Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 461 Sneak Attack on Zhang Yan's Lair

Chapter 461 Sneak Attack on Zhang Yan's Lair
"Report! My lord! The Black Mountain Army Zhang Yan suddenly led the army out of the mountain, and launched a fierce attack on our army's checkpoints. The front line was lost, and the Black Mountain Army brigade headed south towards Linlu City!"


Yuan Shao is recruiting generals to take advantage of the opportunity to launch the best general attack before the Black Mountain Army falls apart, and encircle and kill Zhang Yan in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, the news that Zhang Yan's entire army was suddenly dispatched to kill the mountain was received, which was indeed quite a sensation.

Yuan Shao said: "Now Zhang Yan has jumped the wall in a hurry. He is a worm when he comes out of the Taihang Valley. It's time to deal with him thoroughly. Order the ministries to tighten their pockets. This time we must kill Zhang Yan and capture hundreds of thousands of people in his hands. "

"It's my lord!" Yuan Shaozhong commanded.

So Yuan Shao personally approved the hanging, and led the Yecheng army to rush in the direction of Lin Lucheng.

In fact, Yecheng is not far from Taihang Mountain, and it is even closer to Linlu City. As long as you cross the Huanshui River, it is only a few tens of miles away.

That's why Yuan Shao was restless, like a light on his back, always on guard against the fear that the Black Mountain Army would come out of the mountain to attack Yecheng, his base camp.

This is also the reason why he made up his mind that he would rather give in to Gongsun Zan and get rid of Zhang Yan before Liu Bei got Bingzhou.

When Yuan Shao arrived, Lin Lucheng was defeated by Zhang Yan, and the banner of Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army was all over the city.

Looking at the military flag on the city, Yuan Shao was really dazzling, and asked: "Now that Zhang Yanzi has attacked Lin Lu City, how do you think he will be defeated?"

Feng Ji said: "My lord, you can order Tao Sheng, Sui Gu and other troops to enter the mountain from the right to attack Zhang Yan's lair, and cut off his retreat. After ordering the senior officials of the Shangdang to enter the mountain from the west of the Taihang Valley, we will send good generals. The fierce generals go to the city every day to invite Zhang Yan to fight, one will hold him back, and the other will wear down his vitality and consume his food and grass."

Yuan Shao nodded and said, "Great kindness, just do what Yuan Tu said!"

Yuan Shao has also learned to behave himself recently. He does not bring a group of advisers with him when he goes out to fight, but one or two. This can reduce a lot of internal conflicts.

This method was learned from Xu Ding humbly.

Although Xu Ding was an enemy, he had to admit that Xu Ding seldom made mistakes. Every time he went out for an expedition, he almost never brought more than two advisers, and most of the time he didn't even bring them.

The advantage of this is quite obvious, the opinions are easy to unify, and there will be no difficulty in choosing.

Whether it is wrong or right, just one word will do.

If you stick to the wrong path, you can step on a bright light.

So this time Yuan Shao brought Fengji and Xun Kan out, and the others were released or stayed in Yecheng.

After receiving Yuan Shao's order, Tao Sheng and Sui Gu, two anti-bones from the Black Mountain Army, led people to take a small path to Zhang Yan's old lair.

They were all old bandits on the Taihang Mountains, and they were very familiar with all the valleys, so they sneaked into the vicinity of Zhang Yan's lair very smoothly.

The two were familiar with the terrain of Zhang Yan's old village and the position of the patrolling soldiers, so they waited until after dark before touching it.

At this time, Zhang Yan's lair was extremely empty, and all the troops had left for the expedition, leaving only some old, weak, sick, disabled, women and children.

Tao Sheng and Sui Gu reached the bottom of the mountain very smoothly, and then approached along the valley path.

"Quick! Quickly keep up!"

Everything was silent on the top of the mountain, it was pitch black, and nothing could be seen, and the wind was blowing from the mouth of the valley, making it quite damp and cool.

Soon Tao Sheng and Sui Gu's subordinates dealt with the strong man guarding the gate in the dark, and opened the mountain gate.

"It's done! Go in, anyone who dares to stop him will be killed!"

"It's the boss!"

Tao Sheng and Sui Gu's subordinates cheered up one by one. Zhang Yan was the biggest force in the Black Mountain Army, and he had more treasures than them.

The population is also large, and naturally there are more women.

