Chapter 496

What Fazheng said is very reasonable, whether to wipe out all of them, or to wipe out a part of them first, and completely destroy the Fuyu people mentally.

Xu Rong didn't think too much, and made his own choice. He ordered people to wave a big flag on the right side of the tower.

This order is for the ambush soldiers far outside the periphery.

After receiving the order, Liao Puppet Hong and Zhang Yu glanced at each other, and then they both got on their horses, drew their swords and pointed in the direction of the battle, saying: "The whole army is attacking, stepping on the army of Fuyu Kingdom!"

All three thousand riders got on their horses, then swung their whips and dashed out, carrying dust all over the sky.

At the same time as the cavalry was killed, Xu Rong ordered his soldiers to raise the hot air balloons. One by one, the hot air balloons rose high, and then floated over the heads of the Fuyu army. Follow the Fuyu people below and throw it away.

Every time one was dropped, there was an explosion on the ground, igniting a large area of ​​Fuyu people.

The hot air balloon was too dazzling, and the oil tank dropped from it was even more lethal and deterrent, attracting all the attention of the people in Buyeo.

It even caused the Fuyu army to be uneasy.

The fierce fire pouring down from the sky was really frightening. Futai couldn't help feeling timid and thinking of retreating. He directed his subordinates to shoot arrows into the sky continuously, but it was useless at all.

At this moment, the Han cavalry descended to the nearby area with the scriptures, and the Fuyu people finally discovered the Han army that suddenly came out.

"Damn it! The Han army and cavalry are ambushing outside the city! Stop it for me, you must block it." Futai saw the rolling Han cavalry, and his eyes almost popped out.

Wei Qiutai panicked even more, the Han army still had cavalry.

It was too late, but it was so fast, the cavalry arrived in the blink of an eye, without giving Futai any extra time to think, even if he dispatched troops to intercept it at this time, it would be useless.

Because this Han cavalry was coming towards the left wing that he couldn't control.

For the cavalry, the more chaotic the opponent is, the more they like it, because it can give full play to the cavalry's stamping effect.

Sure enough, with the addition of this cavalry, the left wing was completely ruined, and the people of Fuyu were scattered even faster, squeezing to the position of the central army of their own army.

Three thousand cavalry took advantage of the situation and rushed in, constantly attacking Fuyu's central army.

And the [-] new Japanese troops fought to [-] at this time, and they were also frantically expanding the results behind the cavalry.

"It's over! Your Royal Highness, the left wing is finished, and the central army is also finished. We must get out of the army as soon as possible and withdraw as soon as possible. If it is too late, the right wing will also be finished."

Crazy Bumu and Qin Xiao sighed and quickly persuaded.

Wei Choutai stood on the horse so tangled up that his face was almost constipated, and finally saw the big banner of Futai moved and retreated after it opened, and then angrily said: "Retreat!"

Originally, he wanted to follow Futai to the mountains, but Qin Xiao suggested that he retreat to the plains.

Wei Qiutai was puzzled and said: "Why do you want to take it away to the plain? Isn't that courting death? If there is a Han army ambushing there, how can we go, and if the Han cavalry come to chase us, we will have nowhere to escape!"

Walking with the father, there are many soldiers and horses. Even if there is an accident, there are more people and more strength, which can resist more risks.

Qin Xiao explained: "Your Highness, the Han cavalry were ambushed on the plain, but the Han army mobilized ahead of time, so there will be no more ambushes on this side. On the contrary, the Han army on the other side of the forest did not move, and their ambushes may be more. Withdrawing with the king, there are many people and the target is big, and the Han army is more concentrated when chasing, and it is easy to be wiped out."

"But..." Wei Choutai thought for a while, and found that Qin Xiao was right, so he glanced in the direction of Futai, pointed in the direction of Pingyuan, and said, "Listen to you, let's go this way!"

Seeing that Fuyu's army had completely fled, a smile finally appeared on Xu Rong's face, and he waved the banner and said: "The whole army goes out and chases the enemy!"

This time, not only the new Japanese army pressed up, but the [-] old Han army also slaughtered them, joining the feast of slaughter.

Over there, Futai led the defeated army towards the forest to the west, and the army quickly fled in, but they could not escape for five li, when suddenly a Han army came out from the mountainside.


This is Meng Jiu leading his troops out.

Futai was so frightened that he didn't know how many Han troops rushed down the mountain. In short, he continued to walk west with the remnants of the defeated generals. After walking for less than two miles, suddenly there was a shout of killing in front of him, and the road ahead was blocked. , A well-equipped Han army rushed out.

This is the Han general Zhou Yang's department, with only three thousand people.

However, at this time, they were besieged on all sides, and three thousand was used as thirty thousand, chasing the Fuyu remnant soldiers who had broken their courage in the summer and fled all over the mountain.

In the end, Futai failed to escape and was injured by random arrows. Finally, he was beheaded by an unknown person, and he took it back to claim the reward.

After listening to Qin Xiao's words, Wei Qiutai finally fled northward with 7000 troops and returned to Fuyu King City.

So far, Fuyu's [-] army lost [-], and most of the generals at Futai and below were killed or captured.

"Our army has won a complete victory in this battle. The only pity is that Wei Qiutai escaped back, so our mission has not been completed. The next stage of the mission is to attack Fuyu King City. This aspect will be handed over to Fazheng. The command is complete." In Liaoshan City, Xu Rong looked at Fazheng plausibly at the celebration banquet:
"Does Xiaozhi have confidence?"

Fazheng proudly raised his chest and said: "Xu Shuai, please rest assured and promise to complete the task, but the new Japanese army must be handed over to me, otherwise I will not do it!"

"Hahaha, okay, none of the new Japanese army will be left to take you to attack Fuyu King City. I heard from the lord that they are better at mountain warfare. It is just right to use them to deal with the people of Fuyu." Xu Rong smiled generously. .

Meng Jiudao on the side: "I said Xiaozhi, the new Japanese army brought it, don't you want us to bring it, anyway, I am also your old partner, you can't treat one more than another!"

Zhou Yang also said: "Yes, yes, you have to bring me too!"

Liao Puppet Hong and Zhang Yu also echoed: "Although the kings of Fuyu Kingdom are all in the deep mountains and old forests, there is a large open land on the north side of this road, and we can also give you some support on the periphery."

Fa Zhengchao bowed to his servants and said: "Everyone, thank you for your trust. As long as the food and grass allow, you can go wherever you want. Of course, don't leave Xu Shuai alone in Liaoshan City, or be careful to wear small shoes when you come back!"

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed.

Xu Rong pointed at Fazheng, shook his head and smiled wryly.

To the north of Handong Duhu, there is a Fuyu country. After fighting Fuyu, there may be no wars, and there is not much credit to be gained, so everyone is vying to go to war.

Of course, some people will ask, isn’t there Yilou further to the northeast?
After fighting Fuyu, you can fight Yilou.

The problem is that the place where Yilou belongs is too remote and cold, and the traffic is too closed and lacking.

Ju Xuding in Beiwo didn't even want to talk to him, let alone some remote and uncivilized Yilou.

Unless the big man was almost cultivated and educated around him, Xu Ding would not use resources to develop further northeastern Siberia.

The land boundary is of no use at present, and it is not a wise choice to waste resources for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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