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Chapter 717 What Evidence Needs Revenge

Chapter 717 What Evidence I Need for Revenge (Triple in One)

Gongsun Zan snorted coldly in disdain, waved his sleeves, and slid his feet to meet Liu Weitai.

It can be seen that the mastermind this time is the second child.

The other two would not have dared to betray him if they didn't have the support of the second child.

After all, the identities of the two are there, and they also mess around, and there must be no good fruit afterwards.

So he wanted to kill Liu Weitai immediately.

Liu Weitai had expected that Gongsun Zan would attack him, so he just grabbed his Yin-Yang hexagram in his hand and threw it at Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan's attack was blocked and he dodged. At this moment, the daggers of Li Yizi and Le Hedang stabbed towards his flank at the same time.

Gongsun Zan quickly swung his dagger to block it.

"Clang!", followed by Li Yizi and Le Hedang stabbing left and right at the same time.

Gongsun Zan swung his hand and struck at the wrists of the two.

Li Yizi shrank his pupils and backed away, and Gongsun Zan's short sword scratched Le Hedang.

Le Hedang let out a scream, and Gongsun Zan took the opportunity to kick out. Le Hedang flew into the pillar behind him, and then let go of the dagger in his hand, and the man and the dagger landed one after the other.

Le Hedang groaned again.

The martial arts of Le Hedang and others were not as good as Gongsun Zan's. They enjoyed the special treatment brought by the prosperity and power in Jia these days, and their physical fitness was even worse than before.

However, Gongsun Zan has never really disarmed in military campaigns, and his strength is so strong that he is really happy and deserved.

"Ah!" Seeing that Le Hedang had lost his fighting strength, Li Yizi rushed towards Gongsun Zan again with a cry. Gongsun Zan swung his sword to block it, and then bowed to avoid it.

It turned out that Liu Weitai came from behind silently.

Li Yizi's cry just now was to attract Gongsun Zan.

It's just that the four of them have been sworn brothers for a long time, and no one knows who's morality.

Liu Weitai likes to play tricks, if not for his ability to fool people, how could Gongsun Zan use him to this day.

That's why Gongsun Zan bowed down to dodge, and when he turned back, it was a counter-stab.


If Li Yizi saw that Lehe had to go to and from various places all year round, and he had to go on missions to do business casually, he could still have some martial arts.

Then Liu Weitai is really weak. Apart from running faster, he really has no advantages.

Seeing Liu Weitai being stabbed, Li Yizi was horrified, turned and ran towards the door. The two sworn brothers were wounded and killed by Gongsun Zan, and he was no match for Gongsun Zan, so it was better to run first.

Gongsun Zan drew his sword and drew it, and it was a throw with his hand.

With a sound of "Puff", Li Yizi was stabbed in the back by the dagger, and then into the heart, then pulled the door with both hands, fell backwards, and died first.

Gongsun Zan didn't even look at him, he stretched out his hand to hit Liu Weitai who was holding the wound, and then snatched his dagger.

"Big brother, I was wrong! Big brother, I was wrong..." Liu Weitai hurriedly begged for mercy, but Gongsun Zan cut it off with a wave of his sleeve.

The dagger cut Liu Weitai's throat, and blood splashed all over Gongsun Zan's sleeve.

At this time, the guards who heard the movement outside pushed open the door, saw the scene inside, were stunned for a short while, and then drew their swords to guard the surroundings.

The people who came in also aimed their swords at Liu Weitai, Li Yizi and others.

Gongsun Zan waved his sleeves and said, "Take everyone away!"

Only then did the personal guards carry the bodies of the three of them away. Although Le Hedang was still alive, it would be worse than death.

After being carried away, Gongsun Zan said, "Call the waiter over here, I want to thank him very much."

Soon the shop waiter was brought in, and the shop waiter said in fear, "Master Hou..."

