Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 451 Xu Ding wants to borrow

Chapter 451 Xu Ding wants to borrow
"He broke the balance and broke the foundation of the aristocratic family. If everyone can afford to read and poor families can acquire knowledge at will, then why do they need the aristocratic family? His title of killer of the aristocratic family really wants to be washed away this time. No more." Hu Zhao saw Xu Ding's intention of opening a bookstore at a glance, which was to divide the relationship between poor families and aristocratic families in various states and counties, and to reduce the branches and leaves of aristocratic families.

If the humble family no longer needs to rely on the aristocratic family, then how can the aristocratic family survive forever relying on the fresh blood of their own family.

When he came out of the library, he should have thought that he was going to make trouble, and now it really is.

I just want to limit the sutras. The library of Donglai College will collect all the books on the eighth and nine floors of the Han Dynasty. All books can be sold outside. The treasures in the hands of the aristocratic family will become waste.

Sima Hui said with a smile: "It seems that Wei Hai never thought of getting rid of this title. He never does things according to the old rules. He is ingenious and unexpected. So Kong Ming, do you think he will care?"

"That's right, this Marquis of Weihai has always been different. He is not like everyone else, but he is a different kind. If he continues like this, the world will become more chaotic, and monsters will appear frequently. It is not a good thing!" Hu Zhao boasted and sarcastically laughed.

What happened to Donglai Academy last time still made him worry about it.

Borrowing books failed, and now Xu Ding is openly singing and selling books to the world. This is a slap in the face of him and the Sima family.

Can his old man not be angry?
Sima Hui shook his head, but did not reply.

Isn't the world still in chaos now?

It makes no difference whether there are evildoers or not.

On one side, the two were sitting opposite each other in the courtyard, and on the other side, the two young men were also sitting opposite each other in a wine shop in Xiangyang, drinking and talking about this matter.

"It's true, Marquis of Weihai did let someone open a bookstore. The price is generous, and the books were sold out in just an hour!"

"So, you are planning to go to him." The man on the opposite side looked a little ugly, with no head, drinking wine and enjoying the pleasure brought by it.

"That's right, if there is anyone in the world who is worthy of our allegiance, I don't think there is anyone else except Lord Hou. Why don't you go with me too. Lord Hou always uses his talent according to his ability and does not treat him differently based on his family background."

"I don't care. Marquis Weihai is number one in the world. He has both civil and military skills. He has both talent and appearance. My appearance is hard to catch his eyes. I'm afraid it will be a hindrance to stand with him."

"How could this be, Marquis Weihai has the capacity to accommodate others, you have great talent, how could he despise and discard it for you, you also understand that the future will be determined by him, He Bi will go against the sky!"

"Hahaha, Yuan Zhi, Yuan Zhi, you will also say these words. A capable person of my generation was born to go against the sky and do what the world does not do? What is the general trend? It is nothing but artificial, but everyone's praise Keep your eyes on him, you can go to him, I can find other good masters, the world is so big, there can’t be only one Marquis of Weihai! Otherwise, wouldn’t it be fun.” The man poured three bowls of wine for himself after finishing talking. I feel bad about myself.

The person named Yuan Zhi, whose surname is Xu Mingshu, whose real name is Xu Fu, is from a poor family in Yingchuan.

In his early years, he took revenge for others. After being rescued, he changed his name to Xu Shu.

Now facing him is Pang Tong, whom he met in Jingzhou.

Pang Tong is not inferior to him in talent, but his appearance is extremely ugly, his personality is weird, he is crazy and drunk, and his behavior is very different from others.

It is true that there are not many people who are acquainted with him, but Xu Shu can be regarded as one of them.

"Okay! Since Shi Yuan doesn't want to vote for Lord Hou, I don't force it, but I want to ask Shi Yuan if he wants to go!" Xu Shu asked curiously.

Pang Tong said: "I'm going to go to the lower reaches of the river to see if I can find the Ming Lord. If I can't find it, I'll go back to the Xiangyang water environment and continue to stay idle. I heard that there is a little guy named Zhuge Liang outside the city, which is very interesting."

Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu also heard about it, he was young, but his intelligence was different from others.

