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Chapter 716 Yin and Yang Reversed, More Ominous and Less Lucky

Chapter 716 Yin and Yang are reversed, more bad luck than good luck (three in one)

Everyone looked at Xu You.

Xu You smiled and said, "That's simple, as long as the person who killed Gongsun Zan was Xu Ding's, that's fine."

Gongsun Zan died at the hands of Xu Ding, regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, let me ask, will Gongsun Zan's son Gongsun Xu and others still fall to Xu Ding?
The answer is definitely not, that would be to admit the thief as the father.

On the contrary, Gongsun Zan's subordinates, sons, and brothers will inevitably confront Xu Ding in order to protect their own interests. As long as Jizhou is supporting them, they will be more determined.

"I'm afraid this reason is not convincing. Xu Dingyi has clearly reported the duel outside the customs. He has a great chance of winning. He has no motivation to do it many times." Feng Ji shook his head and felt that Xu You's idea did not rely on it. Spectrum.

In case the plan fails, it is easy to move out of Jizhou and burn the fire on Yuan Shao.

With his reputation at stake, Yuan Shao also sat upright, staring at Xu You with sharp eyes.

Xu You bowed to Yuan Shao and said, "My lord, don't worry, Xu Ding has no reason to do this, but as for his men, Xu Ding is very upright, with an excellent reputation and word of mouth. Could it be that every one of his men is as flawless as he is?" .

According to the information I received, Gongsun Zan made it clear that Xu Ding could not participate in the duel, but instead participated in the battle with 5000 troops from Huang Zhong's seventh school lieutenant army.

Is there no one who is worried that Huang Zhong will lose? I think it is a [-]-[-] split, so it is okay for Xu Ding's subordinates to do some small tricks secretly. "

Speaking of this, Xu You touched it proudly, and then glanced at everyone.

Why not use such a seamless plan.

"Okay! What Ziyuan said is correct. Not everyone is as upright as Xu Ding. His subordinates include untouchables and high-ranking people, as well as bandits. Their character is worrying and bad. This is normal, and occasionally some people get confused. That's right too." Yuan Shao clapped his legs and applauded, Xu You's plan is very sufficient, and it's totally possible to do it.

It's wonderful to team up with Youzhou to blame Xu Ding and ruin Xu Ding's reputation.


Yingchuan County!
Xu County!

Cao Cao took several newspapers and read them again and again, and then waited for his advisers Liu Ye, Chen Qun, Xun Yu, Du Xi, Zhao Yan and others to arrive before putting them down, and then said:
"I called you here, you should all know what's going on!"

Liu Ye said: "My lord is talking about the news about Donglai's recent newspaper."

"That's right, it's about the newspaper. Gongsun Zan's duel with Bokang outside the pass, and the battle in Youzhou, I don't need to publish anything. Bokang will definitely win in the end, and Youzhou will definitely let him take it. Let's talk about Zaozhi." Go." Cao Cao nodded, and began to heat the wine.

Drinking in a meeting, this is what he learned from Xu Ding, this can increase the relationship with his subordinates, liven up the atmosphere, and not be so formulaic and cold.

Zaozhi is originally from Yingchuan. Although the family is not as good as everyone present, it is also a famous family.

Everyone understands more or less.

Liu Ye couldn't intervene, Chen Qun, Du Xi, Zhao Yan and others all looked at Xun Yu.

The Xun family is the real representative of the Yingchuan family, and everyone knows Xun Yu's ability, and they know that they are not as good as they are, and their age is also there, so he should be allowed to join.

Xun Yu said: "My lord, Zao's family is a farmer, and most of the classics are based on agriculture. They have always been different from each other. In addition, Weihaihou Tianzong is talented and has a delicate heart. He can guide Zaoyi. I believe that After ten years of cultivation, it is possible to develop new species with high yield, but to what extent is still open to discussion.”

"That's right. Bokang has always had fantastic ideas and invented a lot, and he doesn't make fun of his reputation. It seems that the new species of high-tech grains are real, so the Zao family can be a god." Cao Cao thought he knew Xu Ding the best, so he felt bitter in his envy.

Looking at other people's Xu Ding, the starting point is not as high as his own, and his family background is even worse.

As a result, poetry hangs itself together.

He is also better than himself in civil and military aspects.

