Chapter 494 Forty Thousand Attacks Ninety Thousand

"Your Highness, the only way out now is to retreat to the camp, or to withdraw troops back to Fuyu." Mad Bumu thought for a while, hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and said:
"It's best to have a truce with the Marquis of Weihai. I suspect he will use such surrenders against the Xianbei and Gongsundu. No matter which side we use to deal with, we can't afford to lose."

Although I don't know where Xu Ding got the new Japanese soldiers, but judging by Fazheng's ruthless use today, there must be many more of them.

It is really unwise to fight.

"It's impossible to withdraw troops, and it's even more impossible to reconcile!" Thinking of the suggestion of not wanting to be crazy, Wei Qiutai rejected it.

Even Futai shook his head slightly, and only said: "Let's guard the camp first, and see what the Han people will do. Send people to urge the Xianbei army and Gongsun Du to see where they are fighting."

It is obviously not in the interests of Fuyu to retreat after a war, and even Futai, who has been on the throne for 35 years and has lost his vigor, cannot accept the situation of making peace without fighting.

"Not bad! Come on, give this new Japanese army extra meat and treat them well." Once back, Cheng Fazheng gave an order, if you want the horses to run, you have to feed the horses. Strong, he is also afraid that this cannon fodder army will cause trouble.

The new Japanese soldiers all shouted excitedly, Long live General Fa and the like.

In the evening, the other generals of the Eastern Protectorate of Handong rushed to Liaoshan City after the lead.

Xu Rong, Zhou Yang, Meng Jiu, and Liao Puppet Hong and Zhang Yu of the cavalry came from various cities.

Fazheng had to hand over the command and combat power to Xu Rong.

Xu Rongcai was the highest military commander in the entire Handong Protectorate except for Tian Feng.

As soon as Xu Rong came over, he had a meeting first, and Fazheng made a short statement.

Xu Rong said: "Everyone, Xiaozhi has used the new Japanese army in the past, and the combat effectiveness of the new Japanese army is still reliable. There will be several batches of new Japanese troops coming. I plan to wait for the third batch to arrive and launch a counterattack against Fuyu. If the people's camp launches an attack, it will depend on everyone's cooperation whether we can keep the [-] Fuyu troops."

Liao Puppet Hong and Zhang Yu stood up and said, "Don't worry Xu Shuai, as long as the Fuyu people escape from the plains, our cavalry will intercept them all and not let anyone go!"

Zhou Yang and Meng Jiu also stood up and said, "Don't worry Xu Shuai, if the Fuyu people want to escape from the mountains and forests, we will stop them."

Xu Rong nodded slightly, then looked at Fazheng, Fazheng stood up and said, "Leave me the matter of chasing down the remnants of the enemy and breaking through Fuyu King City. They dug it out."

"Okay! Now that everyone has received the military order, I will wait and see. I hope that this time, Fuyu can be completely resolved, and a peaceful northern border can be created for my Handong Governor's Mansion!"

In the next few days, the two armies continued to live in peace, and two new batches of Japanese troops arrived.

Originally, Fazheng suggested night raids to kill Fuyu Daying, but Xu Rong refused.

"Now our army is no less powerful than Fuyu, and our army has more sophisticated weapons. It can defeat the Fuyu people in an upright manner. There is no need to take risks and attack the enemy's camp head-on. This can create a stronger sense of oppression for the Buyeo people. It is easier to destroy his psychological defense and will, which will be more beneficial for capturing the territory of Fuyu and ruling Fuyu in the future." Xu Rong explained.

Everyone thought it was reasonable and agreed with Xu Rong's plan.

After getting ready, it took a day for the newly arrived Japanese army to rest for a day. Then Xu Rong commanded the army out of the city and launched an attack towards the Fuyu army camp.

"The Han people are here, everyone, hold on to the camp. Today we will use the weapons in our hands to tell the Han people that Dabuyu is not so easy to mess with." Futai began to mobilize, motivating the people and soldiers in various places in the army .

The Fuyu people are also full of confidence. They do not have the strength to attack the Han city, but they have the confidence to defend their camp and repel the Han army.

The Han army that the Fuyu people could see was only about [-], not too many, and they were still on the attacking side.

It seemed too underestimating the enemy, which made both Wutai and Wei Choutai sneer.

9 attacked the camp guarded by more than [-] people, with a force of one to two, the Han army despised them too much.

It's really like their camp is paper.

"Father, I think that when the Han army is exhausted from attacking the camp, we can send a troop out of the camp to counterattack the Han army and take the opportunity to wipe out their main force outside the city. This will increase the feasibility of our attack on Liaoshan City." Wei Qiutai said confidently.

Futai agreed very much: "My son's words are right, I'll give you [-] yuan, you go and get ready, once the Han army is exhausted from attacking the camp, you will go out and kill the Han army in one fell swoop today.

"It's the father!" Wei Qiutai was overjoyed.

This time, the total number of the Han army was 4 in the attack on the Fuyu Palace, including 4000 new Japanese troops, and [-] soldiers from the garrison of the Handong Duhufu.

These 4000 people carried six hot air balloons, ten bed crossbows, eight trebuchets, four hundred continuous crossbows, and the rest were shield soldiers, spearmen and other soldiers of various colors.

The bed crossbows and trebuchets were in place, smashed and shot at me, and bombed the camp wall of the Fuyu people.

Following Xu Rong's command, the soldiers operating the equipment immediately got busy.

A trebuchet threw stone bullets out. The stone bullets whizzed and smashed into the Fuyu people's camp. Then the bed crossbow shot flat and left the string to directly shoot through the Fuyu people's camp wall. The wooden fence Some shot directly and broke.


The moment the boulder fell, the Fuyu people were terrified.

Huge stone bombs slammed down, knocking down or knocking the walls of the camp that were supposed to be solid.

A large area is injured.

Then the sharp long crossbow arrows pierced through and pierced through the terrified Fuyu soldiers like stringing gourds.

The bed crossbow and trebuchet were not used when Fazheng was defending the city, for the purpose of this effect, fearing that the Fuyu people would be scared away.

Now that two artifacts are on the stage, the effect is great.

Futai, Weiqiutai and Yigan Fuyu's civil and military generals all turned pale with fright.

This is different from what they expected.

The weapons of the Han army are too high-end, and the lethality is too strong, too strong for them to accept.

Let the Han army continue to attack like this, and their camp will be beyond recognition.

It's Crazy Bumu and Qin Xiaoyu with a bitter look on their faces.

They also knew that Xu Ding's soldiers and horses had excellent weapons, but it was beyond their expectation that they were so sophisticated.

"You two quickly think of a way. We must restrain the two major weapons of the Han army, otherwise we will have to flee." Wei Qiutai ignored the ugly faces of the two and directly gave an order.

The Han people know the Han people best, Kuang Bumu and Qin Xiao must think of a way to solve the threat of the Han army's strong crossbow.

Kuang Bumu looked at the trebuchet, then at the crossbow on the bed, thought for a while and said, "Your Highness, the only way out now is to go out to fight the Han army, forcing them to destroy their weapons."

(End of this chapter)

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