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Chapter 484 Cao Cao dispatches troops to Xuzhou

Chapter 484 Cao Cao dispatches troops to Xuzhou
Going back to do business is probably looking for death, so it's better to take the money and disappear, looking at the yellow and white things all over the floor.

Two hundred riders did not hesitate much.

It almost takes no brains to make a choice. Serving as a soldier is for food, and if you have money, you can still be a soldier.

So Zhang Kai and a group of riders got off their horses and gathered all the valuables of the Cao family, and then ran straight to the southwest.

Seeing all this with his own eyes, but he dared not come forward to listen. Cao De, who knew little about it, was heartbroken and almost mad. He waited for Zhang Kai and others to leave before he dared to come out and cry bitterly while hugging Cao Song's body.

After crying, Cao De hobbled towards Yanzhou with Cao Song's body on his back.

As soon as he entered Yanzhou, Cao De cleverly found the county government and reported Cao Cao's name.

After all, he was born as a child of an aristocratic family, so he knows how to find a way.

Hearing this, the county magistrate really entertained him. After checking his ID card, he immediately sent someone to deliver the letter to Cao Cao. At the same time, he ordered someone to buy a coffin and put Cao Song's body in it. Then he sent someone to escort him there Juancheng.

In a few days!

When Cao Cao received the letter, he was still discussing matters with the civil and military forces. Now that the harvest of autumn crops has come in, Cao Cao wanted to do something in his heart, so he recruited people to discuss whether it is possible to send troops to expand south.

Unexpectedly, I received news of Cao Song's murder.

Cao Cao was stunned for a while, and then began to cry with grief on his face.

All the civil and military personnel were also dumbfounded. What news made Cao Cao, who has always been strong and confident, cry bitterly, and he had no scruples.

Cheng Shu stepped forward, picked up the letter paper that fell on the floor, his pupils also shrank suddenly, and immediately closed his eyes and persuaded: "My lord's condolences!"

Then Cheng Shu handed the letter to Chen Gong, Chen Gong's expression changed after reading it, and he passed it to others.

After everyone had seen it, they all showed mournful and angry expressions, and also persuaded: "My lord's condolences!"

Cao Cao wept bitterly for a long time, and the inside and outside of the mansion had already been replaced with solemn white. At this time, Cao Cao said with red eyes: "Come on! Send troops to Xuzhou, I want to kill Tao Qian and lay a memorial service for my father..."

"I am willing to avenge my lord!" All the generals said impassionedly.

Just now I was thinking about who to fight, now I don't have to choose, just fight Tao Qian!
There is no better reason than this.

Cheng Shu and Chen Gong wanted to persuade them, but the words came to their lips, looking at Cao Cao who was about to kill, they finally swallowed the words.

When going out to fight, the mobilization of soldiers and horses is not a one-day matter. The heralds went out of Juancheng to convey the news to the states and counties, and gathered troops to recruit generals.

Two days later, when Cao Cao saw Cao Song who was put in the coffin, he burst into tears again, but this time, many Cao family members and close relatives of the Xiahou family accompanied him.

After entering the city, Cao Cao called Cao De over and asked, "Is it really Xuzhou soldiers who killed you?"

It's not that Cao Cao didn't believe Cao De, his own brother, but that he was a little confused about what he said in the letter.

Cao Dedao: "Brother, I saw with my own eyes that a captain of Tao Qian's cavalry led two hundred people to chase me down. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to escape, and then I came back to report. The general of Xuzhou not only killed my father, but also All the money was stolen."

After speaking, Cao De seemed to think of something again, and added: "By the way, this is the crossbow bolt that killed us. When I went back to search for my father's body, I found a discarded and damaged crossbow bolt! This crossbow is so strange. with deep grooves..."

When Cao Cao heard the words, infinite killing intent shot out from his eyes.

Two hundred rides!
Very well, to deal with his aging father, he dispatched two hundred horses.

He also brought a crossbow, for fear that he would not be able to kill him.

Cao Cao could even imagine the miserable appearance of Cao Song with countless crossbow arrows lying in a pool of blood.

"Wait! You just said that the crossbow has deep grooves?" Cao Cao suddenly became suspicious again, so Cao De described the crossbow in detail.

Cao Cao pinched a beard and broke it, especially without knowing it.

