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Chapter 460 Zhang Yang is ready, Zhang Yan is out

Chapter 460 Zhang Yang is ready, Zhang Yan is out

"What the lord said is true! If the lord goes north, Hanoi will definitely help." Dong Zhao said.

Xu Ding nodded slightly and said: "Okay, you go back and tell Zhang Yang, I won't embarrass him anymore, let him open all the east of Wuxiu to our army, guard the Qinshui line and don't move around, I won't complain Considering him, on the contrary, we still have a lot of cooperation in the future, and I still want to do business with him, develop the economy, engage in construction and so on."

"It's your lord, I will bring the truth to you." Dong Zhao's heart relaxed, and Xu Ding's plan turned out to be the Black Mountain Army, and he had no intention of marching westward, let alone seizing Hanoi.

Coming here under the flag of Dong Zhuo is nothing more than to make people want to show off their dignity and not follow along.

Dong Zhao wanted to resign, but Xu Ding shouted, "Wait! I heard that Gong Ren was working under Yuan Shao as an official. Why did he suddenly come to Hanoi?"

Dong Zhao didn't expect Xu Ding to ask this question, so he couldn't help feeling a little tense, so he replied: "Back to Junhou, Yuan Shao is a man with a broad face and a jealous heart. Fujun, because Yuan Shao and Zhang Fujun have some grudges, so there are many suspicions in Yecheng, so they delayed leaving."

"That's how it is. I often hear people say that Gongren has great talents. If he enters the court, he will be a prince of nine ministers. I don't know if Gongren is satisfied with staying in Hanoi. Are you interested in going to Qingzhou or Pingzhou?" Zhang said. Miao had an enmity with Yuan Shao, Xu Ding also knew this matter, since Dong Zhao's younger brother was in the palace under Zhang Miao, it made sense for Dong Zhao to be suspected and not be reused, so Xu Ding saw that Dong Zhao had some talents and wanted to poach him away.

Dong Zhao was also a little surprised. Xu Ding's poaching was too straightforward. Although he was a little moved, he said: "It is said in the world that under the rule of a prince, the people are prosperous, the people are rich, stable and rich, the officials are clear and bright, and the army is strong. It is fascinating. .

After hearing this, Zhao also wanted to travel, and then he was ordered by the lord to be troubled by the affairs in the county, so he couldn't get away for the time being. If he had the opportunity, he would go to Qingzhou and Pingzhou to ask the lord for advice. "

"Okay! Then I'll be waiting for Gongren anytime." Xu Ding finally showed a bright smile and nodded slightly before Dong Zhao left.

Soon Dong Zhao returned to Yewang from Huai County.

"How about Gongren? What did Xu Ding say!" This time Zhang Yang didn't convene the civil and military discussions, but interviewed Dong Zhao alone.

Dong Zhaodao: "Your Majesty, the Marquis of Weihai has no intention of coveting me in Hanoi, and it is true that he only wants to attack Dong Zhuo. However, he agreed to take a detour to the north, and will not borrow the road from Jiguan."

"He's really going to beat Dong Zhuo." Zhang Yang was dubious, took two steps back and forth and asked:
"He is really willing to take a detour to the north. Shangdang has generals from Yuan Shao's lineage there, so I'm afraid there will be conflicts."

Dong Zhaodao: "My lord, it is precisely because it is the land of Yuan Shao that the Marquis of Weihai is willing to go north."


It seems to be true, Yuan Shao and Xu Ding were in a state of hostility, Xu Ding started a war with the Yuan family, and they are still enemies to this day, Xu Ding not only killed many members of the Yuan family, but also killed Yuan Shao's eldest son, Yuan Tan.

The Xu and Yuan families are life-and-death enemies without reconciliation.

Xu Ding didn't need a reason to beat Yuan Shao.

"Thank you for your hard work. By the way, what other conditions does the Marquis of Weihai have?" Zhang Yang is not stupid. Xu Ding's willingness to go north must be conditional, otherwise Ganma would have to take a long detour from Shangdang to Hedong.

