all his struggles are in vain." One of the Japanese stood up, handed the former traitor of Dongyi country a glass of wine, and patted him Over his shoulder, he said: "It's good for you, and you will do well in the future!"

"Hi!" The rebel general of the former Dongyi country immediately replied in the Japanese language he had just learned.

But he added in his heart: "Marshal Niu has the backbone of a fart, this guy is used to surrendering.

"It's a pity that he is stupid. He must have never imagined that our wise and mighty lord has already dispatched a large army of the country to attack Ludong County. As long as we take Luodong County, we can take root in the peninsula, and then obtain The excellent weapons and various advanced technologies of the Han people finally helped us in Yamatai to eliminate the Gonu Kingdom and unify the three islands."

"That's right, respect our honorable Lord Daru!"

The Japanese stood up one after another, and then raised their glasses to a 23 young Japanese.

This person, who is called Dashi-sama by a group of Japanese people, is the younger brother of the current female Japanese king Himiko.

The current female Wawang is said to have never married nor had intercourse with any man.

Moreover, Himiko is extremely mysterious. He has never met outsiders since he became the king of Japan, and he is only accompanied by thousands of ladies.

The power in the country is controlled by her younger brother, who assists the government and handles all affairs.

Therefore, the official position in front is only a man with a high rate in the entire Yamatai, where one person is under one person and over ten thousand people, and he absolutely has real power.

Nature is the target of everyone's fawning.

"Respect to our Queen. Without Her Royal Highness, we would not have Yamatai, and we would not have the stability of our Dawa." The man smiled and raised his glass modestly, then said something politely, and then looked at the people outside the cave. Rain burst, and silently read in my heart:
"This rain looks like it will take a long time. When the rain stops and the wind stops, all the results should come out. Han people, Dongyi people, that's all!"


With the leading party from the Gou Nu Kingdom leading the way, Xu Ding sent Li Jin and others to lead a large army to Nanshan to pursue them, and then turned to the east.

Soon Li Jin and others broke through the country of Touma, and then Li Jin and others attacked Hyuga country, and then destroyed Hyuga country, and soon caught up with the dog Gu Zhibei who had been running away, captured him, and brought him back to the country. Dog Slave King City.

On the other hand, Zhou Tai, Bu Zhi and others also broke through the Southern Sichuan Kingdom, and then with the cooperation of the people sent by the Gonu Kingdom, they went south to attack the Nanzhou Kingdom, completely cleared the southern part of Kyushu Island, and finally returned north with their troops.

See the dog Gu Zhibei being brought back?

Hima Yumiko is the happiest.

"Master Hou, please give me a chance to kill this traitor with my own hands, and I am willing to send two younger sisters to Lord Hou's bed!" Himiko stood up and asked willingly.

Unexpectedly, when the words fell, Xia Houlan drew her sword and stood up and shouted: "Bold, Lord Marquis is a man of gold, how can a woman from your dog slave country get involved in filth."

It's no wonder Xia Houlan glared, Xu Ding was extremely noble even in a big man, and the mere dog slave country wanted to send a woman to bribe Xu Ding. As a soldier, he naturally couldn't tolerate such a thing happening.

Even the other generals were a little warm and angry.

The Japanese are cheap, and they are assigned to sleep with Xu Ding.

Himayuki hurriedly knelt down in fear and trepidation: "Forgive me, my lord, I have absolutely no intention of offending you..."

Of course, this is just a careful thought of Himi Gong. On the one hand, he is also testing Xu Ding. If Xu Ding can accept the two younger sisters, then he will really get on Xu Ding's boat and get on the wind. Car, with real support.

Xu Dinghui's eyes were like a torch, so he could see through Himi Gonghu's small measures, but he didn't pierce it, he just waved his hand to signal Xia Houlan to back down, and then said:

"I understand your loyalty, but just as the leader of my central guard said, it is not easy to be a woman of this Marquis. The women of your dog slave country are really unworthy. If you are the queen of Wa Island , is qualified to serve this Marquis."

"Yes, yes, yes! Only the queen is worthy of Lord Marquis. It's a servant who is reckless and ignorant." Himiko kowtowed to admit his mistake, and then slapped himself wildly, but he thought to himself: "It turns out that you are looking at that woman, Himiko. ! Well, this is not bad, after breaking through Yamatai, let you take her away, so that the position of the Great Japanese King will belong to me.”

"Stop, stop! Don't just kowtow and slap yourself. This Marquis doesn't mean to blame you. Your loyalty is great. Although it's a pity that you can't kiss your two younger sisters, I think you can give them away. To be a concubine for the leader of my vanguard team is quite suitable, what do you think!" Xu Ding said with a smile. Xiahoulan's concubine!

Himi Yumi froze for a moment, then locked his eyes on Xia Houlan who was staring at him with murderous intent, and turned his face unconsciously.

Xia Houlan is a close minister and general of the Marquis of the Han Dynasty, so it is appropriate to marry him, but the problem is to be a concubine.

Regardless of whether it is the Wa Kingdom or the Han Court, this concubine has no human rights, no status, and is completely a commodity, a plaything for his enjoyment.

At this time, Hima Gonghu felt a little regretful, and now he agreed or agreed.

However, Hima Kumiko gritted his teeth when he thought about his grand plan and hegemony, and the bright future of the Gonu Nation: "Your Majesty thinks it's appropriate, so I'll let my servants make arrangements with him!"

The left and right are just two younger sisters, and women are used to sacrifice, and it doesn't matter who they sleep with.

Hima Yumiko finally found a reason for himself to excuse himself, and he felt a lot better all of a sudden.

"Okay! Since you are willing, it is better to hit the sun and let them have sex today." Xu Ding looked at Xia Houlan with ill intentions and said:
"Zilan, you are blessed tonight, Hima Gonghu has decided to give you two beautiful younger sisters as concubines, and eat more tonics at night."

(End of this chapter)

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