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Chapter 715 Strategic Adjustment Jizhou Youzhou 1 Pot Duan

Chapter 715 Strategic Adjustment of Jizhou Youzhou One Pot End (Three in One)

"It's the lord!"

Now that Xu Ding has set the tone, Guo Jia will naturally not be troublesome.

After all, this method is indeed a trick that kills one thousand and hurts eight hundred, and also damages one's reputation.

"By the way, my lord, Gongsun Zan sent a letter, he really asked us to fight outside Juyong Pass, and we will have an equal number of fine cavalry to decide the outcome.

If we win, he will give up Youzhou directly. If we lose to the world, we will declare to the world that we will never invade Youzhou, and we can’t take his idea of ​​Youzhou, and if we want to withdraw from Western Liaoning completely, we can only use Eastern Liaoning as the boundary. "Guo Jia handed over the letter from Youzhou.

Xu Ding didn't open it, but asked: "He must have other conditions!"

"My lord is wise, and Gongsun Zan also said that my lord is not allowed to lead the army in battle. He can send out the sixth, seventh, or even any iron cavalry in the Guiyi army. He will use the same number of white horses as representatives to fight." Guo Jia smiled. replied.

Xu Ding said: "He is really smart and has self-knowledge."

This is what Xu Ding expected.

If Gongsun Zan dared to fight Xu Ding, he would have fought.

Xu Ding thought for a while and said: "Answer him, just say yes, we will let the seventh school lieutenant ride out to fight, the number of people is [-], and we will also publish this matter in the newspaper to let the whole world know."

"My lord, it is inappropriate to announce this matter to the world. I am not saying that I am afraid that General Han Sheng will lose, but I am afraid that other princes will take the opportunity to interfere and make trouble secretly, affecting our plan." Guo Jia persuaded with some worry.

In the duel outside the pass, the winner will win Youzhou, which is too simple and child's play.

Now is not the Spring and Autumn period, and there are still etiquette and so on in war.

Except for Gongsun Zan who dared to do this, no prince in the world would dare to bet against them like this.

If there is, it is really a blessing, and it will level the world in a few strokes.

"Troubleshooting, who can make trouble in this matter, it's nothing more than Yuan Shao and Liu Bei. Isn't Yuan Shao doing it with the scriptures? He has been hooking up with the aristocratic families in Youzhou, and he is digging corners. He has done it with the scriptures." Plan for Youzhou first, let us have a good fight with Gongsun Zan, so he won't spoil the duel." Xu Ding sat down and put the letter on the table beside him:

"As for Liu Bei, it's mostly just a few words of persuasion to Gongsun Zan, telling him not to duel with us, and not to bet on Youzhou even in a duel. It's just fanning the flames in his ears and encouraging Gongsun Zan to fight us to the end. What else can he do?
Gongsun Zan is a good-looking man, so we will satisfy him, and let the whole world know, so that he will not change, and we can occupy Youzhou in a righteous way, so that whoever makes trouble in Youzhou next, we will have Reason enough to pack him.

Only then can the people of Youzhou support us more and know who really wants Youzhou well and for their sake. "

"Then what about my lord, Yuan Shao? Can't Yuan Shao just keep making trouble in Youzhou like this?" Now that the war is about to start, Huang Zhong should have no problem defeating Gongsun Zan, but Yuan Shao took the opportunity to occupy Youzhou, and the fight would still damage Youzhou. state, destroying the stability of Youzhou.

Yuan Shao obviously wanted to take this opportunity to take back the other counties this week, and by the way dig a big hole for Xu Ding in Youzhou, turning it into a quagmire of war.

Of course Xu Ding had already seen his intentions, thought for a while and said, "So, Yuan Shao doesn't want Youzhou? Then let him go to Youzhou. Isn't our army concentrated in Pingyuan County? Direct attack Qinghe County, attack Wei County, go to Yuan Shao's Yecheng, I want to see if Yuan Shao wants Youzhou or Jizhou."

Guo Jia quickly added the military deployment maps of the enemy and us in his mind, and he knew this information best.

After a little analysis, I suddenly felt that agreeing to this plan might not be a very clever strategy.

Yuan Shao wanted to turn Youzhou into a position to stop the Liaodong Army, so it was impossible for him to just write empty promises and try to win over the aristocratic family.

