Chapter 440 Entry
Our queen can only call wind and rain, and can only communicate with ghosts and gods.

But the Marquis of the Han people can summon the snow god to make snow, wake up the fire god to erupt lava, and can... I don’t know if he can order the earth god to roar.

If there is an earthquake and tsunami, then our queen will lose completely.

"Sister, the first two things of Wei Haihou have come true, do you think the third thing will be true?" At this moment, the queen's younger brother was sitting cross-legged across from her, with a pale face and an expression of concern.

No one was more flustered than him, no one was more afraid of Xu Ding than him.

Because no one in Yamatai had seen Xu Ding.

None of them had a close experience of the experience on the boat that day.

At this time, he had no doubt that Xu Ding was a god based on the scriptures.

Because he is stronger than his sister.

A person who has the ability to reach the sky, and holds a strong army, is a person who is unstoppable by the sky.

"Will it come true, does it still make sense now?" Himiko said with a blank face: "You are passing a word to him for me, if he is really a god and fearless, the world will come to me in three days , as long as he can find me, Yamatai, Dawa is all his, including myself!"

After speaking, Himiko got up and walked back to his bedroom.

A certain leader looked at his departing sister and smiled wryly: "Jie, what a world, my queen and sister, you are forcing me to die, you are forcing Wei Haihou to raise the butcher knife, you are so ruthless!"

Where the world is, how many people in Yamatai don't know.

It was a restricted area, and no one could enter it except King Yamatai with orthodox blood.

To enter is to die.

How could it be possible for you to let the majestic Marquis of Weihai go to the world alone.

So a certain rate did not spread the word, but waited for the earthquake and tsunami to happen.

If none of this happens, there's no need to spread the word.

If it happens, whether or not the word is passed on, there will be no Yamatai.

Two days later, a major earthquake occurred in Sanhe Bay, southeast of Yamatai. The earthquake destroyed several islands in the inner sea and destroyed all the houses along the northern coast.

Then a tsunami occurred, swept across the coast, submerged and destroyed three cities.

"I lost, I lost completely!"

Knowing this result, the Yamatai people lost all energy.

"Everyone, I am going to send a message to Weihaihou of the Han people. Her Royal Highness is waiting for him at the boundary. If the Weihaihou of the Han people dares to go to the boundary, then our Yamatai, even Dawo, and even His Royal Highness belong to him. Let me go now." I don't know if there is a chance to come back, but for the will of Her Majesty, I am willing to go forward and deliver a message." After much thought, I finally decided to do what my sister said.

Because he wanted to gamble, he wanted to gamble thoroughly, he bet that Weihaihou would not dare to go.

He even wants to bet on whether Wei Haihou is a real god.

If Weihaihou dared to go, then he was a real god, and there was nothing wrong with surrendering to him at that time.

But if the Marquis of Weihai dare not go, it is a fake, so that Yamatai can still be saved, and the people will not be completely disappointed.

And because he took the risk to go there, he will also become a hero, which will replace him in the future to gain political capital.

"Ha! Jie! It's such a magical place, no one really dares to enter it." Xu Ding chuckled lightly when he heard some bold words.

This female Japanese queen really has a lot of things to do, and her methods are quite rich.

No wonder he became the king of the Japanese.

"Yes, Lord Hou, except for our king, whoever enters will die. Lord Hou, my sister Yijing is crazy. You don't need to pay attention to it. Send troops directly. With me leading the way, we can take the whole world without bloodshed." Yamatai, you don't have to condescend at all." A certain Tian Knelt suggested with his face blushing and heart beating.

His palms were sweating. Others didn't know the methods of this Marquis, but he knew too well that he was a ruthless man who would kill tens of thousands of people with a wave of his hand without frowning.

"No! I'll go, I'll see what your world is." Unexpectedly, Xu Ding agreed, with infinite curiosity in his heart.

A certain rate was taken aback.

This Marquis of Weihai is really fearless.

No wonder he is such a god.

The next day, the Donglai warship sailed to the coast near the capital of Yamatai King. Xu Ding boarded a medium-to-lower boat and went up the Neihe River. According to the guidance of a certain woman, he quickly arrived at Jie.

"Xiao Liu, scan this place!"

Looking at the cloud-shrouded land on Jiangxin Island, Xu Ding asked Xiao Liu to go online to work.

Xiao Liu scanned it and replied: "Don't worry, master, there is a big island inside, there are many small animals on it, and there are only all kinds of fish in the water, the air is fresh, and there is no poisonous or harmful thing, master can rest assured go."

With Xiao Liu's report, Xu Ding was satisfied and relieved, and immediately got up and jumped into a small boat that was already in the water.

Because I borrowed my strength when I jumped off, and used my skill when I fell off the boat, the whole boat flew out like an arrow off the string.

"This is...!" A certain Dashi's eyes widened, and Xu Ding in front of him could control the boat like his sister without punt.

Sure enough, they are all people who can communicate with ghosts and gods.

The boat rushed into the mist all of a sudden, and suddenly the speed of the boat slowed down. The sound of gnawing was heard under the boat, and then it began to toss left and right. Xu Ding drew his sword and slashed under the water.

Then a fish jumped up and pierced with a sword.

"This is, a piranha!"

Seeing that the pierced fish was still breathing the air one by one, greedily renewing its life, Xu Ding recognized its species at a glance.

Why are there piranhas here?
Xu Ding thought about Mingzi almost all of a sudden, why he didn't enter the boundary, probably those who entered by mistake were dried up by the fish and fell into the water, then gnawed and ate them.

Immediately Xu Ding chopped the water surface left and right, and the boat flew forward with the help of force, and quickly rushed past the piranha's obstruction.

But the ship gradually slowed down, and even stopped moving forward.

"Master, there is a powerful water vortex here!"

It was a coincidence that Xu Ding smiled noncommittally at this kind of trick, and then jumped into the water, then suddenly jumped to the surface of the water, and then reached the rocky beach of the island.

It turns out that the place where the boat stopped just now is not far from the beach of the island. It is only because of the mist and water vapor that the sight is not clear, so it is easy to have the illusion that there is still a vast water area ahead.

On the island, the more you walk towards the Central Plains, the fog gradually lessens, and a dilapidated city reveals its true face.

As Xu Ding approached, he saw that half of the Chinese characters in seal script could be vaguely seen on the gate of the ruined city.

"Strange thing, how come there are words from the pre-Qin period here? Could it be that this city has a relationship with the Central Plains!"

Mumbling, with doubts, Xu Ding walked in and walked along the main road. Looking at the bad structure and layout of the surrounding houses, Xu Ding became more and more sure that this was a building modeled on the Central Plains. city.

Soon Xu Ding found the center of the city. If he guessed correctly, this was the government office of the old city.

When he stepped forward and lifted his feet, suddenly there was a whimpering sound from the whole city, and there were shrill and ghostly screams all around him.

"Himiko! It's not yet now, the Marquis has come in person, and you are still not convinced!"

When the words fell, there was only the sound of sobbing and sobbing, and the screaming ghost stopped.

Then came a manly Japanese language from the east: "Rain falls!"

After speaking, it began to rain heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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