"Okay, don't be afraid. Your report was timely. I was almost ambushed by these three people. Tell me what reward you want." Gongsun Zan sat there with a big sword, and poured himself a drink. stand up.

The waiter in the shop said: "You don't want to reward the villain. Lord Hou is an auspicious man with his own celestial appearance. He is blessed with longevity stars. How can these traitors hurt Lord Hou?"

"Huh, auspicious people have their own celestial features, and they are blessed with blessings and longevity stars. You can talk about it, so you will follow me in the future. I will reward you with a hundred acres of land and a house plus one hundred thousand yuan." New coins." Gongsun Zan said generously.

The waiter in the shop burst into tears of gratitude: "Thank you, Lord Hou, thank you Lord..."

The shop waiter bowed every time he said a sentence, and then bowed closer each time he said a sentence. No one noticed this. When he got up after the third sentence, a cold light flashed suddenly, and he had an extra dagger in his hand. , stabbing directly towards Gongsun Zan's heart.


This stab happened extremely fast, and even more suddenly, the guards around did not notice or think about it at all, and their heads were suddenly numb.

Gongsun Zan fell back after being stabbed, the whole table collapsed, and a table of wine and vegetables was knocked to the ground.

But soon the guards reacted and drew their swords towards the waiter. The waiter was surprisingly calm. He didn't struggle to resist, but stood up straight and let Gongsun Zan's men catch him.

Gongsun Zan was lying on the ground, covering the sword with one hand and propping the ground with the other, blood was still dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Whose...are you from?"

The waiter said: "Do you think I can tell?"

After saying that, the two personal guards each punched Xiao Er in the stomach. The captain of Gongsun Zan's personal guard put his sword on his neck and said, "Say, let alone cut you off."

Dian Xiaoer still didn't say anything, and then the captain of Gongsun Zan's personal guard slashed Dian Xiaoer's arm with a sword.

This time the shop waiter was in so much pain that he howled miserably.

Gongsun Zan said: "Don't tell me, the next sword will cut your neck. If you tell them, I can let them stop your bleeding."

The waiter in this store is also a persevering person, he gritted his teeth and finally stopped rolling his body, and then replied: "I said, Captain Zhang asked me to do it, stop the bleeding for me."

"What Captain Zhang, who is it? Tell me more specifically?" Gongsun Zan's personal guard captain asked.

The shop boy said, "It's Lieutenant Zhang Yan, Lieutenant Zhang, the tenth Lieutenant of Donglai."

"Hurry up, stop the bleeding for me, I don't want to die, hurry up, what I said is true." The shop waiter didn't seem to be acting, this time the pain was really unbearable.

However, Gongsun Zan didn't let someone help him stop the bleeding. Instead, he stood up and pulled out the short sword stuck in his chest.

There was not a trace of blood on the chest.

No one was injured.

The shop clerk showed a surprised expression, he was stabbed just now, and he could feel the stabbing.

Even if he couldn't penetrate the heart, Gongsun Zan would not die, but he would still be injured.

"Small tricks, the Marquis was on guard." Gongsun Zan tore the outer clothes along the sword, only to see a piece of meat tied to his chest.

The dagger just pierced this piece of flesh, and then Gongsun Zan untied the flesh, and he also pierced a suit of armor.

With this deck, how could Xiao Er's sword stab him.

" are amazing." The waiter had a look of remorse.

Gongsun Zan said: "Tell me, who is your real master? Don't use the excuse of blaming him. Marquis Weihai himself has already gone to Liaodong. It is impossible for the generals of Liaodong and Liaoxi to do such a nasty thing behind his back. , and the people who let me wear this thing are the people from Weihaihou, I already knew that you would plan to set the blame on me, a bunch of cowardly rats."

After Gongsun Zan finished speaking, a person walked in from the door. This person was the person in charge of Youzhou who was entrusted by Guo Jia to remind Gongsun Zan.

Both Xu Ding and Gongsun Zan had made plans for a duel, and neither of them wanted the plan to be interrupted. At this time, both parties had common interests and goals, so they would naturally cooperate.

