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Chapter 457 The exchange of interests between Xu Ding and Cao Cao

Chapter 457 The exchange of interests between Xu Ding and Cao Cao
On this side, Xu Ding and Cao Cao really sent troops. Of course, the total number of soldiers and horses of the two did not exceed 40, but the banner was very mysterious. And Hanoi was also alarmed.

"Bokang, isn't our marching speed a bit slower!" Cao Cao found that this time his acting seemed to be too much, and Xu Ding really took him to attack Dong Zhuo, which was [-] miles away from Chenliu County. , Going forward, you will arrive at the Hulao Pass in Xingyang.

"Slow? Not slow, Meng De and our 40 army, of course we can't march too fast, otherwise the old thief Dong Zhuo will see us through." Xu Ding replied with a serious face.


Cao Cao's face twitched involuntarily.

Bokang, Bokang, you are not being honest, that's all, I will continue to act with you.

So the army continued to set off, and soon reached Hulao Pass.

Hulao Pass has long since lost its previous momentum and has become extremely dilapidated. It has not been repaired for many years, and the weeds grow taller than people.

The army set up camp, and soon Cao Cao came over and asked Xu Ding: "Bokang, tell me, what exactly do you want to do?"

Cao Cao brought wine with him when he came over. Although drinking is usually not allowed during marches and wars, Lao Cao knew that this time he was just out for a walk, and there would be no battle at all.

Xu Ding took the wine and took a sip of it. Cao Cao's wine, he really didn't like it, if Dong Lai's wine was replaced, he would definitely have a good drink with Cao Cao.

"Hmm! What happened to Mengde's north-south direction? Did someone attack you in Yanzhou?" Xu Ding showed a hint of cunning.

The reason why Cao Cao was willing to accompany him to perform this play was for a purpose. He not only wanted to share some of the interests of the Black Mountain Army from him, but also wanted to take the opportunity to check out the troublesome forces in Yanzhou, especially Yuan Shao. Will Yuan Shu covet his Yanzhou and attack him?

This is a good opportunity, if you don't take advantage of it, you won't be Lao Cao.

"Hey, sure enough we can't hide anything from Bokang." Cao Cao said with a chuckle, "I can't see the problem yet, but some guys are really restless. I think there will be some results soon!"

Xu Ding nodded slightly, and then said: "So Mengde, we have to continue to advance westward. Hulao Pass is still too close to Chenliu County, so it is difficult for others to attack."

"Ahem! Bokang is almost there. I think the troops can stop here. Tell my brother the truth, are you going to take over the Black Mountain Army in Taihang Mountain?" Cao Cao looked at Xu Ding with burning eyes.

This time I can't pretend to be crazy and stupid.

"Black Mountain Army, what Black Mountain Army, Meng De, don't make trouble, where is the Black Mountain Army?" Xu Ding shook his head like a rattle drum, and then showed a bright expression and said:
"Hey! Meng De, you said that, I have a good idea, why don't we divide the troops?"

"Ahem! Divide the troops?" Cao Cao was about to cry. Why did he divide the troops every time he went out with Xu Ding to crusade?

Xu Ding played this game too much, and divided his troops every now and then.

Xu Ding said: "That's right, it's the division of troops. Just now, Meng De, you reminded me that we divided our troops into Hanoi, took a detour from Jiguan, the remaining vein of Taihang Mountain, and captured Hedong first, then attacked Huayin in the southeast, broke through the pass in one fell swoop, and captured Dong Zhuo alive."

Cao Cao asked: "Then how does Bokang plan to divide the army?"

"Of course it's the old rules. Meng De, you lead the infantry to check and attract Dong Zhuo. I lead the cavalry and the elite to take a detour to attack Hedong. You and I cooperate perfectly. It should be a good story!" Xu Ding said with a smile.


Bokang, Bokang, you still haven't changed, what you said hasn't changed, it's still the same as before.

Cao Cao shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Bokang, this time I won't say anything and I won't be separated from you. I will have meat to eat with you. Otherwise, our army will almost run out of food and grass, so we won't be able to go north to Luoyang, and we won't be able to attract Dong Zhuo's attention." Soldiers are here."

