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Chapter 490 Tao Qian let Xu, Cao Cao changed horses

Chapter 490 Tao Qian let Xu, Cao Cao changed horses

The flesh on their faces trembled slightly, avoiding Xu Ding's gaze.

Tao Qian looked at the two, his thoughts were extremely complicated, but his face slightly echoed: "This matter is serious, Bokang has evidence, Cao Jun and his gang are not the only ones who have done this kind of thing that both people and gods are angry with!"

"Of course it's not just a group of Cao Jun!" Xu Ding smiled meaningfully, and then poured the wine by himself without typing.

"Hehe, there are more than one group of Cao Jun, interesting!" Tao Qian glanced at Xu Ding, then at Cao Bao and Cao Hong, and finally closed his eyes and let out a long breath, and opened his eyes and asked:

"I'm so tired, Bokang, I really want to relieve this burden. How about you being the master of Xuzhou? You can take care of Xuzhou. Only in your hands can the people of Xuzhou really live a good life!"

Xu Ding was slightly stunned, and raised his head to look at Tao Qian. The others also stopped their movements and cast their eyes on Tao Qian.

What does Tao Qian want to do when he abdicates for the virtuous?
Except for the Mo family brothers, everyone else is a bit square.

Xu Ding said with a smile: "Brother Gongzu, some jokes are not allowed, otherwise I will take it seriously!"

Is Tao Qian going to play the trick of letting Xuzhou go?
Xu Ding was looking forward to it, as long as Tao Qian dared to say such a thing, he would accept it.

You dare to let me dare to accept.

To follow Liu Bei's example is to make yourself uncomfortable.

Seeing that Xu Ding was serious about playing, Tao Qian smiled embarrassingly and said, "Bokang is indeed a man of true temperament. If one day I'm gone, Bokang is really needed to preside over the overall situation in Xuzhou!"

You old fox, you really are playing a black-bellied trick.

The mouth does not need to speak, but the body is very honest.

Xu Ding knew that Tao Qian was just trying to find out, so he didn't pursue him too deeply, but just smiled and drank the wine in his glass.

Then everyone talked about other things, Xu Ding asked Tao Qian to pay attention to the drought and the locust plague in the coming year, and then went out of the city and returned to the camp.

The next day, I returned with [-] cavalry troops. When I was passing through Langya County, I turned into Taishan County to inspect the work of the judges, Zang Ba and others, and listened to the report. When I arrived at Taishan, I still needed to continue to expand the road and repair the cement road. Everything else was fine, so I turned back to Weiyuan Island.

Back on Weiyuan Island, Xu Ding asked how the investigation of Man Chong's ordnance was going.

Man Chong came over with a memo and reported: "My lord, it was found out that it was the ordnance leaked by the garrison army in Qingzhou. They were interrogated and put in prison. The highest offender was a captain. He once He has fought with the lord many times in all directions."

"No matter who he is, he will act in accordance with the military law, and all relevant personnel will be dismissed. Those who are not guilty of death will be sent to the South China Sea and sent to the Marine Corps!" Follow the rules.

Man Chong said: "It's the lord, but according to their confession, the person who bought the Liannu may be from Guanzhong."

"Dong Zhuo's people?" Xu Ding frowned slightly. There was no news from Guanzhong, and there was no clue about the Xuzhou matter.

It is very debatable who is framing him and Tao Qian, and provoking the relationship between Cao Cao and himself.

Originally, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu were the most suspected, but now it seems that Dong Zhuo is the one behind the scenes.

The chaos in Kanto is in his interest.

Thinking of this, he worried about Jun Xian again, and didn't know if he succeeded.


Chenliu County!
Yuan Shu sent general Ji Ling with an army of [-] to attack Yanzhou when Cao Cao's soldiers invaded Xuzhou.

Yuan Jun's momentum was like a broken bamboo all the way, breaking through all counties.

Fortunately, Chen Gong and Cheng Shu dispatched troops to stabilize the front line.

For a while, Yuan Jun fell into a siege battle, and the battle was stalemate.

Seeing that he couldn't push forward, Yuan Shu was anxious and angry.

"Bastard, why haven't you captured it after fighting for so long? Cao Cao's fight in Xuzhou is almost over." Yuan Shu reprimanded him dissatisfiedly, urging him every day.