Even his subordinates are all talents, and now such a big man has appeared, which is really enviable.

Food, this is the foundation of a family, the army needs it, the nobles of the family need it, and the common people also need it.

Whoever solves the food problem must become a myth.

This time Xu Ding reaped the benefits from it, but he didn't know how much, he was the number one prince in the world, and the title of number one marquis was confirmed.

All those who attack him and make plans with him must carefully weigh it, otherwise it will be easy to absorb the wrath of the whole world.

"My lord, the key now is that Zao can only become a saint, but the group of people who killed him will become rats in the street. We need to make a statement and do something." Xun Yu glanced at Cao Cao, and then took the Cao Cao poured the wine and said:
"My lord, this matter... has nothing to do with you."

"Yeah!" Cao Cao was about to pour wine for Du Xi, but stopped halfway through the movement, looked up at Xun Yu's seeking truth, and then poured wine for Du Xi again, and said:

"Of course it doesn't matter. If I know that Zaoyi is so godlike, I will ask Bokang for new grains. How can I do something like that to destroy my Chinese roots."

Even if Cao Cao was a traitor, he wouldn't be so bottomless.

There are some things he dares to be the first in the world, but there are some things he still dare not do.

This answer satisfied Xun Yu, as well as Chen Qun, Du Xi, Zhao Yan and others.

It is impossible for them, the highest-level families of the big men, to cooperate with the Blood Clothes League, and it is even more impossible to participate in the attack and kill people like Zaozhi who are infinitely beneficial to the world.

"That's good, so we can rest assured. This is a big matter. If the prestige is damaged and the lord does not do it, then we can operate with peace of mind and take the opportunity to win the hearts of the people." Zhao Yan said gratified.

If Cao Cao did it, maybe they would abandon Cao Cao and look for the Ming Lord.

After all, it is difficult for such an unwise person to achieve anything.

It seems that Cao Cao is still in line with their expectations.

Cao Cao filled it up for himself, took a sip, showed a happy expression, and said: "Let's make a statement, our attitude must be clear, and we must not pour dirty water on anyone to take advantage of loopholes."

"My lord, I will take care of this matter." Xun Yu replied.

Then Cao Cao began to discuss the matter of Guanzhong with everyone again. It was promised that Gongsun Zan would fight for Youzhou outside the Guancheng of Youzhou, and he would also step up his pace to seize Guanzhong.

Following Cao Cao's statement, Lu Bu, Yuan Shu, Liu Biao, Sun Jian, and other prefects from counties not in Xuding's jurisdiction also denounced the Blood Clothes League one after another, and expressed their desire to find out those families who colluded with the Blood Clothes League.

All of a sudden, the Bloodcloth Alliance faced condemnation from the whole world, and its members hid in hiding. This organization, which was built because of the alliance, quickly disintegrated.

Yangzhou, Kuaiji County!

Kuaiji mountain.

Sun Quan angrily threw the newspaper in the face of a man in black.

"That's what you said was dead. You didn't bring him back, and Xu Ding didn't kill him. He's still alive, he's still alive."

The black-clothed man in front of him knelt down in fear and explained: "My lord, we indeed lured Xu Ding to the cave, I set fire to the entrance of the cave, and added poisonous plants, there is no other way out of this cave.

Even if Xu Ding couldn't be burned to death, it would be enough to poison him to death, unless he could hold his breath for several hours. "

Sun Quan kicked out, kicked the man in black to the ground, and angrily said: "Joke, unless he is not human, your fire not only failed to kill Xu Ding, but even Zaozhi, you still have the nerve to say you let him go!" set fire.

Said, did you not set fire at all, you betrayed Xu Ding. "

Sun Quan's face was ferocious, then he lifted the man in black's front collar and stared at him viciously.

The man in black said: "No, I set the fire on fire, please be clear, my lord, I really set the fire on, the fire could really burn him to death, it could really suffocate him to death, I am loyal to the lord, I have never betrayed the lord ..."

"What a loyal one, then you can prove it to me!" A murderous intent flashed in Sun Quan's eyes, and then he stabbed the short knife he had prepared into the heart of the man in black.

After a few puffs, the man in black began to become weak and weak, blood gradually overflowed from his mouth, and his eyes spat out unwillingly: "You... so ruthless, you... kill... kill...!"

