Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 456 Scared Dong Zhuo

Chapter 456 Scared Dong Zhuo

What Liu Ye said was pretty good.

Building a city, this is a good thing.

But at this time Cheng Shu stood up and said: "My lord, no, the reason why the Marquis of Weihai is willing to offer cement is to help my lord open up trade routes and strengthen the connection between Yanzhou and Qingzhou.

If we use it to build the city, I can guarantee that the Marquis of Weihai will not give us a star, then the cement will not be available, and the trade routes will also be gone. "

Chen Gong also said: "My lord, since ancient times, those who have won the hearts of the people have won the world. The governance of a place depends on virtue and benevolence, and the implementation of appropriate laws and regulations.

The city is well built, but if the people don't approve, if it can't bring benefits to the people, then what's the use.

The roads are built to facilitate business travel, and the rule is prosperous. The people are naturally grateful, and they will take the initiative to help if there are enemies.

I heard that the Marquis of Weihai ruled Qingzhou, and he never used cement to build any city. I think he understands the magic of cement better, but he didn't do it. There must be a reason. "

The road is convenient for the people, so I am naturally grateful for it. This is a good way to gain popularity. Cao Cao suddenly realized it after Chen Gong reminded him.

Of course, what Liu Ye and Chen Deng said made sense.

But there are pros and cons to this thing.

The straight road is wide and easy to walk, which is beneficial for others to attack him, and also use him to attack others, can quickly reinforce the front money, and can also improve logistics transportation capabilities.

The road itself is not good or bad, it just depends on the method of looking at the problem and the method of using it.

"Okay! There is no need to discuss this matter, just let him build the road as Bokang said, and I want to see how he will take me to attack Dong Zhuo.


Guanzhong Chang'an City!
Dong Zhuo Mansion!
Dong Zhuo cursed and said: "Damn Ma Teng, I recruited him to Beijing and pushed him back and forth. I promised him well before, but now I can't find any reason. I really want to chop off his head immediately!"

Li Rudao: "Prime Minister guesses that Ma Teng has noticed something. It seems that we have to use Han Sui and let Han Sui beat Ma Teng first."

Dong Zhuo snorted coldly: "Han Sui is the most cunning, Jiuqu Huanghe, he didn't do anything after instigate him several times, this old bastard has too much appetite, he wants Liangzhou shepherd, and he wants to be the king of Liangzhou, how can he just give it to him like this?" he."

Han Sui was even more hateful than Ma Teng. Dong Zhuo felt that Han Sui was too greedy, so he rejected Han Sui's conditions without even thinking about it.

While the two were discussing, suddenly a subordinate rushed in and shouted anxiously: "Prime Minister, something is wrong!"

Dong Zhuo was very dissatisfied, and shouted: "What's the fuss?"

The visitor said: "Prime Minister, Hangu Pass is an urgent report! Xu Ding and Cao Cao will come to attack us with an army of 40 at the pass."

Tired to go!
Dong Zhuo was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and his butt slipped off the chair.

Speaking of which, the chair is still made according to the style invented by Xu Ding. After everyone knows the benefits of the table and chair, they all follow suit.

Dong Zhuo was no exception. Sitting on a chair was much more comfortable than sitting cross-legged on a mat. When he got up, his legs would not be numb and blood pressure.

"Prime Minister!" Li Ru and others hurried forward to help Dong Zhuo.

"40, Xu Ding and Cao Cao's two thieves really came to attack me in Guanzhong." Dong Zhuo hadn't sat down yet, feeling a little flustered.

Xu Ding is the only thing he fears the most in the world. This guy really has nothing to say about wars. He was driven out of Luoyang by tens of thousands of people before, but now he is 40, a monster.

"Prime Minister, please take a look, this is a letter sent by General Dong." The visitor immediately delivered the letter.

Dong Zhuo's clansman Dong Yue is now in charge of defending Hangu Pass, one of the few Zhonglang generals under his name.

Very much reused and trusted by him.