Because according to Cao De's description, this kind of crossbow seems to be the continuous crossbow equipped by Donglai Army.

He had seen Xu Ding's crossbow before. The left cavalry almost had one, hanging on the horse's back, and carrying a hundred crossbows.

Thousands of crossbows are fired at once, and they can be shot in an instant. They are like ten thousand arrows head-on, making people unable to hide. They are one of Xu Ding's most valiant troops.

He is not less envious, but this thing can only be envious, because Xu Ding never sells this crossbow.

But now a damaged Liannu appeared at the scene of the crime.

Could it be that Xu Ding sold it to Tao Qian?

But Cao Cao quickly denied it.

Because he felt that his relationship with Xu Ding was closer, even if Xu Ding and Tao Qian were allied, Xu Ding would not sell Liannu to Tao Qian.

Because he wanted to protect a sheep, how could he sell the protection equipment to the sheep.

But if it wasn't Tao Qianqi's tribe, who would it be?

At the junction of the three counties, Taishan County is to the north, and Bokang will definitely not do such a dirty thing.

But who else could he be?

Cao Cao's suspicious character was clearly revealed at this time, he has been paying attention to his own brother, and pay attention to whether he is lying or something.

It's just that he was disappointed in the end, Cao De didn't have any flaws.

"Okay, you can't mention this to outsiders!" Cao Cao finally ordered.

Cao De was puzzled, but still nodded and replied softly.

He held a ceremony for Cao Song and set up a sacrificial hall. Three days later, Cao Cao led his troops to challenge Tao Qian.

The banner of fighting is naturally to avenge his father, put all the blame on Tao Qian, and the army marched mightily towards the past.

After hearing that Cao Song was attacked, Tao Qian became anxious, like ants on a hot pot, restless all day long.

Moreover, the captain Zhang Kai who was sent out was nowhere to be seen.

This time he knew something bad was going to happen.

Busy called Mizhu.

"Zizhong, what do you think about this matter? Cao Song had an accident in my Xuzhou, Cao Cao will not give up, and may raise troops to attack." Cao Song's death made Tao Qian less confident.

Everything depends on a teacher who is famous.

When Yuan Shu came to attack Xuzhou, he was obviously talking nonsense and wanted to impose a crime.

Now that Cao Cao has come to attack, it is justifiable.

Tao Qian was inexplicably a little more generous.

Mi Zhu thought for a while and said, "My lord, Cao Cao, is a traitor. He is very ambitious. Now that he has Yanzhou, he needs to expand outward. This incident just gave him an excuse.

He will lead the troops to attack. First, we must mobilize troops to defend the city, and second, we want to ask the Marquis of Weihai to help me in Xuzhou again. Don't let Xuzhou suffer another disaster, and the people will be ruined! "

Needless to say, the transfer of troops, just asking Xu Ding again, made him hesitate: "Zizhong, Bokang and Cao Mengde have always been friends, and this time it is Cao Mengde who is in charge, I am afraid that Bokang will be embarrassed and unwilling to help."

It's easy for others to say, as long as they come to fight Xuzhou, Xu Ding should help as an ally.

Now that he and Cao Cao are friends, it can be regarded as half an alliance, and he is also an ally on his side, so he doubts whether he will come to Tao Qian.

Mi Zhu said: "My lord, don't worry, the Marquis of Weihai will definitely come, let alone the covenant relationship between us, and there are many doubts about Cao Song's death. There is a Liannu left by the Donglai Army at the scene of the murder, which indirectly pointed the murderer. Marquis of Weihai.

This is because someone deliberately poured dirty water on me in Xuzhou and Qingzhou, so as to provoke the relationship between the three parties.

With Wei Haihou's personality, he will definitely come to Xuzhou, and he will never let the real murderer go unpunished. "

In fact, Mi Zhu knew that Tao Qian and Xu Ding were definitely not responsible for Cao Song's matter.

So he is very sure, he believes that with Xu Ding's calmness and wisdom and the most convincing analytical logic method, he will definitely be able to guess who did it.

"Hey! That's all I can do. I hope that Bokang will come here soon. I'm sorry that the people of Xuzhou will suffer from such an innocent disaster. It's really because I, Tao Qian, are incompetent!"

(End of this chapter)

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