Then he nodded slightly, and Xu Shu didn't ask any more questions, the two toasted and drank, and went their separate ways after the breakup.


On this day, Xu Ding was waiting for feedback from the book sales in various states and counties. Guo Jia found Xu Ding and quickly handed the received letter to Xu Ding: "My lord! The Black Mountain Army has reported back."

Xu Ding has been contacting the Black Mountain Army for a long time, but there has been no response, and Xu Ding gradually stopped calling.

The Black Mountain Army is very powerful, whether Zhang Yan and others are willing to give up the base of Taihang Mountain, whether they are willing to give up the power in their hands, these Xu Ding dare not make a judgment.

Although in the original history they finally surrendered to Cao Cao, it was only when there was no other way. Moreover, Cao Cao at that time had the advantage of coercing the emperor to command the princes, which was the most suitable legal method to whitewash the Black Mountain Army.

Now that I only have two states and one marquis, people may not buy it.

After opening the letter and reading it, Xu Ding thought for a while before saying: "Notify Annu and Zike to dispatch warships, especially troop carriers, and at the same time dispatch all kinds of merchant ships and cargo ships to the Yellow River and go to Hanoi to stand by."

"It's the lord!" Guo Jia went down, Xu Ding recruited Sun Qian again, and soon Sun Gan came over, Xu Ding said: "Gongyou, you are working hard, go to Yanzhou to meet Cao Cao, and say that I want to pass by Dongjun."

"It's my lord, I'm going right away!" Sun Qian took the order, and Qi Chen immediately went to Cao Cao's place in Yanzhou.

From Qingzhou to Hanoi County, there is an East County in the middle, and the Yellow River just passes through the East County. In order to avoid misunderstanding, Xu Ding wanted to say hello to Cao Cao.

After finishing the order, Xu Ding then ordered to gather the Jinwu Guard's left cavalry, avant-garde guards, and rear guards.

Soon Sun Qian arrived in Yanzhou and came to Cao Cao.

"Bokang wants to borrow the way, let me think about it!" Cao Cao was suspicious by nature, so he didn't simply reply to Sun Qian.

Sun Qiandao: "The matter is urgent, please trouble Mr. Cao to reply as soon as possible."

After Sun Qian withdrew, Cao Cao summoned a group of counselors to discuss the matter.

At this time, he had four advisors under him, namely Chen Gong, Cheng Shu, Liu Ye, and Chen Deng.

That's right, after the Xuzhou Incident, Chen Deng and Liu Ye both voted under Cao Cao's name, because Cao Cao had newly acquired Yanzhou at this time and was in urgent need of talents.

The two felt that an opportunity had come, and besides Cao Cao, there was no suitable lord for them to pledge their allegiance to.

Cao Cao was like a duck to water when he got these two men. Liu Ye brought him elite soldiers and the craftsmanship of making trebuchets, which made him stronger and strengthened his equipment at the same time.

Chen Deng brought him a group of middle- and lower-level officials, which enabled him to quickly support and stabilize Yanzhou, which played a big role.

Therefore, Cao Cao valued the two of them very much, and treated them as honored guests and counselors, with the same status as Chen Gong and Cheng Shu.

The four settled down and Cao Cao asked: "The Marquis of Weihai sent Sun Gan to discuss with me about borrowing the waterway in Shuidong County. What do you think?"

Chen Gong and Cheng Shu looked at each other, Chen Gong said: "I think it is feasible to use the friendship between the lord and Marquis of Wei Hai as an excuse."

Cao Cao didn't speak, Cheng Shu said: "My lord, I don't know where the Marquis of Weihai is going by way? Why does his navy want to borrow my East County in Yanzhou?"

Dongjun is the place where Cao Cao started his family. This is his base camp. To put it bluntly, if Xu Ding launches an attack on Yanzhou and loses Dongjun, Cao Cao will be finished.

So this is exactly what Cao Cao was worried about. There are other places to talk about, and he can easily make excuses. After all, his friendship with Xu Ding is there.

But friendship belongs to friendship, and it is advisable to be careful in competing for the world.

As a generational hero, he is very mature now.

(End of this chapter)

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