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Chapter 473 The South China Sea Voyage

Chapter 473 Navigating the South China Sea ([-])
"Hehe! Interesting!" Gan Ning let out a chuckle, then stroked the three-bow bed crossbow and said with a smile: "Brother, people say you are a big toy, you will behave well later, let me break their guts!"

Anger without anger often carries a stronger killing intent.

Gan Ning sent someone to urge Hua Xiong, soon Hua Xiong finished his preparations, waved his hand and said, "Smash the fuck on me!"

"Damn it!" Sailing on big water will become rough in a gentle person, otherwise he will be a big boring oil gourd, besides, Hua Xiong is a vulgar warrior, so it is a dirty word when he opens his mouth.

But this is the language that extremely motivates the soldiers under his command.

Immediately, five trebuchets threw stones and smashed them towards Shacheng.

At this time, Funan, who was guarding the city, was dumbfounded.

This thing is used in this way, not the siege ladder is directly pushed to the corner of the city wall.

"Boom!" It hit the city wall with a bang, sand and stones flew, and the ground trembled.

All of Funanguo turned pale with fright.

My God, there is such a weapon that can throw boulders from the bottom of the city to the wall.

The successive boulders falling down or whizzing past their heads made the people of Funan tremble with fear.

Soon the Funan people at the head of the city hid under the city. This kind of battle has never been fought before. How to defend, I don't know, no one knows.

Now what they think is that as long as they don't get smashed to death, they are lucky.

On the east gate pier, Gan Ning received Hua Xiong's attack, and with a wave of his hand, all the soldiers shot their arrows.


In an instant, dozens of special arrows with long and sharp arrows wrapped in polished iron flew towards the head of the east gate of Shacheng.

Before the Funan people in the city understood what was going on, the long, sharp, and fast special arrows arrived in front of them, and all the Funan people were shot through their bodies.

With a sound of "Crack!", the flag of Funan Kingdom was shot off and fell into the city.


All Funan people were dumbfounded.

What kind of weapon is this that can shoot arrows so far.

My God, this arrow is as good as a spear, and it takes a lot of elasticity to do it.

Before they understood what was going on, the second wave of crossbow arrows from the warship came again, taking away a dozen Funan people, and then many crossbow arrows hit the city wall and penetrated deeply.

"Keep shooting, the guards will follow me!" Gan Ning personally got off the field, jumped off the warship with his men, and then flew towards the corner of the city wall.

With the bed crossbow suppressing them, the Funan people in the city didn't dare to show their heads at all, and they all hid.

The power of the bed crossbow is so powerful that the people of Funan are even a little afraid.

This weapon simply astonished them.

With the suppression of the bed crossbow, Gan Ning and others rushed to the bottom of the city cave safely, glanced at the crossbow arrows shot on the wall on the two wings, and estimated them, Gan Ning said: "Signal, don't shoot anymore!"

One of his personal guards immediately raised the red flag, and the sailors on the warship stopped shooting immediately after seeing it, but they continued to load the crossbow bolts and raised the shooting angle a little.

"Follow me!" Gan Ning took the lead, jumped up with his strength, grabbed a crossbow bolt with one hand, and then kicked the wall with his foot to jump up with his strength.

Then he climbed with the help of the crossbow arrows above, and at the foot began to use the crossbow arrows to build a temporary trampling point.

Gan Ning's skill was extremely fast, and he jumped up to the top of the city in three strikes, five times and two times. The other guards didn't spend too much time, they climbed up the city wall with crossbow arrows one after another, and some of the guards were holding crossbows to guard outside the city Watching the people of Funan in the city, as soon as they found that Funan was poking his head out to check the situation in the city, he immediately pulled the trigger and killed him.

The people of Funan never thought that the Han army would attack the city so quickly.

They couldn't even figure out how the Han army climbed up. There were no ladders for the siege, and the Han army seemed to move from the surface warships to their city walls in the air.

quick!too fast!
Weird!It can only be described as shock.

But now is the time of war and they can't allow them to think so much, because Gan Ning and others went up to the city wall, and Yijing was killing them.

The people of Funan came back to their senses one after another, screaming loudly, and charged towards Gan Ning with their weapons in their hands.

Gan Ning brandished his short halberd, slashing left and right, and the people of Funan who rushed forward were killed one after another.

Soon Gan Ning's personal guards jumped onto the wall one by one and joined the fight.

Although their military strength is not very sweet, they are also good fighters in the army, powerful soldiers, and their weapons are the best in Donglai.

With their participation, the people of Funan were retreating steadily, blood flowed on the wall, and countless corpses were left.

Seeing that Gan Ning and others captured the top of the city, the warship lowered the side wooden ladders, and groups of soldiers disembarked one after another. When they reached the bottom of the city, the gate of the city gate was slowly pushed open, and the army rushed into the city waving battle flags.

Looking at the south gate, under Hua Xiong's continuous stone-throwing attack, the Funan people who defended the city hid far away.

Hua Xiong saw the opportunity and led a team to set up a ladder to attack the top of the city. When the Funan people reacted, it was too late, and the handover was short, and the weapons of the Funan people were far from the opponents of the Han army.

Just like knives, the soldiers of the two armies cut at each other, but the Han army's knives were fine, there was no gap, and they were still extremely sharp.

But the inferior knives of the people of Funan were cut down like fire sticks.

Not to mention bows and crossbows. The Han army has a long range and can shoot continuously. The Funan people have no way to adapt to this kind of battle.

So they had no choice but to retreat to the inner city, Hua Xiong captured the south gate, only a little farther than Gan Ning, and the two armies charged into the city, one after the other.

The people of Funan couldn't resist, so they retreated from the west gate and fled.

The Han army did not pursue it, but counted the losses and collected the spoils.

To be honest, there is nothing in Funan people that Gan Ning and others can look up to. All kinds of things are far behind the Han Dynasty in the Central Plains, not to mention Donglai, even Jiaozhou.

There is a lot of rice in the government treasury, and the Funan Kingdom uses silver utensils, which is hardly worth the military expenditure, and it is the only consolation.

"Zhongzhi, you said that the Funan people are ugly, but their carving skills are really good. How about we go and attack their royal city?" Gan Ning held a beautiful hollowed-out ornament from the city lord's mansion that he had seized. Be amazed.

Xin Ping smiled and said: "Xingba doesn't need to be like this. Although Funan Kingdom is a big country south of my big man, it is still a small barbarian compared with my big man. How many people can their kings have? It is meaningless to fight with so much wealth, just wait for his army to come and inflict heavy damage in one fell swoop, just sign a terms and conditions document with the King of Funan."

Funan Kingdom is also known as Funan Kingdom and Banan Kingdom, which means "mountain". Most of its land is mountains and hills, except for the banks of rivers or lakes and near the coast, there can be some decent flat farming land.

Therefore, it is not realistic to attack Funan in depth.

Besides, they didn't come here to occupy the territory, they just sailed to investigate, keep records, and explore the situation in the South China Sea.

"The alliance under the city? It seems to be pretty good!" Gan Ning touched the bar and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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