Bokang, you just admit it honestly, you are here for the Black Mountain Army, and I don’t want much, just give it to a population of tens of thousands, and you can’t work in vain.

"Meng De, you and I have 40 people, it is impossible to go to Hanoi to fight Hedong, so Dong Zhuo can't see the flaw at a glance, you don't rush to Hangu Pass, you can take your time, just now It's just the end of the summer harvest, Meng De, it's not right for you to cry poor with me." Xu Ding shook his head and also refused.

Cao Cao is resolutely not allowed to intervene in the affairs of the Black Mountain Army, and absolutely not in the matter of population.

Cao Cao continued to cry and said, "Bokang, you have mountains of gold and silver, but I don't. My summer grain has all been paid off, but I'm not as chic as you. I just expect to drink some soup with you?"

Xu Ding pointed at Cao Cao with a smile, and finally had no choice but to say: "Meng De! Meng De, you are afraid that I will not be able to achieve all the merits alone. Don't worry about me doing things. I don't want any credit for attacking Dong Zhuo this time. I still say that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. How about I also give you a mountain of gold and silver. In the future, you can buy white paper, mosquito coils, monosodium glutamate, toilet water, folding fans, celadon, etc. from me for [-]% off. Of course, if you get these goods, you can’t engage in low-price vicious competition in my business scope, how about it?”

White paper, mosquito coils, monosodium glutamate, toilet water, folding fans, celadon, etc. are all [-]% off, which is a good plan.

With this price advantage, I can send people to sell it to Guanzhong and Bingzhou, or my own Yanzhou, which is indeed a way to accumulate wealth through business.

Especially for white paper, the price used to be quite high, but now it's up to [-]% off, and with Xu Ding's recently announced printing method, he can also print newspapers and books by himself, saving a lot of money.

This is the exchange of benefits, whether to choose the people of the Black Mountain Army or choose a business route to get rich.

Cao Cao thought for a while and finally said: "Okay, Bokang, what do you say?"

"Haha, that's right, this is the bold Mengde I know." Xu Ding patted Cao Cao on the shoulder and said, "Come on, let's continue drinking! We did it to get rid of Dong Zhuo."

Cao Cao's face twitched a bit, but he drank it with a toast.

The next day, the army was divided into two divisions, Cao Cao's division stayed in Xingyang, Xu Ding took his troops and horses and headed north towards the Yellow River.

Seeing Xu Ding and the other army leave, Liu Ye said: "My lord, this Weihai is really refusing to give up an inch. He is not willing to give up the interests of the Black Mountain Army. It is really a bit domineering."

Cao Cao said: "It's okay, at least Bokang gave me a lot of benefits. Although I didn't get anyone this time, it is enough to show his sincerity to get Donglai's hot goods at a low price. The more he refuses to let us intervene in the affairs of the Black Mountain Army, it can only mean that he has almost talked with the Black Mountain Army. If we are suddenly allowed to intervene, there may be changes in the Black Mountain Army. It’s a good thing for Bokang.”

Damn, what you said is even more shameless than Xu Ding, Liu Ye can be considered to know why Xu Ding and Cao Cao are so close, they are like dogs.

"I just don't know how he's going to persuade Zhang Yang. It's not likely that Zhang Yang will make an excuse, otherwise Yuan Shao wouldn't have bypassed him." Liu Ye looked halfway, looking like he was watching the show.

Now Zhang Yang is Yuan Shao's subordinate in name, and Hanoi belongs to Yuan Shao's sphere of influence.Can Zhang Yang let Xu Ding go, can he let the Black Mountain Army come out?
Cao Cao said with a smile: "You have said that Bokang is sometimes very domineering. How can Zhang Yang put him in his eyes? If you give it, you will let it go. If you don't give it, you will be beaten. If you fight, the people in Hanoi will be lost again, huh. , let the notice go, and immediately go to Dongjun to adjust the grain and guide the people to enter, so that they can settle down."


Liu Ye looked at Cao Cao with strange eyes, no wonder he agreed so happily, it turned out that he was eyeing the people under Zhang Yang's rule.

(End of this chapter)

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