Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 442 Xiao Kun recognizes the caller as Xiao Ming

Chapter 442 Xiao Kun recognizes the caller as Xiao Ming

"Exactly! That's why Lord Hou and I come from the same origin, both are from China!" Himiko smiled and nodded.

It really is a descendant of Xu Fu.

This is interesting.

Looking at Kun in the water and Himiko, Xu Ding said, "Tell me, what is your real intention?"

Himi said: "I brought Master Hou here and told him the secret of my Xu family, just to ask Master Hou if there is a way to save Kun."

Her ghost art is nothing more than magic performed by Kun, while Xu Ding can summon snow and fire and command the god of the earth.

Such divine power is not at the same level at all.

Xu Ding didn't reply, but asked Xiao Liu to scan Kun in front of him.

"Ding! After scanning, this fish has no obvious trauma. It should be extremely weak due to the continuous loss of its own strength. The only way to treat it is to obtain a steady stream of high energy. However, it is found that its body is decomposing and changing its shape. , even if you get enough energy, you will die due to the failure of transformation, according to the rebellion, the probability of failure in transformation is 90.00% [-]." Xiao Liu explained.

Lack of energy!
With such a large body, what kind of energy should be added to it to maintain it to continue to degenerate.

And the probability of failure is surprisingly high.

None in ten thousand.

Natural selection, this creature should not have appeared on the earth.

Xu Ding couldn't help but sigh.

So he shook his head and said: "If it is injured in any way, I still have a way to save it, but it lacks energy, and I don't know where to replenish it with a steady stream of energy, and what you said, it is positively Peng evolution, the probability of failure is too high, it is beyond our control."

It seemed that he had expected it and was mentally prepared. Himiko just sighed quietly, and he didn't feel any loss.

"By the way, master, I discovered another fatal feature of this fish!" Xiao Liuhui suddenly reported.

Xu Ding was taken aback for a moment, then turned happy.

Seeing the change in Xu Ding's expression, Himiko asked: "My Lord, but I thought of a way to cure it!"

Xu Ding said: "No, this kun may not last long, and it may exhaust all its energy in just a few days, because it... because it is going to give birth to a little kun!"

"Give birth to a little kun?"

This time it was Himiko's turn to cover her mouth in amazement.

Kun is about to give birth to a little Kun, how is this possible?

Why couldn't she feel it, why didn't Kun tell her.

"That's right, the kun is about to give birth to a little kun, maybe it knows that its time is running out, and it has to use up its last energy to keep the little kun, so that's why he hasn't evolved the ninth pair of upper and lower fins for so long. " Xu Ding guessed.

Immediately, Himiko showed an original expression, and finally a happy expression appeared on his calm face.

This is unfortunate good news.

The kun didn't keep the two of them waiting any longer. After an hour, more than 1000 kuns were born, each of which was only the size of two fingers. They swam happily in the water for a while, and there were dozens of fish maws. One flip, dead.

"What's going on?" Himiko blinked her eyelashes, heartbroken.

After Xu Ding asked Xiao Liu to scan it, he said: "Dead! These kuns are not healthy, they may all die, and they won't survive a day."

After finishing speaking, the big Kun let out a mournful howl, one more miserable than the other, as if mourning for the dead little Kun, and then slowly drove the little Kun to swim to Xu Ding, revealing two eyes that were bigger than lanterns, Leng Lan Blood-red tears seemed to glide through the dark fish eyes, staring at Xu Ding imploringly.

"Kun is begging you, I hope you save these little kuns!" Himiko understood the meaning of big kuns best, and also looked at Xu Ding with hope.

These kuns can't die, if they are all dead, the Xu family will have nothing.

Xu Ding asked: "Your Xu family can communicate with Kun, you should know more about Kun than I do."

Himiko shook his head and said: "When the ancestor met and rescued it, it was already an adult kun, and the ancestor was also lucky to remember from the ancient books that there was a secret method to communicate with it and cooperate with each other, but our understanding of kun is actually Not much more than you. Actually, I don’t know how to raise kuns, and I don’t even know how to cure them.”

"Master, you can ask Xiao Jiu to help, it should understand a little bit." Seeing Xu Ding in trouble, Xiao Liu suggested.

Xu Ding's eyes lit up, yes, Xiao Jiu is a pet cheat, maybe he has a way.

So he quickly asked Xiao Liu to go offline and Xiao Jiu to go online.

As soon as Xiao Jiu went online, Xu Ding asked: "Xiao Jiu, can you save these kuns!"

"Kun! Master, you found Kun." Xiao Jiu was obviously a little excited. Kun was not an ordinary fish, but a high-level divine pet.

"Yes, Xiaojiu, now I have an adult big kun here, but it is dying, and it has given birth to thousands of little kuns, but the little kuns can't survive a day, and they are dying one after another. What can you do to save it? Him?" Xu Ding asked.

Without even thinking about it, Xiao Jiu said, "Master, it's not easy. Make a contract. Sign a contract with them and become your pet, so they won't die."

"It's that simple?" The contract won't die, isn't this operation a bit tricky?

Xiao Jiu swore: "My lord, don't worry, as long as you sign the contract, they won't die, because the newly born Kun needs to devour his compatriots, gain great energy, and then grow step by step, master, you just need to sign the contract with the strongest one." One of them, and then upgrade it to level two, it will have the strength to devour other little kuns."

Devour your fellow man!

It sounded quite bloody, Xu Ding asked: "Is there no other way for Xiao Jiu? In the end, only one kun will survive!"

There are more than 1000 kuns, and there is only one left. Isn't it too wasteful?

"But my lord, you only have a blank pet slot now, and your strength doesn't allow it!" Xiao Jiu reminded aggrievedly.


I forgot without mentioning Xu Ding.

There are three pet columns, the first one is automatically signed by Wangcai, and the second one is signed by Wukong.

After thinking for a while, Xu Ding said to Himi: "I have found a way to save Xiao Kun, but I need Kun to be loyal to me, and I need him to sign a spiritual contract with me and become my pet. Let's communicate with Big Kun to see what it means, if you don't want to, I have nothing to do."

Contract, becoming a pet, Himiko seemed half-understandable, but finally communicated with Da Kun.

Big Kun didn't hesitate much, and found a softer strange cry.

Himi said: "The big Kun agreed, and chose the strongest one."

Sure enough, a high-level pet like Kun understood what it meant, so Xu Ding squatted down, and soon a little Kun, the biggest, strongest and fastest swimmer, swam into Xu Ding's hand in the water.

"Let's leave it to Xiaojiu, let's make a contract!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the owner for subduing Kun, please name your new pet."

As soon as Xiao Jiu's voice sounded, Xu Ding saw a picture of Xiao Kun in the pet column of the property panel, and said immediately: "Let's call it Xiao Ming!"

Xiao Ming!

Xiao Jiu said: "Master, won't you change it?"

Forget about Wangcai, but now a kun is called Xiaoming, isn't it too perfunctory?

"You don't need to change it. This little kun has a lot of fate. If you didn't meet me and you just went online again, it would have no tomorrow, so I called it Xiaoming. I hope its tomorrow will be better, and I hope his tomorrow will not be like the big kun. The final step is at this stage, but it can turn a kun into a peng." Xu Ding said solemnly.

I believe you a ghost!
Xiao Jiuming knew that his master was talking nonsense, but he was powerless to refute it. He was the master, and he was right.

(End of this chapter)

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