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Chapter 493: New Japanese Army Cannon Fodder

Chapter 493: New Japanese Army Cannon Fodder
Two days later, the south gate of Liaoshan City opened, and [-] new Japanese troops arrived, accompanied by a batch of hot air balloons.

Seeing the new Japanese soldiers who had just arrived, Fazheng took people to check them out, and found that these new Japanese soldiers were not tall or strong, so he was a little suspicious.

"These new Japanese soldiers are really capable. Their equipment is too simple and their physical fitness is weak. I doubt whether they can defeat the Buyeo people!" Fazheng asked the leader questioningly.

The team leader smiled and said, "Master Fa, don't look at these japanese who are weak and thin, but they are really good at fighting. They are too tough, and the biggest feature is that you don't have to pity them. You can use them as you like. Don't worry about fighting hard." Consumption, there are still a few batches later."

"Uh... is this what old master means?" Fazheng was quite shocked when he heard that he didn't need to worry about a few words. Usually, the army tries to keep casualties as low as possible in combat. Xu Ding pays great attention to the ratio of casualties to injuries.

The Japanese army can fight hard without considering casualties, so this battle should not be too easy to fight.

"Of course it's my lord's intention. To tell you the truth, Mr. Fa, there are still many new Japanese soldiers on those three big islands. My lord's meaning is that when we finish tossing them all, our mission will be over. But there are Just a little bit of advice, we can’t use the Japanese army to fight against us Han people, otherwise we will be cut off.” The team leader said mysteriously.

It can be seen that he didn't take the Japanese people seriously.

Anyway, Xu Ding's intention was to exhaust the Japanese people and vacate the three islands for the Han people to move to the island.

"Okay, I understand what Master means, but I have to use their fighting power to understand. I have a day off today, and I will go out of the city tomorrow to wipe it off!" Fazheng is not a good stubble. I know why Xu Ding hates the Japanese so much, but it doesn't prevent him from making cruel moves.

The next day!

Fazheng led the army out of the city.

Seeing that the Han army finally dared to come out of the city to fight, Wei Qiutai was overjoyed, and immediately assembled his troops to prepare for the battle.

However, Futai raised his hand with a dignified expression and said, "Don't worry, my son. The Han army suddenly came out of the city to fight. There must be something strange. Let's observe first and talk about it!"

"Father, the Han people rarely come out of the city, so we can just kill them directly. When the observation is clear, the Han people have all run into the city. This opportunity must not be missed!" , I still have to wait, this time Wei Qiutai couldn't bear it anymore, so the tone of his speech was a little anxious and rushed.

Futai wanted to say something, but at this moment Fazheng's voice came from the Han army formation that was leaving the city.

"Listen to the people of Fuyu on the opposite side, immediately surrender and surrender. I am kind enough to let you go, otherwise I will only be humiliated as a prisoner after defeat."

"Hmph, you are not ashamed to say anything, my son ordered 1 people from your department to rush to me, and you must defeat the Han army and destroy them!" Futai drew his sword and said angrily.

Wei Qiutai was overjoyed, he also drew his sword and shouted: "All the soldiers follow me to attack the Han army!"

On this side, Fazheng saw that the Fuyu people had mobilized [-] people, and with the same faint smile, he drew his sword and pointed: "The new Japanese army is attacking, don't worry about any tactics, don't talk about tactics, let me charge, Eliminate the Fuyu people who rushed to me, if you can't be eliminated, you don't have to go back to the city!"

The translator immediately conveyed Fazheng's order.

Immediately, there were 1 new Japanese soldiers, all screaming strangely, holding their weapons tightly, and under the sound of drums, they threw off their arms to meet the [-] Fuyu soldiers.

With no tactics and no one to command, the two armies just fought head-on.

Soon, the two armies with countless roars collided together, fighting in a melee, each desperately sending their weapons into the enemy's body.

"Hiss! I'm still the first to fight in melee. After this battle, I don't know how many new Japanese troops will be left behind. Whether it is worth it or not." Fazheng murmured alone with doubts.

