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Chapter 459 Dong Zhao sees Xu Ding

Chapter 459 Dong Zhao sees Xu Ding

With an army of 40, it's okay to fool others, but Dong Zhao doesn't believe it.

Even if Xu Cao's coalition army really has 40, they dare to send out the whole army to attack Dong Zhuo, and they don't have to worry about the wolves around the lair.

So he doubted the true purpose of this promise.


After Dong Zhao asked such a question, Zhang Yang noticed this problem, and even Yang Chou and the others were enlightened, with a sense of enlightenment.


Is Xu Ding really going to attack Dong Zhuo?
He really came to make an excuse.

After thinking about it carefully, they realized that Xu Ding and Cao Cao's crusade against Dong Zhuo was a bit mysterious and not quite real.

Xu Ding can go out boldly with confidence. As for Cao Cao, there are two big tigers lying beside him.

"What does Gongren mean?" Zhang Yang was thoughtful, but he wasn't sure.

Dong Zhaodao: "My lord, let's send someone to ask Wei Haihou's true intentions. We will never guess right. Why don't we ask him what he really wants? It is said that Wei Haihou is a reasonable person and has always been famous. Outside, there is benevolence, righteousness and virtue, as long as the matter and conditions are made clear, I believe he will not be angry with us."

Zhang Yang nodded slightly and said: "Gongren's words are reasonable, it's just that whoever is sent to go, who among you is willing to go!"

The ghost wanted to go, Zhang Yang's subordinates all looked at their noses and noses, and sat quietly.

Zhang Yang sighed secretly, and immediately looked at Dong Zhao: "If you don't want to be fair, you go. Gongren, you are always quick-witted, calm in dealing with things, and have a strategy, and you are the right one."

"No! Zhao will go for the Fujun!" Dong Zhao replied.

Next, Dong Zhao went to Huai County on behalf of Zhang Yang.

"Oh! Zhang Yang's emissary, let's bring him here!" Xu Ding heard that Zhang Yang sent a scribe, and immediately asked someone to bring him here.

While waiting, Xu Ding asked: "Yuan Zhi, do you think Zhang Yang will make excuses?"

Xu Shu said: "Master, I think Zhang Yang will definitely not make excuses, because he is afraid, and his subordinates are also afraid."

"Yes! They're afraid. They're afraid that I'll take advantage of the opportunity to occupy Hanoi." Xu Ding chuckled, and then saw Dong Zhao outside the door being brought over by the guards.

Seeing Xu Ding, Dong Zhao glanced at Xu Shu who was beside him, then bowed and said, "Jiyin Dong Zhao has met the Lord!"

Xu Ding looked at Dong Zhao several times and asked, "Dong Zhao! Dong Gongren, you are Zhang Yang's boss!"

Entering Hanoi County, Xu Ding naturally put in a lot of effort, whether it was the officials of Huai County on the surface, or the secret network, he still understood the basic situation of Zhang Yang's side.

"Yes, sir!" Dong Zhao replied truthfully.

Xu Ding asked: "Master Zhang asked you to come here because he agreed to send troops by excuse?"

Dong Zhaodao: "Returning to the Lord, the Lord Zhang Fu really has the heart to send troops to make excuses, but there are many cultural and military equipment in the prefecture, he does not want to go to attack Dong Zhuo, and he does not want to lend the Lord."

Dong Zhao didn't hide anything, and told the truth about Zhang Yang's situation.

After listening, Xu Ding frowned slightly, and said with a cold snort: "So Hanoi County wants to be with Dong Zhuo, and he doesn't want to be loyal to the emperor, so he serves the country."

When he said this, Xu Ding's face was full of warmth and anger. He had the intention of sending troops to attack the wild king and directly destroy Zhang Yang, and he looked at Dong Zhao with a bit of unkindness.

Dong Zhao said neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Majesty calm down, Mr. Zhang Fu has no intention of offending you, nor does he mean to be an enemy of you. This time I came here to ask you a word. If you are sincere, Can you tell us the real goal of coming here, only if we know Junhou's original intention, we in Hanoi can cooperate with Junhou."

