Chapter 485
"Hey, old Cao still can't escape this catastrophe!"

Xu Ding, who received the news on Weiyuan Island, was also shocked for a long time before thinking about Cao Cao's father.

Unexpectedly, this world has been interfered so much by him, and Lao Cao was still killed on the way to Yanzhou.

Sure enough, some people are born to recruit and kill, and their lives are also!
Needless to say, Lao Lao Cao died in Xuzhou, and what made Xu Ding frown was that there was still a standard Liannu produced by Donglai on the scene, and the Liannu also had a serial number.

This made Xu Ding a little angry.

The embargoed weapons, which are strictly prohibited, were sold in private for money.

Soon Man Chong came over and asked, "My lord, what is your mission to find me!"

Man Chong is a member of the Legalist school, and he likes to play games, investigate cases and solve cases.

Xu Ding said: "I just received the news that someone in the army has privately resold our embargoed Liannu, you go around the army, I will let Zilan assist you, be sure to find out for me.

Once verified, no matter who wins it first, I will make the decision when I come back! "

"It's the lord!" This is a big case. Someone who dares to use a magic knife to resell ordnance is looking for death in a latrine.

The investigation was handed over to Man Chong, so Xu Ding rushed to Xuzhou with the left cavalry guard and Huang Zhong's cavalry, totaling [-].


On this side, Cao Cao entered Xuzhou, advancing rapidly.

It seemed that he was also worried that Xu Ding would jump out to prevent him from taking Xuzhou, so Cao Cao attacked all the way, and the elites were lightly armed and kept going deep. It is possible to break through Tan County before Xu Ding arrives, kill Tao Qian, and make this matter a certainty fact.

So for this speed of advancement, Cao Cao completely relaxed military discipline and promised his men three days to let them do whatever they wanted.

In this way, one can boost morale and motivate soldiers, and the other can be used to avenge Xuzhou, pay homage to his father Cao Song, and tell Xuzhou cities and counties in the most violent way that those who stand in the way of Cao Cao will die, and those who offend Cao's family will be punished.

No matter what, Cao Cao was really angry, no matter who killed Cao Song, framed Tao Qian, or led him to Xu Ding.

After his father died, he always wanted to vent.

This venting is a bit unstoppable. From the beginning of the massacre of the first city, and then Cao Jun went south along the Sishui River, no matter if it was a township village, whether it was surrendered or surrendered, all Hacking, killing, humiliating and looting.

All of a sudden, both sides of the Sishui River were covered with dead bones, and the corpses piled up in the river were like mountains, and the water did not flow. The whole Xuzhou was shrouded in blood.

It was more than five times worse than Yuan Shu's crime.

After hearing this, Tao Qian beat his chest and stomped his feet, facing northwest howling in pain.

"Cao Cao, how dare you do this! How dare you do this! You and I have no equals..." Tao Qian was really sad and crying, his whole body was haggard, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then passed out.

"My lord! My lord!" All Xuzhou officials shouted like ants on a hot pot.

Soon the doctor came over, asked Guo Zheng and prescribed medicine, and Tao Qian took it.

After resting, Tao Qian, with a towel still on his head, raised his eyes slightly and asked, "Is the Marquis of Weihai here yet?"

"Hurry up, the Marquis of Weihai heard the news and came here with a crowd of riders. I believe he will arrive tomorrow." Mi Zhu stepped forward and replied in a low voice, for fear of disturbing Tao Qian.

At this time Tao Qian's complexion was extremely bad, as if he had been drifted away.

He was really pissed off by Cao Jun's explosive actions.

After he arrived in Xuzhou, he attacked the powerful landlords, eliminated bandits and reassured the people, and he managed Xuzhou well.

As a result, Yuan Shu came to commit the crime before, and now Cao Cao is even more desperate. He wants to kill the people of Xuzhou and destroy the Xuzhou he built with great difficulty. No one can stand it.

Tao Qian got better when he heard this, and then pointed to Cao Bao behind him and said: "You must guard the city well, and wait for the reinforcements from Qingzhou to arrive. Don't act recklessly. Remember!"

Cao Bao naturally agreed with his mouth, but he didn't think so in his heart.

Waiting for Xu Ding to become a hero to save Xuzhou from the fire and water?
If that's the case, who else is this Xuzhou?

So when Cao Bao came out of the State Shepherd's Mansion, he recruited Yi Gan's confidant to guard the four cities and occupy the important land of the treasury and granary.
At this time, Tao Qian was seriously ill, and it was time for him to take power.

With money and food, which army in Xuzhou would dare not listen to him.


"My lord, something is wrong. Our army seems to be unable to hold back its murderous intentions. If this continues, even if we take Tan County, we will not get a complete Xuzhou." Three days passed, but the soldiers released I couldn't hold back at all, and it got worse and worse, Cheng Shu had no choice but to persuade him.

Cao Cao also woke up from the short-lived pleasure of revenge. The goal of killing people and gaining prestige has been achieved. If they continue to kill, the army may become bad. He said: "Notify all departments, who is violating military discipline and killing without mercy!"

Cheng Shu went down in pain to pass orders to restrain the armies.

On this side, Cao Cao asked Chen Deng who was familiar with Xuzhou: "Yuanlong, do you think we have been being used by others? It's not what I want, and it's not what I do."

Cao Cao is not an idiot. He said that the military discipline will be relaxed for three days, that is three days, but after three days, why are there still people who keep killing people and looting everywhere.

Cao Cao's eyes locked on Chen Deng, as if he wanted to see through everything, which made Chen Deng feel a little trembling in his heart, but his facial expressions and limbs were the same.

He just saluted Cao Cao and said: "My lord's condolences, no matter what the old lord's reason was, but he died in Xuzhou, Tao Qian has an unshirkable responsibility, and it is also in line with the lord's intention to attack Xuzhou.

As for the humiliation and killing of [-] people, in fact, the lord can be said not to be done by our army, but by the Xuzhou side who deliberately poured dirty water to cover up their dirty work of grabbing the interests of the people! "

Cao Cao hurriedly asked: "You mean, someone is behind the scenes, and they are from Xuzhou!"

Chen Deng didn't respond positively, but just smiled and said: "My lord, according to the data reported by our army, we may have only killed [-] to [-] people, but not [-] people. I seem to have heard people say that someone who saw the Cao family in Xuzhou Activities around our army, as for what they did, this is not very sure, and the Lord needs to investigate carefully!"

"Hahaha, what a Cao family in Xuzhou." Cao Cao seemed to understand what Chen Deng meant, and immediately spit on the ground, and then showed a sarcasm:
"Hey, they also deserve the surname Cao, which is really insulting to the family."

Ming people don't do secret things, and this kind of framing and looting makes Cao Cao very disgusted.

I didn't expect that there were tricks from Xuzhou's Cao family in it. These bastards dared to grab any benefits.

Soon Cao Cao's vanguard general Xia Houdun led [-] elites to arrive at Tan County first, and all the Xuzhou troops who saw the Yanzhou battle flag avoided the battle, and no one dared to stop them.

(End of this chapter)

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