In fact, with Gongsun Zan's personality, he didn't believe it at first, but in the end he couldn't resist Xu Ding's soft and hard feelings, so he had to pretend.

It turned out to be exactly as Guo Jia guessed, someone wanted to blame him.

It has to be said that Xiao Er's plan was perfect. First, he took the initiative to betray Liu Weitai, Li Yizi, and Le Hedang to gain Gongsun Zan's trust and reduce the vigilance of Gongsun Zan's subordinates.

After all, no one would have thought that the same place, the same place, would have a second assassination.

And not to kill the target as the ultimate goal.

"Hahaha, I admit it, but it's impossible for you to know who is behind the scenes." The waiter pulled out the poison from his teeth with a tired tongue and bit it open, the poison instantly flowed into his throat.

Gongsun Zan's men wanted to stop Yijing in no hurry.

However, the person in charge of Tianluodiwang smiled lightly and said, "We know it even if you don't tell me, Yuan Shao, Xu You sent you here."

The waiter's eyes widened. He and Xu You had a one-way connection, so how could Xu Ding find out.

At this moment, he was a little unwilling. He broke his arm and swallowed the poison. The performance was superb, but it was useless.

But at this moment, he regretted it and was not in a hurry. There was a cramping pain in his abdomen, and then he lost consciousness and his body fell limp.

"It really is Yuan Shao who is shameless, Xu You, I will kill him if I have the chance." Gongsun Zan said indignantly, the expression of the waiter in the shop just now betrayed the result.

But the person in charge of Tianluodiwang said: "Although we know who is going to kill the general and frame my Lord Hou, we have no evidence."

"Hmph, what evidence do you need for revenge? That's what's wrong with your Marquis. He's too polite and upright." Gongsun Zan patted the debris on his body, stepped past the waiter's body, and said without looking back:
"Go back and tell Marquis Weihai that the plan remains unchanged. I'll wait for you to duel outside the pass. The sooner the better!"

Soon Ji County was under strict control, and Gongsun Zan's troops ran through the street from time to time, and then captured Yuan Shao's people or people related to Yuan Shao.

Of course, the net of heaven and earth also provided him with some spies from Yuan Shao who were hiding in Youzhou.

All of a sudden, Yuan Shao's people suffered heavy losses in Guangyang County, and he sent Xu You to murder Gongsun Zan, and rumors spread that he blamed Xu Ding.

Of course, Yuan Shao categorically denied that it was Guo Jia who set the blame on Xu You's rebellion, and it was Xu who poured dirty water on Yuan Shao.

The situation in Youzhou suddenly rose, which suddenly attracted the attention of the princes of the world.

All the princes are guessing that Yuan Shao may want to intervene in the affairs of Youzhou.

"Hmph, that's what you said about being safe. Now I'm afraid everyone in the world knows what we did in Youzhou?" Yuan Shao was very angry when he heard about this, and scolded Xu You sternly.

Xu You argued: "My lord, Guo Jia only stared at my Jizhou family and stared at me. It was premeditated. It is normal for our people to be detected, but he has no evidence. It is purely fabricated. Gongsun Zan He also understands this very well, so he just sealed off Guangyang County, and we can still act according to the original plan."

"According to the original plan, but now Xu Dingyijing knows that we are going to make trouble in Youzhou, how can he not be on guard." Yuan Shao reprimanded angrily.

Xu You said: "My lord, we have prepared the preliminary work. Now that Gongsun Zan has left Ji County, we can make an advance move. So what if Xu Ding knows?"

"If we start early, then we will have to fight Gongsun Zan first, and our army will have to send more troops into Youzhou." Yuan Shao was a little reluctant. This is a matter of investment and return.

Too much investment, too little income, this kind of thing has to be carefully considered.