With a cold voice, Sun Quan pushed the man in black to the ground, and then wiped the blood on the dagger with the man in black's clothes.

"It's not enough to succeed, but it's more than enough to fail. To keep you alive, there will always be a day when you will be exposed."

After speaking, Sun Quan poured the wine he had brought on the man in black. The man in black thought it was for his celebration, but he didn't know that it was for destroying his body and burning his body.

A small spark could ignite the body of the man in black, and Sun Quan was not in the mood to look at it, so he quickly went down the mountain.

When Sun Quan returned to Shanyin City, Fucheng, Pang Tong came to report: "My lord, the captain of Danyang sent someone to report to find out the whereabouts of his son Quan Cong."

"Oh! Quan Cong, I sent him out to sea. I heard that there are many islands in the southeast of Kuaiji County. The people of Weihaihou have been exploring there, so I asked Quan Cong to go and see, maybe he can I have gained something." Sun Quan explained:

"I will write a letter to Captain Quanrou later, so you don't have to worry about it."

Although Pang Tong was puzzled, he didn't investigate further, and only replied, "It's my lord."

"By the way, Shiyuan, how is our preparation in Kuaiji County? Can we send troops to suppress the bandits?" Sun Quan asked.

Pang Tong said: "My lord, after more than a year of recuperation and recruiting troops, we now have a large number of soldiers in Kuaiji County and sufficient supplies, so we are ready for a battle."

"Okay then, let's cross the river, completely wipe out Yan Baihu and Xu Gong, get rid of this big enemy, and conquer all the mountains in the county when we come back." Sun Quan nodded with a decisive expression on his face.

Soon after Pang Tong went down, Sun Quan stared at Pang Tong's figure until it disappeared completely, then he relaxed his tense body and let out a long breath of relief.

Pang Tong was so smart that Sun Quan didn't dare to show his flaws in front of him.

Sitting on the chair, Sun Quan faced the top of the beam, and his thoughts flew to Wu Jun.

Originally, these soldiers and horses prepared by Pang Tong, Sun Quan wanted to use them to attack Wu County and swallow the last piece of meat in Yangzhou.

But Xu Ding is not dead, he dare not move.

Even if I want to eat it, I can't eat it.

If Xu Ding died, he would strike without hesitation, even if his father Sun Jian disagreed, he would strike.

After all, the father and son of the Sun family are in charge of Yangzhou, and Sun Quan only has a small Kuaiji County, with mountains and forests to the west, and there is not even a flat land that can be planted to support life, and it will not develop in the future. The south is the sea, and there is no future, and the east is also the sea, which has been blocked by Xu Ding's navy.

So he can only expand to the northeast and take Wu County.

Only in this way can he occupy an important share in the Sun Group and compete with his own brother Sun Ce.

Sun Quan is a very ambitious person, of course he will not be satisfied with being the second son, that's why he sent someone to assassinate Xu Ding.

When Xu Ding dies, everything will fall apart. When the north and the Central Plains are in chaos, his Sun family will take the opportunity to encroach on the south and gain opportunities for development. What a good idea.

But Xu Ding didn't die, and he didn't die. What link went wrong.

It's a pity for Quan Cong, this guy is brave and resourceful, capable of writing and martial arts, and if he grows up with time, he will not lose to Pang Tong and Zhou Yu.

He was supposed to be his good helper, but in order to kill Xu Ding and mess up the North and Central Plains, Sun Quan still sent him.

"Failed! Then it's a failure. There will still be chances in the future. Xu Ding will not die. My grandson's family is hopeless. Why can't my father see this? My lovely brother was also scared, and Zhou Gongjin didn't Losing the vigor of the past, Yangzhou still has to rely on me to save it..."

A detailed battle plan was drawn up quickly, the war machine started, and all aspects stepped up to deploy people, money, and materials. The entire Pingzhou, Taizhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, and Liaodong and Liaoxi began to get busy again.

Xu Ding also bid farewell to his wife and children, dressed in military uniform, and then set off for Liaodong.

The war is imminent, but Youzhou is quite ordinary. There are newspapers' propaganda, and the people of Youzhou feel that this autumn and winter, they should be able to live a peaceful time and not suffer from the war, so everyone's face is also showing joy Affection.

It's okay to have a hard life, but if you don't even have a guarantee for the hard days, then you really have no way to move forward.

