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Chapter 481 People are doing it, God is watching

Chapter 481 People are doing it, God is watching

Yan Xing also took the lead, stabbing Ma Chao with a spear.

No matter who Ma Chao was, he had already noticed that the spear he had come to intercept was also thrust out.

The spears formed a parallel line, attacking each other.

The two turned away almost at the same time.

However, Ma Chao's reaction was faster, and the gun in his hand changed more. As soon as he changed hands, the gun tip hit Yan Xing's shoulder again.

But Yan Xing's spear is longer, the so-called one inch is longer and one inch is stronger.

Just retracting slightly, the sharp spear blade attacked Ma Chao from the left rear wing.

Ma Chao hurriedly returned his gun to block, hitting the middle of Yan Xing's spear.

"Clang!" A golden cry sounded.

"Good boy, I have some skills, and I'm taking a shot at your grandfather!" Ma Chao didn't expect that Han Sui had such a number one person under him, which immediately aroused his stronger fighting spirit, and his whole blood became more surging.

Yan Xing's face also sank, extremely dignified.

Ma Chao's strength is the greatest he has ever seen in his life, the key is that this guy's marksmanship skills are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It's just that on the battlefield, it's too late to think so much.

Yan Xing hurriedly waved his spear to respond.

"Qing, clang, clang!" The two horses staggered and fought for several more rounds.

Still no winner.

However, Ma Chao's two thousand riders were surrounded and intercepted. Han Sui was overjoyed, and directed his subordinates to shoot and kill Ma Chao's trilogy.

Under Ma Chao's distraction, he became restless.

Unexpectedly, Yan Xing caught the opportunity and stabbed with a spear, almost cutting his face.

Only then did Ma Chao remember that he was here to break through the formation and charge the army, not to compete in martial arts. He cursed Yan Xing for being so despicable and wanted to hurt his face. Immediately, he jumped up high, swiped his gun and came to Hua Xiang to face him, using all his strength, and smashed hard.

Yan Xing wanted to urge the horse to dodge, but Ma Chao's move was sudden, so he had no choice but to raise his pole to block it.

With a sound of "Crack!", Yan Xing's spear was broken and split into two.

Fortunately, seeing that the situation was wrong, Yan Xing shifted half his body, and controlled his body to lean out of the horse.

This equestrian action can only be performed by masters who have been with horses all year round, and because of this, it helped Yan Xing escape a catastrophe.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Yan Xing firmly grabbed the broken spear and stabbed Ma Chao in the neck.

If it is stabbed, the lethality is no less than that of sharp spear blades and iron objects such as gun heads.

However, Ma Chao really has the capital to look down on Liangzhou. When he was in a critical situation, a tumbling man in the air broke his broken spear. It was better to stick the spear into the ground, and he jumped back on his horse with the help of his strength. .

"The boy will kill you next time!" Ma Chao said a harsh word, and Ma Chao stopped fighting with Yan Xing, and led the army to charge towards Han Sui's troops and head towards the periphery.

Without Yan Xing's interception, no one could stop Ma Chao, who started running with all his heart.

Han Sui's troops were quickly killed by him, and Ma Chao led them straight to the east.

Han Sui's generals were willing to do so, and led their troops to chase after him, including Yan Xing.

At this time, there will be less than [-] of Ma Chao's [-] units, which is really too weak.

If you don't take this opportunity to eradicate him, it will be a big disadvantage in future battles, so Han Sui's army chased after him.


After chasing for tens of miles, suddenly a cavalryman came out of a valley on one side and rushed towards Han Sui's troops who were chasing Ma Chao.

Seeing this, Ma Chao was overjoyed and immediately said, "Follow me and fight back!"

It turned out that the army that suddenly came out was Ma Teng's No. [-] general, Pound. Pound was wearing a white shirt and sitting on a white horse.

Han Sui didn't expect that Ma's army would show up, and he really suffered a lot. Seeing this, Yan Xing shouted: "Withdraw!"

Han Sui's troops rode their horses back and rolled away.

Ma Chao wanted to pursue him, but at this moment Pang De shouted: "Major General, don't pursue him. Our army is too small. We are afraid to ambush."


When Xu Ding returned to Dongnae, the first thing he did was to have the newspaper publish an article, telling all the states and counties in the world that there would be a severe drought in the coming year. In this autumn and winter, they should prepare for the drought, build more canals and dig wells to prevent next year's locust plague .

However, the princes of the various states all smiled awkwardly after reading the newspaper, and didn't take it to heart.

It's ridiculous that Xu Ding is not a god and can predict what will happen next year.

Everyone was thinking that this was probably because Xu Ding didn't want to fight this year, and was planning to have a peaceful autumn and winter and guard his jurisdiction for a good year.

But there is nothing wrong with your decision to do so. You have just won the people of Montenegro, and your power has greatly increased. Go back and digest the results.

But we haven't started eating yet, we haven't gained population and territory yet.

So none of the princes took this matter too seriously.

"Man is doing it, the sky is watching, I have tried my best!" Xu Ding did not expect that these princes would listen to him.

Anyone who changes it will feel that he is a lunatic, and he will not believe that there will be a severe drought next year.

Of course, if he hadn't had Xiao Shi, he wouldn't have known that the big man would have so many disasters.

Just as Xiao Shi said, since leaving Hanoi that day, there has been almost no rain in Dahan. The weather has started to turn cold. It seems normal for the north to not rain, but it is not raining in the Jianghuai area. One drop of rain, and that's the problem.

After dealing with this matter, I felt very sorry, and then Xu Ding ordered someone to find Jun Xian from the Blood Shadow Pavilion.

Jun Xian disappeared, and no one knew where he was. Tong knew that he would not return to Donglai for a while, so Xu Ding took care of government affairs again, and then set off for Weiyuan Island.

Because Gan Ning and others returned by returning from the scriptures.

This is the most important thing right now.

"My lord! Fortunately, I have lived up to my mission, so I am here to report back!" Gan Ning greeted with all the generals.

Xu Ding glanced at them one by one, nodded slightly and said with a smile, "It's dark! Thank you for your hard work. Sit down and talk."

"It's the lord!" Everyone sang and took orders, and sat down one after another.

Then Xu Ding asked them how they were doing.

Each will talk about a section, what they saw and heard, and what happened along the way.

"That's right, you have handled it very well. If you don't accept it, you will fight until you accept it. Now we don't have so many people to occupy those rich lands, but we have endless offspring. Those places have all the things we live in. This is what we need right now.” After hearing the report from Gan Ning and others, Xu Ding was a little excited but at the same time relieved.

Sure enough, it was similar to what was recorded in history. As expected, there were no decent forces on the islands of the South China Sea, and even the countries on the Indochina Peninsula were not enough to pose a threat.

"It still depends on you, my lord, who is wise and powerful. If it weren't for the map you drew and your entrustment, we might not go so smoothly, especially against Shangfu Nanguo. Their elephant soldiers are really powerful. If there is no My lord, the precautionary measures you gave us in advance, we are afraid that we will suffer a lot." Gan Ning asked:
"My lord, should we also form a team of elephant soldiers?"

(End of this chapter)

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