"My lord, we have internal support, and Gongsun Zan is not here. The Youzhou army has no leader, so there is nothing to defend against. Moreover, Gongsun Zan's troops may not dare to fight, they must retreat first. After all, once Gongsun Zan loses, Youzhou will not belong to them. They don't need to fight us for a state that doesn't belong to them." In order to restore trust and loss, Xu You can only play down the impact of the assassination as much as possible, persuade Yuan Shao to do it, and then make new achievements, so that he can be trusted. Only in order to maintain his position in Jizhou.

Yuan Shao was not so good at fooling around. After thinking about it, he asked people to recruit other counselors.

But this time it was beyond Xu You's expectation. Everyone supported the early action and sent an additional layer of troops.

"My lord, this is a last stand. If Youzhou is captured by Xu Ding, I, Jizhou, will be unobstructed, facing his three-sided attack. And there is news that Xu Ding may attack our Jizhou immediately after taking Jizhou. "Feng Ji said:
"My lord, based on what we know about Xu Ding, if Gongsun Zan is defeated, it is very likely that Xu Ding will bring him back. At that time, he will recruit Youzhou soldiers and horses, and his army will be even larger. Moreover, Gongsun Zan will also hold grudges for this assassination. For us, we must also be willing to be the vanguard to attack Jizhou."

After Fengji said this, Yuan Shao came to a realization.

Xu Ding Youzhou not only obtained a huge territory, but also a huge army of Gongsun Zan's family.

It is completely possible to go south this winter.

Xu Ding conveniently has new types of grain, high output, and adequate logistics, so he has the ability to continue fighting at full speed.

This duel is about Guan Youzhou, and it is also about the future of Jizhou.

He, Yuan Shao, had also reached the time when he made the same choice as Gongsun Zan, when the final decisive battle between the Yuan family and Xu Ding had come to an end.

Although Yuan Shu is also from the Yuan family, but this prodigal son is useless, he loses to everyone, even Xu Ding's side army is shrunk to Runan, he can't count on it at all, and he can't replace the Yuan family.

Only he, Yuan Shao, is the true representative of the Yuan family, and the four generations and three princes in the hearts of the people of the world.

"Okay, let's do it in advance. The army will enter Youzhou from now on. This battle is about whether I will stay in Jizhou, and it is about the rise and fall of my Yuan family and the future of everyone. I hope everyone will unite sincerely and work together. We will fight against Xu Ding." Let's fight." Yuan Shao is also a lord of the vassals, once he recognized the facts, he was decisive, and immediately issued orders to mobilize the army to go out.

The counselors under him also worked together to do their own things well.

In fact, Yuan Shao's team is much more harmonious now than in history, because there are not so many counselors, especially most of the Jizhou team voted for Xu Ding.

On the contrary, Yuan Shao's internal conflicts are not so acute, and the Yingchuan faction is dominant, so they can use their power in one place.

Of course, in view of the fact that Jizhou's survival is at stake this time, the matter is of great importance, and with the fact that the Yingchuan faction is dominant, Yuan Shao still personally leads the army and firmly holds the military power.

Only his son Yuan Shang was left to guard Yecheng, and his nephew Gao Gan was stationed in Weijun.

Gao Gan's defense was not Xu Ding's killing from Qingzhou, but Lu Bu, a fierce tiger in the south.

From Puyang to Yecheng, the speed of the cavalry was too close.

Cao Cao's lesson from the past, Yuan Shao dare not take it again, so he must beware of Lu Bu.

Yuan Shao set off and marched all the way to the northeast. Along the way, the five prefectures of Julu, Anping, Zhongshan, Hejian, and Bohai in Jizhou changed their course one after another.

It is not surprising that these counties and counties rebelled against Gongsun and voted for the Yuan family.

Yuan Shao was originally Jizhou Mu, and he was also the fourth generation and the third father, so he was the ideal candidate for them.

Soon Yuan Shao's vanguard entered Zhuojun, Youzhou.