"Don't worry, Mr. Fa. If this batch of new Japanese soldiers dies, there will be another batch. You can do whatever you want. My lord's intention is to make you prodigal. You don't have to think about it. Anyway, we can't afford the time and cost of transportation. As long as there is a little food, the new Japanese army that can stay in the end is the real elite, and that is the precious talent!" The Han general who escorted the new Japanese army grinned.

Only then did Fazheng feel better, this group of new Japanese soldiers are experimental products!

Apart from the basic discipline, the skills of combat are not taught much. They just go up with a knife and grab it. I don't know why they are so obedient.

Shaking his head and throwing away all sympathy, Fazheng looked at the two warring parties seriously.

He found that it seemed that the new Japanese army had a little upper hand.

Although the new Japanese army is rubbish, the Buyeo people are not much better. They also haven't trained much, and their weapons are not as good as the new Japanese army.

Fighting is not as fierce as the new Japanese army, although the Buyeo people are taller and stronger.

But after the frenzied hacking and killing by the new Japanese army, the Fuyu people were finally scared. After about [-] people were killed or injured, they finally couldn't resist the collapse and retreated.

The new Japanese army did not receive the order to withdraw the troops, and all members pursued them. They ran very fast, and soon chased and left the corpses of [-] Fuyu people.

The rest of the Fuyu people ran into the camp, facing the countless arrows shot from the camp, the new Japanese army hesitated and did not dare to plunge in.

"Take back the troops and return to the city!" Fazheng was quite satisfied, and was so surprised by the performance of the new Japanese army.

Ming Jin withdrew the troops, and the 6000 new Japanese troops withdrew one after another, leaving [-] corpses in the end.

If you kill one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred, that's probably the case.

Although victorious, there were many casualties.

"It's too cruel! It's too cruel!" Futai looked at the retreating new Japanese army and couldn't help taking a few breaths. Although he knew that the Han army was ferocious, he didn't expect it to be so ferocious.

It's also ten thousand against ten thousand, and it's so crazy.

Wei Choutai's face turned even paler. Originally, he thought that he could defeat the same Han people with [-] soldiers, but he was the one who lost in the end.

Crazy Bumu and Qin Xiao have the same dignified expression.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, this army does not seem to be the direct descendant of Marquis Weihai." Qin Xiao paid attention to the new Japanese army who had retreated to the city, and finally expressed his opinion, with doubts in his heart.

Melee, this doesn't look like the fighting style of the Han army. As Xu Ding's disciple, Fazheng shouldn't be so incompetent and stupid.

"Oh! This is not the real elite of Weihaihou!" Futai's mood suddenly became heavier.

Not all the elites are so strong. If the real elites are so strong, will going south this time be a mistake.

Wei Qiutai asked: "Then what kind of troops are they, and why does Fazheng use them like this?"

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, look, the army that fought with us just now is short and thin, and the weapons they hold are only a little better than ours. They don't have repeating crossbows, sharp spears, and they don't have super-long range. The clothes of the Han army are not as good as those of the previous Han army, and they look like prisoners transferred from other places by the Marquis of Weihai." Kuang Bumu's eyes were even more vicious, and he could see at a glance how Fazheng used the new Japanese army as cannon fodder. .

The armies of the Han Dynasty paid attention to mutual cooperation in combat. Xu Ding was one of the wealthiest Han princes, and his equipment was also the most sophisticated. There was no reason for the equipment to be so simple.

This new Japanese army has simple tactics, simple weapons, and even ordinary clothes without even a piece of armor. They are definitely not Han people.

"Captives, surrender." Wei Qiutai felt even more heartbroken when he heard this. The Han people used surrender cannon fodder to exchange their lives for the lives of his soldiers in Fuyu. No matter how you think, it will be a disadvantage to Fuyu, so he asked:
"Then what should we do next? I don't know how many such captives and soldiers they have?"

(End of this chapter)

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