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Chapter 441 There is a fish in Beiming, its name is Kun

Chapter 441 There is a fish in Beiming, its name is Kun

"Not enough!" Xu Ding shouted.

Then the rain stopped.

Then another Japanese language came from the west: "The fog clears!"

In an instant, all the fog that shrouded the city disappeared, and the long-lost sunlight finally poured down, projecting everywhere in the city.

"It's still not enough!"

"When Lord Hou enters the mansion, there is a stone statue fifty steps before turning left. There is a hook chain in the nostril of the stone statue. If you pull it, there will be a gate of hell. Does Lord Hou dare to enter?" At this time, another Japanese language came from the south.

"The gate of ghosts is closed, just right, I haven't killed a fierce ghost yet." Xu Ding cocked his lips, then entered the mansion, found the stone statue, and sure enough, with a pull, a hidden door on the side opened.

A passage without any light appeared in front of his eyes, and there was a musty smell coming out, which was extremely pungent.

Wrinkling his nose slightly, Xu Ding stepped in with his sword in hand, and then slashed at the passage wall with the sword, and suddenly the wall burst into flames.

With the help of these firelights, Xu Ding walked about a thousand steps, turned two big bends, and descended a hundred steps. Finally, a faint light appeared in front of him.

After walking out, the eyes suddenly opened up, and it was a cave hall with countless glowing stalactites hanging upside down.

At the end of the cave hall, there is a stone bed carved out of red stone. On the stone bed is a tall and dignified woman.

The woman wore her hair in a high bun, was decorated gorgeously, and her clothes were extravagant. She opened her eyes and smiled slightly: "Congratulations, Lord Hou, for breaking through the gate of hell. Now, I am yours?"

That's right, this woman is Himiko, the most honorable queen of Yamatai or the Daiwa Kingdom Alliance.

A pink skull with a bone-scraping knife hanging from the head of the color character. This is the real gate of hell. Xu Ding puts his sword into its sheath and walks step by step on the stone slab...


There is no sun, moon and stars, no day and night.

Indescribable and joyous things happen between men and women.

"If your people see you like this, they will probably commit suicide by wiping their necks!" Xu Ding smiled triumphantly as he stroked Himiko's hair and wiped off the sweat left after the battle.

Himiko buried his head in Xu Ding's chest, and replied softly: "The queen is also a woman! I have done my best for what I should do for them, and I should also have my own happiness."

It turned out to be such a joyful thing to be conquered!

"Okay, I have passed the gate of hell, should we talk about business next?" Xu Ding began to get serious, looking down at Himiko with burning eyes.

Himiko raised his eyes, and asked puzzledly: "Isn't it a business just now? What business do you want to talk about, Lord Hou? I have been conquered by you, and Yamatai and Dawo will be yours from now on?"

"Hey hey, these should belong to me. If you conquer or not, they won't be able to escape." Xu Ding brushed the hair off Himiko's cheek:
"I don't think you will just ask me to do this here. I think the bed in your palace will be more comfortable than here. Do you think I'm right?"

Himiko smiled, then stood up, got off the hotbed made of red stone, and then loosened his clothes, then turned around and said: "Master Hou is really a strange man, I think he would have forgotten about it if he replaced him with another man." , then please come to a place with me, Master Hou."

Xu Ding was taken aback for a moment, because Himihu said this sentence in the Central Plains dialect, and it also had the local flavor of Qingzhou.

Himiko didn't say much, and walked straight towards a small hole.

Xu Ding turned over and got out of bed, put on his clothes simply, and followed inside.

After passing through several curved walkways, you will soon come to a larger water hole.

The sky above the water hole seems to be pierced, and some bright light is sprinkled from above, the light is very soft but also a bit cold.

The area of ​​the water hole is as large as a football field.

Only Himiko called softly into the water: "Old Ancestor, the Central Plains is here!"

Suddenly, the surface of the water began to roll, and then a big black guy slowly emerged.

Xu Ding's pupils shrank, his eyes focused, and with the soft light falling from the top of the water cave, he carefully looked at this guy who occupied a quarter of the water cave.

From the appearance, it was a fish, a giant fish not weaker than a whale.

This really surprised Xu Ding, so he turned to look at Himiko.

Himiko raised his hand slightly, and the giant fish in the water slowly rose again, revealing more of the underwater part.

Xu Ding clearly saw that this giant fish had nine pairs of fins.

"No! It's wings!"

Except for the last pair of fins, the first eight pairs were all wings, Xu Ding was even more shocked.

Fish have wings, but flying fish cannot.

"Lord Hou, do you know what it is?" Himiko smiled confidently, Xu Ding shook his head and said, "If it wasn't for those eight pairs of wings, I would have thought it was a whale."

"Master Hou, you underestimate it. Its real name is Kun!" Himiko continued to raise his hand, only to see the eight pairs of wings of the giant fish in the water began to flap, and then the body of the fish pumped to the surface of the water, revealing the underwater part, where there were also eight pairs of wings below. Feet, those feet are like birds, with sharp claws.

Of course, to be precise, there is a pair of fish fins that have not turned into claws at the back.

When the giant fish flew to a height of one meter above the water surface, Himiko's forehead began to sweat, and then he let go of his hand, and the giant fish slowly landed.

After entering the water, the giant fish let out a mournful sound.


This thing is a Kun, Xu Ding couldn't believe it.

Himiko let out a long breath and said, "Does Hou know about Zhuangzi of Taoism?"

Since entering the cave, Himiko has been communicating with Xu Ding in the Central Plains dialect. Xu Ding nodded and said, "Of course I know, he is a representative figure of Taoism. You don't mean to mention his "Xiaoyaoyou"?"

Himi said: "There is a fish in the north, its name is Kun. Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is, and it turns into a bird, its name is Peng; Peng's back, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is; when it flies in anger, its Its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky. Lord Hou, you are not mistaken, the ancestor in the water is the Kun, it is short of two pairs of fins before it can be transformed into a Peng, and then it can fly freely nine days away, what a pity it Its lifespan is up, and it cannot evolve into a Peng again."

Having said that, Himiko showed regret.

Kun!Xu Ding silently recited it three times, and suddenly he realized.

"If I'm not wrong, you can call wind and rain, you rely on it?" If the giant fish in front of him is really the legendary kun, then Xu Ding has reason to believe that Himihu's ability to pretend to be a ghost is borrowed from this so-called kun. Kun made it.

Himiko showed a wry smile: "Master Hou is really smart, that's right, all my divine power comes from the kun, which is a township of my Xu family. It was rescued by my ancestors more than 400 years ago and brought to Washima With it, my descendants of the Xu family can be kings on Wa Island and control the Wa people on the island!"

"The Xu family! Are you Xu Fu's descendant?" Xu Ding glanced at Himiko in surprise, and all doubts in his heart were resolved at once.

Xu Fu is a native of Qi, and Himiko, as his descendant, naturally learned the Central Plains dialect with Qingzhou accent.

(End of this chapter)

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