Suoxin Weihaihou and Gongsun Zan reached an agreement. The two of them understood the general idea and decided to fight outside the pass for the sake of the people of Youzhou. The winner will get Youzhou, and the loser will not be disturbed.

What a wise decision this is, and it has been well received and supported by the people.


On the second floor of a certain gorgeous high-end restaurant, four people were having a drink.

They are Gongsun Zan in plain clothes, and his sworn brothers Liu Weitai, Li Yizi, and Le Hedang.

"Brother, now people are talking about you outside, and the people praise you for this." The third son, Li Yizi, is a businessman who understands people's hearts best and is good at speaking, so he gave Gongsun Zan a thumbs up:
"Brother, now the people of Youzhou are grateful to you, saying that you understand the carelessness, and you are willing to give up the glory and wealth you have for Youzhou, but you are a real man."

Gongsun Zan shook his head slightly: "You little people, what are you talking about, come and drink with us."

Although Gongsun Zan's words were a coincidence, it was difficult to hide a hint of joy on his face.

However, Gongsun Zan also added in his heart: "How do some ordinary people know my suffering? If I can stop Xu Ding's army head-on, why should I use this crazy method?"

Xu Ding has a lot of soldiers and horses, and if he is besieged on three sides, his territory will be reduced to around Ji County in a few days.

Gongsun Zan was no fool, and he understood how loyal the counties and counties below were to him.

Instead of being besieged by Xu Ding's heavy troops in Jixian County, and then the city gates were blasted open by trebuchets, and they were beaten while sitting, it was only a one-time settlement, let's have a crazy gambling battle.

Either win magnificently, or lose completely.

"Brother's words are very true. Some ordinary people only know how to work hard and fill their stomachs. They just want to be fed, clothed, and comfortable. How can they know the good intentions of the elder brother, and how can they understand the foresight of the elder brother? Come on, elder brother, we will do it." Li Yizi With an expression that I understand you, he raised his glass and had a drink with Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan is not afraid of those who come, so drinking with the three righteous brothers is of course a pleasure.

"I'm afraid that some ordinary people won't understand the good intentions of the big brother. They may still hope that the big brother will lose, so that they can welcome the Donglai army openly. I think the cheering people outside are all cheering for Weihaihou. Le Hedang, who was in charge of Gongsun Zan's logistics and helped him purchase various supplies and armaments, suddenly said something disappointing.

Gongsun Zan stopped in front of his half-raised wine glass.

Le Hedang was from a family of Jia. Although he and Li Yizi were both in business, one was a private businessman and the other was an official businessman. Naturally, their family background and status should not be confused.

This is why he dared to say such things in front of Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan raised his head and drained the wine, the bitterness in his heart getting stronger and stronger.

"Fourth, what do you want to say?" Gongsun Zan poured himself a glass of wine sullenly.

Le Hedang said: "Brother, have you ever thought about how many people your decision will affect? ​​Have you thought about the feelings of the civil servants and the people who are attached to you?

They follow you because you dare to fight and kill, go forward without fear.

If you really had a duel with Marquis Weihai, would the righteous soldiers who followed you fight with all their might?Who else in Youzhou will support Big Brother, Big Brother, you will lose everything if you do this. "

"Hehehe, it doesn't matter if you lose. As long as I win, what I lose will come back." Gongsun Zan suddenly showed confidence, smiled contemptuously, and drank the wine in one gulp.

Liu Weitai, Li Yizi, and Le Hedang looked at each other, and at this moment they understood that Gongsun Zan really wanted to go all the way to the dark, completely disregarding everyone's life and death.

Gongsun Zan is a lunatic, a paranoid, and never changes what he believes.

They know this all too well.

Gongsun Zan suddenly looked at Liu Weitai: "Why is the second child not talking?"

"I...can't persuade big brother." Liu Weitai took a sip of wine lightly, his expression as usual.

This guy is a divination master, a practitioner of divination, and he is used to playing tricks.

So everyone came with a profound and hidden expression.

Gongsun Zan stretched out his hand and patted heavily: "Second brother, count the hexagrams for me."

"Here?" Liu Weitai showed doubts, and Gongsun Zan nodded slightly.

Liu Weitai said: "Okay! Since the eldest brother wants to count, then I will make a divination."