"My lord is coming soon. Give us two days to take this city and Chen Liu." Ji Ling promised.

"Two days, two more days, how many two days have I given you?" Yuan Shu walked over and wanted to kick Ji Ling, but he backed away halfway.

At this time, someone outside the camp rushed in to report: "My lord, something is wrong. Cao Cao retreated from Xuzhou, and led the army from Peiguo to Runan. Runan is in a hurry!"

"What? Cao Cao withdrew from Xuzhou. Why didn't he fight Xu Ding so quickly?" Yuan Shuchao couldn't believe it at first. Didn't he say that Cao Cao entered Xuzhou and killed people everywhere?
Why did you stop so quickly.

This bastard Cao Cao is too cowardly.

No, why did he run away? I came to Yuzhou.

"My lord, Cao Cao invited Xu Ding at night, and the two reached a consensus. Cao Cao withdrew his troops from Xuzhou, and now he is going to kill Peiguo, and he will arrive in Runan in a few days. My lord, please make a decision as soon as possible." The visitor explained again.

Yuan Shu thought for a while and said, "Withdraw your troops! Damn Cao Cao, damn Cao Cao, besiege Wei and save Zhao!"

Yuan Shu withdrew his troops from Chenliu and returned to aid Yuzhou. After receiving the news, Cao Cao decisively withdrew to Yanzhou with the fruits of victory after he voted for Yuzhou.

Then the two had more conflicts in border counties and counties, and wars also broke out frequently.

"It's a pity that we don't have cavalry, otherwise I will overturn Yuzhou and capture Ruyang!" Cao Cao, who had just returned to Yanzhou, murmured regretfully.

Whether it is attacking Xuzhou or Yuzhou this time, they are all pawns, so the strategic goal achieved is really discounted a lot.

So now he envies Xu Ding for having several cavalry troops.

"My lord, how about we also form a cavalry unit so that we can deal with future battles. The infantry alone is too passive." Liu Ye suggested.

Cao Cao was very moved, but he looked embarrassed: "Zi Yang, I also want to build a cavalry unit, but we don't have so much money, and horses are not easy to buy."

Yanzhou does not produce horses, and it costs [-] million yuan to build a cavalry unit, so don't even think about it.

Liu Ye said mysteriously: "The Lord's horse can be purchased in Youzhou or Bingzhou, and it doesn't necessarily cost money!"

"Oh... what does Ziyang mean by that?" Cao Cao suddenly became interested, without spending any money, how could this be possible.

Liu Ye said: "My lord, we can exchange with Liu Bei or Gongsun Zan. They have horses, but we have trebuchets. In addition, I have studied Xu Ding's Liannu recently. Although our products are not as good as theirs, they are still very good. Use it, I think they'll be interested."

"Well, trade weapons for horses!" Cao Cao didn't think of this at all, but he also hesitated. If these good things were given to Gongsun Zan and others, it would cause trouble for him in the future.

Chen Deng on the side said: "My lord, I think Zi Yang's words are feasible. We are too disadvantaged without cavalry, and Xu Ding Yijing develops extremely fast. In the future, he will fight with Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao first. Once he unifies Youzhou and Jizhou and other places, Our Yanzhou will be ruined if we don’t attack, why don’t we let Gongsun Zan fight with him for a little longer to buy time for our development.”

Regarding the matter of Xuzhou, there was a rift between Cao and Xu, so there was nothing to worry about.

Buying weapons with Gongsun Zan and allowing Gongsun Zan to fight Xu Ding longer can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Cao Cao thought for a while, finally nodded and said, "Okay, one of you should contact Gongsun Zan and see what he means!"

Chen Deng said: "My lord, I will go!"

Liu Ye said: "My lord, I heard that Yuan Shao also has some good things in his hands. They captured some horses from Xu Ding's department, and imitated Donglai's MMP and MMT. Why not use a trebuchet to exchange a piece of ordnance technology with him."

One daughter marrying two husbands, Liu Ye really had a good plan, one was exchanged, and the other was exchanged. In fact, Cao Cao had already noticed the stirrups of Xu Ding's cavalry, but there were no cavalry and did not ask Xu Ding to inquire. Hearing Liu Ye and Chen Deng's words, he wanted to form cavalry, so he naturally became active and nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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