Chapter 492

Liaoshan New City!

After Gongsundu attacked last time, Tian Feng ordered people to repair the city again.

Last time, because of the rush, I used the method of splashing water to make ice. In the winter, I built an ice city.

After a year of renovation and expansion, Liaoshan City has begun to take shape. The city is very large and complete. It is planned to take this place as the base and gradually encroach on Fuyu in the north.

At this time, under Liaoshan City, Fuyu's army of [-] people was pressing down on the border, but the guards did not panic at all.

With a strong city in hand, there are all kinds of defense equipment, and there are sufficient sources of troops.

Let the Fuyu people attack the city, but it is impenetrable and unscathed.

"King Fufu, do you still want to fight? Go back obediently. If you don't retreat, don't blame our army for being rude." Fazheng stood on the top of the city with a hint of joking and shouted, staring at the Fuyu people outside the city.

The contemporary king of Fuyu is called Futai, and he has been on the throne for 35 years. It can be said that he is very old and has long lost his courage.

It's not bad to dare to conscript and lead troops in person.

But people get a little stubborn when they get old.

Not being able to take down Liaoshan City is always a little reconciled.

Reached a strategic cooperation with Gongsun Du, and Fuyu won the Handong Governor's Mansion. This bait is too fragrant.

"Han dog, if you have the ability to go out to fight in the field, what a hero to guard the city, if you have the ability, let's have a duel between men and men!" Futai's son, Wei Qiutai, drew his sword and pointed at Fazheng on the city. .

Wei Qiutai is the heir of Futai, the future King Fuyu, young and vigorous at this time, Gongsundu promised to marry a clan girl to marry him, he is still waiting to break through Liaoshan City, and then fight with Gongsundu's army in Xuantu The county meets, and then marries his delicate and beautiful wife.

Therefore, he is very urgent to capture Liaoshan City.

"Hahaha, if you want to duel with me, you are not worthy. Come up if you have the ability, and I will give you a chance if you come up. And don't run away. Stay with me in the city for a few days, and I will go find you. If you don't fight Not a man." Fazheng really laughed when he heard Wei Choutai's clumsy way of provoking generals.

All the soldiers also burst out laughing.

Who is so stupid to fight with you without defending the city.

Just wait, I heard that the new Japanese army sent by the lord from the eastern island is coming. I heard that these new Japanese army are like mad dogs. They can bite people when they are released. The fighting is extremely crazy. They also want to see it.

In the next few days, the Fuyu people surrounded the city for several more days. During this period, Wei Qiutai suggested to King Futai of Fuyu to bypass Liaoshan City and attack other fortresses of the Eastern Protectorate of Handong, or attack Xuantu County, and fight with Xianbei. , Gongsundu and others joined forces.

But Futai, who was old and turned into a demon, refused.

The reason is that there are too many unknown factors, once the southward front line is stretched too long, it is very easy to be blocked by the Han army.

The north is their paradise and their home field. If they compete with the Han army here, even if they cannot win, they will not lose, and the army can safely return to Fuyu.

The population of Fuyu is not large, about the same as that of Goguryeo, with a total population of about 70.

There are more than 30 combatable soldiers, and this includes the old, young, sick and disabled.

Therefore, Futai, who has been the king for 35 years, cannot tolerate too many losses for Buyeo.

It is not easy for Fuyu Country to save such a fortune.

He doesn't want to prodigal, and he is very cautious in doing things.

"His Royal Highness, with all due respect, the king is too cautious, and he will lose his fighting chance. He is old and has lost the vigor of his youth, so he is not suitable to be a king. You should take on the important task of revitalizing Fuyu country!"

In the military tent of Weiqiu Terrace, there were two Han men sitting on the lower seats on the left and right sides, one of them was called Kuangbumu, and the other was named Qin Xiao.

These two people had appeared on the peninsula to assist the Yuan family. Because the armies of the four countries were defeated, they slipped away early and escaped unharmed.

The two went north all the way, from the land of Beiwoju to Fuyu country.

Because of his familiarity with the Han land, he was regarded as the guest adviser by Wei Qiutai.

This Qin Xiao was originally a remnant of the pre-Qin, and he always wanted to restore the Great Qin, so he naturally encouraged the Fuyu Kingdom to go south, so as to make waves and take advantage of the opportunity to develop his power.

As Qin Xiao's subordinate, Mad Bumu naturally cooperated with him and continued to mobilize the future king of Fuyu Kingdom to make changes.

Kuangbumu's words were a bit rebellious, but Wei Qiutai was not unhappy, nor did he scold him.

Instead, he held the horn cup and fell into short thoughts.

Crazy Bumu's words moved him very much. He knew that Crazy Bumu and Qin Xiao could be said to be scum among the Han people, or they could be called traitors, but it is undeniable that they are smart people among the Han people.

Fuyu country desperately needs such talents.

He needs it more in Weiqiutai. In the future, if Fuyu Kingdom wants to go south to develop and grow, it cannot do without them.

In the end, Wei Qiutai's thinking limitations and his cognitive habits limited him.

"Two, there is only one king in Fuyu Kingdom, and that is King Father. King Father has been in power for too long, and everyone in Fuyu Kingdom only respects his orders. Even I can only lead a tribe with less than 1 people. Without Father The king's order, I really can't change anything!"

Crazy Bumu and Qin Xiao looked at each other, then raised his glass and said, "His Royal Highness is really filial, a role model for my generation, but in the end, Your Highness, we still want to remind you that the people of Marquis Weihai are not simple, he is not an ordinary big Han general Lord Hou, this person is changeable and flexible, and his generals are all brave and resourceful.

Fazheng, who is guarding Liaoxi City, is his true disciple. He is now guarding the city and not fighting with us. It is not because he is incapable of fighting, but deliberately wears down our spirit, and then he will launch a counterattack as soon as the reinforcements arrive. We are in danger.

The entire Fuyu country will also suffer from a catastrophe. "

Wei Qiutai said: "Two military advisers, are your words a little alarmist? I admit that the Han army is very powerful, but it is only because of their excellent weapons. If they dare to continue going north and enter the forest of our Fuyu country, They are the ones who are unlucky, the heroic soldiers of our country taught them how to behave."

Speaking of this, Wei Qiutai is extremely confident.

Fuyu Country's area is full of wild virgin forests, with vast territory and poor roads, which is not conducive to the Han army's marching. If the Han army dares to go deep, it must be the Han army who will suffer.

"Your Highness, what we are talking about is the truth. The Marquis of Weihai has this strength. His troops are not only well-equipped, but also well-trained and tenacious in combat. From soldiers to generals, they are the strongest men. They should not be underestimated, let alone underestimated. Whether it's defending the city or fighting in the field, don't take it lightly." Kuang Bumu continued to explain.

Wei Qiutai looked suspicious, but in the end he just smiled lightly: "Forget it, we can't decide this matter now, let's see what the father wants."

Crazy Bumu and Qin Xiao could only sigh silently.

Fuyu country is also a mud that cannot be supported.

The so-called favorable geographical conditions of Fuyu country, after Xu Ding is ready, everything is a paper tiger, just wait, this moment will come soon.

Anyone who underestimated this Marquis of Weihai will be in bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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