Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 449 Ma Yunlu Arrives in Qingzhou

Chapter 449 Ma Yunlu Arrives in Qingzhou
Xi Zhicai said: "The main reason is that Dong Zhuo used the name of the imperial court to mediate among the three parties, advocating the threat of our Qingzhou and Pingzhou. Start to deploy soldiers on the border, and start to guard against our army."

"I'm afraid these are not enough. Gongsun Zan is not so easy to fool. He originally hoped to eliminate Yuan Shao and then unify Jizhou and Youzhou. He is competing with me for the north. What benefits did Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shao promise him?" Xu Ding asked.

Xi Zhicai said: "My lord, Dong Zhuo promised him the post of governor of Youzhou, Jizhou, Pingzhou, and the three prefectures. He also negotiated with Liu Bei, Yuan Shao and others. Liu Bei gave up Daijun and Zhongshan Kingdom to Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan got Good thing, naturally there are no objections, so I withdrew my troops and returned to Youzhou, and now I am thinking about how to get rid of Liu Yu, really take over Youzhou, and become his governor."

"Hehe! Interesting, Duyouzhou, Jizhou, and my Pingzhou, isn't he one level higher than Liu Yu, Yuan Shao, and me? Yuan Shao is willing to be subordinate to others? Liu Bei is even more willing to give up The Dai Commandery and Zhongshan Kingdom that you got?" Xu Ding laughed when he heard the words, Gongsun Zan got a lot of benefits this time, and took two counties without bloodshed.

But in the end, he still didn't escape the big pit, and fell into it again.

Liu Yu can't move, he is digging his own grave if he moves Liu Yu.

Xi Zhicai said: "My lord, Liu Bei gave up Daijun and Zhongshan Kingdom, but he got Taiyuan County and Yanmen County in Bingzhou as he wished, as well as Quyi and Quyi's Changshan Kingdom.

Yuan Shao got Shangdang County and Hanoi County. Because Liu Bei was behind him and he had the Black Mountain Army in Taihang Mountain, he was attacked by the enemy and had to repair with Gongsun Zan again. "

At this moment, Xu Ding understood that no one suffered a loss in their relationship, and they all gained benefits, so the three parties stopped talking and made peace, and each did its own thing first.

Gongsun Zan wanted to get rid of Liu Yu first, and Liu Bei had to get Bingzhou to face the threat of Xianbei, so he had to negotiate with Xianbei first. Yuan Shao had the Black Mountain Army in the hinterland, and he had to settle down first to fight against the outside world. There was also a reason and urgency for a truce.

"So the next situation is that Gongsun Zan is going to fight us first, and Dong Zhuo really has a good idea. He has been busy all the time. Should we do something for him?" Damn Dong Zhuo is always playing shit Stick, keep doing things, which makes Xu Ding even more want to kill this guy as soon as possible.

This reminded him that he still has an assassin organization under his command, the Blood Shadow Pavilion.

He doesn't want to use this method of assassination unless it is necessary. Once he uses it, he will become the public enemy of the world, and he will be punished by others, causing turmoil both inside and outside.

"My lord, I don't think Gongsun Zan will dare to start a war with us within this year. Even though his territory has expanded again and he has enough soldiers and horses, he has no navy or warships. Once he dares to start a war with us first, he must There is no doubt that he was defeated, and although he commanded the counties, most of his troops were cavalry, and the local defenses were insufficient, and most of them were controlled by major aristocratic families and powerful armed forces. It looks huge and strong, but it is actually as fragile as a baby, so there is no need to worry too much." Guo Jia stood up and analyzed.

Gongsun Zan has too many problems now. The actual territory is not small, but the people's hearts are not attached to him. The officials under him and the major families are not on the same side with him. Once the main force is destroyed, it will collapse instantly and change overnight. Back to Bachelor.

I have to say that Guo Jia's vision is precise and ruthless.

