Chapter 497

Not to mention Xu Rongfazheng's side, the Liaodong vassal state was easily taken by Xu Ding.

Xu Ding led the troops to the north, and soon came to Shizicheng in the northwestern border of Liaodong, and then spread the news that all Wuhuan tribes were recruited.

Wuhuan Corruption King was the first to run over.

When he saw Xu Ding, he covered his face and cried bitterly: "Master Hou, Xiao Wang finally saw you, Master Hou wants to be the master of our department!"

It is said that Xu Ding killed Qiu Liju in the first battle and deterred the Wuhuan of the various tribes in Youzhou. The various tribes of the Wuhuan fought for power. The strength of the greedy king was ranked among the top six at that time, and he managed to unify the western and eastern Liaoning with great difficulty. The small tribes in the vassal state and other places have jumped to the third place in strength, and they seem to be the largest force in Wuhuan.

As a result, after Gongsun Zan took over You Beiping and Liaoxi, he used him as a target every day.

Soon the strength of the greedy king was hit hard, and with the support of the other kings, his strength soared, and he was suppressed a lot. Soon the greedy king's strength fell from the top few, Ranked around tenth, he can only be a man with his tail between his legs.

This time Xu Ding's army returned, and took over Liaodong County and Liaodong vassal state, and took root in Changji, so he was the first to come here to offer his courtesies and sell them well.

"Greedy king, get up. Ben Hou knows that you have suffered a lot of grievances these years. Don't worry, with Ben Hou here, you will definitely become stronger again. In the past, our business is still the same, and our army will continue to buy prisoners. You can let go Come on, this time you will not only get money, but I may also sell you some weapons." Xu Ding comforted.

The greedy king was overjoyed when he heard the words, this is what he wanted, he could make a lot of money doing business with Marquis Weihai, so he kept replying: "Thank you, Mr. Where, I will fight!"

"Really? What if I want to beat Dun and Louban?" Xu Ding asked while staring at the Tanzhi King with a smile.

Lou Ban is the son of Qiu Liju, and Ta Dun is his nephew. In name, these two are the orthodox royal family, and only the two of them are qualified to inherit the throne of Khan.

Nominally, the kings of Corruption, King Qiao, Nanlou, Supuwan, Kouludun, Jueji, Samad Khan, Pulu and other Wuhuan kings are all courtiers and should obey the orders of the future Khan.

However, at this time Wuhuan was extremely divided, with some supporting Louban, some supporting Tadun, and some who were self-reliant as kings and celibate and prepared to pick up the wrong things.

For example, this greedy king doesn't support anyone, but wants to destroy everyone and replace them, so he said without thinking: "If Lord Hou wants to beat Dun and Louban, then I will beat Dun and Louban. Lord Hou is the sky, Lord Hou is the earth, and I am just a little bug!"

"Hahaha, good! As expected, the Marquis did not misunderstand the person!" Xu Ding was quite satisfied with the behavior of the King of Greed, Xu Ding walked over and patted the King of Greed on the shoulder and said:
"This Marquis has always paid attention to practicality. I have seen more good words than good songs. I hope you will keep what you say and do. Don't let me down. If you work hard, I won't treat you badly."

"It's Lord Hou, I will satisfy Lord Hou!" The greedy king really wanted to turn the tables and turn his face, but Xu Ding's strength is here, and now it is not as good as before. In the past, Xu Ding was just a passerby, and he left after one vote in Youzhou So he can only be more careful, not even daring to say a word of rebuttal.

"Go ahead, send people to inform the various tribes of Wuhuan, and ask them to come to see me in Shizicheng in three days. Those who don't come will be the enemy of this Marquis and the enemy of the great man. Since they are enemies, there is only one result, the shape of the gods. All destroyed!" Xu Ding sat back in his seat and ordered domineeringly.

The Greedy King's body trembled slightly, it's coming, it's really coming, the revenge of the best in the world is coming.

Can't tell whether it's excitement or fear, the greedy king is also a little complicated at this time.

With such a powerful Marquis of Weihai, is it a blessing or a curse for Wuhuan?

It's a pity that they have no choice. There was Liu Yu who was gentle with Wuhuan, but now he is about to be forced to death by Gongsun Zan.

The promised order was like a talisman, blowing through all Wuhuan ministries like a whirlwind, causing commotion and panic in all ministries.

If you don't go, you will be beaten, if you go, you will be slaughtered.

How to do?
The Marquis of Weihai came to settle accounts after autumn, and he knew that he should not have followed Gongsun Du to attack Liaodong.

A small half of the Wuhuan tribe rushed to Tadun to find a solution and discuss where to go.

Looking at the four tribal kings Kouludun, Nanlou, Samad Khan, and Pulu, Tadun felt complacent, at least he could win over half of the Wuhuan tribe.

But under this complacency, there is also deep worry.

Where is the way out? People are most afraid of making choices, especially when the road ahead is vague and the future cannot be seen.

Originally, there was still Liu Yu who could rely on him, but now Liu Yu is also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and cannot protect himself, and there is no one who can protect Wuhuan.

"Everyone, I want to ask everyone, if we reject this Marquis of Weihai, where can we go?" This is the question that Ta Dun has been thinking about these days.

It is very meaningful to bring it up for discussion at this time.

yes!Where did Weihaihou and the others go to settle down?

It is impossible to join Gongsun Zan, Gongsun Zan is a lunatic even crazier than Xu Ding, in his heart only a dead Wuhuan is a good Wuhuan, but where there is still a way to survive, they will not follow Gongsundu .

Since Gongsun Zan can't do it, what about Beitou Xianbei?

Don't make trouble, Wuhuan and Xianbei are mortal enemies. Don't look at Wuhuan as a grassland tribe, but they are miscellaneous goods and have no status in the grassland. They rely on the Han people who defected to the Central Plains to survive. Can they not be wiped out by Xianbei.

Beitou Xianbei is to send sheep to the tiger's mouth.

"The sky is big and the earth is big, it seems that there is no place for us!" Kou Loudun lamented and said very pessimistically.

The others also had sad expressions on their faces, and they had no idea in their hearts.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to find Tadun.

Seeing everyone's expressions like this, Tadun had an idea in his heart, and said very euphemistically: "The only plan for now is to serve Wei Haihou temporarily. , and he won't mess around."

This is true, because the king of greed is an example.

Although Ta Dun had the ambition to unify Wuhuan, the current situation forced him to make the most reasonable choice.

"As long as you are willing to go with Marquis Weihai, we have no objection!" Pu Lu was the first to respond, because he was the weakest among all ministries, as long as he could survive, he would accept any humiliation.

Seeing this, Kou Loudun, Nanlou, and Samad Khan naturally had no objection, and all agreed with each other.

"Okay! Since everyone agrees, I'll let someone contact the King of Greed, and let him take the lead in getting in touch with the Marquis of Weihai!" Ta Dun felt 1 reluctance in his heart, but he agreed.

Soon the Corruption King received the news and reported it to Xu Ding.

(End of this chapter)

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