The aristocratic families are not idiots, if Yuan Shao does not send a single soldier, then these powerful families will not support Yuan Shao.

Originally, Yuan Shao didn't have many soldiers at his disposal. If some were transferred to Youzhou, the defense of his entire Jizhou system would be quite weak.

On the surface, the Donglai army attacked Youzhou and competed for Youzhou. In fact, they sent a large army to attack Yecheng directly and copied Yuan Shao's lair.

Then Yuan Shao not only lost his foundation, but even if he occupied Jizhou, he would be surrounded by his own army on all sides.

Yuan Shao would be unable to escape even if he wanted to. It was a wonderful move. On the surface, he was attacking Gongsun Zan, but in fact he was targeting Yuan Shao, disintegrating the two princes in one fell swoop, and completely pacifying northern Xinjiang.

It might not be impossible to operate well, so Guo Jia's eyes gleamed brightly and continuously released golden lights.

"Then, my lord, this plan needs to be planned carefully, and the strategy needs to be re-formulated. Zhongde, Zhicai, Gongda, Huanyuanzhi and others should all be brought back for a good discussion."

Attacking for two weeks at the same time, and wanting to eliminate Yuan Shao, who is one of the biggest vassal forces at the moment, must act carefully and plan every link well, otherwise it will become a protracted war and a war of attrition, which is not good.

Therefore, Guo Jia suggested that all counselors who can come back conduct a consultation to make a plan.

Xu Ding said: "Of course, this time the plan must be careful and detailed, because we want to attack two states at the same time and devour [-] counties. We need to challenge the huge territory and large population.

The food in the back and other substitute officials must be prepared, and manpower will be transferred to various places at that time, and security and security must keep up. "

Swallowing two prefectures at once, although a bit hasty, the task is very strict, if Yuan Shao doesn't do anything, Xu Ding will take Youzhou and develop with peace of mind.

The various gaps will not be too big, but since Yuan Shao wants to make a move, he can only fight him first to eliminate him, the actual biggest threat to the north.

Once Yuan Shao is destroyed, Liu Bei will be easy to fight, and once Liu Bei is dead, the north will be completely pacified.

Then you can go south in an all-round way, wipe out Yuan Shu, Liu Biao, Sun Jian and others, and finally go west.

The basic policy has not changed, but the collection time of Jizhou will be earlier.

But now Xu Ding has the land of five states, manpower, material and financial resources can support it, so he is not afraid of fighting.

If he desperately let the foreign army join the battle, the battle would be fought faster and more smoothly.

But the principle is the principle, the bottom line is the bottom line, not to mention not needing it now, assuming that one day he is rubbed on the ground by other princes, he will not invoke civil war.

The order was sent to various places, and Xu Ding's major counselors could come back. If they couldn't, they had to do their jobs with peace of mind to ensure output for the next war and maintain local stability.

During this period, Dongnae's newspapers were continuously published and distributed throughout the country.

Soon people knew that Zaozhi Zaozinong, who was born in Yingchuan, was such a person.

As Xu Ding's first follower, he doesn't show mountains or rivers, few people know him, and his writing is not as good as Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai and other first-class advisers.

Wu is also not as good as Man Chong, Lu Qian and other military generals and officials who were born in literati.

However, he has been working silently for more than ten years, and now he can see the light of day, which immediately caused a sensation in the whole big man.

It became known to everyone, and everyone even rushed to write a book for him, and even the great Confucianism who hadn't been out for a long time also made comments and praised him.

"Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! The Marquis of Weihai announced the shocking news that his school lieutenant, Zaoyi, has cultivated new grains that can produce several times the grain. The whole world celebrates, the blessing of the great man..."

"Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! After Weihai Hou arrived in Ren Donglai, he has been devoting himself to developing agriculture and researching grains. After decades of hard research and exploration, he has finally achieved something. The county promotes new species, and must produce more grain so that the people can increase their income.

At the same time, he said that if the grain is stable and reliable, it will be gradually promoted to the states and counties of Dahan in the future, so that everyone in Dahan can have a bumper harvest and everyone can have enough food, so that our people in Dahan will no longer have famine and hunger, and everyone will live a happy life Have a good day..."

"Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! Marquis of Weihai severely reprimanded the Blood Clothes League for colluding with some unscrupulous families to murder Zaozhi, cut off our China's hope, destroy our China's backbone, and destroy our great man's country.

Wei Haihou said that the Blood Clothes League and some unscrupulous families can murder him, and they can use any means to deal with him, but please let Zaozhi go, let him continue to research new grains for increasing production, spare my big man's life, don't ruin it My China's hope, Marquis of Weihai, I beg you..."

"Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! The law department of Dongnae College has seriously announced that it will thoroughly investigate the murder that occurred in Lelang County, Pingzhou, and will announce the arrest of the murder. It is hereby announced that he, the law department of Donglai College, the Blood Clothes League, and some aristocratic families Will fight to the end, and return the big man to justice..."

"Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! For the peace of Youzhou, for the stability of Youzhou, Marquis of Weihai and Gongsun Zan of Youzhou will have a duel for territory outside Juyongguan. The winner will get Youzhou, and the loser will never get involved... "

Hanoi!Wild King City.

"The Marquis of Weihai is still amazing. He has all kinds of talents, and he can increase the grain output by several times. With such good seeds, it's no wonder that the people under his rule can eat enough. This is really a blessing for China, a blessing for me. .” After Zhang Yang sighed, he asked Dong Zhao:
"Gongren, should we do something?"

Dong Zhaodao: "My lord, such a big event should be celebrated. First send a congratulatory post to Marquis Weihai, and spend money to send it to the Donglai newspaper to express our support for Mr. Zao, and hope that he will be more productive for my big man in the future. the seeds of food, and the respect of the lord."

"Hahaha, it's better for Gongren to be thoughtful. Well, we will do as you say. We must maintain close contact with the Marquis of Weihai." Zhang Yang agreed without saying a word.

Xu Ding is now the number one vassal in the world, it is necessary to strengthen ties, and the business between the two parties is frequent, which has brought many benefits to Zhang Yang.

At the same time, send some money to the newspaper office, so that not only can you gain fame, but you can also get close to the water and buy good seeds.

"By the way, my lord, how do we react to the attack on Mr. Zao?" Dong Zhao asked.

When this matter was mentioned, Zhang Yang's mood suddenly changed. After thinking about it, he asked, "What do you think?"

Dong Zhaodao: "My lord, Mr. Zao's achievements will surely be passed down through the ages and shine in the annals of history. I believe it will not be long before his reputation will be no less than that of anyone in a big man. People all over the world will remember his kindness. We should firmly support him and fight with him." Then what kind of Bloodcloth Alliance and some families who murdered him draw a clear line, so that we can have a good beginning and an end."

Zhang Yang nodded slightly, pondered for a while and said: "Okay! Immediately declare to the public that Hanoi firmly resists the ugly behavior of the Blood Clothes League and certain families, and is willing to help Fa Ke of Donglai Academy to track down this matter. From now on, once the Blood Clothes League is discovered Anyone who resisted was arrested immediately, and anyone who resisted was killed on the spot.

As for those unscrupulous families, we in Hanoi will also tolerate them, and we will also strictly punish and investigate them. "


Jinyang City!
"Sure enough, controlling public opinion is equivalent to holding a long sword that can kill people at any time. Xu Ding is good at playing tricks. He just pulls out a jujube and says that he can increase the grain production by several times. Such a bragging will sooner or later feed himself. Evil consequences." After reading the newspaper, Liu Bei couldn't believe it was true, so he picked up the newspaper where Gongsun Zan and Xu Ding confronted each other, with a trace of pity in his eyes.

Gongsun Zan must be out of his mind.

Going to a duel with Xu Ding outside the customs, I don't know what skills I have, so I don't know Xu Ding's martial arts.

Leave a good city undefended, engage in an ancient duel more than 1000 years ago to determine the outcome and determine the ownership of the chassis.

Li Su said: "Brother, how should we deal with this matter?"

Of course what Li Su was talking about was about Zaoyi.

Liu Bei said: "Although Xu Ding's words cannot be believed, his lies will not be exposed for the time being. He will only be caught when he will plant new species on a large scale next year, and the output cannot be replenished from Jiaozhou to confuse the world." people found out.

So during this period of time, this jujube will only become a focus, even standing high like Confucius and Mencius and other saints.

