Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 431 Xia Houlan is a bit confused

Chapter 431 Xia Houlan is a bit confused

"What? My lord..."

Xia Houlan was a little confused, why did she suddenly give it to me?

He was not prepared at all.

This is too sudden.

It's obviously Hima Yumiko who wants to give the two younger sisters to Xu Ding, so why come here instead of me.

"Hahaha, it seems that Zilan hasn't gotten married yet, and she doesn't understand many things...!"

Dian Wei looked at Xia Houlan's blushing face, and said something.

Immediately, everyone laughed.

"Really? It seems that Fu Hu is very experienced. Would you like me to be a matchmaker so that you can marry more Japanese wives and concubines." Xu Ding turned his face and smiled slightly at Dian Wei.

"Ahem! It's fine for the lord to marry a wife, but it's still feasible to marry a few more concubines." Dian Wei laughed blushingly.

Unexpectedly, Xu Ding shouted at Himiko with a serious face: "The leader of my avant-garde team said that he also wanted to take your sisters as concubines. How many sisters do you have?"


Himiko breathed out a mouthful of old blood and wanted to spit it out.

The royal family is not a breeding pig, how many can there be.

But he didn't dare to offend Xu Ding, so he could only smile bitterly and say, "Master Hou, I only have four younger sisters left, but..."

"Okay! Four is four, let's make do with my avant-garde team as concubines!" Xu Ding interrupted him and said straight away.

Bastard, you can still speak, I only have four younger sisters left, you can still make do with it.

Xia Houlan is better, no matter how you put it, she is also heroic and handsome, with a handsome appearance, but he really can't compliment Dian Wei's appearance.

Hima Gongho shuddered at the thought of this, and finally had no choice but to obediently say: "Everything is up to the Marquis, as long as the general likes it, it is the expectation of the subordinates."

It's really bearable, you can say such things against your will, Xu Ding doesn't like it but hates it very much.

As expected, this Hima Gonghu is not a simple dog slave king, so he must not stay for a long time.

He thought for a while, and then said with a spring breeze on his face, "Ben Hou suddenly thought of a good thing that can make your country pay back the debt quickly?"

Hearing these words, Himiko suddenly became interested, and the 30 taels of gold compensation that Xu Ding forcibly added to the Gonu Kingdom was really a big stone on his head, making him sleepless.

It would be great if there was another way to pay back.

Just listen to Xu Ding said: "You said that in this war, there are countless men who died in battle, and many captured men will be transported out of the island, so don't you have many women in Japan who can't find men? Marriage, these boys and girls are probably a big factor of social unrest, if...if..."

Having said that, Xu Ding hesitated to speak, and then gave an expression that you understand.

Hima bowed slightly startled, why did these words sound so familiar.

It is also!When Xu Ding said that he would use male slaves to pay off the debt, it was almost the same tone.

Could it be that he means...

"Your Majesty is right, my servants will select some lovely women and send them to the Han Court, but..." Himi Gonghu dragged the syllable, and then asked: "It's just Master Hou, lord, this collection takes time and time. force……"

"Four one taels of gold." Xu Ding replied without thinking.

Ten male slaves get one tael of gold, and four female Japanese slaves get one tael of gold.

Thinking about it this way, Hima had nothing to say, anyway, there are a lot of women on Wajima.

You must know that even poor families on Wajima can marry three or five wives and concubines, and males are relatively scarce resources.

"Okay, this is the end of the discussion. You can take Gougu Zhibeigou away. It's up to you to decide whether to kill or cut. At the same time, expand the number of your country's army. First get [-]. I will continue to send generals to train They, in a few days we will go north and gradually Tang Pingchen belongs to the vassal state of Yamatai." Slapped him and gave him a few sweet dates, this matter must be within reach.

Sure enough, Hima was excited and excited, and he was very happy, shouting long live, feeling that all the sacrifices were worthwhile.

So he happily carried Gou Guzhibei Gou back to the capital, and summoned the ministers and the people to hold a criticism meeting, and personally beheaded Gou Guzhibei Gou Liwei.

"My lord! What did you say to Himi Yumiko just now? Why are you so excited all of a sudden?"

The generals looked at Himi, who had changed his face quickly, and bowed away, puzzled.

Xu Ding said with a smile: "He said that for the friendship between the dog slave country and our big man, and to further strengthen our relationship, he is willing to let 20 women be wives and concubines for our soldiers. I hope our soldiers can live a happy life!"

"Cough cough..."

Dian Wei, Xia Houlan, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, Li Jin and the others all stared wide-eyed with disbelief on their faces.

It’s not enough to give away my sister, but also to give us 20 women.

Calculated according to Donglai's military strength, it is true that every soldier can send a wife and concubine or something.

"Hahaha, look at your serious faces, this matter is true, but he seems a little reluctant, but I said it can be used to pay off the debt and he agreed." Xu Ding explained a sentence with a joke.

Only then did everyone understand, and the atmosphere suddenly became more active.

The idiot Dian Wei said: "My lord, are we really going to marry every soldier a wife?"

Others also waited expectantly for the next article.

Now that Xu Ding has reached an agreement with Gou Nuguo to use the Japanese women to pay off the debt, there must be a home for such a large number of Japanese women, and they will not be sold to other states and counties.

The business of human trafficking is strictly prohibited under Xu Ding's rule. Everyone knows this.

Xu must not violate the rules he set for this.

Xu Ding said: "Why not? Our soldiers have been fighting in the army all year round and live on the tip of their swords. It is not a bad idea to give them women, but let me correct Fu Hu's words. These Japanese women who are used to pay off debts can only be used as pawns for the soldiers. Concubine, in the future, the wives of soldiers can only be Han people.

And not every soldier has this treatment. Only those soldiers who guard the border, cannot go home all year round, have no time to find a wife, and have no time to have sex with their wives can satisfy their physiological needs. "

It was so!
Not everyone sends one, which makes sense.

All the soldiers said one after another: "The lord is wise, it is the lord who is considerate of the soldiers."

"Oh, by the way, Fu Hu doesn't need to be on duty tonight, and Hima Gongho will send the four younger sisters to your tent later. Spring night is worth a thousand dollars, so I should give you a vacation." After finishing speaking, Xu Ding Stand up and leave the tent.

"Ah!" Dian Wei was stunned for a while.

Really gave it to me!

"It's okay to crouch on the tiger's waist, don't be laughed at by the Japanese and say..." Everyone laughed.

Dian Wei came back, stretched his neck with a dark face, and said: "Hmph, men can't say no... Hehehe, the lord feels sorry for me, seeing if your waist is not strong enough, the lord didn't even add drama to you... ..."


Dian Wei was stunned.

Lu Kuang said with a smile: "The team leader is mighty, don't worry, we won't tell Mrs. Sister-in-law."

"Zixiang, stop for me..."

(End of this chapter)

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