Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 450 The Printing Technique Is About to Be Publicized

Chapter 450 The Printing Technique Is About to Be Publicized
"Uh! Zilong took your things?" Xu Ding was slightly taken aback, and then became a little suspicious, and looked at Ma Yunlu again.

Mo Feizilong had something to do with this girl when he came back from Liangzhou a few years ago, but she must have been very young at that time.

For a while, Xu Ding wanted to gossip, but Ma Yunlu was a little impatient, and asked directly: "I won't tell you what it is, Lord Hou, that Zhao Yun is your general, you should know that he is in Where, tell me, and I will go find him myself."

Xu Ding thought for a while and said, "Okay! He's in Jinan Country in Qingzhou, I'll arrange someone to take you there."

"Master Hou, you're the one who understands, be happy!" Ma Yunlu walked over and patted Xu Ding, then turned his head and walked away happily.

Xu Ding and Sun Qian stared at each other for a while, then Xu Ding looked at Ma Yunlu's direction and said, "This is really Ma Teng's daughter!"

She dared to pat herself on the shoulder, this girl was a little too courageous, she almost called her a brother.

Sun Gan stiffened his neck and spit out: "It should be!"

"Haha, now the dragon is in trouble." Suddenly Xu Ding laughed wickedly.

To be honest, among the subordinates, there are not many generals who are not married. Zhao Yun is one of them. Cai Yan and others have helped Xu Ding's subordinates to arrange the marriage, but Zhao Yun has been vague and evaded for various reasons.

Thinking about it now, Xu Ding found that he had found a clue.

But this Ma Yunlu's character is not easy to control. I don't know if Zilong can handle a small strong horse.

Putting away his heart of gossip, Xu Ding listened to Sun Gan's report again. Ma Teng had no problem with forming an alliance, and he also expressed that he would be more wary of Dong Zhuo.

After going to various places to inspect the hardening of bridges and official roads, Xu Ding returned to Dongnae.

Before he could sit down, Donglai College invited him over.

The father-in-law had something to do with him, so Xu Ding went to Cai Yong's office in person, Xu Ding asked, "What is your father-in-law looking for?"

"Bokang came to ask you for an important matter, but I don't want to speak up right now." Cai Yong may also feel that the matter he mentioned is a bit of a relationship, so he is very entangled and embarrassed.

Xu Ding said: "Father-in-law, can you talk about something?"

Seeing that Cai Yong was a bit twitchy, Zheng Xuan said: "You are such a big man, why are you so twitchy, it seems like you don't understand Bokang's personality."

Hearing Zheng Xuan's agitation, Cai Yong gritted his teeth and said, "When Bokang set up the library project, you promised me a condition, remember?"

Xu Ding recalled it for a while, then remembered, and said with a smile: "My father-in-law is talking about printing, right?"

When the library was first built, Xu Ding promised Cai Yong that the technology would be published within five to ten years, so that people in the world could benefit from it, and the education of characters could be spread to all states and counties.

Fast forward so many years, the library has been standing for so long, and the books that should be collected are almost collected. Basically, the libraries of the big Han families have them, and the libraries they don't have.

Therefore, Cai Yong, who is dedicated to serving the people and engaged in education for a long time, naturally has a complicated heart.

Xu Ding thought for a while and said, "I really forgot if my father-in-law didn't mention this, but don't worry, my father-in-law, I will do what I say, and I will let the newspapers publicize the printing technique to the world as soon as possible, so that people in the world can benefit."

"Really, that's great, I'm sorry for you, Bokang." Cai Yong was excited and a little bit sorry.

This is the son-in-law's property, and it is given away for everyone to use for free. It sounds like a selfless person, but it doesn't sound like a prodigal.

This made his old face a little uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, father-in-law, and Zheng Gong, I didn't want to hide the printing technique from the world, it's just that the time is not enough." Xu Ding said with a smile: "Now the status of the library is unshakable, and the collection of books in the world is almost the same. Now, I won't hide it anymore."

