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Chapter 472 The South China Sea Voyage

Chapter 472 Navigating the South China Sea ([-])
It is said that Gan Ning and others left Jiaozhou and sailed southward with a huge warship.

Soon they arrived at Xianglin City in Linyi Kingdom.

By the way, it turns out that the border land of Linyi is all owned by Rinan County.

More than 30 years ago, a Cham man named Qulian rebelled and invaded several nearby counties, and then called him the king of Linyi.

The territory of Linyi Kingdom is basically in the narrow area east of the Changchang Mountains, and all counties and cities are extremely vulnerable to attacks from the sea.

So after discovering that the Han army's large ships were coming, the current king of Linyi Kingdom took his wife and children to the dense forests and deep mountains of the Changchang Mountains.

This method has been tried and tested repeatedly by Lin Yiguo. The conflict with Jiaozhou has always been sharp, and there are constant wars, so Lin Yiguo people are used to it.

Anyway, if they can't fight, they will run away. If the Han army stays in the city with small troops, they will recruit people from the four fields to attack the city and kill the Han people.

This is their usual tactics.

"Guawazi! Shit Lin Yiguo, don't talk about people, he didn't even see a monkey!" Gan Ning took down Xianglin City without bloodshed, and after entering the city, he kept complaining, feeling that it was meaningless.

This shit Linyi people are too cowardly, I ran away before attacking the city.

And the city is so clean that there are no rats left.

There are thousands of strange things, all kinds of surprises.

Xin commented: "Looking at the situation, they retreated on purpose. They took away all the daily necessities and left us with nothing useful. This is treating us as Jiaozhou's army!"

Gan Ning said: "Then what should we do? Now that no one has been found, we can't wait here, or the whole city will be burned down!"

Xin Ping swayed and persuaded: "No! If we burn the city here, the people of Linyi will hate us forever. Linyi Kingdom, so that they can go south to recover the territory of the Han Dynasty without bloodshed, but this will not do us any good, but will damage some soldiers.

It's better to keep Lin Yiguo and let it temporarily restrain the Shi family. With one more enemy, the Shi family's power in Jiaozhou will be weaker. "

The so-called long-distance and short-term attack is true.

Gan Ning said angrily: "The problem is that we can't have a good chat with Lin Yiguo and these bastards now, since they've all left, how can we talk about it!"

The influence of the Shi family in Jiaozhou is indeed huge. The prefects of the four counties are all four brothers, and officials from other places are also members of the Shi family.

He seems to be a veritable emperor of the earth, and his small life is more comfortable than that of the aristocratic family in the Central Plains.

"It's okay, let's leave the city now, and just put two exquisite porcelain vases, a piece of high-quality silk, a jar of wine, a box of mosquito coils, and our Donglai military flag in the city." Xin Ping said with a smile.

Gan Ning scratched the back of his head and said, "You can do whatever you want, these monkeys may not like you!"

After putting away the five things, Gan Ning and others boarded the warship, and then continued southward, reaching the Mekong River Basin of later generations in a few days.

At this time, it belonged to the Funan Kingdom. The territory of Funan was relatively large, and its jurisdiction was roughly equivalent to the entire territory of Cambodia today, as well as southern Laos, southern Vietnam, and southeastern Thailand. At the same time, it had some dependent countries in the surrounding areas.

Funan Kingdom ruled almost the entire Indochina Peninsula and was the ruler of this area.

As we all know, the Mekong River's downstream water network makes up for it. The terrain is flat and the land is fertile. It is a good and ideal farming area.

The Mekong River has nine estuaries, and the river water finally flows into the South China Sea. According to the promised area, Gan Ning and others went west and north along one of the estuaries.

"Sure enough, my lord is right. This is heaven. There is such a large flat area, the land is fertile, and the seasons are hot. Three crops a year is not a problem!" Big deal.

Not to mention the hotter weather, all the places I looked at were fertile soil, so I was naturally excited.

Especially seeing the wild rice growing randomly in the wilderness without any one to take care of it, and there is a good harvest, it is even more shocking.

There are no wonders in the world.

This is heaven.

They didn't travel long, but instead ordered people to disembark to harvest rice to enrich their food.


Just as the soldiers were harvesting rice, a group of men with naked clothes, only their lower limbs covered by woolen cloth, and holding wooden javelins came running from a distance, screaming strangely as they ran.

"Hehe! How dare you come to surprise our army? I'm really impatient." Gan Ning and others on the warship had already discovered the soldiers of Funan Kingdom by using the telescopic field, so they waved their hands and said:
"Hua Xiong, order your troops to defeat the incoming enemy and take at least ten prisoners for me!"

Hua Xiong said: "Yes!"

Who told him to be the captain of the Marine Corps? Gan Ning didn't bother to make a move on this group of troops with revealing clothes that didn't look like a regular army, so he simply let Hua Xiong run errands.

Hua Xiong led the men down, with a longbow and a short crossbow, a burst of fierce shooting was extremely accurate,
After being hit head-on, these Funan Kingdoms found strange noises and began to retreat and run away.

Hua Xiong led his men in pursuit, and soon beheaded dozens of people, taking some prisoners.

However, most of the Funan Kingdom still ran away, after all, they were more familiar with this area.

One of the guides brought from Jiaozhou also knew a little bit of Funan Mandarin. After questioning, Gan Ning and others learned that there was a Funan city called Shacheng not far from Shangfeng.

After the people of Funan here found out that they were here, they liked the warships of the Donglai Navy and wanted to capture them for their own use.

Moreover, the city lord who guarded the city sent people back to the capital to inform the king of Funan, and believed that the army of Funan Kingdom would go south soon.

"Hey! This is a good thing. It's been a long time since we fought a happy battle. Since the Funan Kingdom is so interested in our warships, let them see what real strength is and what it means not to covet it." Gan Ning The more he listens, the happier he is. He is a combat activist, and he is comfortable only when he fights.

Everyone was also itchy, and soon the warship sailed to the upper reaches, and found a city.

At this time, the people of Funan in the city were waiting in battle, readying all kinds of defense equipment.

As the largest city in the vicinity and one of the most important cities in the southeast of Funan Kingdom, it is not only well-defended, but also has many soldiers.

"Hua Xiong, your troops go ashore and attack the south gate of the enemy's city by land. Remember to set up a catapult and smash it hard for me." Once he entered the combat state, Gan Ning displayed his general demeanor and began to command calmly.

After unloading Hua Xiong and others, Gan Ning led the naval warships and continued to go up, attacking the east gate with the wharf.

The warship stopped on the pier, and all the bed crossbows aimed at the soldiers of the Funan Kingdom on the Shacheng and the flag fluttering in the wind.

Of course, Gan Ning did not launch an attack immediately. He was waiting for Hua Xiong to fight first, so that the Funan people could taste the power of the trebuchet first, and put the crossbow on the bed after being frightened, so the effect would be better.

The Funan people in Shacheng had never seen catapults and bed crossbows at all. Seeing that the Han army surrounded them without fighting, they set up catapults and bed crossbows as decorations, and immediately burst into laughter and ridicule.

Then the guard on the city spit out a long babble, and Gan Ning asked the guide: "Then what did you say?"

"Return to the general! He told us to sneak away quickly, don't come out ashamed, and said that we would not be able to attack the city, so he would bluff and put up some big logs to bluff people." The guide paid attention to the expression on Gan Ning's face. There was no rage as imagined, so he continued to explain:
"He also said that their king is coming with an army of [-]. If we don't run away, we will stay as slaves!"

(End of this chapter)

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