Xu Ding nodded slightly, closed his eyes and said, "If that's the case, then only the Black Mountain Army is left. Some of them come from the same origin as the Yellow Turbans, and some are bandits big and small. Should we do something? "

"My lord is wise, I think we can send people to contact him now, especially those who are familiar with him among the yellow turban generals in our army. It's's best to let the third lady come forward and have a talk!" Xi Zhi just suggested.

Let Zhang Ning come forward?
Xu Ding was a little bit reluctant, for a Black Mountain Army to put his wife in a dangerous place, this is not what he wanted to see, so he shook his head and said: "Send someone to contact first, find out the details of the Black Mountain Army, if necessary I can support some armours, but Ning'er, I won't let her go."

Let Zhang Ning go, I would rather go by myself.

He cannot afford the loss.

Xi Zhicai also thoughtfully did not bring up this topic.

Then Guo Jia said: "My lord, Dong Zhuo has recently activated Zhao Ling, continuously promoted Jia Xu, and intentionally locked Jia Xu completely. According to the information Zhao Ling sent back, Dong Zhuo intends to attack Ma Teng and Han Sui.

I heard from Zilong that one of Ma Teng's generals, Pang De, is good at martial arts, and Ma Chao's son, Ma Chao, is even more courageous. He is a fierce general, so why not send someone to form an alliance with Ma Teng and disrupt Dong Zhuo's plan! "

Dong Zhuo can disturb Guandong, and he can also send people into Liangzhou to spoil Dong Zhuo's good deeds, so that his rear can't be stable, and he has been locked in Guanzhong.

Make good friends with Ma Teng, this is a good suggestion.

Ma Chao and Pang De are both top generals in the Three Kingdoms, rare cavalry commanders, Xu Ding is also excited.

So he agreed and asked someone to recruit Sun Ganlai to Liangzhou.

In the days that followed, the fighting in various parts of the Han Dynasty calmed down a little, because it was time for spring plowing and summer busying to accumulate food, grass and military supplies.

The leisurely days spent with my family flew by, and several months passed in a blink of an eye.

Sun Qian, who was sent to Liangzhou as an envoy, returned to Qingzhou. It is true that Qingzhou is currently undergoing large-scale construction, road expansion, cement hardening, and bridge display. Xu Ding went to check and supervise these in person. After all, this On the one hand, he must know more than others, and some things cannot be clearly explained just by talking about them.

So he has been mobile working in Qingzhou these days.

When Sun Qian came back this time, not only himself, but also a team from Ma Teng, a special person in the team got in, and Sun Qian didn't find out who was in there until he got out of Hangu Pass, but There is no hurry to stop Yijing.

The one in front of me is a young girl with a tall figure, a heroic figure, and she is very agile.

"You are Ma Shoucheng's daughter." Xu Ding still couldn't believe it. The girl in front of him would be Ma Teng's daughter. This is too out of the ordinary. She came to Qingzhou with the envoys. She is really courageous. , not afraid of being sold.

The girl puffed her chest out and said with her head held high: "Master Hou, what the boy said is true, if you don't believe me, you can ask the people who came with me."

"Okay, since you are Ma Shoucheng's daughter, you can go down and rest for the time being. I will send someone to take you back in ten days and a half months. General Ma must be in a hurry." Xu Ding shook his head and gave a wry smile, heartbroken for Ma Teng For a second, having such a daughter is really a headache.

Ma Yunlu immediately quit, pouted his lips and said: "Master Hou, I finally came out, you don't want to send me back to Xiliang."

"What do you want to do, Miss Ma? This place is no better than your home. No one will let you. If you cause trouble, I will not be responsible to your father." Xu Ding asked, bluffing half of his face. Scare this girl.

But this girl didn't seem to say this at all, she just said: "You don't need to be responsible, I will take care of it if something happens, I came to Qingzhou, I want to find that guy named Zhao Yun first, he has taken my things for so many years, isn't he Should I pay it back?"

(End of this chapter)

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