Liu Weitai took out three copper coins made in Qin Dynasty, and the Yin-Yang hexagram scoop.

First throw the three Qin-made copper coins on the table. The three Qin-made copper coins are lined up with the same distance.

Gongsun Zan and the others glanced at the three Qin-made copper coins on the table, not knowing why, and then looked at Liu Weitai.

I saw him frowning and muttering words, but they couldn't hear or understand.

Then Liu Weitai threw the Yin-Yang hexagram ladle on the table again.

The hexagrams and ladles that were originally combined into one fell aside, each with different postures, but Liu Weitai frowned even tighter, and his face became more solemn.

"How?" Gongsun Zan asked.

Liu Weitai closed his eyes and confided: "Yang is down, and yin is up. This is a sign that yin and yang are reversed, and the sky will change. The three stars are in succession, and the murderous aura is soaring. More bad luck than good luck."

Concise and concise, no nonsense, no explanations, this is one of the methods used by divination masters.

Hearing this, Li Yizi and Le Hedang's expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly said: "Second brother, did you make a mistake? You are doing the calculations. The elder brother is auspicious and has his own fortune. He is lucky and loved by all people. How could it be possible?" meeting……!"

Liu Weitai interrupted: "I'm just telling the truth according to the hexagram."

Gongsun Zan turned pale and sat back in his seat.

Liu Weitai slightly opened his right eye, took a peek at Gongsun Zan, and then closed it again, not saying anything even if the old god was still there.

Li Yizi and Le Hedang didn't speak, and glanced at Gongsun Zan from time to time, then lowered their eyes, making the atmosphere so silent.

At this time, no one should interrupt Gongsun Zan's brain supplementation, let him use his imagination to his heart's content, and expand his fear infinitely.

"Ha ha ha ha……!"

Suddenly Gongsun Zan burst into laughter, Liu Weitai opened his eyes, Li Yizi and Le Hedang looked up at Gongsun Zan.

Why did this guy suddenly laugh? Shouldn't he be showing deep worry or...

"Three virtuous brothers, thank you for your hard work." Gongsun Zan poured himself a glass of wine, then picked it up, and said to the three of them, "I am here to offer you a last glass of elder brother. I will never regret anything I do in my life. I never thought of backing down, I do what my brother thinks is right, I can't help myself, whether it is a bad omen or a blessing, just come."

After Gongsun Zan finished speaking, he found a refreshing throat moistening sound in his throat.

Liu Weitai, Li Yizi, and Le Hedang looked at each other again, and the eyes quickly exchanged in the air, and then Gongsun Zan said: "Brother is indeed our good brother, and I would like to offer a drink to him."

The three of them filled up the wine, and then gathered around to toast Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan nodded slightly and smiled. Of course, he was holding the cup in front of his body and was about to drink it. The dagger stabbed towards Gongsun Zan.

The clothes of the big man are long-sleeved. In order to prevent the sleeves from getting wet from drinking, or to be seen by others when drinking, there is usually one way to wipe it, that is, one sleeve is covered, and the other hand holds the wine glass ten times.

In this way, if someone hides the short weapon prepared in advance in the sleeve, it is very convenient to take it out.

This is the case for the three of them.

But when they stabbed over, Gongsun Zan stepped back, didn't drink the wine in his hand, but threw it at the three of them.

Immediately, Li Yizi and Le Hedang were splashed in the face, while Liu Weitai was hit by the wine glass thrown by Gongsun Zan, and the offensive gesture was forced to withdraw.

"The three virtuous brothers really dare to kill their brothers. I didn't believe it at first. You really let me down." Gongsun Zan stared at the three of them, and slowly took out the short sword from his sleeve.

In fact, he had received the letter a long time ago, and today's banquet was a Hongmen banquet, so he naturally paid attention to it.

Anyone who can be a vassal is simple and not stupid.

"Hmph, big brother is really right. It was you who let us down first. You didn't want the huge Youzhou, and you gave it to Xu Ding." Liu Weitai, a fortune-telling master who has always kept mysterious and few words, retorted angrily. :
"Brother, you haven't considered us since you made the decision. You betrayed our three brothers. It was your injustice first, and we were also forced to kill..."

Li Yizi and Le Hedang rushed towards Gongsun Zan at the same time as Liu Weitai waved their daggers.

(End of this chapter)

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