We still don't want to touch this bad head, let's publish Nobuaki first, and also condemn the Blood Clothes League.

By the way, aren't there some aristocratic families in Bingzhou who don't cooperate with our army?It was dealt with for this reason. "

Li Su's eyes lit up again when he heard the words, he gave a thumbs up and said, "Brother is still very powerful, so he can help us solve some troubles, hahaha, even in his dreams, he would never know that his sword has become our knife. "

Liu Bei nodded triumphantly. After wandering around for so long, he has become more and more politically aware.

Then he asked again: "By the way, how is the third brother?"

The third brother, of course, refers to Qu Yi, who later became a target with him.

"Third brother got better after being appeased by you, but he has been obsessed with going back to Jizhou, and wants to recruit troops to expand the army again, but he has no money, and there are not many people who are willing to follow him." Speaking of Qu Yi, Li Su Just a bad smile.

After Qu Yi was defeated by Yuan Shao last time, even though he led a lot of soldiers and horses to withdraw from Changshan Kingdom.

However, Li Su only let him station troops in Shangai, and did not give him money or food, and even poached many of Qu Yi's men.

Qu Yi's arrogance also became smaller and smaller, and he didn't dare to think he was so arrogant. When he came to Jinyang, he started calling him second brother.

"The third brother is too anxious. Yuan Shao is the fourth generation and third prince. After occupying Jizhou, he is difficult to shake. How can we easily turn against him. Now our enemy should be Xu Ding, and we should be unanimous." Liu Bei reprimanded a few words on the surface, Then said:

"Now you should take a lot of rest and wait for the right time. However, autumn is getting stronger and the sky is cold and the water is freezing. You should allocate some food and grass to him in the future. I have a hunch that there may be a big war. If you can't tell Relying on the third brother to lead the army to fight the enemy."

Old fox, let me suppress Qu Yi, but he pretends to be a good person to win him over.

Is it because I am afraid that I have too much power and control too many soldiers and horses, which will pose a threat to you, so I want Qu Yi to control me.

Li Su cursed inwardly, but said: "Brother is right, the third brother is good at fighting, and I can only manage logistics and take care of some mundane things."

"Second brother, don't underestimate yourself. You are the most important person in our Bingzhou, and you are our biggest hero in Bingzhou. The second brother can fight on horseback, and can rule the army when he is off the horse. He has both civil and military skills. No one can compare. I will always need my second brother. Now, although our development momentum in Bingzhou is good, there are also many hidden dangers." Liu Bei sighed and said:

"The north is either Xianbei or the Huns and other alien races. It is impossible to go further. The west is across the Yellow River and is Guanzhong. The Xiliang army is eyeing. Li Ru has been staring at our east east, and may attack at any time.

Zhang Yang in the south is also very alert to us, occupying the courtyard gate, and can attack the party anytime he wants.

Needless to say, Yuan Shao is blocking us in the east, and there is no hope for the time being if we want to go east. If Bogui in the northeast is defeated, we will face another great enemy Xu Ding, then it will be even more dangerous.

It's not easy for me..."

As he spoke, Liu Bei began to cry again.

Li Su had a headache for a while and was speechless. It's just the two of us. Can you stop pretending? If you don't shed tears, you will die. Who are you crying for?

Don't be disgusted with me all the time.

Although he hated Liu Bei's habit very much and didn't like Liu Bei's habit, Li Su still got used to it, and praised: "Brother, don't worry, as long as we brothers are of the same mind, we will surely break the gold, and nothing can be difficult for us."

"Yes! The second brother is so right. Our brothers are of one heart, and our benefits can cut through gold. We will definitely rejuvenate the big man and wipe out all rebels." Liu Bei nodded and finally stopped crying. Shouting slogans is his favorite thing to do. one of the things.


Yuan Shao said to the crowd: "The matter of Gongsun Zan is indeed as we expected. He wants to fight Xu Ding outside the pass. What do you think?"

"My lord, everything can be done according to the plan. No matter who wins or loses between Gongsun Zan and Xu Ding, let's take Youzhou first and smash it to pieces so that neither of them can get it," Xu You said.

Feng Ji said: "My lord, Xu Ding openly published the newspaper and made this matter known to the public. I'm afraid the intention is not simple!"

