Chapter 489
Regardless of whether he can get out of the city uniform and apologize, the prestige of the Cao family in Xuzhou will drop.

But with Tao Qian's soft knife, Xu Ding had the least loss here, so he had to take the initiative to go out of the city to plead guilty to Xu Ding.

Because if Tao Qian went out of the city to plead guilty, no matter the people or the officials in Xuzhou, he would not be able to tolerate his Cao family.

His Cao family will be cast aside by everyone.

That's why he scolded them both.

The interests of the family always come first.

Cao Bao had to do this even if he was unwilling.

"My lord, Cao Bao, is seeking an audience outside the camp!" the guard came in to report.

Hearing this, Huang Zhong stood up and said, "My lord, I'll kill him!"

Cao Bao dared to go out of the city.

Xu Ding blocked the way: "Don't worry about Han Sheng, let him have a little life first, let's keep it."

"It's my lord!" Huang Zhong was ordered to sit down, and Xu Ding said to the guards, "Go and tell Cao Bao that I'm unwell and that I won't be able to see you, and that I'm busy with business in Qingzhou, and I'm leaving for the north on the next day."

The guard got the order and came out to deliver a message.

Cao Bao felt a chill in his heart, the good guy was not allowed to enter the camp gate, Xu Ding didn't plan to pay attention to him, and returned to the north, what does this mean?
Cao Bao couldn't figure out the number of Xu Ding's route, so he had to say: "Please inform again, just say that Xuzhou Cao Bao is asking to see, Cao Bao has come here with a sincere apology, and Cheng came to apologize."

"Sorry, that's all I got the order!" Xu Ding's guard said coldly, and then went straight back to the camp.

Cao Bao waited outside the camp, but neither Xu Ding nor General Donglai came over.

Cao Bao wanted to bribe the guards guarding the gate of the camp with money, but he was despised by the collective, who cast angry eyes and disgusted expressions.

Finally, Cao Bao waited impatiently, so he lowered his face and shouted: "Marquis of Weihai, Cao Bao was rude first, and this party has made an apology. I also ask Lord Weihaihou to forgive Cao Bao. Cao Bao is willing to make amends, and is willing to make amends in any way. !"

Cao Bao groaned for a long time, finally someone came over, it was the guard from the daytime, and he said in a cold voice: "Who is making noise outside the camp? They are making noise to kill you!"

"You...I...!" Cao Bao was so angry that his face turned green, but when he thought of the purpose of coming here and the position he was in, he had no choice but to swallow the words he wanted to curse.

"In order for the army to rest, my lord is willing to let you in, but my lord said that it is easy for you to come in, but it is difficult to go out. How dare you!" The guard joked, with one hand still on the hilt of his sword It seems to mean that Cao Bao's head will be cut off at any time.

Cao Bao's heart suddenly jumped, and the Donglai Army camp suddenly seemed to have turned into a big mouth of a raptor, which could swallow him at any time.

After struggling for a long time, Cao Bao gritted his teeth and said: "Dare! Why not dare, Weihai is unparalleled in righteousness, and will never act like a villain!"

Bracing himself up, Cao Bao entered the camp nervously, his legs trembling a little, and he walked with difficulty.

The Donglai army in the camp stared at Cao Bao from both sides, each showing a hostile expression.

This frightened Cao Bao, and he regretted it in his heart.

I really regret pretending to be strong.

"Slowly, I don't have time to waste with you, come and drag me in!" Perhaps after waiting in the tent for a long time, only Xu Ding's dissatisfaction could be heard.

Immediately, the two armored soldiers stepped forward, one on the left and one on the right, set up Cao Bao's mop and marched into the tent, then threw it on the ground, and then came out.

Cao Bao was tossed in a mess and complained endlessly. Just now, the two really mentioned the use of dragging. They deliberately placed Cao Bao extremely low and dragged him along the aisle without any discount.

"The last general, Cao Bao, pays homage to the lord!" Cao Bao saw Xu Ding sitting above him, and hurriedly greeted him.

Xu Ding raised the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer: "Hey! Isn't this General Cao? What is General Cao doing, why is he showing such a big gift, get up quickly!"

Shouting to be affectionate, but there is no movement of leaving the position for support.

Cao Bao stood up and said humbly, "Thank you, Junhou!"

"Why did General Cao come here? It seems that this is not Tan County, but my camp. General Cao shouldn't be here! Do you know that I'm afraid I can't help but kill you with a sword!" Xu Ding suddenly made a gesture The act of wiping his neck frightened Cao Bao.

He was just a little worried that Xu Ding didn't play his cards according to the routine and killed him directly.

Then he would die unjustly.

But Jing Yi came in, anyway, he is also from a family, and he still has basic qualities, bowed and said: "Cao Bao was rude to offend the king, I was confused for a moment, please forgive me, the king is the best in the world Such benevolent people have always been kind and philanthropic, please see the relationship between Xuzhou and Qingzhou, and please spare the life of Leopard, the Cao family is grateful!"

It was so quick to admit that Xu Ding lost interest all of a sudden, and said coldly, "You should know what I said in Tan County?"

Cao Bao said: "This is not only to make amends to the lord, the Cao family is willing to admit defeat and return the half of the land to the lord."

What Xu Ding really wants, Cao Bao knows what it is, so there is no hypocrisy.

Although Sun Qian often came to Xuzhou to ask for the half of the lost land, the Cao family only sent it to Qingzhou at the point when the government became the throne.

For this reason, other major aristocratic families also do the same.

This is quite disgusting, and Sun Qian naturally suffered from several rejections.

Xu Ding was already dissatisfied.

"Well, since you apologized so sincerely, I have to give Tao Shijun some face, go back, next time I remember that when our army arrives in Xuzhou, it will be nice to receive you." Xu Ding waved his hand, and two guards walked in again. Then he set up Cao Bao and dragged him out of the camp.

Seeing Cao Bao being dragged away, Huang Zhong said angrily, "My lord just let him go!"

Xu Ding said: "What can I do if I don't let him go, Tao Qian still needs to give him some face if he wants to keep his dog's life, at least give Zi Zhong some face!"

Huang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood.

Isn't it easy to kill Cao Bao, isn't it easy to take Xuzhou?

At this time, Xu Ding fully possessed the strength and confidence, but Xuzhou could not move.

It is better in Tao Qian's hands than in his hands.

The next day Mi Zhu came to invite him again and conveyed Tao Qian's apology, so Xu Ding had no choice but to leave the camp and enter the city, and Tao Qian also greeted him at the city gate.

The two exchanged pleasantries and sighed, and finally entered the state pastoral mansion, and then talked about the future of Xuzhou.

"Bokang, thanks to you this time, otherwise Xuzhou would suffer a great crime, and everyone in the county would be killed by Cao Cao. Cao Cao is a butcher, and the Cao family has gone too far." When mentioning the situation in Xuzhou, Tao Qian was full of anger, this was real, not pretending, now he really had the urge to eat Cao Cao's meat and drink his blood.

It's really that Cao Cao did too unreasonably this time.

Xu Ding said: "Is it true that everyone wants to kill Mengde? Why do I think it's not just Cao Mengde who should be killed? I heard from him that he only killed 7 to [-] people, but there are [-] to [-] people pretending to be The looting, obscenity, humiliation and massacre that they did.”

When he said this, Xu Ding aimed at Cao Bao and Cao Hong.

(End of this chapter)

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