When I opened the letter, I saw that it said that the prime minister had personally informed him that there was a change in the Kanto region. Xu Ding and Cao Cao joined forces and marched to the north, threatening to attack the court again, take the prime minister's head, and rescue the imperial court. The emperor returned to Kanto, the military situation is urgent, so I sent a special message to ask the prime minister to make a decision early!

Not much to write, but a lot of information.

Dong Zhuo said: "Wenyou, Xu Ding and Cao Cao want to attack me, how do you think we should deal with it?"

Li Ru thought for a while and said, "Prime Minister, first of all, we need to find out whether Xu Ding and Cao Cao really want to attack Hangu Pass and enter the pass.

Secondly, when dispatching generals and heavy troops to the east, especially to ensure that Huayin is not lost, I also reminded Niu Fu to pay close attention to the situation in Hedong, in case Xu Ding Cao Cao really came to attack, sneaked to the north bank, and then attacked Hedong. The east bank attacked Guanzhong.

In the end, the prime minister sent someone to contact Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu. If Xu Ding and Cao Cao really sent troops, they could join forces with the two to siege and kill Xu Ding and Cao Cao. "

"Okay, okay! Just as Wen You said, send Lu Bu to Huayin immediately, and make sure that this place is not lost. Even if Dong Yue loses Hangu Pass, he can't lose it." After issuing this order, Dong Zhuo may also feel that I was a little too weak, and raised my voice again:
"In addition, send Fan Chou and Zhang Ji to support Hangu Pass. Xu Ding, Cao Cao and other Kanto rats will not be able to reach Hangu Pass for a while, but they can take the initiative to attack and harass the Kanto when they are in the future."

The messenger went down immediately, and seeing that everyone had left, Li Rudao said: "Prime Minister, the change in the Kanto region has greatly affected our use of troops in Liangzhou. Why don't we first promise Han Sui that he can promise other state herdsmen, but let him take care of it?" Ma Teng was able to promise the King of Liangzhou to him.

As for Ma Teng not coming to Chang'an, why not trick his son Ma Chao to come and say that he will be married to him. I heard that Ma Chao's son is extremely skilled in martial arts. " Li Ru suggested.

Ma Teng is more honest and kind than Han Sui, and he has a strong son like Ma Chao, Li Ru thinks that it is better to win than to fight.

After all, the biggest threat to the Xiliang Army is Xu Ding of the Kanto. Xu Ding has so many strong generals under his command. If the Xiliang Army doesn't recruit and promote some young blood, how can they sweep the Kanto in the future.

Dong Zhuo hesitated, Han Sui's son of a bitch gave him the real power of the Liangzhou Mu for nothing, it was really not a good decision.

As for Ma Chao being recruited as a son-in-law, it reminded him of the fact that when he recruited Sun Jian's son Sun Ce as his son-in-law, he slapped him in the face. Rejecting himself like Sun Jian would not have dealt a greater blow to his prestige.

Li Ru knew Dong Zhuo very well, and when he saw him hesitate, he said, "Actually, it's not very difficult for the Prime Minister to recruit Ma Chao as his son-in-law. First, let's take the opportunity to retreat back to Mei County, empty the western front, and let Ma Teng relax his vigilance. So I wanted the king of Liangzhou to be the king of Jincheng, and put the king of Jincheng on Ma Teng's head, so sincerely, I believe Ma Teng would not refuse."

Huh!If it weren't for Li Ru's good brains, he gave Ma Teng the king that Han Sui wanted, and now Han Sui changed his heart, and Ma Teng must have drifted away.

Coupled with the Kwantung attack, taking the opportunity to show weakness in Liangzhou, Han Sui and Ma Teng can start the war with peace of mind.

Dong Zhuo didn't hesitate when he came back this time, he nodded in agreement, and then immediately ordered all the troops to withdraw from the border of Liangzhou to the hinterland of Fufeng County.

He also gave Han Sui and Ma Teng different imperial edicts.

(End of this chapter)

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