When Yuan Jun took Zhuojun, Daijun and other places also rebelled against Gongsun Zan, but they did not vote for Yuan Shao, but Liu Bei.

Liu Bei made his fortune here, and he has always won people's hearts. After he left, he has been in contact with each other without interruption.

In the past, Gongsun Zan turned a blind eye when he thought he was from the same school, so he didn't investigate further. This just gave Liu Bei a chance.

After taking Zhuojun, Yuan Shao's vanguard went straight to Jixian County, Guangyang County, and at the same time sent a partial army to advance along the east coast.

According to the three cities of Anci, Quanzhou, and Yongnu, the local tyrant Wang Songju of Youzhou surrendered the three cities to Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao also ordered him to guard the three cities and separate one side on the spot.

All the powerful families along the way raised their troops to respond one after another, and half of Youzhou fell into Yuan Shao's hands for a while.

Gongsun Zan's troops only retreated to Ji County, Shanggu County, and the area to the north of Yuyang County.

When all this happened, Gongsun Zan left Juyongguan with his scriptures, and the army was stationed on the inner Great Wall.

And Xu Ding also led a vast army to the Outer Great Wall along the grassland route.

"Han Sheng, take the seventh school Weiqi to meet Gongsun Zan. Remember to save Gongsun Zan some face, and don't let Baima Yicong lose too badly."

Huang Zhong clasped his fists and replied, "It's my lord, so be loyal."

Baima Yicong is also the elite of the cavalry, and is an important cavalry force for the big man. If it can be preserved as much as possible, it will be beneficial to both the big man and Xu Ding.

Huang Zhong led his men southward, while Xu Ding headed west with Zuoqiwei, Guiyi Army, and Xinwa Army.

Soon near Daning County, at this time, I visited Malai to report.

"Report! Report to my lord, the Xianbei army in the central region will arrive at Danhan Mountain in a few days."

Xu Ding had expected that the Xianbei alien race would intervene in the Central Plains, and the Anzi who had been planted there had already sent back the news. Recently, the Xianbei in the central region has been gathering troops, so Xu Ding guessed that the other party would come to sabotage.

After all, these guys don't want Youzhou to be taken by Xu Ding, because it will be faster for Xu Ding to send troops from Youzhou, and it will be more convenient to attack the various tribes in the central Xianbei. At that time, it will be a nightmare for the central Xianbei.

Xu Ding asked, "Who is in charge of the army?"

Tan Ma replied: "My lord, this time the barbarians came to join forces with Bu Dugen and Ke Bineng. They brought Xie Guini with them. In name, Xie Guini is the commander in chief, but in fact the two hold all the power."

Xieguini is the son of Fuluohan (Putou), who has added hundreds of thousands of soldiers, pretends to be an adult, almost unifies the central Xianbei, and has a very high prestige.

However, after his death, the central Xianbei was in a state of disunity, and his son Xie Guini was too young to convince the public, and the power was in the hands of his uncle Budugen.

The ministries also refused to accept Budugen. For example, Ke Bineng was one of them. Ke Bineng's power once developed far beyond Budugen, becoming the No. 1 in the central Xianbei.

If nothing else, he would have been able to unify the central Xianbei and kick out Bu Dugen.

However, in the battle on the Eastern Grassland, Xu Ding was disabled, and the soldiers and horses were almost destroyed.

If it weren't for the prestige accumulated in the past and his younger brother Ju Luohou kept some soldiers and horses in his lair, he would have been eaten by Budugen long ago.

Of course, Budugen was not much better. He was still in the eastern grassland, and was rubbed on the ground by the Seventh School Weijun and the Guiyi Army, which also suffered a heavy loss.

Now that the two are brothers and sisters, and their forces have evened out again, so this time the troops have to be sent out in the name of venting the mud, so that they can regroup the soldiers and horses of the Xianbei tribes in the central part to participate in the war.

