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Chapter 471 Subdues Zhang Yan and captures Gao Lan

Chapter 471 Subdues Zhang Yan and captures Gao Lan

Not to mention that Yuan Shao's people retreated, and the crisis in Lin Lucheng was over here, Zhang Yan led a group of subordinates out to pay homage: "The last general Zhang Yan has seen the prince!"

"The last king should have seen the prince!"

"The last general, Chief Du, has met the prince!"

"You don't need to be too polite. Now that Yuan Jun has retreated, you are safe." Xu Ding shouted and stepped forward to straighten Zhang Yan. Only now did he have the opportunity to look at the nominal leader of the Black Mountain Army.

Zhang Yan is a medium-sized strong man with a dark complexion, medium build, neither fat nor thin, with a short beard and beard.

Zhang Yan is known as Feiyan, and he may not be the most outstanding one in this era, but in terms of agility and reaction speed, he is also one of the delicate ones.

"Thank you, Junhou. If Junhou hadn't come to help from afar, I think we would have been entrusted by Yuan Shao to die here!" Zhang Yan regretted his decision at the beginning. He really didn't have the capital to fight Yuan Shao.

"Everyone, to put it mildly, after this incident, what are your plans? Do you still want to travel across the Taihang Mountains, and hide in Tibet through the big valleys?" Xu Ding asked the crowd.

Zhang Yan's subordinates looked at each other, and then all looked at Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan bowed and said: "My lord, please allow me to merge the soldiers of Montenegro into Qingzhou. I am willing to go through fire and water for my lord!"

In fact, Zhang Yan also knew that he had no choice. First, all the generals under his command wanted to surrender to Xu Ding.

The second is that the people in the old village were all fooled out of the mountain by Xu Shu, and boarded the big boat to Qingzhou.

His family and relatives all boarded Xu Ding's pirate ship, and he accepted his fate.

Moreover, based on the fact that Xu Ding only brought [-] units to the future to help, he respected him and dared not refuse.

When the catastrophe was imminent, all the dissidents in the Black Mountain Army defected and joined the army. At this time, only Xu Ding came to rescue him. This kindness is greater than heaven.

Zhang Yan recognized the Lord, and Wang Dang and Du Chang naturally had no objections, and they all paid homage and said, "I am willing to go through fire and water for my Lord!"

Xu Ding glanced at the crowd, looked at the soldiers of the Black Mountain Army and said: "I promise, I can't guarantee anything else, at least I can make you full and not hungry. If you believe in me, I will give you a piece of stable sky." , Anyone who arrives in Qingzhou or Pingzhou, those who are willing to serve as soldiers can continue to stay, and those who are not willing will be given houses and fields to you at that time, so that they can have enough food and clothing!"

The essence of the Montenegrin Army is a group of peasants. Most of them are the oppressed at the lowest level. If you tell them big words, they may not understand it.

On the contrary, they are more willing to pay attention to food and housing. These most basic living conditions are the softest place in their hearts.

"Thank you, my lord!" There are no big words, some are just a sentence to eat and not hungry, this is the best promise to them.

The people's eyes are discerning, and it is easier to gain their trust than to speak well and do well.

Subduing the Black Mountain army, Xu Ding said: "While Yuan Shao is retreating, let's leave too, otherwise trouble will arise!"

"It's the lord!"

Everyone buried the pot to make food, ate all the food left, gathered enough strength, and then set off.

Halfway through the trip, I received the liaison personnel sent by Xu Shu, and quickly joined Xu Shu and Xu Chu.

Seeing the huge number of young and strong behind Xu Ding, Xu Chu and Xu Shu were very happy.

Everyone's efforts have been greatly rewarded, and the previous hard work is worthwhile.

"Yuanzhi! Tell me about the specific situation there!" It was within his expectation that the [-] troops including Wen Chou and Zhang Yun would be severely damaged by the flood. Xu Ding believed that Xu Shu's ability could accomplish it well.

Now he most wants to know the situation of Wen Chou, Gao Lan, Zhang He and others, whether the three Jizhou warriors are dead or not.

