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Chapter 439 The Volcano Erupted

Chapter 439 The Volcano Erupted
When the Yamatai officials heard about it, they also danced a big dance one by one, twisting their ugly limbs with rice balls in their hands.

"Is there even a comparison? Our great Queen must win."

"That's right, this Han is so stupid that he even compared it with Her Royal Highness's best skills. Isn't this a deliberate show of shame?"

"That's right, in this case we have saved Yamatai, the great Japanese king, she has once again stabilized our big Japanese! Respect our great Japanese king, everyone is willing to drink this glass of wine..."

When Queen Wa heard her brother's report, she just left a sentence: nonsense, and then sent him away.

But as soon as her younger brother left, the queen changed into her maid's clothes, and then took a boat from the river behind the palace to a place called Jie.

This place in the world is a forbidden area, and no one can enter except the orthodox Japanese kings of the past dynasties.

The boundary is in the middle and lower reaches of the river, and the boundary is in an island in the middle of the river. This place is shrouded in clouds and fog all year round. People who live near here will lose their way, and their lives will be swallowed by the fog.

When they came here, all the maids got off the boat and waited on the shore, leaving Himiko alone on the boat, and then the maids would see a miracle happen.

The unmanned ship automatically sailed towards the riddle, and finally disappeared with the queen on board.

Through the riddle, it is an island in the river that occupies a huge area, with lush trees and a city built on the island.

The city is very high, but not big, and the city wall seems to have become a bit vicissitudes and dilapidated under the perennial rain, mist and moisture.

The slippery and dilapidated city walls are covered with moss, green and gloomy.

The boat stopped, and the queen stepped on the island and walked towards the city along the avenue paved with bluestone slabs.

The gates of the city had also been decayed and collapsed to the ground long ago. The queen seemed to know everything here, so she didn't take a second look, nor was she sentimental.

After entering the city, the queen found a secret door and opened it. Inside was a stone inlaid with various light colors on both sides.

The passage can't see the end at a glance, as if it is connected to the abyss.

Walking slowly, from time to time, there was a strange roaring sound from the other end of the passage, and the sound was a bit shrill.

The queen was not afraid of this voice, but frowned slightly: "The old ancestor is dying..."


Because it was detected that the temperature would drop, Xu Ding ordered the various ministries to stop the attack on Honshu and Shikoku Island, turn to defense, and prepare cold-proof materials.

Five days is neither long nor short.

The Japanese people in Yamatai reveled for five days from top to bottom, and other countries also celebrated on Thursday, celebrating that they had escaped a catastrophe and would not be destroyed.

Of course, they are also concerned about the reputation of the Han army, whether the Han army can keep its promise, and whether it will withdraw willingly.

"Hahaha, it's been five days. Where has the temperature dropped? Where is it snowing?" Until dusk, the people in Yamatai didn't notice the drop in temperature, let alone snowfall, and then they danced excitedly.

"It was a false alarm!" Looking at the clouds drifting away outside the window, Himiko uttered a complicated sentence. For some reason, she actually hoped that what Xu Ding said was true.

Shaking his head slightly, Himiko said to the maid: "Beihua, I want to take a bath..."

"It's the king!" All the maids immediately got busy.

Speaking of her as a queen, it is quite extravagant to have a thousand pretty women serving her in the palace.

The queen suddenly wanted to take a bath, and the maids immediately went to prepare flowers.

Helping the queen to undress and watch her enter the hot spring bath full of flowers, several maids wore thin gauze and then went into the water to help the queen scrub and massage.

It was only halfway through the wash, when suddenly there was a sound of exclamation from outside the curtain, and then the north wind passed through the window and entered, bringing a little bit of coolness.

"What's the noise!" Himiko was a little annoyed, and when he was enjoying the bath, someone was yelling outside.

"Back to the king! It's... It's snowing!" The maids outside the curtain knelt down, their voices hoarse and trembling.


Although the water temperature in the hot spring bath didn't change at all, Himiko felt much colder in that instant.

The hot spring baths in Japan have always been half built inside the house and half outside.

It is convenient for bathers to perform internal and external baths.

If you are interested and don’t want to stay in the house, you can go out to wash in the open air. Anyway, there is a wall to block it and you don’t have to be afraid of being seen by others. In this way, you can enjoy the blessings of heaven and earth while bathing.

The Japanese believe that bathing is the closest time to the gods, so most of them prefer to bathe in outdoor hot springs.

Opening ten curtains, Himiko slowly walked to the outdoor area in the hot spring. Sure enough, thin and thin snowflakes fell from the gray sky.

The temperature outside is also noticeably cooler.

Stretching out a hand as white as jade, Himihu took a piece of snowflakes that fell into the palm and immediately turned into water vapor, Himiko raised his head gently: "It really fell! Marquis Weihai, are you really a god?"

night!It was still that night, but there were countless ghosts crying and howling wolves.

sky!It was the same day, but what fell was not snow, but tears!
The Japanese people in Yamatai were all wrapped tightly in warm clothes and curled up in their houses.

Now their bodies are cold, and their hearts are even colder.

The Hou Ye of the Han people was right, and he was right.

It's really snowing and cooling down.

Although it absorbs heat when it snows, the air is not damp and cold.

But all the Japanese were cold to the bone.

Lord Hou of the Han people invited Snow God, who can communicate with ghosts and gods, and he is also the agent of ghosts and gods.

Is it he who is stronger or our queen who is stronger.

The Japanese lost their self-confidence from this moment.

What worries them even more is whether there will be a volcano in the northeast in a few days. The volcano that only erupts every ten years should not erupt.

Yes, no!
In the next few days, Lord Xie Ma was trembling, obviously there was no Han army to attack, but they lived like years.

Will the volcano erupt, and when will it erupt?

They want to know too much.

Three days passed quickly, and suddenly at a certain moment, the Japanese in the capital felt the ground shaking.

But this time it quickly returned to calm, making people feel in a trance.

Was it caused by volcanoes?

The queen in the deep palace also frowned slightly, her expression a little gloomy.

Because her senses are more sensitive than anyone else.

It's just that she still had a bit of luck in her heart, and she didn't want to believe it was true.

Soon, the Japanese people standing guard in the northeast were riding pony horses. Don’t laugh, there are only pony horses on Wa Island, and there are no good horse breeds, so their horses are short and thin, and they run slowly.

Finally, the Japanese on a pony returned to the capital.

He was stopped at the gate of the city, and everyone was waiting for him to say that there was no volcanic eruption, but his return represented a possibility.

"The volcano... erupted!" After saying the last two words, the Japanese who reported the letter burst into tears.


The two words struck everyone's heart like lightning, and then the Japanese squatted down and cried.

The Marquis of Weihai, who was a Han Chinese, was right, the volcano erupted, and the time coincided.

The ghosts and gods have fallen to the Han people, can Yamatai be saved?Can Dawo still exist?

(End of this chapter)

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