"Very well, both of them are here, and they just caught them all at once." Xu Ding smiled slightly, and then said to his subordinates: "Go to contact Ning County and tell them about Xianbei's coming to the army. I also want to borrow Ning County to recuperate the wounded soldiers."

"Here!" Someone led the order to Ning County.


Here, Huang Zhong went south and quickly arrived at the meeting place with eight thousand riders.

Gongsun Zan received the news immediately, and asked his spies, "How many people are here? Is the Marquis of Weihai here?"

The scout reported: "General, the Marquis of Weihai is here, but he separated from Huang Zhong and others at the Outer Great Wall, took two cavalrymen and one infantryman and headed westward, only Huang Zhong led the seventh school lieutenant to go south to the appointment. "

Hearing this, Gongsun Zan stroked his beard and praised, "A real man, the Marquis of Weihai, who promises a thousand pieces of gold, has always been a role model for my generation. As a whole man, I, Gongsun Zan, only admire him."

If it weren't for Xu Ding's good reputation and word of mouth, Gongsun Zan wouldn't have had any duels with another person.

Now Xu Ding did not lead the army south according to the contract, and he didn't even intend to watch from the sidelines, which was enough to see the sincerity of the other party, and he was relieved at this moment.

Soon Huang Zhong arrived and handed in the official decisive battle letter.

For such a fair and just duel, the ceremony still has to be sufficient, because it will be recorded in the calendar, no matter who wins or loses, it is worthy of respect in the future.

After submitting the letter of war and signing the names, Huang Zhong was about to start the battle. At this time, Gongsun Zan said: "Wait, your army has come from a long distance, and you are tired at this time, you should take a rest. My Gongsun Zan's men are all elite cavalry, and I don't want to take advantage of others. The two armies show their best condition, so that they will not humiliate each other."

Of course Huang Zhong is not hypocritical, this battle can only be won but not lost, so he replied simply: "Yes!"

After resting enough, the two armies got on their horses and displayed their flags, and each sent out five thousand riders to set up a battle on the open and flat grass.

Gongsun Zan was in the front, and on the left and right were his senior generals Wu Mian, Ying Yu and other old men. Behind him were tens of thousands of the most elite warriors selected by Bai Mayi, all of them full of energy, high spirited, and full of fighting spirit. .

This battle is a matter of honor, and they have longed to fight the Donglai cavalry, but they have not been able to do so. Today, the spears are pointed and the swords are unsheathed. What they have to face is also one of the most powerful cavalry today.

If you win, you will leave your name through the ages, and if you lose, you will withdraw from Youzhou.

As a soldier, no one is willing to admit defeat and become a loser.

On Huang Zhong's side, there are not only his old partner Han Dang, but also the most capable captains, deputy captains, and soldiers of the three armies who have gone through life and death.

There were also two brothers, Xian Yufu and Xian Yuyin, who were temporarily serving as personal soldiers by Huang Zhong's side.

They represented Liu Yu's remnants and avenged Liu Yu in an upright manner. If they rushed to the battle and beheaded Gongsun Zan, it would be regarded as avenging Liu Yu and fulfilling the duty of a subordinate.

If they can't be killed, then this matter will be over here, and the grievances between them and Gongsun Zan can be regarded as over, and they won't bring it up again in the future.

"This battle is about the lord's plan. If you win Youzhou, our Donglai army can take advantage of the situation to swallow the world!" Huang Zhong pointed to the sky with a pan knife in his hand:

"Similarly, this battle is about the honor of my seventh school lieutenant. Our army has been established for almost ten years. There have been countless big and small battles, and we have never been defeated. Today we are also unable to lose, because we are the seventh school lieutenant. Cavalry is one of the strongest cavalry in Donglai, and the strongest cavalry in Dahan!"

"Undefeated! Undefeated! Undefeated!"

Five thousand soldiers shouted at the same time, only to see Huang Zhong pointing his sword, and the banner in the army moved, and the soldiers urged their horses to rush forward, like a dragon and rolling like a torrent.

(End of this chapter)

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