Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 470 Yuan Shao Withdraws His Troops

Chapter 470 Yuan Shao Withdraws His Troops
"What's over, tell me clearly!"

Yuan Shao recognized the report was a captain of Wen Chou's personal guard, and when he returned in embarrassment, his heart skipped a beat.

Hope it's not bad news.

"My lord, it rained heavily last night, and the river rose, and the river washed away our camp. General Wen Chou, General Zhang Jaw, and General Gao Lan were all washed away by the flood. Many soldiers were killed and wounded. Thirty thousand troops were gone..."

3 people were hit by the flood overnight, and were instantly wiped out in the night.

Yuan Shao and his soldiers didn't know how they were destroyed by the flood.

You can only struggle in the flood with your personal water quality and luck.

"What? Are you saying it again?"

Yuan Shaoteng stood up, his big heart was half cold.

"The three armies...the three armies are finished, the flood...the flood rushed down from the mountain, and our camp was destroyed. At night, we couldn't see anything clearly. The three generals disappeared. The soldiers are all dead..." The person who reported the letter looked sad. She looked pale and trembled when she spoke, one could imagine how much fear she had endured last night.

It is good that he can run back to report the letter.

"I... Puff!" Yuan Shao spat out a mouthful of blood, and fainted.

Feng Ji hurriedly said: "Quickly pass on the doctor, and don't pass on the news to me at the same time, wait for the lord to wake up and make a decision!"

A group of people hurriedly said: "No!"

Everyone was in a hurry, the doctor came over to see the diagnosis, and prescribed a bowl of soup, Yuan Shao woke up after taking it.

It's just that his complexion was extremely bad, he opened his lips slightly and said, "Has Yuan Tu sent someone to check? What happened to Wen Chou, Zhang Yun, Gao Lan and others?"

The [-] army fell apart overnight, and the three generals were swept away by the flood. The elite of the [-] halberds was definitely a heavy blow, and it was not a big blow to Yuan Shao.

Feng Ji comforted Yuan Shao and said: "Don't worry, my lord. I sent a team to look for it. I believe that the three generals will be fine. My lord should relax a bit, and there will be good news soon."

In fact, Fengji also knew that this was self-comfort.

The flood in the middle of the night, Zhang He and others didn't expect it, and they rushed in suddenly, and the [-] troops were gone.

"Report! My lord is in trouble, and Xu Ding led the troops to appear outside our barracks!"

Suddenly another soldier came in to report the situation.

"Cough cough!" Yuan Shao coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, looked at Feng Ji, Feng Ji said: "My lord, rest for a while, I'll go and have a look!"

Yuan Shao was so upset that he sighed and nodded lightly, then lay down on his back.

Only then did Feng Ji quit the tent, climbed up the tower of the camp and looked up.

I saw a mighty general outside the camp, followed by thousands of cavalry on the left and right, and about two thousand infantry behind him.

Each must be sonorous and powerful, breaking through the sky.

"It's the Donglai army! The Marquis of Weihai is really here. It seems that they were the ones who burned our army's food and grass last night." Feng Ji covered his eyebrows with his right hand to make his eyesight clearer and clearer.

Seeing the big Xu Zishuai flag and the heroic general on the tall black horse, he knew that this was the real Xu Ding.

The Donglai army suddenly went out to the city, and only a mere three thousand dared to fight in Yuan Jun's camp. This made Zhang Yan and others in Lin Lucheng very happy.

"Brothers, the Marquis of Weihai has come to help us in person, cheer up everyone, and don't fall into the name of our Black Mountain Army!" Zhang Yanzi is also a person who can recruit good people. In the past ten days, morale has deteriorated day by day. At this time, it was discovered that Xu Ding had arrived. Although there were only 3000 people, it was good news.

It is a good way to boost morale, and naturally they will not miss the opportunity.

The generals led tens of thousands of young men and shouted: "Marquis of Weihai! Fight! Marquis of Weihai! Fight..."