Xu Shu said: "My lord, we used Hong Pin to destroy Yuan Jun's camp, and most of Yuan Jun's [-] soldiers were killed. Because we went down the mountain to search after dawn, except for Yuan Jun's corpses all over the mountains, we didn't find Zhang Jai and Wen Chou. We don't know whether it is life or death.

However, according to our statistics, there are about [-] corpses of the euphorbia warriors who opened their jaws. It is not known whether the others rushed into the Zhanshui River or escaped during the night. "

Wen Chou and Zhang Jaw were not found, it seems that most of them escaped by self-rescue, the two are fierce generals with strong physical fitness, and if they disappeared, Xu Ding would prefer that they escaped unharmed.It is a pity.

If Yuan Shao's three most powerful generals were beheaded at once, Yuan Shao's military strength would be greatly reduced, and Yan Liang would not be able to help Yuan Shao support the plaque of Jizhou Mu.

"So, you found Gao Lan's body." Xu Ding's reaction was very sharp. Xu Shu didn't raise Lan just now, so this guy is probably dead.

Xu Shu smiled and said, "My lord, Gao Lan is not dead. He was fainted by the flood last night. After dawn, he was discovered and captured by our soldiers. He is now being held in the camp."

"Oh, I'm captured alive!" Xu Ding's face showed joy, and Gao Lan's death is certainly not as good as his life.

"My lord, do you want to bring him here for interrogation?" Although Xu Shu had not been with Xu Ding not long ago, he still knew Xu Ding's hobby of collecting talents.

Gao Lan may not be as powerful as Xu Chu, but he is not a brave general, and subduing him can also add a bit of strength to Donglai.

Xu Ding shook his head and said, "No, let's keep it like this for the time being. When we return to Weiyuan Island, we will deal with his affairs. If Zhongkang is not busy enough, he can talk to him about his life experience!"

Xu Chu showed a hey-hey smile, clasped his fingers together, and his joints slapped.

"It's the lord, I understand!" Xu Shu glanced at the two brothers of the Xu family, and probably guessed that Gao Lan would not live comfortably for some time to come.

Soon Xu Ding's army crossed Qishui and headed back towards Chaoge, Xu Huang's side also immediately withdrew back, and stopped disturbing the southern part of Wei County.

Next, Xu Ding selected high-quality soldiers at Chaoge Reorganization Black Army Mountain, while waiting for the ship from Qingzhou to come to install them.

During this period, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao also paid close attention to and secretly guarded against.

Xu Ding held tens of thousands of young and strong troops lying in Chaoge, and no one would be able to sleep peacefully, even Zhang Yang was worried, so he sent Dong Zhao to Confucian scholars repeatedly to find out the news.

Every time Xu Ding treated Dong Zhao with good courtesy, Dong Zhao and Xu Ding became more and more familiar with each other. Xu Ding, Xu Shu and Dong Zhao talked about world affairs and opinions in Chaoge, and they had a very happy chat.

"Gongren, I really want to tie you up to Weiyuan Island right now! It's a pity that you shoulder a great responsibility, and it's hard to win people's love because you are deeply trusted by Mr. Zhang." During this period of contact, Xu Ding and Dong Zhao has the tacit understanding of being a concubine.

Although they have not become masters and servants, they actually have a good relationship.

Dong Zhaodao: "Your Majesty said it in time. Now is an eventful season. There must be no chaos in Hanoi. Chaos in Hanoi will make the world even more chaotic."

Hanoi is connected to Hedong County in the northwest, Bingzhou in the north, Jizhou in the northeast, Yanzhou in the southeast, and Luoyang in Guanzhong in the northwest. It has great geographical advantages.

Whoever owns Hanoi doesn't care about it.

At present, it is not suitable for anyone to seize Hanoi. It is more suitable for Zhang Yang, a slightly cowardly and disciplined person.

In the absence of war between Hebei, Qinghai, and Yan, whoever moves Hanoi is molesting the other side, and it is bound to open up a big fight.

Neither Yuan Shao nor Cao Cao is ready for a big battle.

What Xu Ding lacks the most is time, and he is happy to live in peace everywhere, and he will not find faults and break the balance.

(End of this chapter)

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