Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 480 I Can't Push This Time

Chapter 480 I Can't Push This Time
"Prime Minister, of course Jia Wenhe will be in charge of Liangzhou affairs!" Li Ru said with a smile, the two cheekbones were particularly prominent, and there was a gloomy light in his eyes.

Jia Xu's ability is not bad, and he does things in a responsible manner, and he has done all the assignments honestly.

It was because he was not in a hurry to do things, in order not to fight, and he didn't like to stand out, so Dong Zhuo hesitated and asked: "Wen Hexing is good, but I am afraid that the generals in the army will not listen to his orders."

Although Jia Xu is also from Xiliang, he and Dong Zhuo's subordinates are both from the same hometown, so they can barely be regarded as the same party.

But he didn't make any contributions in the army, nor did he have outstanding political achievements.

It would be inappropriate for him to preside over the closing of Liangzhou.

Li Rudao: "Don't worry, Prime Minister. Although Wen He has no great achievements, he is also from the army. The relationship between major generals is not counted, especially Zhang Ji and others, and he is low-key in his work. Since he doesn't like to be greedy for credit and power so much, then he Naturally, he knows how to delegate power to the generals. On the contrary, the generals are more willing to cooperate with him.

In addition to the order of the prime minister, whoever dares to disobey the order can just take the opportunity to observe and criticize. "

Now Dong Zhuo's generals are doing mischief below, causing dissatisfaction among the people everywhere. Li Ru thinks that if this goes on, Guanzhong will be finished. At that time, there will be no need for the princes of the Guandong to fight, and he will starve himself to death first, so he must Kill their prestige and suppress the generals in the army.

Dong Zhuo pondered for a while and said: "Okay, let Wen He choose him to accompany him. If he is still passive and negligent this time, then don't blame Sajia for not being sympathetic."

Soon Dong Zhuo invited Jia Xu to discuss the matter alone, Jia Xu did not refuse after hearing this, and directly agreed.

Back at the residence, Zhao Ling asked, "Why did Dong Zhuo call you in such a hurry?"

Jia Xu knocked on the table and said: "Serve tea, the old man just came back, so I don't obey any rules!"

Zhao Ling rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Okay, okay! You are getting better and better, I will serve you tea, good tea!"

Soon Zhao Ling really came over with a cup of brewed tea.

Jia Xu sat there with her eyes closed, thinking. When she heard Zhao Ling approaching, she opened her eyes. Then she took the teacup, lifted a corner of the tea lid, blew slightly, and then took a small sip to her mouth.


It is bitter in the mouth, and it is even more bitter when drunk.

"You... who told you to make bitter tea!" Jia Xu was so angry that he blew his beard and rolled his eyes, almost throwing the teacup over.

Zhao Ling shook his shoulders with a smile: "You didn't say what kind of tea you want, but I saw a sad face, so I'll make you some bitter tea to calm down!"

Now Xu Ding's tea industry has begun to develop in depth, developing tea with various functions, so Jia Xu and Zhao Ling will naturally not be short of tea here, they have goods for every category, and they can be extravagant and wasteful .

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you. This time, Dong Zhuo called me over to let me take over the affairs of Liangzhou, and let me get rid of Han Sui and Ma Teng." Jia Xu put down the teacup, and put his middle finger on the arm of the teacup. Keep tapping.

Zhao Ling frowned slightly: "Dong Zhuo asked you to preside over Liangzhou's affairs. Didn't Li Ru always make the mess? Dong Zhuo really thinks highly of you!"

Jia Xu rolled her eyes and gave Zhao Ling a hard look, "I can't hide this time, but you still have the heart to smile. Later, I will order you to open the way for the vanguard general to enter Liangzhou."

"No way! You are willing!" Seeing that Jia Xu's expression did not seem to be joking, Zhao Ling became serious and said, "Can't we push this time? Li Rubu's game, in the end, let you pick the fruit, which is not in line Logic!"