"It's troublesome!" The appearance of Xu Ding was the result of Zhang Yan taking a forcible dose and taking a big tonic pill. It might be impossible to eat Zhang Yan now.

Feng Ji frowned tightly, ordered the generals to guard the camp, then went down from the tower, and went back to Yuan Shao's big tent for a closer look.

Yuan Shao didn't open his eyes, but closed his eyes to rest his mind. He could hear the movement outside clearly even in the military tent.

So when someone raised the military tent, he knew that Feng Ji had come, and asked, "How is Yuan Tu?"

Feng Ji said: "My lord, the situation is not good for us. Xu Ding himself has come. There are only three thousand people, but there are one thousand riders. He was the one who burned our food and grass last night."

"So we were fooled again. Xu Ding by the Zhanshui River was pretended by his subordinates. He was false and real, and it was a good plan. He was planning our army's food and grass from the very beginning. We were careless." Yuan Shao Sigh leisurely, it's too late to regret now.

"Then my lord, let's retreat!" Feng Ji suggested.

Things can't be done, Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army can't be bitten, and it will wear him down, especially after Wen Chou, Zhang He, Gao Lan and other generals disappeared.

The situation began to develop in a reversed form.

"Forget it, send an order to retreat!" Yuan Shao said helplessly.

It was obvious that he had the upper hand, and everything reversed overnight. If he didn't withdraw from this quagmire, and the promised five thousand soldiers came over, they might not be able to withdraw.

This time Yuan Shao withdrew very quickly, hardly confronting Xu Ding head-on, the army packed up their things and hurriedly retreated to Yecheng. The army deployed defenses in the country along the Huanshui River to guard against Xu Ding's impact.

Yuan Shao retreated wisely, and Xu Ding naturally didn't want to fight such a meaningless war, so he didn't make any moves to intercept and pursue him, but instead sent someone a letter.

Yuan Shao asked Feng Ji to open it, Feng Ji didn't speak for a long time after reading the content, Yuan Shao asked: "What did you say in Xu Ding's letter? Are you mocking me?"

Feng Ji said: "It's not my lord. Marquis Weihai didn't make any verbal attacks, and he didn't even mention this incident. His letter only said one thing, and he wants us to pay attention!"

"Without verbal attacks, he would be so kind!" Yuan Shao asked sneeringly, "What does he want us to pay attention to, so we can't provoke him?"

"No! Marquis Weihai said that the big man's rain this year is over, and there will be a severe drought in the future. After a long drought, there will be locusts in the coming year. He told us to pay attention to drought resistance and locust prevention." Feng Ji also didn't look at Dong, but That's what was written in the promised letter.

Yuan Shao stretched out his hand, and Feng Ji handed it over. Yuan Shao saw that there were no words to attack him, and they didn't even mention the conflict between the Xu and Yuan families.

There is only one theme in the letter. There will be a severe drought in the second half of the year, and a long drought will inevitably lead to disasters. Xu Ding even asked himself to dig more canals and prepare for water storage. He asked him to treat the people of Jizhou well and not be harmed by severe drought and locust plagues. up.

"Hahaha! What a promise, who do you think you are, a severe drought, what a joke, how could it be a severe drought with so much rain this year, locust plagues, it's even more nonsense.

Do you really think you are a god?Still pretending that he is a good person, as if he has the virtue of being good! "Yuan Shao squeezed the letter paper into a ball and threw it directly on the ground ten feet away:

"I, Yuan Benchu, need him to take care of what I want to do and how to do it. Do I still need his advice? Only he can use such a naive method of transferring the energy of our army."

What Xu Ding said in the letter, Yuan Shao didn't even believe half a word, he just thought it was Xu Ding who was plotting some kind of conspiracy again.

Probably because I want to limit my outward expansion and scare myself.

Although the Black Mountain Army didn't eat it and Xu Ding took the piece of fat, but without the Black Mountain Army's knife in his heart, he could sleep peacefully and gather all the soldiers and horses to expand outward.

There are gains and losses, which is good news. Of course, Yuan Shao can only comfort himself unwillingly.

(End of this chapter)

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