The elder couldn't stop nodding.

After Xu Ding left, he sent someone to find Guo Jia. Guo Jia was sometimes in charge of the newspaper, so Xu Ding said, "Bong Xiao, activate the Wendong Tianxia Project."

"My lord, are we going to announce the information on engraving and printing to the world now? Isn't it a bit early?" Guo Jia asked.

Wendong Tianxia's plan has been planned here for a long time. From the very beginning, he didn't intend to release the live set printing to everyone, but released the engraving printing that was a generation behind it.

Although block printing is also a good technology, it is still not as easy to use as movable type printing.

This method is extremely costly and cannot be accomplished by ordinary small clans.

So this was used by Xu Ding to deceive people, in order to pull the big families into the water.

When the major families have mastered the engraving and printing technology, they will definitely make great efforts to print out the collections collected by the family.

Invisibly, they consumed a lot of energy and money, and indirectly weakened the strength of the major families.

"It's okay, now that the big weapon of the library is almost built, we can print more books, sell a round first to earn some money, and then throw out the engraving and printing, as long as we have the sharp weapon of paper in our hands, The big families still have to beg us, and we can't afford to turn the tide." Xu Ding showed a wicked smile.

Guo Jia thought about it, and felt that what Xu Ding said was reasonable, so he didn't mention anything else.

But to arrange the implementation of this plan.

Soon the caravan under Xu Ding's name began to leave Qingzhou with loads of books and headed for various states and counties.

Stores selling books began to open in the main cities of the states and counties.

Bookstores, which had never existed before, caused a sensation in all states and counties, especially newspapers took the lead in launching an advertising campaign.


"Hahaha, stupid, you actually sell books, and books can be sold?" After Yuan Shao received the news, he dismissed it.

The purpose of Xu Ding to sell books is nothing more than to gain the favor of poor families and aristocratic families, and to use the opportunity of selling books to ease the relationship with major aristocratic families.

But this still can't change his title of being a family killer, and the family still won't support him.

Ru Yang!

"Bookstore, what kind of bookstore, and a place that sells books?" Yuan Shu also laughed and turned backwards: "Selling books, I'm afraid Xu Ding's brain has been burned, prodigal, really prodigal, books are the lifeblood of everyone, It's unheard of for him to sell it, it's stupid!"

It's fine to build a library for the mud legs to read for free, but now they're actually selling books.

Xiangyang, Jingzhou!

"It's true. Didn't you read today's newspaper? It also advertised the bookstore. There are bookstores in Xiangyang City, Wancheng, Changsha, Jiangling, and Xiling in Jingzhou, so that we Jingzhou people can buy books. "

"That must be expensive!" someone asked.

White paper is not cheap, not to mention that it is printed on the book, which is even more expensive, and the price should not be low.

Someone said: "It's hard to say, Weihai Hou Renyi is unparalleled. His Donglai newspaper has a monthly newspaper, which is given away for free on the first day of each month. The weekly newspaper is also half free and half sold. He does things kindly. I think this book is not too expensive. After all, what Lord Hou is doing is a good deed, of course, it is impossible for free..."

Everyone was right when they thought about it, they all laughed, and then hurriedly inquired about the location of the bookstore one by one. The other cities and counties that were not in the five cities, whether from poor families or aristocratic families, sent people to the five cities one after another, and took them with them. If you have enough money, as long as it is not too expensive, you can buy as many books as you have.

West of Xiangyang City!

In a mansion courtyard!

Hu Zhao and Hu Kongming smiled and asked a middle-aged man in front of him, "De Cao, that Marquis of Weihai's appetite is getting bigger and bigger. What do you think?"

Sima Hui replied calmly: "The world is changing and everything is impermanent. Doesn't Kong Ming think that Wei Haihou's deed is a good deed?"

(End of this chapter)

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