Take Zhang Yan's cottage, and all the prisoners are theirs.

Excited and bloodthirsty, Tao Sheng and Sui Gu's subordinates rushed in, and quickly walked to the top of the mountain along the mountain road, because the top of the mountain is the real core of Zhang Yan, where most of the female relatives and money are stored. .

Only halfway through the rush, suddenly countless bright torches lit up on the top of the mountain.


At the same time, there was a loud shout of killing, and countless soldiers of the Black Mountain Army with bows and crossbows rushed out and intercepted them on all the main roads on the mountainside.

"Fire arrows!"

Immediately, countless arrows shot down like a flood of locusts!
"Puff puff……"

Tao Sheng and Sui Gu's generals immediately shot most of them into hedgehogs, causing heavy casualties.

"Not good, there is an ambush, back down, back out of the valley!"

Tao Sheng and Sui Gu are not idiots either. Looking at the posture on the mountain, they knew there was a problem, and they fell for it.

So he hurriedly ordered his subordinates to retreat.


They were about to retreat, Zhang Yan on the mountain pursued them, and the shouts shook the valley. Soon, countless torches appeared on the high grounds on both sides of the mountain gate, and countless crossbow arrows were shot out, densely and swiftly, killing Tao Sheng and Sui Gu. run away.

"Bastard, that bastard Zhang Yan has kept so many crossbowmen in his lair. Where did he get such powerful crossbowmen?" Sui Gu was very puzzled. Zhang Yan's strength was only limited to having more troops than them. It's still about the same.

But tonight's ambushes are so different. Apart from the large number of crossbows, it seems that the combination of momentum and tactics is not like a mob.

"Zhang Yan must have been guarding against us all the time, hiding the elite troops on purpose, or he is the leader of the alliance, let's go quickly." Seeing Zhang Yan's men chasing after him, Tao Sheng said with lingering fear.

Sui Gu nodded, and didn't dare to delay, after all, this area is Zhang Yan's territory, and Zhang Yan's subordinates are more familiar with it.

So the two left in a panic with the remnants of their troops. The next day, the two counted the losses, and then returned to Jizhou without daring to stay in Taihang Mountain.


When I came to see Zhang Yan’s old lair, Tao Sheng and Sui Gu were chased away, and Sun Qingchong, a scholar who stayed behind, thanked a scribe: “Master Xu is really good at predicting things, and Tao Sheng and Sui Gu are two bastards who really came to the night.” It is a pity that they escaped when they attacked my Dazhai."

"I can't help it. Leader Zhang has brought all the main force out. If I keep five thousand young men here, I can keep Tao Sheng and Sui Gu and solve these two scourges in one fell swoop." The scribe said helplessly.

Sun Qing also had a look of regret, who made Zhang Yan force himself to fight Yuan Shao to the death, the large army took them away, leaving the old, weak, sick and disabled, let him look after the house, it is a kind of luck to be able to guard.

It turned out that the scribe next to Sun Qing was Xu Ding's new counselor Xu Shu. After negotiating with Dong Zhao that day, Xu Ding ordered Xu Shu to bring the left cavalry guard of the centurion into the mountain to find Zhang Yan, and was going to contact them to go west. He is easy to respond to the mountains in the south.

It's a pity that it was still a step late, Zhang Yan couldn't bear the betrayal of the alliance's mountains, and when he got angry, he wanted to fight Yuan Shao and went out of the mountain to the east.

However, when Xu Shu came in a hurry, after talking with Sun Qing and others who stayed behind, he concluded that someone would attack Dazhai in the next two days, so he hid.

This is why Tao Sheng and Sui Gu feel weird.

Because the left cavalry guards were originally called divine machine guards, and each guard carried a crossbow on their bodies, and when they set up an ambush, they would naturally be able to kill Tao Sheng and Sui Gu by surprise, as if a large army was overwhelming the situation.

"I hope the leader and the others can return to the mountain soon!" Sun Qing said worriedly.

Dazhai, the old nest, has been saved, so don't make a big deal out of Zhang Yan's place, and completely wipe out the main force, otherwise he will go to Weihaihou, and the capital to serve will be reduced by one point.

Xu Shu shook his head facing east and said: "I'm afraid your ally leader won't be able to come back, Yuan Shao will definitely send the army to hold him back in Lin Lu City, and he will be finished if he moves."

(End of this chapter)

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