Yuan Shao came to his senses all of a sudden, and asked, "What does Yuan Tu think Xu Ding intends?"

Feng Ji said: "On the surface, Xu Ding wants to make this matter an established fact, to block Gongsun Zan's back path, and make him unable to repent, so that it will be smoother for him to take over Youzhou.

But he also has another meaning, that is, he wants to see the attitudes of all parties. Once the matter is completed this time, it will become a special case. Then in the future, he may directly issue the same request to the princes in the newspaper, so that there is no need to spend money. The states and counties can be won at any cost. "

"Yuan Tu's words are reasonable. In the future, when he promises to fight publicly in the newspapers, will our princes agree or not? The promise is obviously a trick. A few will fight together. Who is the opponent he promised.

If you don't agree, you will lose the hearts of the people, and you will get a bad reputation for fighting in chaos and disregarding the lives of the people. It is very poisonous to agree to this plan. "Guo Tu explained angrily.

Xun Kan and Xu You also nodded frequently. It has to be said that Gongsun Zan made a bad start.

And let Xu Ding take advantage of it severely.

Pushed all the princes of the world into the pit of fire.

It will be hard for everyone to bake.

Newspapers are too lethal.

Now it is gradually showing its power. Although Jizhou has been banning it, and it also runs newspapers, it is inferior to others in terms of quality and quantity.

The influence is much weaker than that of Donglai.

After all, the monthly newspaper is free, and there are also rich content such as the Xunbao Daily. After so many years of infestation, the whole big man can be said to be pervasive.

Yuan Shao rubbed his temples and said, "Then what should we do? Gongsun Zan is determined to confront Xu Ding, and the newspaper has published it. He can't break his promise. After all, he has a very good face, and face is the most important thing."

Gongsun Zan likes to wear fancy clothes, loves to show off, and is paranoid. It is impossible for him to stop this crazy behavior.

So now Yuan Shao has a headache.

Xu You stood up and said, "Master, if Gongsun Zan dies suddenly, I don't think there is any need to continue this duel."

Gongsun Zan died suddenly?
How is this possible, did Xu You mean to say.

Yuan Shao suddenly realized, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, otherwise he would disappear quickly, and continued rubbing his temples with his hands half covering his face: "How could Sun Zan suddenly die suddenly? If he died, Youzhou would be in chaos. It will be easier to obtain Youzhou."

Gongsun Zan is now the banner of Youzhou. Once he dies, no one can stop Xu Ding.

The chaotic Youzhou faction is about to surrender, surrender, and escape.

Others think Xu You's idea is good.

Killing Gongsun Zan is to suspend the duel, and then prevent Xu Ding from making it a routine to conquer the princes of the world.

But the suggestion was made by Xu You, so naturally he didn't rush to speak.

Xu You said: "My lord, Gongsun Zan has sons, brothers, and sworn brothers. I think everyone has some opinions on Gongsun Zan's actions. Just give them a little advice, and I think they will make the right choice." , if the best is not enough, then we will do it ourselves."

When he said this, Xu You's eyes were dark and he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Apart from Gongsun Zan, the eldest son, Gongsun Xu, Gongsun Zan also had other sons.

If Gongsun Zan was defeated, how could they be so willing to give up their wealth and glory.

Even if his sons dare not move in fear of Gongsun Zan's despotic power, but the brothers Gongsun Yue and Gongsun Fan who have real power in their hands.

Even those unrelated sworn brothers Liu Weitai, Li Yizi, and Le Hedang are willing to let the big tree of the Gongsun family fall?
Without Gongsun Zan's relationship, can they still call the wind and rain in Youzhou, do whatever they want, and live a high-class life?
It must be impossible. Without Gongsun Zan, they are nothing. Yesterday, they were always rich and prosperous, but in an instant, they are nothing.

If Xu You is a person who does intelligence work, his sensitivity to this kind of thing is really not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"But Ziyuan, even if this is the case, how can we ensure that Youzhou will not be chaotic, that we will not turn to Xu Ding one-sidedly, and that we will not help Xu Ding take Youzhou, so don't lose more than we gain." Guo Tu stood up and asked.

This is exactly what Yuan Shao wanted to ask the most. Gongsun Zan didn't care if he died or not. He only cared about doing good deeds and not being someone else's wedding dress.

(End of this chapter)

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