Jia Xu was not in a hurry to reply, but opened the teacup, blew in it lightly, and then sent it to her lips, took a sip gently, and then savored the special characteristics of bitter tea slowly .

As soon as the tea in the mouth flowed down the throat, it was finally sent to the stomach, and a warm and comfortable feeling was transmitted to him. Although it was only a small sip, it quenched his thirst and stimulated body fluids, which made him quite satisfied.

"I'm pushing it away. I guess I won't be able to get out of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and you won't be able to get out of Jia's Mansion either." Jia Xu was also helpless, he kept avoiding, and Li Ru kept pulling him into the trap.

And this time it was a super big pit.

If he didn't agree, Li Ru probably suggested to Dong Zhuo to kill himself.

Zhao Ling is not an idiot, he is a clever ghost, and with Jia Xu, an old fox, teaching him every day, Dong got more and more things.

So he asked: "Then what should we do now, if you really want to bring a large army into Liangzhou, if things get messed up, Li Ru and Dong Zhuo won't let you go.

If it is successful, then there will be no threat from the west in this pass, and Dong Zhuo can continue his strength and go east with all his strength. "

As Xu Ding's subordinate and a member of the Donglai Army, Zhao Ling certainly didn't want to see any disadvantages to Xu Ding.

Jia Xu said: "No problem! It doesn't matter if it succeeds or fails, we just follow the orders. Do you really think that Li Ru and Dong Zhuo can rest assured that I will take care of these matters concerning their own lives, future and fortune.

What they want is for me to enter a voodoo and go deeper. "

Jia Xu is not stupid, Dong Zhuo is clear about delegating power, in fact, he Jia Xu can't take away a single soldier, the generals below are all Dong Zhuo's loyal subordinates, and even more are Li Ru's pawns.

He, Jia Xu, was just a puppet proposed, and it was just a means used by Li Ru to completely brand the Xiliang faction.

But old man Jia is like this, as long as he doesn't hinder his family and life, he will stand still and be his old man with peace of mind as long as you are in the wind and rain, trees fall and mountains fall.

Any wind and horse movement will be heard back to the two of them, so this time Jia Xu really wants to help Dong Zhuo fight the country with all his heart.

And Zhao Ling didn't dare to secretly contact the Ma family to help Xu Ding's newly formed ally.

The next day Dong Zhuo began to mobilize troops and quietly let the army withdraw from the eastern front to the western front in small groups.

On the other side, Ma Jiajun and Han Jiajun pinched each other.

Ma Chao originally wanted to launch a surprise attack and capture Jincheng, so as to take over Han Sui's lair, but Han Sui was not a vegetarian either.

Jiuqu Yellow River, he has many twists and turns in his heart, and he always takes hedgehog precautions against everyone.

Ma Teng's son Ma Chao, who was brave enough to win the three armies, intimidated Longxi and other counties, and made the Qiang and other races admire him greatly.

But he, Han Sui, also had a fierce general Yan Xing, and what made him even more proud was that Yan Xing was capable of writing and martial arts, unlike Ma Teng's son Ma Chao who only knew how to fight and kill.

"Old man Han Sui, take your life!" Ma Chao led the army, and took the lead in beating Han Sui's generals so bravely and invincibly.

This time the flash attack failed, and Ma Chao did not run away, instead changing to a strong attack.

His number is not many, only less than [-] riders, while Han Sui's army does have no less than [-].

But few were able to stop him, and a small wave went forward indomitably in Han Sui's army.

Han Sui's eyes shone brightly, his face showed a fierce expression, and he said to the armored general beside him, "Yanming, go and take Ma Chao's head! Since the Ma family is willing to be Dong Zhuo's lackey and wants to charge me Jincheng County, then die!"

"It's the father-in-law, and the child will come whenever he goes!" It turned out that Han Sui's general was Yan Xingguo, and Han Suina was the son-in-law. Yan Xing was not very old, but he was also eager to fight, so he urged his horse out to kill Ma Chao.

(End of this chapter)

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