Dong Zhaodao: "Your Majesty, you have forgotten that Taihang Mountain is also to the north. Yuan Shao and the Black Mountain Army are fighting fiercely at this time. Marquis Weihai is willing to go north because he intends to block Yuan Shao and recruit some parts by the way, so he does not There are no conditions, as long as we let go of Wuxiu and don't interfere in the affairs of the three parties."

Zhang Yang nodded slightly, and secretly told himself that his brain was indeed a bit out of turn.

After he figured it out, he said, "That's easy to say, as long as he doesn't covet my Hanoi, and doesn't take advantage of the way to enter our west, we won't interfere with Yuan Shao and the Black Mountain Army."

Fools meddle in their own business, whether Black Mountain Army fights Yuan Shao, or Xu Ding fights Yuan Shao, it doesn't matter to him, whoever wins or loses has nothing to do with him, so he won't make a move.

Even though he is now under the name of the Yuan family, but he is an independent prefect, so he will not rush to make a grudge.


After negotiating with Zhang Yang, Xu Ding immediately led the army to turn to the northeast. The navy also evacuated Qinshui, and then entered the Qingshui River and Qishui River from the lower reaches.

The army was divided into three groups to fight towards Dahao Mountain in the Taihang Mountains.

As mentioned earlier, Yuan Shao controlled the area north of Chaoge in Hanoi County, and dispatched troops to block the Black Mountain Army from going south.

At this time, the scope of activities of the Montenegrin Army continued to shrink.

Zhang Yan, who is the leader of the Black Mountain Army, is also getting more and more worried.

"Report! The lord's major event is not good, that guy Qi Gu has defected to Yuan Shao!"

"Hehe, let's vote if you vote." Zhang Yan didn't show any anger when she heard the words, and waved her hand in concern to let the reporter go down.

This is not the first wave to leave the Montenegrin Army Alliance.

Originally, there were two people who took refuge in Yuan Shao, Bai Rao and Tao Sheng, and Qi Gu was the third, and Guo Daxian, Liu Shi, Zhang Fuyun, Zuo Baique, Wulu, and others descended facing north. , Ku Yan, Luo Dapao and others.

These people turned to that guy Liu Bei.

Now the power of the Black Mountain Army has been reduced by one-third, and the number of the million Black Mountain Army is only about 60.

And most of them are civilians, and there are not many who can fight.

Otherwise, he didn't have to be afraid of Yuan Shao's encirclement and suppression, and he would directly drag him to the Jizhou Plain to fight Yuan Shao.

"Leader, it's not an option to go on like this, why not agree to Marquis Weihai!" Zhang Yan's general Sun Qing persuaded.

Others such as Wang Dang, Du Chang and others also said: "Yes, leader, if this continues, everyone's life will be even more difficult until autumn and winter. I don't know how many people will come out of the mountain."

Sun Qing, Wang Dang, Du Chang and other top generals under Zhang Yan were basically persuaded by the people sent by Xu Ding.

Everyone is also impatient, now that guy Liu Bei is digging too hard, every now and then a team goes north to Taiyuan County.

Taiyuan County was mainly because it was too close to Taihang Mountain and couldn't bear the pressure exerted by Yuan Shao, so these people simply voted for Liu Bei who was nearby.

Compared with Liu Bei, they are still optimistic about Xu Ding.

Fame and strength are the top choices. The most important thing is that all the Yellow Turbans back then lived well under Xu Ding's command. Those who joined the army continued to serve as soldiers and generals, and those who became ordinary people had land and houses, and lived a prosperous life. .

This is what they really envy and yearn for.

Besides, Xu Ding is the number one prince in the world now, and his future is boundless.

Zhang Yan scanned all the generals and knew that most of his subordinates wanted to vote for Xu Ding, but he still hesitated, and said: "I heard that Xu Ding and Cao Cao led troops to attack Dong Zhuo. Don't be thirsty, let's boost our morale these two days, gather the elite, and we will go out to fight Yuan Shao, I still don't believe that Yuan Shao will be defeated."

(End of this chapter)

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