Xu Ding stared at Dong Zhao and said coldly: "Of course I came here to attack Dong Zhuo and get rid of this national traitor. You go back and tell Zhang Yang that he doesn't need to borrow soldiers or food, but Tao must be borrowed, not me. Take the king of the wild and attack Dong Zhuo on the west side."

There was murderous intent in Xu Ding's words, and it sounded like he meant to reject customers.

Dong Zhao's expression was serious, and he cupped his hands hurriedly and said: "Your Majesty calm down, the people in Hanoi are innocent, if you start a war for this, it will be the people who will suffer, and one will damage your virtue of benevolence and righteousness.

The two worlds will be shaken in an uproar. Dong Zhuo knows the intention of the monarch and marquis in advance, and there is absolutely no possibility of attacking Hedong.

The three princes took Hanoi, but they didn't have the heart to take over and stay behind. In the end, wouldn't it be a waste of work to make wedding dresses for others. "

"Then what do you think of me?" Xu Ding was a little surprised, Dong Zhao was pretty good at talking.

Dong Zhaodao: "Your Marquis can take two strategies, use naval warships to go westward along the Yellow River, cross Hanoi and land on the eastern wall of the east side of the river, and surprise the east side of the river, this method is quick and concealed.

Another strategy is to go northward and take a detour from Bingzhou Shangdang to take Hedong. It is also hidden and will not be noticed by Dong thief. "

After speaking, Dong Zhao was waiting for Xu Ding to speak.

But this time Xu Ding didn't say anything, Xu Shu who was on the side said: "Dong Gongren, don't want to deceive my lord Dong Xingjun's method, the water of the Yellow River passes through Luoyang, the terrain is very different, and the water is turbulent, don't you want to say whether you can travel smoothly? After getting the big ship, wouldn't Dong Thief have been exploring and squatting on the South Bank of Zinan?
Another, how many people can it carry even if it can sail a boat?Our army not only has infantry but also many cavalry, this is the main force of our army's surprise attack, how can we divide our troops.

As for going north, it is even more absurd, Shangdang is the land of Yuan Shao, he is the enemy of our lord, our army going north will be hindered, does our army have to capture Shangdang first, and even destroy Yuan Shao before we can attack the bandits Dong! "

Shangdang belonged to Yuan Shao, but Hanoi was not in name.

Dong Zhaodao: "Returning to Lord Hou, Yuan Shaozheng has fought many battles with the Black Mountain Army in Taihang Mountain recently. At this time, the Shangdang is empty, and Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses are mostly gathered in the Dahaoshan area. If Lord Hou goes north, there will be no obstacles.

On the contrary, if Yuan Shao can defeat the soldiers and horses of the Black Mountain Army encircled by Yuan Shao, one can weaken Yuan Shao's strength, and the two can gain the friendship and favor of the Black Mountain Army. Wan Dajun, then it will be a great help to the crusade against Dong Zhuo. "

Dong Zhao has been paying attention to the changes on Xu Ding's face, and he believes that Xu Ding should have changed this time.

It is impossible for Xu Ding not to know about the battle between the Black Mountain Army and Yuan Shao.

Xu Ding, who always liked to recruit the old Yellow Turbans, would let the Black Mountain Army go without reason.

Taking down the Montenegro Army kills two birds with one stone, gaining both fame and fortune. Dong Zhao has reason to believe that the purpose of Xu Ding's coming to Hanoi is actually the Montenegro Army.

Sure enough, hearing what Dong Zhao said, the expression on Xu Ding's face was no longer tense, but slowed down a lot.

"There is some truth in what Gongren said. Yuan Shao is my great enemy. He has always colluded with Dong Zhuo to harm the people of the world. It is also a disaster. Before eradicating Dong thief, cutting off the two wings of Eryuan is also a way to prevent them from causing disaster. Kanto region." Xu Ding touched his chin, pretending to think.

Dong Zhao really wanted to roll his eyes, because you Wei Haihou said everything, and in one sentence you labeled Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu as Dong Zhuo's accomplices.

Obviously you want the Montenegrin Army, and you have to make it so hard that we beg you to take them in. None of the planners of the world's layout is your opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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